DOES CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND CORPORATE PERFORMANCE EFFECT ON FIRM VALUE? (Case in Mongolia) Sodnomdargia Bayanjargal- CPA, PH.D student, College of Economics and Business Administration of Chongqing University, China. E-mail: Fu Qiang- Professor, College of Economics and Business Administration of Chongqing University, China. E-mail: ХУРААНГУЙ Энэ илтгэлдээ 2012-2013 онуудын хооронд “Тобин Кю”-ийн түвшин өндөрт тооцогдож байсан манай хувийн есөн ХК-ын эх сурвалжийг олон хэмжээст регрессийн аргыг ашиглах замаар компанийн засаглал ба компанийн үйл ажиллагааны үр дүнг тооцов. Хувьцаат компаниудын мэдээлэл ил тод ба хууль дүрмийг сахин биелүүлж байх шаардлагатай болох нь харагдсан.Судалгаагаар компанийн засаглал ба компанийн үйл ажиллагааны үр дүн нар нь зах зээлийн үнэлгээг өсгөхөд чухал үүрэг гүйцэтгэдэг болох нь тогтоогдсон ба бүх хувьцаат компаниуд хөрөнгийн зах зээлд идэвхтэй үйл ажиллагаа явуулах шаардлагатай байгааг харуулж байна. Түлхүүр үгс: Тобин Кю, Ашигт Ажиллагааны Харьцаа, Хувьцаат Компани ABSTRACT This paper has analyzed on data of 9 private listed companies which is high Tobin’s q rate of nine business sectors in Mongolia from 2012 to 2013, and used Multiple Regression Analysis within the corporate governance and corporate performance. Using eight variables, the study was found that the framework of corporate governance and corporate performance would play an important role to increase firm value. The result shows that effect of firm value has significant relationship between corporate governance and corporate performance. Also if the Tobin’s q ratio is reached high level, the corporate governance has shows high rate. From the research found that Listed Companies’ information has to be transparency and to shows necessary to comply with the implementation of the legal obligations in company. From the result of this research can analyze that some of big companies has influence to stock market in Mongolia, also all listed companies need more activity in the stock market. Key words: Tobin’s q, Ratio of Profitability, Listed Company I. INTRODUCTION The improvement of corporate governance is to help increase the firm value, to get attention of a lot of investment, to decrease ineffective cost, to prevent risk also that is to help more growth of company size. The good corporate governance to including non stopping process of transparency and law of implementation and the fairness. Mongolian Stock Market has established in 1991 years, since that time the stock market has started own development in society but recent still going on development stage. The Mongolian Stock Exchange, Financial Regulatory Commission of Mongolia and Corporate Governance Development Center of Mongolia have working important role in corporate governance. Data was collected from 2012 to 2013, also this paper based on about 9 private listed companies which has registered account in Mongolian stock market and chose 9 private listed companies of 9 business sector’s with high Tobin’s q rate. If the Tobin’s coefficient is more than 1.0, the corporation value is higher than capital, that means to value high rate in stock market. From the research can see that, nine sectors already have pointed out by stock market survey, which means the corporate governance has influence to economic development. From the geographical reason, about 67 percent of our sample has located in Capital of Mongolia, that means need to develop to countryside for doing business. In Mongolia, most of listed companies board of members are 9 people, but few of companies about 11 people are board members. The more important principle is from the board of director to choose right person, non breaks personal interest and more independent. For estimating firm value, this paper was measures Tobin's q is the ratio. Tobin's q is the ratio between a physical asset's market value and its replacement value. It was introduced in 1968 by James Tobin and William Brainard, although the use of the letter "q" did not appear until Tobin's 1969 article "A general equilibrium approach to monetary theory". If the market value reflected solely the recorded assets of a company, Tobin's q would be 1.0. If Tobin's q is greater than 1.0, then the market value is greater than the value of the company's recorded assets. Good corporate governance increases with corporate performance. In this paper, Ratio of profitability and other required ratio give as variable. Including as: Return on asset ratio (ROA), Return on equity (ROE), Return on total asset (ROTA), Earnings per share(EPS) and Asset Liability ratio (LEV). In this research, to use 9 private listed companies of firm value which presented about 28 percent of the total market value. About 30 listed companies are presented 89 percent of the total market value. If those big companies activity has changing bad direction, then it will be directly influence to stock market. Nevertheless to improve corporate governance is priority work in our country. II. LITERATURE REVIEW In recent times, the Mongolian Government and several non government organizations in Mongolia have been focused on developing better corporate governance (CG) in Mongolian Companies. Mongolian authorities have expressed great interest and have shown commitment to improve corporate governance. The recent big research created between The International Finance Corporation in collaboration with the Financial Regulatory Commission of Mongolia and the Corporate Governance Development Center of Mongolia. This review was conducted in 2013 based on available data from 2011 about Mongolian Corporate Governance. This study is concluded Corporate Governance in Mongolia, as indicated by this review, is in its infancy. This provides an opportunity to establish quality corporate governance policies and practices – a sound base for corporate governance in the future. Yaser Fallatah and Denise Dickins (2012) investigated the relationship between corporate governance characteristics and firm performance and value of Saudi-listed firms using an index intended to capture the combined effect of firms’ corporate governance characteristics. Their research is influenced by the recency of governance initiatives and large percentages of insider ownership, among other things, we predict and found that corporate governance and firm performance (measured as return on assets) are unrelated, but corporate governance and firm value (measured as Tobin’s Q and market value of equity) are positively related. Moreover, (Robert N. Eberhart and Sprie Fellow) tell us economic efficiency of corporate governance systems by examining the effects of cross-sectional differences among Japanese firms selecting one of two legal systems. The paper presents evidence that the adoption by Japanese firms of a shareholder-oriented, more transparent, system of corporate governance creates greater corporate value in comparison to the traditional system of statutory auditors. Data analysis shows a significant increase in firm valuation, as measured by Tobin’s q, for companies that adopted the committee system, even though comparative financial data show little difference. One of Korean research studies exploring the relationship between the effect of firm value on corporate governance by Bernard.S Black, Hasung Jang and Woochan Kim (2003). They find a strong positive correlation between the overall corporate governance index and firm value, which is robust across OLS, 2SLS and 3SLS regressions, in subsamples, in alternate specifications of the corporate governance index, and with alternate measures of firm value.. III. RESEARCH METHOD These datas were collected mainly from MSE and FRC database. Data was collected from 2012 to 2013, also this paper was based on about 9 private listed companies of 9 business sector’s which has registered account in Mongolian stock market and chose 9 private listed companies with high Tobin’s q rate. Finally, data consist 9 private listed companies which of Mining sector, Construction industry, Food manufactury, Hotel, Financial company, Manufacturing industry, Wholesale and retail trade and Real estate industry. There are eight variables in this paper, Tobin Q, Implementation of Law, Board size, and Five indicators /ROA, ROE, ROTA, EPS and LEV/. Dependent variable of this study is the Tobin’s q and other variables are independent variables. The following multiple regression equation: TobinQ 1 IL 2 Board 3 ROA 4 ROE 5 ROTA 6 EPS 7 LEV Table III.1 Variables and Explanations of Model Symbol TobinQ Name Tobin’s q IL Implementation of Law* Board ROA Board size ROE Return on equity Net profit/Average shareholders’ equity ROTA Return on total asset Income before interest and tax/Total asset Return on asset ratio Definition The total market value of corporate capital/total assets 1. Share Holders Meeting- 4 points 2. Financial statement -2 points 3. Dividend-1point 4. Fee-2 points Total 9 points /100 %/ Number of Board Net profit/Average total asset EPS Earnings per share Net profit/ Outstanding shares LEV Asset Liability ratio Total Liabilities / Total Assets. Source: *data from the estimation of Mongolian Stock Exchange data from Mongolian Stock Exchange; IV. ANALYSIS AND RESULTS Table IV.I Summary Statistics Variables TOBINQ IL BOARD ROA ROE ROTA EPS LEV Mean 2.952829 0.883889 8.888889 0.193071 0.450888 0.374452 2.048647 0.333329 Maximum 6.483950 1.000000 9.000000 0.691550 1.538150 0.738510 8.278310 1.089590 Minimum 1.613850 0.725000 8.000000 -0.076270 0.030970 0.053310 -0.022180 0.011550 Std. Dev 1.547684 0.088874 0.333333 0.231795 0.499157 0.233243 3.272742 0.381979 Table IV.I provides some summary statistics for the above variables. As revealed, these 9 listed companies have an average Tobin’s q of 2.95, with a minimum of 1.61385 and a maximum of 6.483950. The mean of Implementation of Law is 0.8838 (88.38 %). The number of board is from 8 to 9, the average is 8.88. The average of EPS is higher, than other indicators, with a minimum of -0.022180 and a maximum of 8.278310. Table IV.2 Results of OLS Dependent Variable: TOBINQ . Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. C -102.6134 4.153206 -24.70704 0.0258 IL 59.48028 2.211092 26.90086 0.0237 BOARD 6.733071 0.281526 23.91633 0.0266 ROA 13.97862 0.711037 19.65949 0.0324 ROE -3.801748 0.101984 -37.27790 0.0171 ROTA -18.65062 0.979108 -19.04858 0.0334 EPS -0.902108 0.027252 -33.10301 0.0192 LEV 2.969836 0.149718 19.83623 0.0321 R-squared 0.999882 Mean dependent var 2.952829 Adjusted R-squared 0.999056 S.D. dependent var 1.547684 S.E. of regression 0.047549 Akaike info criterion -3.673554 Sum squared resid 0.002261 Schwarz criterion -3.498244 Log likelihood 24.53099 Hannan-Quinn criter. -4.051874 F-statistic 1210.656 Durbin-Watson stat 2.071028 Prob(F-statistic) 0.022126 The estimated results of Ordinary Least Square can be seen in Table IV.II. The estimated value of adjusted R-squared is 0.99 and both the R-squared and adjusted R-squared look pretty good. It appears that the model accounts for all of the variation. All variables are significant. The coefficients of Implementation of Law, Board, ROA, LEV are positive relationships between Tobin’s q. Especially the coefficients of Implementation of Law is most high positive significant on firm value. One unit increase in Implementation of Law leads to 59,48 units increase in Tobin’s q. The coefficients of ROE, ROTA and EPS are negative relationships with Tobin’s q. This means if ROE, ROTA and EPS increase then firm value will decrease. The p-value is 0.02 which is less than 0.05, which shows the significance of our model. The value of Durbin Watson statistics for dependent variable is 2.07, it means that there is no autocorrelation exists in the study. In our case it is near to 2.00 which means that there is no autocorrelation exists in our study and the regression model assumes that error deviations are uncorrelated. V. CONCLUSION The stock market of corporate governance is still going on development stage in our country. Furthermore the all of listed companies have to be more activity in stock market, that will help increase market value by corporate governance. From the research found that, company’s information has to be transparency and to shows necessary to comply with the implementation of the legal obligations in company. The framework of corporate governance and corporate performance would play an important role to increase firm value. The result shows that effect of firm value has significant relationship between corporate governance and corporate performance. Also if the Tobin’s q ratio is reached high level, the corporate governance has shows high rate. Moreover, government policy should be support corporation activity and to give more acknowledge about stock market to people, to give more attention to countryside of manufacturing and development. During the research, a study was found that in our case study of company rate and companies implementation of law compared with low market value companies demonstrate quite high a rate. To increase ratio of market value in Mongolia, that’s to require asset source from value of public funds. To attract investment, compete with world high rate companies, essentially to need good corporate governance, accurate, and consistent policy. REFERENCES: [1] The International Finance Corporation, Financial Regulatory Commission of Mongolia and the Corporate Governance Development Center of Mongolia, Corporate governance scorecard 2011. [2] Yaser Fallatah and Denise Dickins, Corporate governance and firm performance and value in Saudi Arabia, African Journal of Business Management, 2012. [3] N.Khisigzaya , The analysis of Corporate governance and firm value, working paper , 2013. [4] Bernard.S Black, Hasung Jang and Woochan Kim, Does Corporate Governance Affect Firm Value? 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