1 Resuscitation from Massive Hemorrhage & Development of the MTP: Perspective of an Obstetrical Anesthesiologist From the ED to the battlefield and back to the ED/bedside Alan I. Frankfurt, MD Partner, ATLAS Anesthesia Irving, Texas Department of Anesthesiology TH Dallas-Presbyterian Hospital 2 Learning Objectives History lesson Incidence of MT Alan I. Frankfurt, MD DCR & “5 H’s” Coagulopathy and morbidity in hemorrhagic shock Lethal triad Evolution of the MTP: responding to an iatrogenic coagulopathy Maryland Shock Trauma Somalia & Iraq/Afghanistan 1:1:1 vs. 1:1:2-it’s a math thing PROMMTT PROPPRR Thoughts for your day to day practice in the ED. HISTORY OF WARTIME PREHOSPITAL/ER SHOCK RESUSCITATION WW I/WW II 50 years of Plasma, Albumin and Whole Blood Vietnam Korea 40 years of Crystalloid/ Clear Fluids & WB: 1. 3rd space resuscitation 2. Fractionation of WB OIF/OEF Forward to the past( DCR): 1. Early plasma 2. ”WB” equivalent 3. FWWB 4 Damage Control Resuscitation “5 H’s” • Hemorrhage control ▫ OR timely fashion Definitive solution to bleeding is in the OR/IR • Hypotensive resuscitation ▫ Systolic BP=80-90 torr “Tolerate” shock vs. Popping clots • Hemostatic resuscitation ▫ Blood products early and often: Plasma Prevention of coagulopathy Dilution ACoTS ▫ Minimize crystalloid administration • Homeostasis ▫ Hypothermia ▫ Acidosis • Hypnosis: having our cake and eating it too ▫ DCA Vasoconstriction Vasorelaxed 5 Alan I. Frankfurt, MD Elements of hemostatic resuscitation, and level of evidence in support: R. Dutton; BJA 2012, Vol109 no. suppl 1 i39 Recommendations Evidence Expedited anatomic control in OR Strong; widely accepted Deliberate (permissive) hypotension Several prospective trials; widely accepted Early support of coagulation Antifibrinolytic therapy One large prospective trial, several smaller studies; emerging standard Early use of early plasma and platelets in massively bleeding patients 1:1:1 Controversial; variable application in clinical practice (PROMMTT); PROPPR trial Vasodilation with anesthetic agents aka (DCA) Theory only. Minimal clinical data 6 Hypotensive Resuscitation A Historical Perspective Alan I. Frankfurt, MD 7 Hypotensive Resuscitation: A Balancing Act Alan I. Frankfurt, MD Permissive ischemia Tolerating short period of hypotension Vs. Popping a clot Minimize the risk of increased bleeding 8 Blood Pressure at which Rebleeding Occurs after Resuscitation in Swine with Aortic Injury Jill L. Sondeen, PhD J of Trauma 54: (5) May Supp 2003 • Reproducible blood pressure at which rebleeding occurred in test animals. Keep the SBP 80-90 ▫ Systolic 94 mmHG torr until the bleeding is controlled. ▫ Diastolic 45 mmHG ▫ MAP 64 mmHG Similar to resuscitation pressures suggested by Drs. Cannon (WW1) and Beecher (WW2), respectively. Stern SA; Ann Emerg Med 1993 Feb; 22: 155 Burris D.; J Trauma 1999;46:216-223 Stern SA; Prehosp Emerg Care. 2002;6:81-91 • Standard component of DCR Alan I. Frankfurt, MD 73,000 foot view of Hemorrhage Resuscitation: 9 Keeping the Resuscitation Fluids Administered to a Hemorrhaging Patient, Looking Like Blood Coming Out Early blood product administration (MTP) Early Plasma ? Cryoprecipitate & Platelets Minimize IV crystalloids Avoid coagulopathy Alan I. Frankfurt, MD 10 Basics Alan I. Frankfurt, MD How much do young healthy trauma patients bleed before the patient demonstrates changes in routine vital signs (BP, P, RR, LOC). Do routine vital signs reflect EBL & occult shock? If not, what should we be following? What kills you when you “bleed to death”? 11 ACS ATLS Clinical Signs Associated with Blood Loss: Alan I. Frankfurt, MD Class Class I EBLestimated blood loss. <750cc %EBV Lost <15% Pulse Rate Blood Pressure Mental Status Normal Slightly anxious <100 Normal Class II 750-1500cc Class III Life threatening 1500(2000)cc Class IV Life Threatening 15-30% 30-40% >2000cc 40-50% >100 >120 Weak or intermittent Radial pulse >140 Absent radial pulse. Decrease Decrease Mildly Loss of anxious Effective Compensatio n Confused Lethargic, Confused, Unconscious 13 Alan I. Frankfurt, MD Classification of Shock Using ED Admission Arterial Base Deficit Values Defined by JW Davis, MD et al. Admission Base Deficit Predicts Transfusion Requirements and Risk of Complications James W. Davis, MD; Jour of Trauma, Vol. 3, No. 5: 769 14 Alan I. Frankfurt, MD Questioning the validity of the ATLS classification in hypovolemic shock: the role of (venous) BD/Lactate 15 Alan I. Frankfurt, MD Mutschler et al. Critical Care 2013, 17:R42 16 Alan I. Frankfurt, MD Mutschler et al. Critical Care 2013, 17:R42 17 Alan I. Frankfurt, MD Mutschler et al. Critical Care 2013, 17:R42 18 Hemorrhagic death is the result of systemic vascular collapse Alan I. Frankfurt, MD 19 EBV~5000cc/70 kg person Venoconstriction Arterial constriction Baseline vascular tone Vascular capacitance= X3 EBV MAP Increasing blood loss • Endothelial ischemia & Acidosis pH<7.2 • Loss of vascular reactivity • Catecholamines • Systemic vasodilatation • Vascular collapse 10% 20% 30% Systemic vascular collapse 40% 50-60% 20 Alan I. Frankfurt, MD Pathway to Vascular Collapse and Decompensated Shock Compensated shock: no cellular damage Vasoconstriction: Ischemia tolerant tissue: Skin, skeletal muscle and bone Continuing hemorrhage Exhaustion of physiologic compensatory mechanisms Pathway to vascular collapse: Decompensated shock: cellular damage Vasoconstriction Ischemia intolerant tissue: Brain and heart LETHAL TRIAD: Acidosis, Hypothermia, Coagulopathy 21 Lethal Triad of Trauma: Marker of Physiologic Exhaustion Alan I. Frankfurt, MD Coagulopathy INR Acidosis Hypothermia Best single live/die predictor in trauma & hemorrhage patients. 22 The Lethal Triad Coagulopathy •External bleeding •Consumption of clotting factors •Dilution IV fluids/MTP •Fibrinolysis •Dysfunction: H+/Temperature Massive Hemorrhage Lethal Triad Acidosis(Lactate) •Oxygen debt •pH < 7.2 •50% Factor dysfunction •Vascular paralysis Alan I. Frankfurt, MD Hypothermia •Cold fluids •Vasodilation •Room temp •Open abdomen 23 The Lethal Triad Drives Resuscitation Efforts • Hemorrhage control (stop the bleeding) ▫ ▫ Operating room Interventional radiology • Volume administration (fill the tank) ▫ Coagulopathy •Floor •Consumption •Dilution •Fibrinolysis •Dysfunction Damage Control Resuscitation Preload/Cardiac output/MAP • CaO2 (oxygen carrying capacity) ▫ Hg x SpO2 x K pRBC • Coagulation (make clots) ▫ MTP FFP Cryoprecipitate Platelets Antifibrinolytics Lethal Triad • Homeostasis (keep the patient warm) ▫ Normal physiologic environment Hypothermia Acidosis Calcium Alan I. Frankfurt, MD Acidosis •Oxygen debt •pH <7.2 •50% Factor dysfunction •Vascular paralysis Hypothermia •Cold fluids •Vasodilation •Room temp •Open abdomen 24 Damage Control Alan I. Frankfurt, MD 25 Damage Control Resuscitation • Resuscitative measures that are taken to prevent physiologic exhaustion (lethal triad) and patient death. Alan I. Frankfurt, MD 26 Damage Control Resuscitation “5 H’s” • Hemorrhage control ▫ OR timely fashion • Hypotensive resuscitation ▫ Systolic BP=80 torr Ischemia vs. Popping a clot • Hemostatic resuscitation ▫ Early plasma administration Fibrinogen/EG ▫ Minimize crystalloid administration ▫ MTP 1:1:1:(1) ratio riaSTAP TXA rF7 ▫ RBC Hct 35-40% ▫ Platelets >100,000 • Homeostasis ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ Hypothermia Acidosis Ionized calcium Labs INR/TEG ABG Base deficit Lactate CBC/Chem 7/platelets Fibrinogen • Hypnosis: having our cake and eating it too ▫ DCA Hypotension Vasoconstriction/Hypovole mia Hypotension Vasodilatation/Euvolemia 27 Massive Transfusion Protocols Alan I. Frankfurt, MD 28 Alan I. Frankfurt, MD Massive Transfusion Protocol Version 1.0 Composition and Implementation Shipment # pRBCs Plasma 1 5 5 2 5 5 3 5 5 4 5 5 Platelets 1 apheresis 1 apheresis Role of : rF7a vs. TXA MTP initiation: Bleeding and in hypovolemic shock • • • • Not sure what is bleeding. How long it will take to stop the bleeding. What it is going to take to stop the bleeding. When you’re bleeding too fast to wait for the labs. 29 Massive Transfusion Protocol Version 2.0 (Modify based upon severity of blood loss & institutional capabilities) Last in, first out: <14 days old Early plasma Day 1-3 Plasma ratio vs. Plasma deficit Fibrinogen vWB F8 F13 Fibronectin Europe vs. USA Lyophilized fibrinogen Antifibrinolytic Fibrinogen is the first factor to reach critically low levels during massive bleeding Is there a role for rF7 in massive hemorrhage? 30 Alan I. Frankfurt, MD Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) 1.Continue IV crystalloids and 2.pRBC 2 large bore PIV Hemorrhaging patient Evidence of shock: Pulse > 100/min SBP < 100 torr Shock persist 2000 cc crystalloid fluids to normalize BP Transient responders > 100cc/min blood loss Frequent labs (guide FFP and platelet administration) 31 Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) Hemorrhage resuscitation circa1980 • Crystalloid infusion: ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ Dilution clotting factors Does not carry oxygen Hypothermia Worsening of bleeding • pRBC administration: ▫ Signs of shock • Playing catch up with coagulation ▫ FFP/Cryoprecipitate Driven by PT/PTT lab test 20” lab result turn around 20 minutes to dethaw ▫ Continued crystalloid fluid administration and pRBC ▫ Platelets Iatrogenic driven coagulopathy 32 Alan I. Frankfurt, MD Bloody Vicious Cycle of Biblical Proportion Hemorrhage Resuscitation with IV fluids Coagulopathy Hemodilution Hypothermia Acidosis 33 Breaking the Bloody Vicious Cycle Damage Control Resuscitation“5 H’s” • Hemorrhage control ▫ OR timely fashion Definitive hemorrhage control • Hypotensive resuscitation ▫ Systolic BP=80-90 torr “Tolerate” shock vs. Popping clots • Hemostatic resuscitation Year 2000 (limited trauma centers) DCS DCR: “WB equivalent” Early plasma ▫ Blood products early and often: Plasma Prevention of coagulopathy ▫ Minimize crystalloid administration • Homeostasis ▫ Hypothermia ▫ Acidosis 34 Keeping Fluids Going Into our Patients Looking Like Blood Coming Out During a Hemorrhage Resuscitation Is There a Role for Whole Blood in Civilian Hemorrhage Resuscitation? 35 Alan I. Frankfurt, MD Civilian Use of Whole Blood is Limited • Military: (Fresh Warm) Whole Blood ▫ Warm: 20-24 C* ▫ Fresh if < 24 hours old ▫ Walking blood bank Pre-tested • Civilian: Whole Blood ≠ ▫ Cold: 1-4C* ▫ Formal testing for transmissible disease. 72 hours ▫ Licensed for 21 days ▫ Difficult to obtain from blood centers Fractionation of WB ▫ Efficient use of blood product ▫ Financial 36 Is the MTP (1:1:1) the Modern Day Whole Blood Equivalent: • Crystalloid fluid ▫ Poor volume expander ▫ Carries no oxygen, coagulation factors • What if we administer the fractionated parts of WB as a 1:1(:1) ratio? ▫ Volume ▫ Oxygen delivery ▫ Coagulation factors 37 Origin of the (Civilian) MTP 1:1:1 transfusion ratio Alan I. Frankfurt, MD • • • John Hess, MD; Richard Dutton, MD: From ISR to Maryland STU 2000 Transfusion Vol. 44, Issue 6 pp. 809-813, June 2004 • Blood transfusion rates in the care of acute trauma John J. Como, Richard Dutton, Thomas M. Scalea, Bennette B. Edelman, John R. Hess Transfus Med Rev. 2003; 17: 223-31 • • • Treating coagulopathy in trauma patients • Armand R., Hess JR 38 Alan I. Frankfurt, MD Origin of the MTP 1:1:1 Ratio Maryland Shock Trauma, Baltimore Md. • Early plasma administration ▫ Dr. Como et al.(Transfusion 2004); “Blood transfusion rates in the care of acute trauma” 8% (479/5645 trauma admissions 2000) received RBC transfusion 3% > 10U RBC/24 hours ▫ 90% ultimately received plasma 5645 trauma admissions to Shock Trauma Center in 2000 5219 units of RBC 5226 units of FFP RBC FFP 1:1 ratio ED ICU Lack of immediate availability of plasma 39 Alan I. Frankfurt, MD Birth of the Massive Transfusion Protocol (MTP) ▫ Question: “Are we using FFP in the ICU to rescue an iatrogenic (ATLS) induced coagulopathy from the ED/OR resuscitation?” “What if we gave the FFP at the same time as the pRBC in patients with massive hemorrhage?” (personal communication, Richard Dutton, MD) ▫ Drs. Dutton, Hess & Holcomb 1:1 RBC/FFP in ED Baltimore, Md. 2000 Bagdad, Iraq 2005 40 Is the Massive Transfusion Protocol 1:1:1 ratio the WB equivalent? (Kinda) 1 unit pRBC: 1 unit FFP: 1 unit (apheresis) platelets = 1 unit “whole blood” equivalent? 41 Alan I. Frankfurt, MD MTP 1:1:1 “Hemotherapy induced hemodilution” Whole Blood 500cc Temp Hct Platelets Coagulation Factor % Fibrinogen Amount of anticoagulant and additives 37* C 3850% 150,000 to 400,000 100% 1500 mg 63cc -30-0*C 29% 88,000 65% 950 mg 205cc WFWB Component Therapy 680cc 1 unit: PRBC, FFP, Platelet 42 Alan I. Frankfurt, MD MTP 1:1:1 “Hemotherapy induced hemodilution” Whole Blood 500cc Temp Hct Platelets Coagulation Factor % Fibrinogen Amount of anticoagulant and additives 37* C 3850% 150,000 to 400,000 100% 1500 mg 63cc -30-0*C 29% (10% ) 26% 88,000 (30%) 55,000 65% 750 mg 205cc WFWB Component Therapy 680cc 1U: PRBC, FFP, Platelet 43 Alan I. Frankfurt, MD MTP 1:1:2 “Hemotherapy induced hemodilution” Whole Blood 500cc Temp Hct Platelets Coagulation Factor % Fibrinogen Amount of anticoagulant and additives 37* C 3850% 150,000 to 400,000 100% 1500 mg 63cc -30-0*C 29% 88,000 65% 750 mg 205cc WFWB Component Therapy 680cc 2PRBC, 1FFP, 1Platelet 40% 55,000 1:1:2 36% 37,000 1:1:1 26% 55,000 52% Storage related losses 52% 65% Any crystalloid administered will further dilute all 3 blood components. 44 PROPPR Trial: JAMA 2015, 313(5): 471-482 Study Question Alan I. Frankfurt, MD In patients with severe trauma and predicted to require massive transfusion, does the use of a transfusion protocol using a 1:1:1 ratio of plasma to platelets to red blood cells (RBCs) compared to 1:1:2 improve mortality? 45 Alan I. Frankfurt, MD PROPPR Trial: Results • 24 hour/30 day all cause mortality ▫ No difference between 1:1:1 vs 1:1:2 • Reduced mortality in 1:1:1 group from exsanguination in the first 24 hours. • The Kaplan-Meier survival curves for a 3 hour endpoint: ▫ Statistically significant mortality difference between the two groups. This was not one of the allowed primary outcomes. • Our current definitions of massive transfusion are outdated. ▫ Critical Administration Threshold (CTA): 3 units/hour 46 Cryoprecipitate 1:1:1:1(?) Alan I. Frankfurt, MD D U D 1United 3 Washington States Army Institute of Surgical Research, Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234-6315, 2San Antonio Military Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234 University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO 63108, 4 Baltimore CSTARS, R. Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center / University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21201, 5 Nellis Air Force Base, NV 89191 ED I CAT I O TY E Andrew P. Cap1, Philip C. Spinella1,3, Nichole K. Ingalls5, Christopher E. White1,2, Alejandra G. Mora1, Heather F. Pidcoke1, Nicolas Prat1, Lorne H. Blackbourne1, Joseph J. DuBose4 N ROTEM Radically Alters Transfusion in Combat Casualty Resuscitation S ERV IC MTP RATIO DRIVEN RESUSCITATION 50 Percent of subjects ROTEM DRIVEN RESUSCITATION 40 x5 30 PRE POST 20 10 0 pRBC FFP Cryo *There were 16 and 15 transfused patients respectively in each period that did not receive RBC. PLT D U D 1United 3 Washington States Army Institute of Surgical Research, Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234-6315, 2San Antonio Military Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234 University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO 63108, 4 Baltimore CSTARS, R. Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center / University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21201, 5 Nellis Air Force Base, NV 89191 ED I CAT I O TY E Andrew P. Cap1, Philip C. Spinella1,3, Nichole K. Ingalls5, Christopher E. White1,2, Alejandra G. Mora1, Heather F. Pidcoke1, Nicolas Prat1, Lorne H. Blackbourne1, Joseph J. DuBose4 N ROTEM Radically Alters Transfusion in Combat Casualty Resuscitation S ERV IC Conclusions 1. DCR utilizing a 1:1:1 ratio driven MTP may underestimate the need for cryoprecipitate and platelets 2. ROTEM driven resuscitation more closely approximated a 1:1:1:1 transfusion ratio. *There were 16 and 15 transfused patients respectively in each period that did not receive RBC. 49 How Much Difference Does Additional Cryoprecipitate and Platelets Make? 2003 Iraq 2012 Afghanistan • Mortality: >20% ▫ No platelets and cryoprecipitate available in theater • Mortality: <10% ▫ Greater cryoprecipitate and platelets availability. Evolving MTP 1:1:1:1 ISS scores higher in casualties in 2012 than those in 2003. 50 Alan I. Frankfurt, MD Putting it all together Massive Transfusion Protocol THR Dallas 51 Alan I. Frankfurt, MD MTP & Uncontrolled Hemorrhage PYXIS/L&D resuscitation BLOOD BANK resuscitation • TXA ▫ 1-2 grams IV slowly ▫ 1 gram IVPB over 8 hours • riaSTAP ▫ 2-4 grams IV • O negative pRBC • (+/- Liquid Plasma) • iSTAT ▫ Hgb; ABG/VBG; ionized Ca ▫ Lactate • Round 1 MTP ▫ O negative pRBC ▫ AB negative FFP ▫ (+/- cryoprecipitate) ▫ (+/- platelets) • Round 2 MTP ▫ Type specific pRBC ▫ Type specific FFP ▫ (+/- cryoprecipitate) ▫ ( +/- platelets) 52 Rethinking the Acceptable Hematocrit and Platelet marginalization during massive hemorrhage • Higher Hct increased platelet interaction with the endothelium. • Platelet concentrations along the endothelium remains almost x7 that of the average blood concentration. Uijttewall WS et al., Am J Physiol 1993, 264: H1239-H1244 53 Maintain a Hct 35%: Shear stress & platelet margination Alan I. Frankfurt, MD 35% 21% Hardy JF et. Can J Anaesthe 2006, 53: S40-S58 54 HCT & Platelet count: Synergistic Effect on Clotting Hct level Platelet count Percentage platelet interaction with subendothelium Hct =40% 200,000 19.3 +/- 7.8 100,000 7.5 +/- 2.8 50,000 2.5 +/- 0.8 200,000 3.3 +/- 4.0 100,000 2.8 +/- 0.7 50,000 0.6 +/- 0.2 Hct=20% Transfusion 1994, Vol. 34, No.6 55 Plasma Alan I. Frankfurt, MD 56 Alan I. Frankfurt, MD Thawed FFP/FP <24 hrs Thawed plasma 24 hrs-5 days Frozen: “FFP” < 8 hrs; “FP” < 24 hrs RBC Plasma Never Frozen: “Liquid Plasma” Thawed shelf life: 5 days Platelets Shelf life: 26 days 57 Plasma deficit vs. Plasma ratio Plasma ratio: pRBC:FFP Vs. Plasma deficit: (Total RBC)-(Total FFP) 58 BLOOD PRODUCT USE IN TRAUMA RESUSCITATION: Plasma deficit versus plasma ratio as predictors of mortality in trauma Andreas R. de Biasis, Lynn G. Stansbury, Richard P. Dutton, Debra M. Stein, Thomas Ml Scalea, and John R. Hess • Plasma deficit ▫ (Total RBC)-(Total FFP)<2 Mortality was related to plasma deficit, not plasma ratio 0-3 hours post injury Early plasma availabililty • Gold:Red:Gold:Red….. • Simultaneous administration of plasma along with pRBC • Thawed plasma/Liquid (never frozen) plasma in ED/L&D • Lyophilized plasma • Unavailable in USA • ? Lyophilized fibrinogen 59 Future Developments Lyophilized FFP Alan I. Frankfurt, MD • Logistic requirements: ▫ Storage No refrigeration required Room temperature Easily transported ▫ Quickly reconstituted • Rapid volume expansion ▫ Rapid 1:1 pRBC/FFP ration obtained • Contains all clotting factors • Shelf life ▫ 2 years Clotting factor • ABO considerations ▫ No blood typing required • French military medicine ▫ 1994 • FDA: compassionate approval for the US military ▫ Special forces 60 Plasma & the Endothelium (The other 50% of making a strong clot) Alan I. Frankfurt, MD 61 Alan I. Frankfurt, MD Role of the Endothelia Glycocalyx and Resuscitation Fluids Choice • Extremely fragile • Composition ▫ Glycoproteins ▫ Proteoglycans • Key determinants of membrane permeability in various vascular organ systems. • 0.2-1.0 mm thickness • 1000 cc plasma embedded in the EG. 62 Alan I. Frankfurt, MD 63 Plasma: 1000 different proteins Coagulation factors Immunoglobulin Albumin Coagulation Procoagulant Anticoagulants Overall health of the endothelium Resuscitation/Repair of the EG Hemorrhagic shock 64 Alan I. Frankfurt, MD Early Plasma vs Crystalloid Effects of Resuscitation Fluids on the Integrity of the Endothelial Glycocalyx: 65 Review: Transfusion Protocol Version 2.0 We are here 66 Platelets Alan I. Frankfurt, MD 67 Platelets Platelet Storage: “One size does not fit all” Decisions that shaped the policy on PLT storage temperature Platelet Aggregation 2 hours Flowing disc-shaped platelet Rolling ball-shaped platelet 22*C Scanning electron micrograph of discoid, dormant platelets Hemisphere-shaped platelet Spreading platelet FIRM, BUT REVERSIBLE ADHESION IRREVERSIBLE ADHESION Activated, aggregating platelets illustrating fibrin strands Adapted from: Kuwahara M et al. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2002; 22: 329–34. 69 Platelet Storage: Effects of temperature • 22*C ▫ 5 day life span ▫ 1-2 hours to “activate” • 4*C ▫ 48 hour life span ▫ Immediately “activated” Refrigeration of platelets abandoned in 1970’s. • Logistics vs. Patient requirements 70 Historical perspective on platelet storage 2 patient populations with different platelet requirements Patient population: Trauma, OB(PPH, Abruption, Accreta) Requirement: Immediate bleeding problem Patient population: Patients receiving chemotherapy Immediate clot formation & hemostasis (activated platelets) Requirement: prophylaxis against future bleeding 4*C platelets Immediately primed Survival time: hours Long circulation time (platelet survival) 22*C platelets 1-2 hours for priming Survival time: days 71 Fibrinogen & Clot strength The 80% Solution Non pregnant state: 200-400 mg% Pregnant state: 400-700(1000) mg% 72 Alan I. Frankfurt, MD Fibrinogen (F1) is the Weak Link in the Clotting System • Hemorrhage ▫ Rapid depletion of F1 (fibrinogen) • Clot formation ▫ Fibrin precursor • Platelet interaction ▫ Activation ▫ Binding ▫ Aggregation 73 What is the Optimal Fibrinogen Threshold for Optimal Clot Formation? 74 Plasma Fibrinogen levels & Optimal Hemostasis • 150-300 mg/dl ▫ Linear increase in clot strength with increasing F1 levels. • 625 mg/dl ▫ Clot strength equal to whole blood Pregnancy level > 28 weeks • 1000 mg/dl ▫ Clot strength equal to x3 whole blood Clot strength vs. Hypercoagulability Nielsin V, Levy J: Fibrinogen and Bleeding: Old Molecule-New Ideas Anesth Analg 2007; 105: 902-3 75 Sources of Fibrinogen: • Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) • Cryoprecipitate • Fibrinogen concentrate ▫ riaSTAP 1 grams of riaSTAP/bottle 50cc sterile water ▫ US “off label” Acquired hypofibrinogenemia ▫ Europe Eliminated cryoprecipitate International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia (2010) 19, 218-234 Volume considerations & Preparation time. Allogenic blood products Thawing Typing (ABO if possible) Infection 76 Fibrinogen Concentrate RiaSTAP • Human donor ▫ Pooled plasma product Lyophilized • Viral inactivation • Predictable mg content/vial ▫ 1000 mg/vial • No thawing required ▫ Pyxis storage • ? Thrombogenic potential 77 Tranexamic Acid (TXA) Lysine analogue antifibrinolytics Resuscitation in a drawer (pyxis) Mode of Action of Lysine Analogue Tranexamic Acid (TXA) Mannucci PM, Levi M. N Engl J Med 2007;356:2301-2311 TXA 80 Alan I. Frankfurt, MD CRASH-2 Study 81 Alan I. Frankfurt, MD Resuscitation in a drawer • Factor 1 (fibrinogen) • • • • • ▫ riaSTAP TXA rF7a Combat gauze Calcium Factors: 2, 7, 9, 10 Located in the ED/L&D unit pyxis ▫ PCC (prothrombin concentrate complex) Vitamin K dependent factors ▫ Factor 8/vWB Endothelium ▫ Lyophilized plasma ▫ Platelets Factor 5 Entegrion Lyophilized platelets Future 82 Alan I. Frankfurt, MD Citrate Intoxication & “ionized "Calcium • Citrate intoxication ▫ 90% citrate FFP & Platelets ▫ Calcium & Magnesium • Rate of transfusion, not total blood products • Measured calcium vs. Ionized calcium ▫ Total calcium is normal even when ionized calcium of critically low Total calcium measures both calcium bound to citrate and free, ionized calcium 83 Summary Alan I. Frankfurt, MD 84 Alan I. Frankfurt, MD Damage control: Maintain or re-establishing a survivable physiologic state Damage Control Surgery Hemostasis (definitive) If you need to be in the OR, get there quickly Damage Control Resuscitation Hypotension (permissive) Avoid popping clots Hemostatic resuscitation Clotting factors early and often: MTP Plasma deficit Pharmacologic Damage Control Anesthesia Homeostasis Hypnosis Keep the patient warm Get them anesthetized 85 Damage Control Resuscitation Goals • Fibrinogen ▫ • >250-400 mg% FFP Cryoprecipitate risSTAP: fibrinogen concentrate Hct ▫ 35-40% • Platelet concentration ▫ • >100,000 Plasma ▫ Plasma deficit < 2 ▫ ▫ ▫ • Endothelial glycocalyx Coagulation factors Anticoagulants Base deficit & Lactate Temperature ▫ • Early plasma administration pH ▫ • Platelet interaction Active warming measures Ionized calcium ▫ 4 will get you 4 Hypotension unresponsive to volume 86 Questions?? Alan I. Frankfurt, M.D. F7040@aol.com