SUMMIT HIGH SCHOOL - Advanced Algebra II Syllabus COURSE DESCRIPTION: A short review of Algebra 1 will prepare students for the study of major topics/concepts including systems of equations, functions, quadratics, probability, polynomials, statistics, conics, sequences and series. The course is designed to prepare students for precalculus/trigonometry or other introductory college level math courses. COURSE PREREQUISITES: Algebra I and Geometry COMMUNICATION: Mrs. Phipps Room 2319 Phone: 368-1171 e-mail: Email is the best way to reach me. Please allow at least two (2) school days for a response. I also have a teacher site through the district website: Once you are on the district website, to get to my site select ‘Summit High’ from the ‘Select a School’ drop down menu, then click ‘Teacher Sites’ at the top of the page, find and click on ‘Kim Phipps’. On my teacher site you will find contact information, assignments, notes, and textbook links. Please seek help frequently for your math studies. I will gladly schedule an appointment with you to assist you with your learning process. Putting forth your very best effort to master the concepts and skills presented is the key to being successful in any mathematics course. If issues arise in your life, please notify me immediately so that I understand there are difficulties you are addressing and that this may affect your academic performance. I will do whatever I can to work with you on continuing your progress in the study of mathematics. MATERIALS: 1. 1 spiral notebooks (preferably graph paper) for HW. This will be collected occasionally, so make sure it is used only for Algebra 2. 2. A class notebook - spiral or 3-ring binder (with paper) for class notes and materials. 3. A graphing calculator TI 83 or 84 is best and will be used fairly often. TEXTBOOK: The College Preparatory Mathematics Core Connections Algebra II. Password needed for full text- See classroom teacher Homework section of text- Parent Guide (with more practice): WORK AND PAPER QUALITY: All work needs to be neatly written on notebook paper or graph paper. Use a sharp pencil. Algebraic problems should be copied and steps to solution(s) should be shown. Neatly drawn diagrams should be made when appropriate. If you use an etool to graph a problem, include a drawing of the graph in your notebook. HOMEWORK POLICY: Homework will be given on a daily basis. All homework given can be accessed online and should be completed in a graph paper spiral notebook. Any graphing done on Desmos will need to be reproduced in your homework. Students must complete at least 70% of all homework assignments for each unit in order to take the team test with their team. If a student has less than 70% of homework turned in then they will complete the group test alone. MAKE-UP WORK: Students are expected to keep up with the class when absent. Call a classmate or check the teacher website if you are unsure of the assignment missed. If you are absent on a test day, you will be expected to make it up at the first available opportunity, within two days of the absence. If this is not done in a timely manner an incomplete will be entered for your overall grade, which can affect your sports eligibility. If you miss the review day, you will still be expected to take the test with the class. TEAM WORK: This course will involve students working in groups on a daily basis. Students will work with each other and learn from each other. Creating positive teamwork skills is crucial in daily life outside of high school. It is important to practice respect and communication in the group dynamics. ATTENDANCE POLICIES: Students are expected to be in class, on time, prepared to learn. It is critical that you are present because you are part of a team and most of the learning in class comes from collaboration. The school attendance policy will be enforced. Please read the school policy. BEHAVIORAL EXPECTATIONS: P.R.I.D.E=Positive Attitude, Respectful, Inclusive, Dedicated to Excellence! 1. Arrive on time to class with all necessary tools and supplies. 2. Respect yourself. 3. Respect the rights and property of others. 4. Be proactive, positive and participate in your learning. 5. Complete assignments on time and be prepared for assessments. 6. During a test period, there will be absolutely no talking or leaving your seat without permission until every student is finished. Bring materials to study or a book to read, in the event that you finish early. TECH POLICY: Students may carry cell phones and electronic devices, but this equipment must be silenced and stored out of sight during instructional time. Personal devices may NOT be charged in the classroom. Such devices may only be used before and after school, during passing periods, or during lunch time. No electronic device should interfere with the educational process. Occasionally, teachers may grant permission for students to use personal electronic devices during class for educational purposes. Students may not use any hand held devices in the classroom (cell phones, PDA’s, MP3 players, cameras, etc) without the explicit permission of the instructor. If this policy is violated, personal devices will be confiscated and returned to a parent/guardian in a meeting to discuss the importance of eliminating distractions in the learning environment. Using technology in the classroom is a privilege, not a right. Students may not post ANY material from classes on the internet or other personal networking sites without the explicit, written permission of the instructor and all other class participants. STANDARDS BASED GRADING: District Wide Achievement Level Descriptors: Score Level Descriptors 4 Advanced High Student consistently exceeds grade level expectations/standards and is able to apply them almost faultlessly in a wide variety of situations. The student demonstrates originality and insight and regularly produces work of high quality. 3.5 Advanced Student consistently meets and exceeds grade level expectations/standards and is able to apply learned information and skills to new and unfamiliar situations with original insights beyond what is covered in the classroom. 3 Proficient High Independently, student consistently meets and sometimes exceeds grade level expectations/standards and is able to apply learned information and skills to complex ideas and processes in familiar situations. (This is the level being “taught”) 2.5 Proficient With minimal adult support, student consistently meets grade level expectations/standards and is able to apply learned information and skills to complex ideas and processes in familiar situations. (The student is showing proficient level of work but not as consistently) 2 Progressing The student meets or exceeds proficiency of foundational details and processes or prerequisite skills, but is still working toward proficiency of the complex ideas and processes of the grade level. 1.5 Partially Proficient With assistance, the student displays knowledge of foundational details and processes or prerequisite skills. 1 Unsatisfactory The student is rarely able to display knowledge of foundational details and process, even with help. .5 Unsatisfactory The student is unable to display knowledge of foundational details and process, even with help.