Establishing a Successful Scholarship Program BYU Management Society A successful scholarship program can be one of the most rewarding efforts that a Management Society chapter can participate in. Although there are multiple approaches to building a successful program, the basic concept or structure is similar in all cases. We have outlined the basic structure, however, a more comprehensive resource is the BYU MS leadership Guide which can be found online at: Refer to the following sections in the leadership Guide for specific scholarship information: CHAPTER FINANCES: pg. 14- 16 Student Scholarships, Scholarship Guidelines and Procedures APPENDIX: pg. 42-47 Scholarship Forms and Samples CHAPTER PROGRAMS: pg. 14-19 Scholarship Programs, Scholarship Program Setup Six Basic Steps: 1 FORM A SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE WITHIN YOUR CHAPTER The scholarship program is too much work for one or two individuals to administer and maintain. Identify an Executive Board officer that will act as the Scholarship Committee Chairperson. This committee should be responsible for determining all of the important decisions needed to create a successful program. Funding, selection criteria, communication, distribution of funds, award ceremony, etc. 2 IDENTIFY WHAT TYPE OF PROGRAM OR BASIC STRUCTURE OF YOUR PROGRAM The Leadership Guide suggests 4 different types of program structure that can be used. A modification of option #2 seems to be the most effective where an account is established at LDS Philanthropies in the name of the chapter; funds are raised by the chapter and sent to the Marriott School to be credited to your chapter account. Selection process and awards are done by the chapter, and the Marriott School is responsible to facilitate the credit of funds to the recipients. 3 DETERMINE HOW YOU WILL RAISE FUNDS This can be done exclusively with corporate sponsors, individual contributions, fund raising events (golf tourney, banquet), or other methods. Usually a combination of a couple of these methods is most practical. At the end of the document we highlight 6 chapters who have run a successful program over the years and each discusses their primary method of fundraising. 4 DETERMINE CRITERIA FOR SCHOLARSHIP AWARD RECIPIENTS This is typically done on a committee with pre-established criteria such as financial need, scholarship, activities and leadership, extra-curricular involvement, etc. Some chapters have developed some excellent tools for facilitation of this process. Also decide on deadlines for applications. This is critical since you may want to make the awards before the end of the senior year in high school so they can be part of their high school graduation ceremonies. 5 COMMUNICATION How do you get the word out to potential candidates? If you are awarding BYU only scholarship, one way is to notify the bishops and stake presidents in your area of the program and ask them to share the details with any students who are applying to BYU. Since they must receive an ecclesiastical endorsement to attend, this is an efficient way to contact the most likely candidates. 6 AWARDING THE SCHOLARSHIPS Determine how you want to notify the applicants and how you would like to award the scholarship recipients (banquet, ceremony, letter, etc). Another important consideration is how you can notify the high schools and local papers of the scholarship awards. This is helpful not only to advertise the good works provided by your local chapter, but also for BYU as well. The more people are aware of the program the increased amount of interest you will have in the program in future years which can also help increase the number of contributions. Chapter Ideas for Scholarship Programs: Many of the BYUMS chapters have already established successful scholarship programs over the years. Here is a summary provided by a few chapters that may help you in establishing your own scholarship program. Feel free to learn from their efforts and contact the chapter directly if you have additional questions. The following chapters have provided a brief summary of their scholarship program: Seattle, WA New Hampshire St. George, UT Salt Lake City, UT Other chapters with successful programs that you can contact are: Washington, DC San Diego, CA Arizona New York City, NY Seattle, WA Scholarship Program Contact: Marcia Bean (425) 890-1451 Program details Requirements Application FAQ’s Salt Lake City, UT Scholarship Program Contact: Marc Jewell (801) Scholarship Guidelines and Application St. George Contact: Lonnie Clove (435) 627-8545 x102 Scholarship Guidelines and Application Additional Scholarship Tips St. George Scholarship Tips.docx New Hampshire Contact: Gary Gustafson (603) 881-9813 Lance Spencer (603) 882-7537 Scholarship Program Guidelines New Hampshire Scholarship Program.docx