Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 T 62 Bacillus cereus ATCC 14579 (AE016877) 39 Bacillus thuringiensis ATCC 10792T (ACNF01000156) 100 73 T 71 Bacillus anthracis ATCC 14578 (AB190217) 99 Bacillus weihenstephanensis KBAB4 (CP000903) Bacillus mycoides DSM 2048T (ACMU01000002) Bacillus pseudomycoides DSM 12442T (ACMX01000133) 71 Bacillus bingmayongensis FJAT-13831T (JN 885201) Bacillus megaterium DSM 319T (NC 014103) Bacillus aquimaris TF-12T (AF483625) 100 Lysinibacillus sphaericus C3-41 (CP000817) Lysinibacillus fusiformis B14905 (NZ AAXV01000000) 0.005 Fig. 4 Bacillus cereus ATCC 14579T (NC_004722) Bacillus thuringiensis ATCC 10792T (FR850503) 77 63 Bacillus anthracis ATCC 14578T (NC_003997.3) 84 Bacillus mycoides DSM 2048T (ACMU01000094) 96 100 Bacillus weihenstephanensis KBAB 4 (CP000903) Bacillus bingmayongensis FJAT-13831T (JN874726) 93 Bacillus pseudomycoides DSM 12442T (CM000740) Bacillus aquimaris SG-1 (NZ ABCF01000000) 63 Bacillus megaterium DSM 319T (NC 014103) Lysinibacillus sphaericus C3-41 (CP000817) 100 Lysinibacillus fusiformis B14905 (NZ AAXV01000000) 0.02 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 1. Colonny pictures of four Bacillus strains cultured on a solid medium of nutrient agar (NA) (Seveno et al., 2001) incubated at 30 ºC for 48 h., e.g., Bacillus bingmayongensis FJAT-13831T with greyish-white in color, irregular round with undulate margins (1a), Bacillus pseudomycoides DSM 12442T with pale yellow in color and irregularly shape with branching margins (1b), Bacillus mycoides DSM 2408T with pale yellow in color and irregular round with dentate margins (1c), Bacillus cereus DSM 31T pale yellow in color and irregular round with smooth margins (1d). Fig. 2. Cell pictures of four Bacillus strains, e.g., Bacillus bingmayongensis FJAT-13831T (2a), Bacillus pseudomycoides DSM 12442T (2b), Bacillus mycoides DSM 2408T (2c) and Bacillus cereus DSM 31T (2d). Fig. 3 Dendrogram for the novel isolates FJAT-13831Tand the most closely related stains based on fatty acid profiles. The dendrogram was constructed using Average Linkage Between Groups (ALBG) method, and the relevance was computed by pearson correlation model. Fig. 4. Phylogenetic tree of members of the genus Bacillus, based on 16S rRNA gene sequences. The tree was constructed using the neighbor-joining method, and genetic distances were computed by using Jukes-Cantor model. Numbers at nodes indicate percen-tages of occurrence in 1000 bootstrapped trees. Lysinbacillus species was used as the out group. Accession numbers are given in parentheses. Bar, genetic distance of 0.005. Fig. 5. Phylogenetic tree of the novel isolates FJAT-13831T, based on gyrB gene sequences. The tree was constructed using the neighbor-joining method, and genetic distances were computed by using Jukes-Cantor model. Numbers at nodes indicate percen-tages of occurrence in 1000 bootstrapped trees. The reference strains of Lysinbacillus species served as the out group. Accession numbers are given in parentheses. Bar, genetic distance of 0.02. Fig. 6. Relationships between the novel isolate FJAT-13831T and other select reference species using a distance matrix counted with 1-ANI/100 from 2881 core genes based on the whole genomics. The phylogenic tree was constructed using the neighbor joining method and percent bootstrap confidence levels were calculated using 1,000 re-samplings of the original data. The novel isolate FJAT-13831T was highlighted in black. 7