GLUTEAL/HIP REGION ARTERY Superior Gluteal Artery (pg 61) Inferior Gluteal Artery (pg 61) ORIGIN Internal Iliac artery (anterior division) Internal iliac artery (posterior division) COURSE Passes through greater sciatic notch (above piriformis) Passes through greater sciatic notch (below piriformis) Accompanied by 2 venae comitantes TERMINATION Superficial division BRANCHES Anterior branches Deep division Superficial division -enters deep to gluteus maximus Muscular branch to gluteus maximus & adjacent muscles (ii)inferior branches -supply gluteus medius & minimus -anastomose at throchanteric fossa Jadikan kesusahan itu suatu yg indah.. Internal iliac artery (pariental branch of ant.division) Passes through obturator foramen Accompanied by 2 venae comitantes End by supplying the gluteus maximus Deep division: (i)superior branches -anastomoses at the anterior iliac spine Obturator artery (pg 54) Posterior branches Muscular branhes Anastomotic branch with Acompanying branch to sciatic medial circumflex femoral nerve artery Anastomose with sup.gluteal artery at trochanteric fossa Acetabular branch -supply femoral head Branches to cruciate anastomosis AFIQ FAHIMY –SECTION 3 ANASTOMOSIS TYPE Trochanteric anastomosis Cruciate anastomosis (pg 63) SITE Floor of throchanteric fossa Upper border of adductor magnus (back of thigh) FORMATION Descending branch of sup.gluteal artery Horizontal : -Medial circumflex femoral artery (transverse branch) Ascending branch of both lateral & medial circumflex femoral arteries -Lateral circumflex femoral artery (transverse branch) Inferior gluteal artery Vertical : -Inferior gluteal artery (descending branch) Posterior division of obturator artery VALUE Jadikan kesusahan itu suatu yg indah.. -First perforating artery (ascending branch) Provides main arterial Important collateral supply to the head of femur circulation between internal iliac artery & femoral artery AFIQ FAHIMY –SECTION 3 THIGH REGION Femoral Artery (pg 43) ARTERY Profunda Femoris Artery (pg 45) BEGINNING External Iliac artery (continuation at mid-inguinal point) Posterolateral of femoral artery COURSE Upper half : femoral triangle Passes downward and lateral to psoas major muscle Lower half : Subsartorial canal Then between pectineus & adductor longus Descends over adductor brevis then adductor magnus TERMINATION BRANCHES Opening of adductor magnus popliteal artery 3 superficial inguinal arteries: -superficial epigastric artery -superficial external pudendal artery -Superficial external iliac artery Deep external pudendal artery Profunda femoris artery Descending genicular artery Jadikan kesusahan itu suatu yg indah.. At 4th perforating branch Lateral circumflex femoral artery -ascending branch -transverse branch -descending branch Medial circumflex femoral artery -acetabular branch -ascending branch -horizontal branch 3 perforating branch out of four (the 4th are the termination) AFIQ FAHIMY –SECTION 3 Popliteal Artery (pg 76) ARTERY/VEIN BEGINNING Opening of adductor magnus (continuation of femoral artery) COURSE Enters the popliteal fossa at it’s upper angle Leave fossa at lower angle. Popliteal Vein Lower border of popliteus (ant.tibial artery venae comintantes + Post.tibial artery venae comintantes) Enters the popliteal fossa Have triple relation in the fossa Have triple relation in the fossa TERMINATION Lower border of popliteus muscle into: Anteror tibial artery Posterior tibial artery BRANCHES/ TRIBUTARIES Opening of adductor magnus Femoral vein Muscular branches: Small saphenous vein 5 Genicular branches : -sup.lateral genicular -inf. lateral genicular Tributaries which accompanying branches of popliteal artery -sup.medial genicular -inf.medial genicular -middle genicular Jadikan kesusahan itu suatu yg indah.. AFIQ FAHIMY –SECTION 3 LEG REGION ARTERY Ant.Tibial Artery (pg 83) (anterior of leg) Post.Tibial Artery (pg 100) (posterior of leg) Peroneal Artery (pg 102) (lateral of leg) BEGINNING Lower border of popliteus muscle (ant.branch of popliteal artery) Lower border of popliteus muscle (post.branch of popliteal artery) Posterior tibial artery (1 inch distal to popliteus muscle) COURSE Passes forwards at upper border of interrosseous membrane medial to the neck of fibula. Descends deep to the soleus muscle and first septum of deep fascia Descends downward & lateral toward fibula At lower parts of leg,it become superficial Vertically downwards over medial crest of fibula Descends over the interroseous membrane accompnied by anterior tibial nerve TERMINATION Dorsalis pedis artery Have triple relation with the post.tibial nerve. Deep to the flexor retinaculum: At Inf.tibio-fibular joint : Medial plantar artery Terminal calcanean branch (at midway between the 2 malleolli) Lateral plantar artery BRANCHES Ant.Tibial recurrent artery Post.Tibial recurrent artery Muscular branches Ant.Medial malleolar artery Ant.Medial Malleolar artery Jadikan kesusahan itu suatu yg indah.. Peroneal artery Muscular branches Circumflex fibular branches Nutrient artery to fibula Muscular branches Perforating branches Commucating branch connecting to peroneal artery Communicating branch to the post.tibial artery Malleolar branch Medial calcanean branch Terminal calcanean branches to the lateral side of the heel AFIQ FAHIMY –SECTION 3 FOOT (DORSUM PART) Dorsalis Pedis Artery (pg 88) ARTERY BEGINNING Front of ankle at the midway of the two maleolli (continuation of ant.tibial artery) COURSE On the dorsum of the foot,it lies between: Ext.digitorum longus (laterally) Ext.hallucis Longus (medially) More distally,it crosses the tendon of extensor hallucis brevis. TERMINATION 1st Plantar metatarsal artery (reaches sole region by passing between the two heads of 1st dorsal interrosseous muscle) BRANCHES Lateral tarsal artery Medial tarsal artery Arcuate artery: -Dorsal metatarsal arteries (2nd,3rd,4th) -Perforating branches 1st Dorsal Metatarsal artery 1st Plantar Metatarsal artery Jadikan kesusahan itu suatu yg indah.. AFIQ FAHIMY –SECTION 3 FOOT (SOLE PART) ARTERY Medial Plantar Artery (pg 113) Lateral Plantar artery (pg 113) BEGINNING Deep to flexor retinaculum between: Medial malleolus Medial border of heel Deep to flexor retinaculum between: Medial malleolus Medial border of heel COURSE Passes deep to abductor hallucis Passes deep to abductor hallucis Then,passes forward between flexor digitorum brevis & abductor hallucis Final end,it passes forwards between flexor digitorum brevis & abductor digiti minimi Accompanied by 2 venae comitantes Accompanied by 2 venae comitantes TERMINATION At the base of 1st metatarsal bone : Anastomoses with the 1st plantar metatarsal artery Plantar arch: -anastomose with terminal part of dorsalis pedis artery BRANCHES Muscular branches Proximal part: -Muscular branch -Cutaneous branch -anastomotic branches Cutaneous Branches (supply medial part of sole) Plantar Arch : -Muscular branches Superficial digital branches st nd rd (accompany 1 ,2 ,3 plantar metatarsal arteries) -Articular branches -Post.Perforating branches -Plantar metatarsal arteries (2nd,3rd,4th) -Lateral plantar digital artery Jadikan kesusahan itu suatu yg indah.. AFIQ FAHIMY –SECTION 3 VEINS OF LOWER LIMB (SUPEFICIAL VEINS) Great (long) Saphenous vein (pg 140) Veins Small (short) Saphenous vein (pg 140) Origin Union of : Medial end of dorsal venous arch Medial dorsal digital vein of big toe Union of: Lateral end of dorsal venous arch Lateral dorsal digital vein of little toe Course Curved upwards in front of the medial malleous accompanied by saphenous nerve Passes backwards on the lateral border of the dorsum of foot At leg: Ascends along medial border of tibia Curved ypwards behid lateral malleolus accompanied by sural nerve At thigh: Crosses the roof the femoral triangle to reach the saphenous opening Termination Tributaries Femoral Vein (pierces the cribiform fascia) Superficial inguinal veins : -superficial epigastric -superficial circumflex iliac -superficial external pudendal In popliteal fossa,pierces the deep fascia to terminate into popliteal vein Popliteal vein Drains: -Lateral side of the foot -Posterior part of leg Deep external pudendal vein Antero-lateral & postero-lateral vein of thigh Communicating vein from upper part of the short saphenous vein Jadikan kesusahan itu suatu yg indah.. AFIQ FAHIMY –SECTION 3 VEINS OF LOWER LIMB (DEEP VEINS) Veins Beginning Popliteal vein Lower border of popliteus muscle by union of: -venae comitantes of ant&post.tibial arteries Femoral Vein Opening of adductor magnus (continuation of popliteal vein) Course Ascend in the popliteal fossa Lower ½ : lies in the subsartorial canal Venae comitantes Accompanied the small & medium sized arteries Upper ½ : lies in the femoral triangle Termination Opening of adductor magnus (adductor hiatus) Femoral vein Behind the inguinal ligament External iliac vein Tributaries Short saphenous vein Long saphenous vein 5 genicular veins Profunda femoris vein Lower border of popliteus muscles Popliteal vein Deep external pudendal vein Med.circumflex femoral vein Lat.circumflex femoral vein Jadikan kesusahan itu suatu yg indah.. AFIQ FAHIMY –SECTION 3