Fast Food Project Rubric

MP2 Quarterly Assessment
Print: Spreadsheet, Graphs, Word Document
Using the Color Printer
Step One:
Decide which fast food restaurant you would like to visit. Click on that restaurant's web site below.
McDonald's: (nutrition information)
Burger King:,-1,-1 (nutrition guide)
Wendy's: (nutrition facts)
OTHER: (This site allows you to search many fast food restaurant sites.)
Review the nutritional facts for the fast food menu items you would like to eat. Create a menu plan and record the total
calories and the calories from fat and enter your data on an Excel spreadsheet. Plan a menu for a whole day –
breakfast, lunch and dinner and record your findings in a spreadsheet. Each meal should have a sandwich, a side
dish, a drink, and a dessert. All meals must come from the same Fast Food outlet. You are not restricted to just
McDonald’s, Burger King, or Wendy’s. An example of the LUNCH menu is shown below:
Entering Data and Formulas:
 You will enter the Total Calories in column B and Fat Calories in column C.
 To figure out Non-Fat Calories, write a formula to subtract the Fat Calories from the Total Calories.
(HINT: =B2-C2).
 To figure out the percentage of Fat Calories as a % of Total Calories, divide Fat Calories by Total
Calories. Format the cells in column E for percentage. (HINT: =C2/B2).
 To figure out Total Calories, Total Fat Calories, and Total Non-Fat Calories, you can use the
AutoSum button or write a formula. HINT: =Sum(B2:B5), =Sum(C2:C5), =Sum(D2:D5)
 To figure out the Total Fat Calories as a % of Total Calories, divide Total Calories by Total Fat
Calories. (HINT: = B6/C6). Make sure you repeat the formula for each of the food items.
 Copy and paste the logo of the restaurant you are using on your spreadsheet.
MP2 Quarterly Assessment
Step Two:
Creating Charts:
Create this column chart by selecting the data in
columns A, B, and C. I didn't include the total
calories for my meal, but you can if you want. Don't
forget to give it a title and to label your axes.
Create this chart by selecting the fat/non-fat calories
for one of the items on your menu. You'll need to
select the labels in cells C1 and D1 and then the
calories. Don't forget to hold down the Control key
to select data that isn't right beside each other. Be
sure to label your data and include the percentages.
Don't forget a title!
Create this chart by selecting your total fat and nonfat calories for the meal found in cells C6 and
D6. You'll need to select the labels in cells C1 and
D1 and then the calories. Don't forget to hold down
the Control key to select data that isn't right beside
each other. Be sure to label your data and include
the percentages. Don't forget a title!
Step Three: When you have finished your spreadsheet and charts, complete the questions below. Record your answers
in Word.
Using your spreadsheet and charts, answer the following questions:
1. Total calories for meal
2. Total fat calories for meal
3. Total non-fat calories for meal
4. Percentage of fat in meal
5. Item with most calories and number of calories
6. Item with least calories and number of calories
7. Item besides the beverage with the highest percentage of fat
8. Percentage of fat for item in #7
9. Item besides the beverage with the lowest percentage of fat
10. Percentage of fat for item in #8
MP2 Quarterly Assessment
Step Four:
Visit the United States Department of Agriculture to find out more about healthy eating and record your answers in
US Department of Agriculture
Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Visit the USDA Web Site to find the answers to the following questions.
Click 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans link
1. Go to Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010
 What types of foods should you consume more of?
 What types of foods should you consumer fewer amounts of?
2. Click on Review the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 PDF:
Go to the table on page 51.How many servings of each of the following does it recommend?
 Fats, Oils, and Sweets
 Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese
 Meat, Poultry, Fish, Eggs, and Nuts
 Vegetable
 Fruit and juices
 Oils
 Solid fats
 Added sugars
 Alcohol
3. Go back to previous page and click on Tools and go to Measuring Physical Activity Intensity:
 Name two moderate and two vigorous activities.
 What does relative intensity mean?
 What does absolute intensity mean?
4. Go back to previous page and click on
Go to Weight Management and Calories, go to calories and click “How Many Can I Have?”
 How many calories do you need based on your age and gender?
 How many empty calories can you have based on your age and gender?
Step Five (Conclusion):
Analyze the data on the spreadsheet and the graph information. State a conclusion based on what the data
represents in the spreadsheet table and graphs about the Fast Food Facts you chose to collect. Use a textbox
in Excel to write a conclusion. Place it directly under your spreadsheet. Use a font size of 12 pts.
 Insert Clipart(s) or copy and paste graphics from the Internet that coordinate with the Fast Food theme.
Respect Copy Rights please.
Use WordArt to place your name(s) on this project.
Spell-check, Preview and Print Chart and Graph on one page, select active worksheet only when
Step Six: When you finish Step 5, print the spreadsheet (Step 1) and attach it with your three separately
printed charts from Step 2 and your completed questions from Word (Steps 3 and 4). Please staple all the
above together and hand in to me. Also, let me preview your file on your H: drive or you can e-mail a file
attachment to
MP2 Benchmark Assessment
Fast Food Project Rubric
Spreadsheet Layout & Definition: The spreadsheet layout was neatly
and correctly designed. Column and row labels were arranged
properly. Student was able to analyze data and correctly construct
Formatting & Editing: The student(s) employed the use of specific
formatting features and was able to enhance the activities using
additional editing and formatting. For example, borders, shading.
Currency/percent formats applied were correct.
Calculations: Formulas were properly done and calculations were
correct. Student(s) employed the use of functions and/or used proper
formula syntax, cell references, mathematical operators, etc. Number
values were not hard coded in place of formulas!
Graphs: Student(s) had 3 graphs as directed. All graphs were
correctly done. Represented data. Had all chart elements (title, legend,
labels, series name, etc.)
Followed Directions/Conclusion Stated: The student(s) used the
program effectively to complete the assigned activity as directed. All
instructions were followed. Was able to analyze data and answer all
questions as specified. Conclusion shows critical thinking and
understanding of graph data. Completed ALL steps. The student(s)
completed the project on time. The student showed evidence of having
a solid working knowledge of Excel. No down time. Stayed focused
and on task.
Met all the
19 – 11
Met Most of the
10 – 1
Met some of the
Didn’t meet the