Macbeth Act Summaries Act One 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. The ______________ plan to meet Macbeth. Macbeth crushes the rebellion against _____________. Duncan makes Macbeth the Thane of _____________. The witches meet ____________ and __________________ and deliver the first set of _________________. Macbeth’s ______________ is strengthened. Angus and ________________ arrive to confirm the second prediction. Duncan makes Malcolm Prince of ______________________, and announces his intention to visit _________________. Lady Macbeth gets her husband’s ________________ and plans her course of action. Macbeth arrives and __________________ encourages his ambition. __________________ arrives and is cordially received by _______________ and ________________. Macbeth debates the pros and cons of ___________________ and decides against it. _________________________ changes his mind, and the plot is hatched. Act Two 1. In this act, it becomes clear that Macbeth has rejected ___________ and chosen __________. 2. Lady Macbeth drugs the wine of the sleeping ______________ who are guarding the king. 3. Lady Macbeth returns to Duncan’s room to ____________ the bloody daggers and _____________the faces of the grooms with blood. 4. _______________ discovers Duncan’s body and sounds the alarm. 5. Duncan’s sons, ________________ and _________________ , knowing their own innocence and expecting treachery, decide to flee Inverness. 6. Their flight makes them appear suspicious to the people of _____________. 7. ___________ is chosen as king, but _____________ refuses to attend the coronation at ___________, which suggests that he is not convinced to Macbeth’s _______________ in the death of Duncan. Act Three 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. _________________ grows suspicious of how Macbeth rose so quickly to the throne, but remains _______ towards Macbeth. Macbeth, however, realizes the ____________________ and sees Banquo and his son _________ as threats. HE hires ________________ to kill them, but _____________ escapes. At a _____________ that evening, Banquo’s _______ appears, visible only to Macbeth. The horrified Macbeth acts so strangely that ___________________ asks the guests to ___________, explaining that her husband’s strange behaviour is a _______________. Macbeth says he needs to see the ___________ as soon as possible to find out what the future has in store for him. The ________. Meanwhile, meet with their queen __________to plan Macbeth’s _______________. _________ receives news that _________________ has gone to England to join forces with _________ and to enlist the aid of the English King. Although __________________ continues an allegiance to Macbeth, he reveals to another lord that he wishes ____________ and _______________ success in overthrowing Macbeth. Act Four 1. Macbeth finds the _______, who show him a procession of ___________________, each with a ____________ for Macbeth. 2. The first, an __________________, tells him to beware of _______________, 3. The second, a ____________________________ tells him “none of a woman born shall harm __________.” 4. The third, a _______________ child, holding a ________ tells him he will be safe “until __________ wood comes to ____________.” 5. Finally, Macbeth watches as _____ kings appear followed by _______________. 6. The witches vanish, and ___________ appears with the news of _____________ flight to _______________. 7. Macbeth immediately plans to attack ___________ unprotected castle at ________, killing his wife and children. 8. While Macbeth orders are being carried out, __________and ___________ meet in England. 9. To test Macduff’s _________, Malcolm claims that when he is king he will make Macbeth look like a gentle and good leader. 10. Eventually, ____________________ distressed reaction is enough to satisfy him. 11. _______ brings word of the _______ at Fife, and a distraught Macduff vows to kill ___________ with his own sword. Act Five 1. The final act of the play opens in Macbeth’s fortress _____________. 2. In one of Shakespeare’s most famous scenes, Lady Macbeth’s words and phrases reveal a _________ woman whose _______ has driven her to the brink of madness. 3. Meanwhile, an English army led by Malcolm, _________ and Macduff join with Scottish rebels near ___________. 4. Macbeth is preparing for battle, and thinks that he is __________ because of the apparition’s_________________. However, he is a _______ and ________ man without love and his friends. 5. The news of _______________ death hardly moves him. 6. _________ has ordered his soldiers to cut down __________ from the trees in ___________ wood to camouflage their numbers. 7. Macbeth is _______ when he hears a report that Birman wood seems to be marching towards ______________ After expressing a great weariness for life, ___________ goes out to do battle. 8. He kills ______________. Macduff reveals to Macbeth that his mother had a _____________________, and therefore he is not born of ____________. 9. A __________fight ensues, and _____________ defeats __________ by cutting off his ___________. Finally, ____________________________________. Macbeth Content Questions Act One Scene One 1. Which mood/atmosphere is established at the beginning of the play? How? 2. Who do the witches plan to meet after the battle? 3. Why do you think Shakespeare included this scene first? What does is foreshadow? Act One Scene Two 1. What news is brought to King Duncan by the captain and Ross? What is his reaction to the news about the Thane of Cawdor? 2. How does Scene two introduce the absent Macbeth? Provide textual support. What is your first impression of him? 3. Complete a character chart for both Duncan and Malcolm with character traits and examples from the scene. Use AT LEAST one quotation per character to support your response. Act One Scene Three 1. What prophecies are given to Macbeth and Banquo by the witches? 2. How could Macbeth be “lesser than Macbeth and much greater” and “not so happy, yet much happier”? Explain. Which literacy device could be used to describe these phrases? 3. Explain at least two examples of dramatic irony in this scene. 4. What qualities of Macbeth’s character are brought out in his first soliloquy? Act One Scene Four 1. How does the Thane of Cawdor die? How has King Duncan always felt about Cawdor? What does this say about Duncan’s character? 2. State the importance of the following events: a) Duncan naming Malcolm as his successor b) Duncan’s decision to visit Inverness. 3. Identify and explain two examples of dramatic irony in this scene? Act One Scene Five 1. How is Lady Macbeth advised of the witches’ prophecies? 2. Analyze the imagery used in Lady Macbeth’s speeches. What does this reveal about her character? 3. Explain one example of irony in Lady Macbeth’s speeches. Act One Scene Six 1. How is a peaceful atmosphere created at the beginning of this scene? How does this create pathos for Duncan? Any irony in this peaceful setting? 2. What is ironic about the conversation between Lady Macbeth and Duncan? Which theme does this reveal? 3. Which qualities does Lady Macbeth demonstrate in this scene? Provide examples. Scene Seven 1. Summarize Macbeth’s long soliloquy at the beginning of the scene. How does it a) create sympathy for him b) destroy sympathy for him? 2. What taunts are used by Lady Macbeth to spur on Macbeth to commit the crime? 3. What plan has Lady Macbeth formulated for Duncan’s demise? 4. What is Lady Macbeth’s function in this scene? 5. How is Lady Macbeth both admirable and despicable in this scene? Act Two Scene One 1. a) b) 2. What evidence in the text that: Banquo has been tempted by the prophecy make to him? Banquo is trying to resist the temptation? How does the dagger soliloquy create atmosphere advance the plot, and reveal character? Act Two Scene Two 1. How does Lady Macbeth save the situation in this scene? Explain. 2. Show that both Macbeth’s imagination and conscience are active in this scene. 3. Provide an example of pun, metaphor, and onomatopoeia. Explain how Shakespeare uses each of these devices to create meaning. Act Two Scene Three 1. What does the porter provide in the start of this scene? 2. Why does Macbeth murder the grooms? In which way is this wise? In which way is it foolish? 3. Provide reasons for thinking that Lady Macbeth’s faint is a) genuine b) feigned. What effect would each have on your opinion of her? 4. What roles do Banquo and Macbeth play in this scene? Explain providing examples. Act Two Scene Four 1. 2. 3. 4. How successful has Macbeth been in the achievement of his ambition? Support your response with examples. Which details are used to reveal the unnatural aspects of the murder? Explain by referring to pathetic fallacy. What purpose is served by the Old Man? What information is provided about the following characters? a) Macduff b) Duncan c) Malcolm d) Donalbain e) Ross Act Two Response In proper paragraph format, explain who you believe is more responsible for the murder of King Duncan: Macbeth or Lady Macbeth? Argue your position using examples and quotations from the play (use PPA format). Act Three Scene One 1. 2. 3. 4. How does Macbeth react to success? Explain using specific examples from the play. What evidence is there in this scene that Banquo suspects Macbeth of the murder of Duncan? Read Macbeth’s soliloquy carefully (3.1.48-72) and summarize his reasons for wanting Banquo murdered. How are Macbeth’s plans for the second murder different than the plans made for the first murder? What does this indicate about Macbeth’s character? Explain. 5. Why are the murders prepared to carry out Macbeth’s wishes? Act Three Scene Two 1. Does Lady Macbeth appear to be enjoying her new position? Explain. 2. Illustrate how the relationship between Macbeth and his wife has altered by referring to specific examples from the text. 3. What evidence is there of Macbeth’s growing ruthlessness and his tormented conscience? 4. What does the darkness and the night symbolize in the scene/play? Explain providing specific examples. Act Three Scene Three 1. Explain how the murder of Banquo could be considered the crisis of the play. 2. Who is the third murderer? What is the purpose of the third murderer? Provide support for your opinion. Act Three Scene Four 1. What is the significance of Banquo’s ghost? What arguments can be used to support the idea that Banquo’s ghost is the crisis/turning point in the play? 2. What arguments and methods does Lady Macbeth use to try to restore Macbeth to normality? 3. Explain the significance of the following. What does each item foreshadow? a) Macbeth’s thoughts turn at this time to Macduff. b) He is determined to seek out the weird sisters. Act Three Scene Five 1. What is your opinion of Hecate? Summarize her plans for Macbeth. 2. Which details in this scene link it to what has happened before in the play, and what might happen later in the play? Act Three Scene Six 1. What information is the audience given about the following characters” a) Malcolm? b) Macduff? c) Edward the Confessor? d) Siward? 2. Explain how this scene provides and effective conclusion to Act three. How does it create suspense? Act Four Scene One 1. Explain why the witches’ chant is given in such detail. How is the imagery symbolic? Use at least two examples to support your response. 2. What do each of the Apparitions represent? State the predictions given by each. Explain the paradox of the Apparitions. 3. Describe “Banquo’s revenge”. What is its effect on Macbeth. 4. What evidence is there of the degeneration of Macbeth’s character in this scene? Act Four Scene Two 1. 2. 3. 5. Characterize Lady Macduff as she appears in the scene. Provide examples to support your opinion. What purpose is served by Ross and the nameless messenger? (hint: it is a plot device) Why may be Macbeth’s third great crime be considered the worst? What does is prove about Macbeth? Illustrate the following devices that are exemplified in this scene: a) Suspense b) dramatic irony c) pathos Act Four Scene Three 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What are the current conditions in Scotland? Provide a quotation to support your response. Of what devices does Malcolm accuse himself? Explain how and why Malcolm tests Macduff. What qualities does Malcolm eventually state that he possesses? What information does Ross have for Macduff? What contrasts are implied between Macbeth and Edward the Confessor? Why does Shakespeare choose to make Macduff rather than Malcolm the agent of nemesis? Explain. Act Five Scene One 1. How does Shakespeare seek to create sympathy for Lady Macbeth? 2. Of what importance are the Doctor and the Gentlewoman? Explain. 3. Compare Lady Macbeth’s first appearance in the play with her appearance in the latest scene. 4. Describe the rituals of Lady Macbeth’s disorder. Explain how these actions are symbolic. How are they ironic? 5. What is the Doctor’s “prescription”? What would a modern doctor prescribe? Explain your choice. Act Five Scene Two 1. Why is it significant that Macbeth is now referred to as a tyrant? 2. What does the audience learn of Macbeth and his plans? 3. How does this scene suggest the growing isolation of Macbeth and the solidarity of the forces that oppose him? Support your answer. 4. What is the significance of the clothing imagery in this scene? Explain. Act Five Scene Three 1. Macbeth receives news in this scene. What is the effect of each of the items of news he receives? 2. How does Macbeth reveal him basic insecurity? Provide specific examples. 3. Prove that Macbeth is placing his trust in the second and third prophecies of the Apparitions. Do you think that he is wise to do this? 4. Compare Lady Macbeth’s state of mind in this scene with that in 4.1. Act Five Scene Four 1. Show that Malcolm is the unconscious agent of destiny. How does Malcolm’s command create dramatic irony? 2. Describe Siward’s character using at least one quotation from the scene. Act Five Scene Five 1. What is Macbeth’s reaction to Lady Macbeth’s death? 2. Summarize Macbeth’s famous words about human life (5.5.19-28). How does this speech reflect his mental state? 3. Explain how the prophecy of the Third Apparition comes true in this scene. Act Five Scene Six 1. How do Malcolm and Macduff foil Macbeth in this scene? Act Five Scene Seven 1. What does Macbeth mean when he says his “soul is too much charged/with blood of thine already”? (5.7.34-35) 2. Explain how Macduff fulfills the prophecies of the Second Apparition. 3. How is order restored in Scotland?