PPP "Ingredients"

Professional Baking, Fourth Edition
by Wayne Gisslen
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Commonly Used Metric Prefixes
kilo = 1,000
deci = 1/10
centi = 1/100
milli = 1/1000
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Determining the Percentage
of an Ingredient Using
Baker’s Percentages
(Total weight of ingredient ÷ Total weight of flour) × 100%
= Percentage of ingredient
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Converting a Formula to a
New Yield
Change percentage yield to decimal form
Divide desired yield by new decimal figure
Round up
Use weight of flour to calculate weights of
other ingredients
(Please note: reprint the numbers in the
example on page 11)
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Four Factors That Affect
Gluten Development
Selection of flour
Mixing methods
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Techniques to Minimize Staling
Protect from air
Add moisture retainers
Freeze rather than refrigerate
Reheat product just before serving
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Main Mixing Attachments
Paddle – for general mixing
Wire whip – for beating eggs and cream
Dough arm or hook – for mixing and kneading
yeast dough
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The Four Basic Types of Ovens
Deck oven
Rack oven
Mechanical oven
Convection oven
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Specialty Items for Baking Breads
Banneton – wood mold for shaping hearth
Loaf pan – rectangular pan with flared sides
for loaf breads
Pullman pan – straight-sided pan with
a removable lid
Muffin pan – has cup-shaped indentations
for individual items
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Specialty Items for Baking Cakes
Cake pans – can be round, square, or
specially shaped
Sheet pan – shallow, rectangular pan
Spring-form pan – cake pan with
removable bottom
Tart pan – shallow, with fluted sides
Tube pan – deep cake pan with a tube
in the center
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Specialty Items for Molds
Baba mold – thimble-sized mold
Bombe mold – dome-shaped mold for
frozen desserts
Charlotte mold – round, tapered, flat-bottomed
mold with two handles
Charlotte rings – molds of various diameters
and heights used for shaping layered desserts
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Image courtesy the Wheat Foods Council
The Structure of Wheat
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Bakeshop Flours and Their Uses
Strong Flours
 Straight flour:
 Patent flour:
 Clear flour:
 High-gluten flour:
Weak Flours
 Cake flour:
 Pastry flour:
Best choice for bread
Rye bread
Pizza crusts, bagels, hardcrusted breads
Cakes, delicate pastries
Pie dough, muffins, cookies, biscuits
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Bakeshop Shortenings and
Their Uses
Regular shortenings:
Flaky pastries and products
mixed by the creaming
Emulsified shortenings: High-ratio cakes, icings
Cakes, icings, flaky pastries
Cake margarine:
Cakes, cookies
Pastry margarine:
Danish pastries, puff pastries,
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Fat Content of Milk Products
Fresh, whole: 3.5%
Evaporated and condensed, whole: 8%
Dried, whole: 27%
Fresh, evaporated and dried, skim: trace
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Functions of Eggs in Baking
Provide structure
Emulsify fats and liquids
Aid in shortening
Provide moisture
Provide flavor, nutritional value, and color
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Twelve Steps for the Production of
Yeast Breads
Scaling ingredients
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Makeup and panning
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Straight Dough Method
Dissolve yeast in some of the warm water
(100˚F–110˚F, or 38˚C–43˚C)
Combine remaining ingredients
in separate bowl
Add dissolved yeast
Mix until it is smooth and the dough develops
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Modified Straight Dough Method
Soften yeast in some of the warm water
Combine fat, sugar, salt, milk solids,
and flavorings
Gradually add eggs
Add liquids
Add flour and dissolved yeast; mix until smooth
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Sponge Method
Combine liquids, yeast, and some of the flour
Mix until soft
Let ferment until double in size
Punch down; add remaining ingredients
Mix until uniform and smooth
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Procedure for Punching Dough
Pull up the dough on all sides
Fold it over the center, and press down
Turn dough upside-down in the container
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Formula for Determining the
Water Temperature Needed to
Control Fermentation
Multiply desired dough temperature by 3
Add the flour temperature and room
temperature, plus 20˚F (7˚C) to account for
friction during mixing
Subtract the results of Step 2 from that
of Step 1
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Defining Artisan Bread
Uses pre-ferments and sourdough starters
No chemical additives
No preservatives
Uses traditional production methods
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Yeast Pre-ferments
Scrap dough
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Making a Sourdough Starter
Combine whole rye flour and water –or–
Combine bread flour and water, and bury fresh
fruit/vegetables in mixture
Cover and let sit at room temperature to ferment
Refresh the starter
Continue fermentation and refreshing procedures until
fully developed (about 2 weeks)
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During Autolyse:
Flour is fully hydrated
 Enzymes react with proteins before they are stretched
Results of autolyse:
 Gluten structure is improved
 Dough is easier to handle
 Mixing time is reduced
 Color and flavor is improved
 Texture of baked bread is improved
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Baking Artisan Bread
Preheat oven to 425˚F and 450˚F (218˚C and
Inject moisture during first 15 minutes
Underbaking is a common mistake
Final product has a well-browned, crisp crust
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Crisp-Crusted Breads
Hard rolls
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Soft-Crusted Breads
Soft rolls
Braided bread
Straight-dough rye
Pan loaves
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Make-Up for Round Rolls
Scale and round dough
Place 2 inches apart on prepared pans
Proof and wash with water
Bake with steam
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Make-Up for Elongated Loaves
Round and relax dough
Flatten and shape into oval
Roll up and tightly seal ends
Use hands to roll into elongated oval
Place seam-side down on prepared pan
Proof, wash with water, and slash diagonally
Bake with steam
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Make-Up for Pan Loaves
Round and bench loaf-size units
Stretch into long rectangle
Fold into thirds
Roll dough to fit prepared pan
Seal seam tightly
Place seam-side down in pan and bake
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Sweet and Rich Dough Products
Sweet rolls
Cinnamon rolls
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Rolled-in Dough Products
Danish pastries
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Pattern for Cutting
Croissant Triangles
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Make-Up for Small Brioches
Roll dough into small round pieces
Pinch, but do not detach, a small piece
Round both parts on a bench
Place large-end first into tin
Press the smaller ball into the larger one
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Wreath Coffee Cake Make-Up
Use a sweet or Danish dough
Bend roll into circle
Slash sides and place on a greased sheet
Proof, egg wash, and bake
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Common Quick Bread Mixtures
Soft doughs:
Thick enough to roll out and cut
into shapes
Pour batters: Thin enough to pour
Drop batters: Thick enough to drop from
a spoon
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Quick Bread Dough and Batter
Mixing Methods
Biscuit method:
Muffin method:
Creaming method:
Used for scones and
Used for muffins,
pancakes, waffles, and
loaf- or sheet-type quick
Used for muffin-type
products with high sugar
and fat content
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Biscuit Method
Sift dry ingredients together in a mixing bowl
Cut in shortening using paddle or pastry knife
attachment until mixture resembles cornmeal
Add liquids to dry ingredients
Mix until ingredients are just combined and
form a soft dough
Bring dough to bench and knead lightly for
about 30 seconds
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Muffin Method
Sift dry ingredients together in mixing bowl
Combine all liquid ingredients, including
melted fat or oil
Add liquids to dry ingredients. Mix until flour is
just moistened. Batter will appear lumpy
Pan and bake immediately
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Creaming Method for Muffins,
Loaves, and Coffee Cakes
Combine fat, sugar, salt, and milk powder
in a bowl
Cream ingredients together until light
Add eggs in two or three stages, creaming
well after each addition
Add liquids and stir lightly
Sift together the flour and baking powder;
add to the liquid and mix until just smooth
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Guidelines for
Yeast-Raised Doughnuts
Mixing method:
Modified straight dough
Proofing temperature: Room temperature
Frying temperature:
365˚F to 385˚F (185˚C to
Frying time:
2½ minutes
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Guidelines for Cake-Type
Mixing method:
Frying temperature: 375˚F to 385˚F (190˚C to
Frying time:
1½ to 2 minutes
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Guidelines for Preparing and
Storing Fat
Use high-quality, flavorless fat
Keep fat and equipment clean
Strain cooled fat after each use
Discard spent fat
Keep fat covered when not in use
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Guidelines for Preparing Fritters
Mixing method:
Frying temperature: 375˚F (190˚C)
Frying time:
Until golden brown on all
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Advance Volume Preparation of
Pancake and Waffle Batter
Leavened only with baking powder – make the
day before and refrigerate
Leavened with baking soda – premix dry and
liquid ingredients and combine right before
Leavened with beaten egg whites – incorporate
the egg whites just before cooking
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Preventing Crystallization of
Sugar Syrups
Cover saucepan and boil syrup for several
Carefully wash sides of pan with brush dipped
in water
Add cream of tartar or lemon juice
Add corn syrup or glucose
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Basic Ratios for Whipped Cream
Heavy cream
– Vanilla
– Liquors
1 quart
2–4 ounces
½ ounces
2–4 ounces
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Guidelines for Whipping Cream
Use day-old cream
Chill cream and all utensils
Use a wire whip (hand) or whip attachment (machine)
Sweeten with extra-fine or confectioners’ sugar
Add sugar when whip marks are visible
Stop beating when peaks hold their shape
Add flavorings last
Cover and refrigerate when not using
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Basic Meringue Types
Common meringue:
Swiss meringue:
Italian meringue:
Egg whites and sugar
beaten together
Least stable
Egg whites and sugar
beaten over hot-water
More stable
Hot sugar syrup beaten
into egg whites
Most stable
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Guidelines for Making Meringues
Fat prevents foaming
Egg whites foam best at room temperature
Do not overbeat
Sugar improves stability of egg white foams
Cream of tartar and lemon juice facilitate
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Procedure for Making
Vanilla Custard
Quickly whip eggs and sugar together
Scald milk
Slowly beat hot milk into egg mixture
Heat mixture slowly in double boiler
Sauce is cooked when it reaches 185˚F (85˚C)
Cool immediately
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Pie Dough Ingredients
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Pie Dough Mixing Consistencies
Mealy pie dough:
Flaky pie dough:
– Short-flake:
– Long-flake:
Coarse corn meal
Thin layers
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Guidelines for Rolling Pie Dough
Dust bench and rolling pin lightly with flour
Rough dough to a uniform ⅛ inch (3 mm)
Roll from center outward in all directions
Finished dough should be a nearly
perfect circle
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Fruit Filling Cooking Methods
and Their Uses
Cooked juice method:
Cooked fruit method:
Old-fashioned method:
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Canned or frozen
Fresh fruit (except
Dried fruits
Homemade pies
made with fresh
apples or peaches
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Guidelines for Using Gelatin
Measure gelatin accurately
Stir gelatin into cold water; heat until dissolved
Stir chiffon base occasionally to prevent gelatin from
setting along the outside edges
If gelatin sets before egg whites can be added, warm
base slightly
When folding in egg whites and whipped cream, work
rapidly without pausing
Fill pie shells immediately
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Procedure for One Four-Fold
Roll dough into a rectangle ½ inch thick
Spot butter over ⅔ of the dough
Fold unbuttered third over the center
Fold remaining third on top
Turn one quarter and place on bench
Roll into new ½ inch rectangle
Fold two ends to the center, and then fold in
half again
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Makeup of Puff Dough Products
Use sharp cutting tools
Avoid touching sides with fingers
Place units upside-down on baking sheet
Refrigerate and rest 30 minutes before baking
Keep egg wash from running down edges
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Mixing Procedure for Éclair Paste
Bring liquid, fat, salt, and sugar to a rapid boil
Add flour and stir until paste forms
Remove from heat, and let cool to
140˚F (60˚C)
Beat in eggs a little at a time
Paste should be smooth and moist
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Makeup for Strudel
Place dough on cloth
Sprinkle or brush butter over dough
Sprinkle dough with crumb mixture
Spread filling 1½ inch thick
Leave 2-inch band empty along edges
Use cloth to roll up dough like a jelly roll
Brush with butter or egg wash
Bake at 375˚F (191˚C) until brown
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Guidelines for Handling
Commercial Phyllo Dough
Thaw frozen phyllo completely before opening
After opening, keep leaves covered
Remove only one sheet at a time
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Procedure for Making Tart Shells
Remove refrigerated dough and let rest until pliable
 Roll out dough on floured canvas
 Pick up dough using rolling pin
 Drape dough over tart pan
 Press dough into corners without stretching
 Flute edges and trim excess dough
 Fill and bake
If baking empty:
 Line with parchment paper and dry beans
 Bake until light brown
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Making Tartlet Shells
Roll dough as for tart shells
Drape dough over all shells
Let dough settle into tins
Run rolling pin over dough to cut
Press dough firmly into shells
Bake as for larger tarts
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Assembly for Unbaked Tarts
Prepare fruit; drain well
Spread a layer of pastry cream
Arrange fruit on pastry cream
Brush fruit tops with glaze
Refrigerate until sold or served
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Unbaked Tart Variations
Sprinkle bottom of shell with chopped nuts,
cake crumbs, cookie crumbs, or breadcrumbs
Spread frangipane cream or pastry cream
on the bottom of the shell
For hard fruits, poach fruits in syrup or sauté
them in butter or syrup
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Cake Mixing Methods
High-fat or shortened
Creaming method
Two-stage method
Flour-batter method
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Low-fat or foam-type
Sponge method
Angel food method
Chiffon method
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Three Goals of Cake Batter Mixing
Combine all ingredients into a smooth,
uniform batter
Form and incorporate air cells into the batter
Develop the proper texture in the finished
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Causes of Curdling in Cake Batters
Using the wrong type of fat
Using ingredients that are too cold
Mixing the first stage of the procedure
too quickly
Adding the liquids too quickly
Adding too much liquid
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Developing Proper Cake Texture
Use cake flour: low gluten levels help create a
fine, light product
Strictly observe all mixing times
Add flour toward the end of the creaming,
sponge, and angel food mixing methods
Add flour in the first step of the two-step mixing
Always scale ingredients accurately
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The Function of Cake
Batter Ingredients
 Flour
 Eggs
 Sugar
 Fats
 Chemical leaveners
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 Water
 Liquid milk
 Syrup and liquid sugars
 Eggs
 Flour
 Starches
 Cocoa
 Milk solids
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Cakes are done when:
Center of top springs back when
touched lightly
Wooden pick inserted into center
comes out clean
Shortened cakes pull away slightly
from the sides of the pan
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Seven Types of Icings
Foam-type icings
Fudge-type icings
Flat-type icings
Royal, or decorator’s, icings
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Guidelines for Frosting Cakes
Cool cakes completely
Trim ragged edges and large bumps
Brush all crumbs from cake
Place bottom cake upside-down on cake circle
Spread filling on bottom layer
Place top layer right-side up on bottom layer
Ice exterior of cake
Push, do not pull, icing from center out to edges
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Paper Cone Falling Method
Used to make lines of even thickness on
horizontal surfaces
Hold cone vertically.
Touch tip to cake’s surface to attach
Lift cone 1 inch
Trace pattern
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Paper Cone Contact Method
Used to vary the thickness of lines and to
decorate vertical surfaces.
Hold cone as if holding a pen
Touch tip to surface at a 30- to 45-degree
Draw lines as though writing
Control thickness by squeezing
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Pastry Bag Decorating Technique
Fit desired tip into pastry bag
Roll down top of bag to create a collar
Hold under collar with thumb and forefinger
Fill bag ½ to ¾ full
Turn bag over and gather top together
Force icing out by squeezing top with palm
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Components in a European-Style
Layer Cake
Optional bottom layer
Cake layers
Additional specialty layers
Dessert syrup
Icings and coatings
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Common European-Style Tortes
Black Forest torte
Moch! torte
Fruit torte
Dobos torte
Napoleon gâteau
Kirsch torte
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Procedure for Making Swiss Rolls
Similar, though more delicate than American
jelly rolls
Use Swiss roll sponge formula
Fill with jam, jelly, buttercream, or other dessert
Roll as for jelly rolls
Ice with fondant or other sweet topping
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Common Forms of French Pastries
Slices: chilled portion sizes of layer cakes,
Swiss rolls, or other rolls
Triangles: layered sponge cake filled with
contrasting colors of buttercream
Squares: layered sheet cake filled with icing in
contrasting colors
Othellos: sponge roll batter mounded, baked,
and sandwiched together, then coated
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Versions of Othellos
Othellos: filled with chocolate pastry cream, iced with
chocolate fondant
Iagos: filled with coffee-flavored pastry cream, iced with
coffee-flavored fondant
Desdemonas: filled with vanilla pastry cream, iced with
kirsch-flavored fondant
Rosalinds: filled with rose water-flavored whipped
cream, iced with rose water-flavored pink fondant
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Factors That Contribute
to Crispness
Low moisture content
High sugar and fat content
Long baking periods
Small size or thin shape
Storing in a cool, dry place
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Factors that Contribute to Softness
Low sugar and fat content
Honey, molasses, or corn syrup in formulas
Large or thick shapes
Storing tightly covered or wrapped
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Factors That Contribute
to Chewiness
High sugar and liquid content,
but low fat content
High proportion of eggs
Strong gluten development
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Factors That Encourage Spread
High sugar content
High baking soda or baking ammonia content
Well-creamed fat and sugar
Low oven temperatures
Slack butter (butter with high liquid content)
in formula
Strong flour
Heavily greased pans
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Eight Basic Cookie Types
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Custard Types
Rangetop custards:
 Cooked on stove top
 Stirred while cooking
 Remain pourable
once cooked
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Baked custards:
 Baked in an oven
 Not stirred during
 Hold firm when done
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Guidelines for Baked Puddings
Scald milk before adding to eggs
Remove foam
Bake in a water bath at 325˚F (163˚C)
Pudding is done when a knife comes out clean
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Baking Puddings in a Water Bath
Set pudding mold in a large, deep pan
Fill pan halfway up sides of molds
with hot water
Bring water to a boil
Lower heat, cover, and simmer gently
Add hot water as needed
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Procedure for Preparing Bavarians
Soften gelatin in cold liquid
Stir gelatin into hot custard sauce
until dissolved
Chill until almost set
Fold in whipped cream
Pour into molds
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Guidelines for Successful Mousses
Fold in egg whites before adding
whipped cream
Egg whites folded into a hot base will
coagulate and make the mousse firmer
and more stable
Never add whipped cream to a hot base
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Popular Frozen Desserts
Ice cream: milk, cream, sugar, flavorings, and
sometimes eggs
 Ice milk: ice cream with a lower butterfat content
 Frozen yogurt: ice cream with added yogurt
 Sherbet: fruit juice, water, sugar, and sometimes milk
and/or egg whites
 Ices: fruit juice, water, sugar, sometimes egg whites,
but never any dairy
 Granite: coarse crystallized ices with no egg whites
 Sorbetto: Italian ice
 Gelato: Italian ice cream
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Ice Cream Quality Factors
Smoothness: size of crystals in the product
Overrun: percentage of air incorporated
while freezing product
Mouth feel: should be smooth, but not too
heavy as it melts
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Guidelines for Storing and Serving
Ice Cream and Sherbets
Store below 0˚F (-18˚C)
To prepare for serving, temper between 8˚F and 15˚F
(-13˚C and -9˚C) for 24 hours before serving
To serve, draw scoop across top of product so the
product rolls into a ball inside the scoop
Use standard scoops and ladles for portioning ice
creams and toppings
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Still-Frozen Desserts
Frozen mousses
Frozen soufflés
Original parfaits
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Assembling a Bombe
Line a chilled mold with ice cream or sherbet
and freeze
Fill center with bombe mixture, cover, and
freeze again
Remove from mold and turn out onto a sheet
of genoise
Decorate with whipped cream
Serve immediately
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Fresh Fruit Desserts
Uncooked and plain
Uncooked with cream
Uncooked with sabayon
Uncooked with flavored syrup, liqueurs, or wine
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Fruit Storage
Fruits that ripen after
Kiwi fruit
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Fruits to refrigerate
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Traditional American Fruit Desserts
Cobblers: large fruit pies without a bottom crust
Crisps: no bottom crust with a crumbly
streusel topping
Betties: alternate rich cake crumbs and fruit
Compote: small slices of cooked fruit served
in its own liquid
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Fruit Garnish Examples
Jams and jellies
Candied citrus zest
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Simple Dessert Presentations
Dessert alone
Dessert plus garnish
Dessert plus sauce
Dessert plus garnish and sauce
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Dessert Garnishes
Fresh or poached fruit
Ice cream or sorbet
Whipped cream dollop
Petits fours sec
Chocolate curls
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Complex Dessert Presentations
Contain one or more dessert items, sauce,
garnish, or both
Use small portions, but combined to create
an appearance of abundance
Desserts must complement and harmonize
with each other
Use large dinner plates to avoid overcrowding
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Examples of Matching
Dessert Elements
Chocolate soufflé with chocolate sauce
Medley of chocolate desserts
Fruit dessert with matching fruit sherbet
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Examples of Contrasting
Dessert Elements
Poached pears with vanilla ice cream and
chocolate sauce
Hot desserts served with frozen desserts
Creamy desserts with a slightly tart sauce
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True chocolate
Cocoa solids
Cocoa butter
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Chocolate coating:
Some cocoa butter
replaced by other fats
While easier to handle
and less expensive, it
lacks the shine, texture,
and flavor of genuine
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Chocolate Tempering Temperatures
115˚F to 118˚F (46˚C to 48˚C) – melting
78˚F to 79˚F (26˚C) – cooling or tempering
86˚F to 88˚F (30˚C to 31˚C) – reheating
Do not reheat above 88˚F (31˚C)
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Procedure for Tempering Chocolate
Chop chocolate into small pieces and place
in a dry saucepan
Set pan in a bowl of warm water
Stir constantly until chocolate melts and reaches
115˚F (46˚C)
Remove pan from warm water
Continue stirring until chocolate cools to 78˚F (26˚C)
Reset pan in warm-water bath
Stir until it reaches 86˚F (30˚C)
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Making Filled Chocolate
Fill molds as if for solid chocolates
After a few moments, pour out liquid chocolate,
leaving a thin coating
Let set
Fill molds ¾ full with desired filling
Pour tempered chocolate on top of filling
and let set
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Making Chocolate from
Two-Part Molds
Paint inside surface with tempered chocolate
Clip open-bottom molds together
Pour in chocolate until almost full
and tap the sides
After a few moments, pour out excess
Leave to cool
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Working with Marzipan
To color, add tinted paste or food dye
while mixing
Use stainless steel bowls, as aluminum
discolors marzipan
When molding, keep unused portion in a bowl
covered with a damp cloth
Store in an airtight container
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Molding Marzipan Fruits
Divide marzipan into equal portions
Roll by hand into perfectly smooth balls
Using real fruit models, shape marzipan
Let dry overnight
Color by applying food colors with a brush
or a sprayer
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Working with Pastillage
Make certain all equipment is perfectly clean
and dry
Use stainless steel bowls, as aluminum
discolors pastillage
Roll paste to a thickness of ⅛ inch (3mm)
Turn objects occasionally so they dry evenly
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Working with Nougatine
Pour cooked nougatine onto a marble slab
As it sets, flip with a spatula so it cools evenly
Flatten with oiled rolling pin
Place patterns on nougatine and cut with
heavy, oiled knife
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Basic Procedure for Boiling
Sugar Syrup
Slowly stir sugar and water in heavy pan over low heat
When sugar dissolves, raise heat to medium high
Stop stirring, place sugar thermometer tip in liquid
If coloring, add food dye at 260˚F (125˚C)
At 275˚F (135˚C), add dissolved cream of tartar
Boil rapidly until desired temperature is reached
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Procedure for Spinning Sugar
Lightly oil two wooden rods
Spread out paper on floor
Bring boiling sugar syrup to 300˚F (149˚C)
Remove from heat and plunge pan bottom
into cold water
Remove from water and let stand to thicken slightly
Dip wire whip with cut ends into hot sugar
Wave solution over rods to catch long threads
Lift mass off rod and coil or shape as desired
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Procedure for Poured/Cast Sugar
Place oiled mold on oiled marble slab
Heat boiling sugar syrup to 330˚F (165˚C)
Plunge base of pan into cold water
Remove and let stand to thicken slightly
Pour syrup into mold to desired thickness
Cool for five minutes
Remove mold
When fully cooled, remove from marble
with palette knife
©2005 National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation.
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Procedure for Pulled Sugar
Heat boiling sugar syrup to 320˚F (160˚C)
Plunge base of pan into cold water
Remove and let stand to thicken slightly
Pour onto oiled marble slab; let cool
Before hardening, begin folding edges into center
When cool, lift up, and stretch and fold until it crackles
Cut into pieces and place under sugar lamp
Stretch and fold pieces 12–20 times
until they are pearled
©2005 National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation.
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Procedure for Blown Sugar
Roll hot pulled sugar into ball.
Indent with wooden rod.
Replace rod with blowpipe and seal.
Inflate slowly, shaping object as it grows.
Heat end to detach, shape stem with fingers.
To make round objects, hold pipe upwards.
To make long objects, point pipe downwards.
©2005 National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation.
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