Lecture 5

The Nyamwezi Region
The Nyamwezi Region
Nyamwezi Throne
Nyamwezi Throne
Female Nyamwezi Sculpture
Nyamwezi Fertility Doll
Nyamwezi Harp
Nyamwezi Couple
Elizabeth Bagaaya of Toro
Appearance of Mediums
“A class of mendicants or
gentle beggars called Bandwa
allied to the Cwezi cult
members, seem spread all
over these kingdoms. They
adorn themselves with more
beads, bells, brass and
curiosities than any other
race and generally carry an
ornamented tree-creeper in
their hands,
Appearance of Mediums
many of their women look
handsome and captivating
when dressed up in
variously colored skins, and
wearing a small turban or
bark cloth…The natives all
respect them very much,
never refusing them food
when they call, and treating
them as religious devotees.”
Spirit Mediums in Zimbabwe
Spirit Possession, Ghana
Spirit Mediums, Ethiopia
Appearance of Mediums
“The most striking figures
among the crowds of people
loitering about here were
the Cwezi sorceresses, a
large number of whom are
found at the court of every
Bunyoro prince. Clothed in
bark cloths, yellowish brown
or dyed black—one wore
even the handsome mtone,
a fine bark cloth with black
Appearance of Mediums
patterns—so that the whole body
is covered, they also not
infrequently wear skins of goats
or sheep, and occasionally of
cheetah and adorn or disfigure
their heads with objects of every
conceivable description. These
ladies are certainly not
beautiful, and they would hardly
be eligible for vestal virgins,
Appearance of Mediums
but they are feared and
therefore venture to take many
liberties. As is always the case
where professional interests
are concerned, they vie with
one another in eccentricities.
One at a local chief’s court
…wanted her shoulders rubbed
and her head bent.”
“Whoever comes to my tomb
to pray will be heard by me
and I will help him in his
trouble. . . I will help women
in their confinements and I
will give children to barren
women. Let everyone pray to
me and I will help them.”
The Lovedu
Rain Queen’s Royal Enclosure 1953
Drums at Rain Queen’s Royal Kraal
Rain Queen’s Residential entrance
RainQueen Khesetoane Modjadji III
1959-80 Makoma Modjadji IV (1959
– 1980)
Makobo Constance Modjadji VI
The Asante
The Asante
The Asante
Asante Golden Stool
Unnamed Asante Queen Mother
Asantehemma Kwaadu Yaadom II
Asante Gold Weight
Asante Gold Weight
Asante Queen Mother
Asante Queen Mothers
“It is woman who gave birth
to a man, it is a woman
who gave birth to a
Governmental Structure
•Empire = Asantehemma
•Paramounts = Ohemaa
•Towns = Oba Panin
• Clans (8)= Abusuapanyin
Igboland, Nigeria
Igboland, Nigeria
Igboland, Nigeria
Igbo Gongs
Igbo Masks
Igbo Ukwu, Bowl
Igbo Mask
Igbo Mask
Igbo Women in Politics
•Two constituencies.
– (1) Spiritual political
– (2) Human political
Spiritual Political Constituency
Genderless Great God
Female Workers &
of Divinities
Masked Spirits
Masked Spirits
Of Masked Spirits
Female Masked Spirits: Abere
•Night guard
•Conscience of Society
•Agent of Social Control
Female Masked Spirits: Abere
•Community Court
•Promoted and Protected
Women’s Industry
Ekpe Masquerade
Ekpe Masquerade
Ekpe Masquerades
Ekpe Masquerades
Ekpe Masquerades
Ekpe Masquerades
Ekpe Masquerades
Ekpe Masquerades
Ekpe Masquerades
Parade of Masquerades
Female Masquerades—Daughters
Female Masquerades—Daughters
Female Masquerades—Daughters
Female Masquerades—Daughters
Grandmother Masquerade
A Very Old Elder
Nsukka Masquerades
Nsukka Masquerades
Nsukka Masquerades
The Merciless Masquerade
Masquerades called Government
Spiritual Court Messengers
Spiritual Police
Spiritual Police
Spiritual Police Sergeant
Onyeocha—The Whiteman