Molecular Formula A molecular formula shows the elements that a compound is made out of and the number of atoms of each element present in one molecule of the compound. The numbers are shown written as subscripts. e.g. The molecular formula of butane is C4H10 One molecule of ethane contains 4 carbon atoms and 10 hydrogen atoms. The molecular formula of water is H2O One molecule of water contains 2 hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Empirical Formula The empirical formula gives the simplest whole number ratio of each type of atom in a compound e.g. The molecular formula of butane is C4H10 The empirical formula of butane is C2H5 Relative molecular mass Molecules are incredibly light so when discussing how heavy a molecule is Chemists often find the relative molecular mass. This is measured in atomic mass units. The table below shows the relative atomic masses of various elements which can be used to calculate the relative molecular mass of molecules. e.g. The molecular formula of butane is C4H10 The relative molecular mass of ethane is 4 x 12 + 10 x 1 = 58 atomic mass units Element Hydrogen Carbon Oxygen Nitrogen Calcium Silicon Symbol H C O N Ca Si Relative Atomic Mass 1 12 16 14 40 28 Elemental Analysis Is a technique that allows a chemist to workout (as a percentage) how much each element contributes to the total mass of the molecule. If you know these percentages you can work out what the empirical formula of a molecule so it can help Chemists work out what they have made. Ratio Percentages Fractions Substitution Use your skills with fractions, percentages, ratios and substitution to work out missing information about molecules and even identify mystery compounds. Use the table below to help you. Element Hydrogen Carbon Oxygen Nitrogen Calcium Silicon Symbol H C O N Ca Si Relative Atomic Mass 1 12 16 14 40 28 Molecular Formula C3H6 C12H18 C6H12O6 C6H6 CaCO3 SiH4 Ratio 3:6 Empirical formula CH2 Simplified Ratio 1:2 Ratio of masses 12:2 Fraction of total mass for each element 12 2 : 14 14 % by mass C: 85.7% H: 14.3% Relative molecular mass (amu) 42 There a few different ways of using this resource: 1. Fill in the gaps in the table (possibly in pairs- each use a different colour) 2. Cut up the completed grid and use it as a card sort (possibly only use one slide rather than two) 3. Print the reversed complete grid with a picture on the back of the page before you cut it out into cards. Put the cards in the correct places on the template grid. Flip over each card to reveal the picture (and hence check the cards are in the correct place. • Fill in gaps (given formula) Molecular Formula C3H6 C12H18 C6H12O6 C6H6 CaCO3 SiH4 Ratio Empirical formula Simplified Ratio Ratio of masses Fraction of total mass for each element % by mass Relative molecular mass (amu) Molecular Formula Ratio Empirical formula Simplified Ratio Ratio of masses Fraction of total mass for each element % by mass Relative molecular mass (amu) CH4N 60 CH4 16 CH3O 62 CH3 30 C5H4 128 CHO2 90 • answers Molecular Formula C3H6 C12H18 C6H12O6 C6H6 CaCO3 SiH4 Ratio 3:6 12:18 6:12:6 6:6 1:1:3 1:4 Empirical formula CH2 C2H3 CH2O CH CaCO3 SiH4 Simplified Ratio 1:2 2:3 1:2:1 1:1 1:1:3 1:4 Ratio of masses Fraction of total mass for each element 12:2 12 2 : 14 14 24:3 24 3 : 27 27 12:2:16 12:1 40:12:48 28:4 12 2 16 : : 30 30 30 12 1 : 13 13 40 12 48 : : 100 16 100 28 4 : 32 32 % by mass Relative molecular mass (amu) C: 85.7% H: 14.3% 42 C: 88.9% H: 11.1% 162 C:40% H 6.7% O: 53.3% C: 92.3% H: 7.7% Ca: 40% C: 12% O: 48% Si: 87.5% H: 12.5% 180 78 100 32 Molecular Formula C2H8N2 CH4 C2H6O2 C2H6 C10H8 C2H2O4 Ratio 2:6:2 1:4 2:6:2 2:6 10:8 2:2:4 Empirical formula CH4N CH4 CH3O CH3 C5H4 CHO2 Simplified Ratio 1:4:1 1:4 1:3:1 1:3 5:4 1:1:2 Ratio of masses 12:4:14 12:4 Fraction of total mass for each element 12 4 14 : : 30 30 30 12 4 : 16 16 % by mass C:40% H: 13.3% N: 46.7% C: 75% H: 25% Relative molecular mass (amu) 60 16 12:3:16 12 3 16 : : 31 31 31 C: 38.7% H: 9.7% O: 51.6% 12:3 12 3 : 15 15 C: 80% H: 20% 30 60:4 60 4 : 64 64 C: 93.75% H: 6.25% 128 12:1:32 12 1 32 : : 45 45 45 C: 26.7% H: 2.2% O: 71.1% 62 90 • Fill in gaps (harder) Molecular Formula Ratio Empirical formula Simplified Ratio Ratio of masses Fraction of total mass for each element % by mass Relative molecular mass (amu) C3H6 C12H18 CH2O 180 C:H 78 12 1 : 13 13 Ca: 40% C: 12% O: 48% SiH4 100 32 Molecular Formula Ratio Empirical formula Simplified Ratio Ratio of masses Fraction of total mass for each element % by mass Relative molecular mass (amu) C:H:N 12 4 14 : : 30 30 30 60 C: 75% H: 25% C:H:O 12:3:16 16 62 C: 80% H: 20% 30 C: 93.75% H: 6.25% 128 C: 26.7% H: 2.2% O: 71.1% 90 • answers Molecular Formula C3H6 C12H18 C6H12O6 C6H6 CaCO3 SiH4 Ratio 3:6 12:18 6:12:6 6:6 1:1:3 1:4 Empirical formula CH2 C2H3 CH2O CH CaCO3 SiH4 Simplified Ratio 1:2 2:3 1:2:1 1:1 1:1:3 1:4 Ratio of masses 12:2 6:1 24:3 8:1 12:2:16 6:1:8 12:1 40:12:48 10:3:12 28:4 7:1 Fraction of total mass for each element 12 2 : 14 14 6 1 : 7 7 24 3 : 27 27 8 1 : 9 9 12 2 16 : : 30 30 30 6 1 8 : : 15 15 15 12 1 : 13 13 40 12 48 : : 100 16 100 10 3 12 : : 25 25 25 28 4 : 32 32 7 1 : 8 8 % by mass Relative molecular mass (amu) C: 85.7% H: 14.3% 42 C: 88.9% H: 11.1% 162 C:40% H 6.7% O: 53.3% C: 92.3% H: 7.7% Ca: 40% C: 12% O: 48% Si: 87.5% H: 12.5% 180 78 100 32 Molecular Formula C2H8N2 CH4 C2H6O2 C2H6 C10H8 C2H2O4 Ratio 2:6:2 1:4 2:6:2 2:6 10:8 2:2:4 Empirical formula CH4N CH4 CH3O CH3 C5H4 CHO2 Simplified Ratio 1:4:1 1:4 1:3:1 1:3 5:4 1:1:2 Ratio of masses 12:4:14 6:2:7 12:4 3:1 12:3:16 12:3 4:1 60:4 15:1 12:1:32 Fraction of total mass for each element % by mass 12 4 14 : : 30 30 30 C:40% H: 13.3% N: 46.7% 6 2 7 : : 15 15 15 12 4 : 16 16 3 1 : 4 4 C: 75% H: 25% Relative molecular mass (amu) 60 16 12 3 16 : : 31 31 31 C: 38.7% H: 9.7% O: 51.6% 12 3 : 15 15 C: 80% H: 20% 30 4 1 : 5 5 60 4 : 64 64 15 1 : 16 16 C: 93.75% H: 6.25% 128 12 1 32 : : 45 45 45 C: 26.7% H: 2.2% O: 71.1% 62 90 • Card sort Molecular Formula C3H6 C12H18 C6H12O6 C6H6 CaCO3 SiH4 Ratio 3:6 12:18 6:12:6 6:6 1:1:3 1:4 Empirical formula CH2 C2H3 CH2O CH CaCO3 SiH4 Simplified Ratio 1:2 2:3 1:2:1 1:1 1:1:3 1:4 Ratio of masses 12:2 6:1 24:3 8:1 12:2:16 6:1:8 12:1 40:12:48 10:3:12 28:4 7:1 Fraction of total mass for each element 12 2 : 14 14 6 1 : 7 7 24 3 : 27 27 8 1 : 9 9 12 2 16 : : 30 30 30 6 1 8 : : 15 15 15 12 1 : 13 13 40 12 48 : : 100 16 100 10 3 12 : : 25 25 25 28 4 : 32 32 7 1 : 8 8 % by mass Relative molecular mass (amu) C: 85.7% H: 14.3% 42 C: 88.9% H: 11.1% 162 C:40% H 6.7% O: 53.3% C: 92.3% H: 7.7% Ca: 40% C: 12% O: 48% Si: 87.5% H: 12.5% 180 78 100 32 Molecular Formula C2H8N2 CH4 C2H6O2 C2H6 C10H8 C2H2O4 Ratio 2:6:2 1:4 2:6:2 2:6 10:8 2:2:4 Empirical formula CH4N CH4 CH3O CH3 C5H4 CHO2 Simplified Ratio 1:4:1 1:4 1:3:1 1:3 5:4 1:1:2 Ratio of masses 12:4:14 6:2:7 12:4 3:1 12:3:16 12:3 4:1 60:4 15:1 12:1:32 Fraction of total mass for each element % by mass 12 4 14 : : 30 30 30 C:40% H: 13.3% N: 46.7% 6 2 7 : : 15 15 15 12 4 : 16 16 3 1 : 4 4 C: 75% H: 25% Relative molecular mass (amu) 60 16 12 3 16 : : 31 31 31 C: 38.7% H: 9.7% O: 51.6% 12 3 : 15 15 C: 80% H: 20% 30 4 1 : 5 5 60 4 : 64 64 15 1 : 16 16 C: 93.75% H: 6.25% 128 12 1 32 : : 45 45 45 C: 26.7% H: 2.2% O: 71.1% 62 90 • Card sort with template (given formula) Molecular Formula C3H6 C12H18 C6H12O6 C6H6 CaCO3 SiH4 Ratio Empirical formula Simplified Ratio Ratio of masses Fraction of total mass for each element % by mass Relative molecular mass (amu) Molecular Formula C2H8N2 CH4 C2H6O2 C2H6 C10H8 C2H2O4 Ratio Empirical formula Simplified Ratio Ratio of masses Fraction of total mass for each element % by mass Relative molecular mass (amu) Relative molecular mass (amu) % by mass Fraction of total mass for each element 42 C: 85.7% H: 14.3% 12 2 : 14 14 162 C: 88.9% H: 11.1% 180 78 100 32 C:40% H 6.7% O: 53.3% C: 92.3% H: 7.7% 6 1 : 7 7 24 3 : 27 27 8 1 : 9 9 12 2 16 : : 30 30 30 6 1 8 : : 15 15 15 12 1 : 13 13 Ca: 40% C: 12% O: 48% 40 12 48 : : 100 16 100 Si: 87.5% H: 12.5% 28 4 : 32 32 10 3 12 : : 25 25 25 7 1 : 8 8 Ratio of masses Simplified Ratio Empirical formula Ratio Molecular Formula 12:2 6:1 1:2 CH2 3:6 C3H6 24:3 8:1 2:3 C2H3 12:18 C12H18 12:2:16 6:1:8 1:2:1 CH2O 6:12:6 C6H12O6 12:1 1:1 CH 6:6 C6H6 40:12:48 10:3:12 1:1:3 CaCO3 1:1:3 CaCO3 28:4 7:1 1:4 SiH4 1:4 SiH4 (insert picture of your own choice) Relative molecular mass (amu) 60 16 62 30 128 90 % by mass Fraction of total mass for each element C:40% H: 13.3% N: 46.7% 12 4 14 : : 30 30 30 C: 75% H: 25% 6 2 7 : : 15 15 15 12 4 : 16 16 3 1 : 4 4 C: 38.7% H: 9.7% O: 51.6% 12 3 16 : : 31 31 31 C: 80% H: 20% 12 3 : 15 15 C: 93.75% H: 6.25% 4 1 : 5 5 60 4 : 64 64 15 1 : 16 16 C: 26.7% H: 2.2% O: 71.1% 12 1 32 : : 45 45 45 Ratio of masses Simplified Ratio Empirical formula Ratio Molecular Formula 12:4:14 6:2:7 1:4:1 CH4N 2:6:2 C2H8N2 12:4 3:1 1:4 CH4 1:4 CH4 12:3:16 1:3:1 CH3O 2:6:2 C2H6O2 12:3 4:1 1:3 CH3 2:6 C2H6 60:4 15:1 5:4 C5H4 10:8 C10H8 12:1:32 1:1:2 CHO2 2:2:4 C2H2O4 (insert picture of your own choice) • Card sort with template (harder) Molecular Formula Ratio Empirical formula Simplified Ratio Ratio of masses Fraction of total mass for each element % by mass Relative molecular mass (amu) C3H6 C12H18 CH2O 180 C:H 78 12 1 : 13 13 Ca: 40% C: 12% O: 48% SiH4 100 32 Molecular Formula Ratio Empirical formula Simplified Ratio Ratio of masses Fraction of total mass for each element % by mass Relative molecular mass (amu) C:H:N 12 4 14 : : 30 30 30 60 C: 75% H: 25% C:H:O 12:3:16 16 62 C: 80% H: 20% 30 C: 93.75% H: 6.25% 128 C: 26.7% H: 2.2% O: 71.1% 90 Molecular Formula C3H6 C12H18 C6H12O6 C6H6 CaCO3 SiH4 Ratio 3:6 12:18 6:12:6 6:6 1:1:3 1:4 Empirical formula CH2 C2H3 CH2O CH CaCO3 SiH4 Simplified Ratio 1:2 2:3 1:2:1 1:1 1:1:3 1:4 Ratio of masses 12:2 6:1 24:3 8:1 12:2:16 6:1:8 12:1 40:12:48 10:3:12 28:4 7:1 Fraction of total mass for each element 12 2 : 14 14 6 1 : 7 7 24 3 : 27 27 8 1 : 9 9 12 2 16 : : 30 30 30 6 1 8 : : 15 15 15 12 1 : 13 13 40 12 48 : : 100 16 100 10 3 12 : : 25 25 25 28 4 : 32 32 7 1 : 8 8 % by mass Relative molecular mass (amu) C: 85.7% H: 14.3% 42 C: 88.9% H: 11.1% 162 C:40% H 6.7% O: 53.3% C: 92.3% H: 7.7% Ca: 40% C: 12% O: 48% Si: 87.5% H: 12.5% 180 78 100 32 Molecular Formula C2H8N2 CH4 C2H6O2 C2H6 C10H8 C2H2O4 Ratio 2:6:2 1:4 2:6:2 2:6 10:8 2:2:4 Empirical formula CH4N CH4 CH3O CH3 C5H4 CHO2 Simplified Ratio 1:4:1 1:4 1:3:1 1:3 5:4 1:1:2 Ratio of masses 12:4:14 6:2:7 12:4 3:1 12:3:16 12:3 4:1 60:4 15:1 12:1:32 Fraction of total mass for each element % by mass 12 4 14 : : 30 30 30 C:40% H: 13.3% N: 46.7% 6 2 7 : : 15 15 15 12 4 : 16 16 3 1 : 4 4 C: 75% H: 25% Relative molecular mass (amu) 60 16 12 3 16 : : 31 31 31 C: 38.7% H: 9.7% O: 51.6% 12 3 : 15 15 C: 80% H: 20% 30 4 1 : 5 5 60 4 : 64 64 15 1 : 16 16 C: 93.75% H: 6.25% 128 12 1 32 : : 45 45 45 C: 26.7% H: 2.2% O: 71.1% 62 90 Relative molecular mass (amu) % by mass Fraction of total mass for each element 42 C: 85.7% H: 14.3% 12 2 : 14 14 162 C: 88.9% H: 11.1% 180 78 100 32 C:40% H 6.7% O: 53.3% C: 92.3% H: 7.7% 6 1 : 7 7 24 3 : 27 27 8 1 : 9 9 12 2 16 : : 30 30 30 6 1 8 : : 15 15 15 12 1 : 13 13 Ca: 40% C: 12% O: 48% 40 12 48 : : 100 16 100 Si: 87.5% H: 12.5% 28 4 : 32 32 10 3 12 : : 25 25 25 7 1 : 8 8 Ratio of masses Simplified Ratio Empirical formula Ratio Molecular Formula 12:2 6:1 1:2 CH2 3:6 C3H6 24:3 8:1 2:3 C2H3 12:18 C12H18 12:2:16 6:1:8 1:2:1 CH2O 6:12:6 C6H12O6 12:1 1:1 CH 6:6 C6H6 40:12:48 10:3:12 1:1:3 CaCO3 1:1:3 CaCO3 28:4 7:1 1:4 SiH4 1:4 SiH4 (insert picture of your own choice) Relative molecular mass (amu) 60 16 62 30 128 90 % by mass Fraction of total mass for each element C:40% H: 13.3% N: 46.7% 12 4 14 : : 30 30 30 C: 75% H: 25% 6 2 7 : : 15 15 15 12 4 : 16 16 3 1 : 4 4 C: 38.7% H: 9.7% O: 51.6% 12 3 16 : : 31 31 31 C: 80% H: 20% 12 3 : 15 15 C: 93.75% H: 6.25% 4 1 : 5 5 60 4 : 64 64 15 1 : 16 16 C: 26.7% H: 2.2% O: 71.1% 12 1 32 : : 45 45 45 Ratio of masses Simplified Ratio Empirical formula Ratio Molecular Formula 12:4:14 6:2:7 1:4:1 CH4N 2:6:2 C2H8N2 12:4 3:1 1:4 CH4 1:4 CH4 12:3:16 1:3:1 CH3O 2:6:2 C2H6O2 12:3 4:1 1:3 CH3 2:6 C2H6 60:4 15:1 5:4 C5H4 10:8 C10H8 12:1:32 1:1:2 CHO2 2:2:4 C2H2O4 (insert picture of your own choice) Molecular Formula C3H6 C12H18 C6H12O6 C6H6 CaCO3 SiH4 Ratio 3:6 12:18 6:12:6 6:6 1:1:3 1:4 Empirical formula CH2 C2H3 CH2O CH CaCO3 SiH4 Simplified Ratio 1:2 2:3 1:2:1 1:1 1:1:3 1:4 Ratio of masses 12:2 6:1 24:3 8:1 12:2:16 6:1:8 12:1 40:12:48 10:3:12 28:4 7:1 Fraction of total mass for each element % by mass 12 2 : 14 14 C: 85.7% H: 14.3% 42 C: 88.9% H: 11.1% 162 6 1 : 7 7 24 3 : 27 27 8 1 : 9 9 12 2 16 : : 30 30 30 6 1 8 : : 15 15 15 12 1 : 13 13 40 12 48 : : 100 16 100 10 3 12 : : 25 25 25 28 4 : 32 32 7 1 : 8 8 C:40% H 6.7% O: 53.3% C: 92.3% H: 7.7% Ca: 40% C: 12% O: 48% Si: 87.5% H: 12.5% Relative molecular mass (amu) 180 78 100 32 Molecular Formula C2H8N2 CH4 C2H6O2 C2H6 C10H8 C2H2O4 Ratio 2:6:2 1:4 2:6:2 2:6 10:8 2:2:4 Empirical formula CH4N CH4 CH3O CH3 C5H4 CHO2 Simplified Ratio 1:4:1 1:4 1:3:1 1:3 5:4 1:1:2 Ratio of masses 12:4:14 6:2:7 12:4 3:1 12:3:16 12:3 4:1 60:4 15:1 12:1:32 Fraction of total mass for each element % by mass 12 4 14 : : 30 30 30 C:40% H: 13.3% N: 46.7% 6 2 7 : : 15 15 15 12 4 : 16 16 3 1 : 4 4 C: 75% H: 25% Relative molecular mass (amu) 60 16 12 3 16 : : 31 31 31 C: 38.7% H: 9.7% O: 51.6% 12 3 : 15 15 C: 80% H: 20% 30 4 1 : 5 5 60 4 : 64 64 15 1 : 16 16 C: 93.75% H: 6.25% 128 12 1 32 : : 45 45 45 C: 26.7% H: 2.2% O: 71.1% 62 90 Alternative ratio activity Match the following molecules that contain the same ratio of elements. CH2O C2H2 H2O C4H8 H2O2 C6H12O3 C5H10 C6H12 C2H4O2 C6H12O6 C2H6O C2H4 C5H8O C3H6O3 C6H6 The simplest ratio of elements in a compound is called the empirical formula can you find the empirical formula for each compound? Extension • The mass of each of the compound is shown on the next slide. • Can you work out the mass of the following atoms H (hydrogen) C (carbon O (oxygen) C2H2 26 CH2O 30 H2O 18 C4H8 56 CH4 16 C6H12O3 132 C5H10 70 C6H12 84 C2H4O2 60 C6H12O6 180 C2H6O 46 C2H4 28 C3H6O3 90 C5H8O 84 C6H6 78