Effects of Vocal Characteristics on Perceived Gender and Sexual Orientation Ricky McGee & Levi Hamner Hanover College Voice • People with lower frequency voices are perceived to be more dominant. (Puts et al., 2006) (Borkowska, 2011) • Females with higher pitched voices were assessed as more attractive up to a certain pitch in voice. ( Borkowska, 2011) • Masculine voices are rated as more competent than feminine voices. Feminine voices are rated as having more warmth than masculine voices. (Ko, Judd, & Stapel, 2009) Masculinity/Femininity & Sexual Orientation • Gay men sound less masculine than heterosexual men, and lesbian women sound less feminine than heterosexual women. (Munson, 2007) • Female listeners identified gay male speakers through higher frequency voices. (Linville, 1998) Research Question How are people's perceptions of masculinity, femininity, and sexual orientation, influenced by: • The masculinity or femininity of a voice? • The perceiver's own masculinity and femininity? Hypotheses • The pitch of the voice will influence the participants gender identification of the speaker. • The characteristics of the voice will determine the participants sexual orientation identification of the speaker. • A voice that is of deeper pitch, which also consists of feminine characteristics, will be perceived as a homosexual male. Procedure • Informed Consent • Test Recording • Voice Recording • Survey and Demographics • Bem Sex Role Inventory Test o (Bem, 1972) • Debriefing Participants • 44 Participants • 24 Males, 20 Females • 99% Caucasian • Ages 19-52 – Average Age: 22 – Median Age: 21 Audio • One of twelve audio recordings, will be played about our target subject, 'Alex.' o All have the same script o Three audio recordings are spoken by a male. o Three audio recordings are spoken by a female. o Each recording was duplicated and digitally altered to mimic the pitch of the opposite sex. Audio Procedure • Programs o Adobe Premier Pro o Adobe Sound Booth • Alterations o Bass Changer o Pitch Shifter • Exported into .mp3 formats Impressions of Alex • 6-point Likert Scale • Measures to Assess Attention o Alex has three siblings. • Social-Distance Measures o I would be interested in getting to know Alex. • Measures of Masculinity/Femininity o o • High/Low Masculinity Alex is masculine High/Low Femininity Alex would enjoy reading Cosmopolitan Magazine Measure to Assess Homosexuality o Alex is a homosexual Data Analysis • ANOVA o 2x2 between voice pitch (masculine or feminine) and voice characteristics (masculine or feminine). • Multiple Regressions o Ratings of Alex regressed on voice pitch and characteristics, and all possible interactions of those 2 factors. o Expect that homosexual identification will be amplified by feminine characteristics of a masculine-pitched voice. Results Results cont. Results cont. Interaction p= .02 Results cont. r= -.464, p=.002 Limitations • Restricted range on the BSRI. – All ‘Undifferentiated’ • Pitch manipulations failed to influence subjects’ gender inferences. Questions?