FILAMENT DYNAMICS GROUP: Power Point Presentation


A stochastic Molecular Dynamics method for multiscale modeling of blood platelet phenomena

PIs : G.E. Karniadakis, P.D. Richardson, M.R. Maxey

• Collaborators : Harvard Medical School, Imperial College, Ben Gurion

Arterioles/venules 50 microns activated platelets

Platelet diameter is 2-4 µm

Normal platelet concentration in blood is 300,000/mm 3

Functions: activation, adhesion to injured walls, and other platelets

Multiscale Simulation of Arterial Tree on TeraGrid


Platelet and Fibrin Aggregation




Creation of Fibrin Threads

•Fibrinogen consists of three pairs of protein chains

•Prothrombin/thrombin activate fibrinogen

•Fibrinogen monomers create fibrin threads


dynamics (MD), and DPD in particular, a very effective simulation tool for biological flows.

• Couple DPD-MD at the molecular level (protein interactions, scales less than 10 nm), and DPD-continuum at the large scales (hybrid

3D/1D arterial tree model).

• Validate simulations of platelet aggregation against existing in-vivo and in-vitro experiments and quantify uncertainties.

• Study thrombous formation and migration in the circulatory system.

• Disseminate algorithmic framework for multiscale coupling and software to interested parties.

• Involve undergraduates in this research and introduce high-school students to computational science and cyber-infrastructure.

Computational Methods

• Force Coupling

Method (FCM)


• Dissipative Particle

Dynamics (DPD)


• Molecular Dynamics


Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) – Coarse-Grained MD







• Galilean-invariant


• Soft-potentials

• Speed-up w.r.t. MD (N mol/DPD)

•1000 x N 8/3

; e.g. N=10: 500,000 times

• Drag coefficient



• viscosity


Intra-Polymer Forces – Combinations Of the Following:

• Lennard-Jones Repulsion

• Stiff (Fraenkel) / Hookean Spring

• Finitely-Extensible Non-linear Elastic (FENE) Spring

• Marko-Siggia WormLike Chain

Intra-Polymer Forces (continued)

Can be adjusted if M>2

(Underhill, Doyle 2004)

Stiff: Schlijper, Hoogerbrugge, Manke, 1995

Hookean + Lennard-Jones: Nikunen, Karttunen, Vattulainen, 2003

FENE: Chen, Phan-Thien, Fan, Khoo, 2004

R g

( M

1 )

0 .


R g

( M

1 )

0 .


Flory Formula

  d



Radius of Gyration for Polymer Chains

Linear, ideal

R g

2 


M i

M 


( R i

R cm



Excluded volume, real

100 beads

50 beads

5 beads

10 beads

20 beads

Mixing Soft-Hard Potentials

Motivation for 2 different time-steps (Δt,δt):

Symeonidis & Karniadakis, J. Comp. Phys., on line, 2006


(soft repulsive)



(hard repulsive)

Forrest+Suter, (J. Chem. Phys., 1995) idea of pre-averaging - in the spirit of conservative forces in DPD solvent

DNA Dynamics: Shear Flow – Wormlike Chain

Sc ~ 35

Sc ~ 690

Sc ~ 2574

Sc ≈ 1.4 x Γ 2 k



FENE Chains in Poiseuille Flow

10 beads

H/2R g


60 beads

H/2R g


Center-of-Mass Distribution From Wall

Stochastic Model - First Simulation of Begent & Born Experiment

Thrombus growing on a blood vessel wall in vivo

Accumulation of platelets in a thrombus

• Exponential thrombus growth rate coefficients -- effects of pulsation (right)

Effects of Red Blood Cells

•DPD simulations show exponential growth rate of thrombus

• RBCs increase diffusivity

Future Plans

•Effects of red blood cells (Experiment I, in vitro results)

•Deformation of cells (effect on aggregation rates)

•Model plasma adhesive proteins (vWf, fibrinogen, …)

•Simulate diffusion of chemicals (ADP, …)

•Validation against available experimental results

•Gorog’s hemostatometer (in-vitro)

•Begent & Born (in-vivo)

References on Dissipative Particle Dynamics

•E. Keaveny, I. Pivkin, M.R. Maxey and G.E. Karniadakis, “A comparative study between dissipative particle dynamics and molecular dynamics for simple- and complex-geometry flows”, J. Chemical Physics, vol. 123, p. 104107, 2005.

•I. Pivkin and G.E. Karniadakis, “A new method to impose no-slip boundary conditions in dissipative particle dynamics”, J. Computational Phys., vol. 207, pp. 114-128, 2005.

•V. Symeonidis, G.E. Karniadakis and B. Caswell, “A seamless approach to multiscale complex fluid simulation”,

Computing in Science & Engineering, pp. 39-46, May/June 2005.

•V. Symeonidis, G.E. Karniadakis and B. Caswell, “Dissipative particle dynamics simulations of polymer chains:

Scaling laws and shearing response compared to DNA experiments”, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol 95, 076001, 2005.

•V. Symeonidis & G.E. Karniadakis, “A family of time-staggered schemes for integrating hybrid DPD models for polymers: Algorithms and applications”, J. Computational Phys., available on line, 2006.

•I. Pivkin and G.E. Karniadakis, “Coarse-graining limits in open and wall-bounded DPD systems”, J. Chemical

Physics, vol 124, 184101, 2006.

•I. Pivkin and G.E. Karniadakis, “ Controlling density fluctuations in wall-bounded DPD systems, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol 96 (20), 206001, 2006
