Drawing and Painting syllabus slide show

Syllabus and Expectations
Welcome! I am thrilled you have all chosen to join me on an adventure to
further your artistic prowess. For some, this may be your first art class ever!
Hooray! For others, it may be another in a long line of art classes. Double
hooray! Now, despite what you may have heard -- or heaven forbid been
taught -- being artistic is not some magical skill that only a select few in the
world happened to be blessed with. Anyone, and I do mean anyone, can
create beautiful, meaningful art – and that, young grasshoppers, is what I aim
to teach you. This will not be easy though. You must be prepared to work
hard and challenge yourself to improve everyday. After all, if you are not
willing to put forth your best effort to learn, why should I put forth my best
effort to instruct? Let us all work to the best of our abilities and enjoy making
art! I sincerely look forward to this time we will share together.
Beginning Art
This is a beginning course which means we will
be focusing on the basics. We will begin by
working with graphite pencils and gradually
work toward using paint. Over the semester, we
will constantly be focused on creating “space”.
We will also be focusing on learning the basic
elements of design which will allow you to
create beautiful works of art you can all be
proud of.
Art & Design
This is more of an “intermediate” course, but it
is still very difficult. We will revisit the basic
elements of design and will begin learning the
principles of design. Elements are tools to help
you physically draw, paint, or print. Principles
are tools to help you communicate an idea
through your work of art. We will be focusing
on communicating simple ideas throughout the
semester. This course will require the use of an
online portfolio.
Advanced Art
This course is what it sounds like. I assume each of
you have a mastery of the elements of design and a
strong understanding of the principles of design and
how to effectively use them. We will revisit the
principles and begin using this knowledge of
communicating simple ideas to begin
communicating personal ideas. Expect to be
challenged. This course will require the use of an
online portfolio as well as an end of semester
presentation of the work you have completed.
AP Studio Art
This class is a year-long class and may very well be
one of the most difficult and challenging classes you
will experience while in high school. Each student
will need to be extremely self-motivated. Each
student will also be expected to work outside of
school on their projects. Each student will be
working on their own personal portfolio to be
submitted during the spring. Expect to be
challenged. This course will require the use of a
sketchbook, an online portfolio, regular group
critiques, a complete AP portfolio, and an end of
year presentation of the work you have completed.
Projects (Hooray!)
Single day
Two- or three-day
One- to two-week
Everything builds
• Work everyday
• Don’t get distracted
• Be active in discussions
• Small assignments = Complete? Followed
• Written component
• Larger projects = written component and
discussion with me
• No late projects
In-Class Activities
Smaller 1-2 day projects,
in-class activities, and
written projects.
Final Art Projects
Larger, multi-day projects
and final pieces.
Daily Participation
Points will be awarded
daily provided the student
works consistently and
performs clean-up duties.
• $20 fee
• Covers everything
• Storing projects/assignments
• Not for materials (pencils, rulers, etc.)
Tardies and Absences
• Late? No points.
• Absent? No points.
• Points can be made up by staying after school
Housekeeping Responsibilities
• Shared materials = shared responsibilities
• Clean up after yourself
• I am not Mommy
Cell Phones
Food and Drinks
• Food? No.
• Drinks? Maybe.
Hall Passes
• Planner
• Based on trust and maturity
• Be positive
• Focus on what you are doing
• Focus on what you can do, not what you
“think” you cannot do
• Art is beautiful
Every other “rule” or “expectation” revolves
around this guiding principle: respect. Respect
yourself, respect your peers, respect your
environment, and respect me. If you are able
to do this, we’ll be kool and the gang.
Each of you needs to be in the habit of checking my website
every day. You can also follow me on Twitter (@lordmeserve).
This way you will all know exactly what is going on or any
important information. If you are in need of either extra time
or extra help, I am almost always here before school at 7:15
and after school until at least 3:00. Do not hesitate to come
see me. It’s my pleasure to help you. It’s what I do.
Contact Information:
Email: meserveb@svsd410.org
Web: lordmeserve.weebly.com
Prep: 3rd period