The Nation-State Giuseppe Mazzini

-Strong Identification towards society and the state
- The strongest states using nationalism is Britain
- Other States that were Nationalists:
-Austria, Prussia, Russia, and France
-Conservative leaders of the major European powers were successful in
quelling powerful nationalistic uprisings in Poland, Prussia, Italy, and
-Irish Nationalism became increasingly important as the Irish wanted to
abrogate the Act of Union of 1801
-Each European power competed against each other to become the dominant
industrial leader
-Imperialism, defined by The Dictionary of Human Geography, is
"the creation and maintenance of an unequal economic, cultural
and territorial relationship, usually between states and often in the
form of an empire, based on domination and subordination.“
- Imperialists has been described as expansionists and mercantilists
-Empires that have been considered imperialists are the Ottoman
Empire and the Roman Empire as well as the Persian Empire
-Tension rose when the European countries began to fight and have
tension when it came to expanding their territories
-Nation-States describe the combination of a
political state with the emotional response of a
collective social identity
- The nation is founded on a combination of mutual
languages, religions, history, ethnicity, and goals for
the future
- Nation -States emerge from large empires
- Nation- States develop an efficient central
government that were capable of collecting taxes
-Nation-States took an economic interest in the
- Mix of Capitalists and Mercantilists also
independent merchants as well as state-controlled
-In the 1700’s the Nation-states were feared because
of their military power as well as their economic
-Nation-States include Portugal, Egypt, Poland etc.
-Giuseppe Mazzini “The Heart”
-Founded Young Italy in 1831
- Secret association promoting the unification and independence
of Italy from other foreign control
-Expressed nationalistic, democratic, and humanistic views
-Cultural views agreed with Cavour’s political organization
Otto Von Bismark
- He was the prime minister of Prussia
- He unified German states into a German nation
Assisted by William I
-”Blood and Iron”
-The war and increase industrialization
-Cavour “The Head”
-Prime minister of Sardinia-Piedmont under King Emmanuel II
-Created an alliance with Napoleon III (Enemies toward Austria)
-Completed Mazzini’s cultural view
- National movement was poised for political victory
Otto Von Bismark
-Menelik II
-He was the King of Ethiopia
-Italy attempted to conquer Ethiopia however Ethiopia remained
independent because of the ability to defend themselves
-They obtained weapons and had trained forces
-Defeated Italy at the Battle of Adowa
-Leopold II
-King Of Belgium
- At the Berlin Conference, Leopold became the new ruler of the
-Harsh working conditions in the Congo
-Cruel ruling of Slaves
-Economic purposes included rubber and rich minerals
Leopold II
Menelik II
-ZeXu Lin
-He was the Imperial Commissioner for China
-Triggered the Opium Wars
-Attempted to confiscate and destroy the opium received from
-Also tried to stop trade with Britain
-Sun Yat-Sen
-Sun called for a twofold anti-colonial revolution
-Against the Manchus and then against the European, American
and Japanese Powers
Sun Yat-Sen
Lin ZeXu
-Rebels named the Boxers by the Europeans were enraged by the
foreign arrogance in China
-They burned Christian missions, killed missionaries, and laid siege to
the foreign legations for two months
- Europeans did not take action for they wanted the Chinese
government to take charge of their own country