Career Portfolio What to do Now, Next & Later CTE – Agriculture Colfax High School 2011-2012 Page 1 Career Portfolio Assignment Name: ___________________ Overview What do students dream of becoming? What should they be doing today to reach those dreams? These are two of the most important questions young people must answer. But these are not easy questions, and most students need help: from teachers, counselors, and other trusted adults; and from their families. Students need our help to learn about their options for the future. And, even more important, they need our help to know what they should do now, during high school, to be ready for life after graduation. In many schools, two types of students get most of the attention: the high risk and the high achieving. But that means that many students are invisible. And that’s not fair, because the options students face today are far too complicated to navigate alone. Every student deserves the attention of a caring adult at school. Every student needs a plan for life after high school. And every student needs to know what to do right now, whether “right now” is 9th grade or senior year, to be ready to succeed. This upcoming year will include work that will help to guide students through the process of discovering different opportunities after school. Continuing education is a great choice, but it’s not the only choice. This will consist of 10% of your overall grade and has several stages. Rubric provided. First will be biweekly career journals with the goal that you will find an ag. career of your choice. Second, will be the career pathway to help you plan your path to start an ag. career. Third, is a look at the opportunities other than formal schooling (I am going to let everyone else telling you about college/university. I do not believe in a “College-For-All” model of education) Fourth, will be your job applications and resume helping you learn how to get a job. Biweekly Career Journals Final Product = 5 - 1 page papers 1. Use upper case letters to write the name of the specific career as a heading from “The List of Careers” at the end of this document. 2. Use a minimum of two sources of information like Internet websites that enable you to complete the requested information. 3. Summarize the information using a bullet format and the sub-headings listed below: Correct Name of the Career Education and/or Training Required (25 words min) Responsibilities and Daily Activities (25 words min) Salary Range (low to high, range) Documentation of Sources in APA format (at least two) Self-Reflection (30-40 words) 4. List in bullet five (the documentation of sources) the Internet websites and other resources used. All sources should be listed in the proper format according to APA format. 5. Use a few sentences to describe in bullet six (the self-reflection) your level of interest in this profession and why you would or would not pursue this career option. Career Pathway Final Product = Prezi presentation Here you will use a to develop a career pathway, that will help guide you through how to start you ag. career. In your Prezi you will present the following information in the same sequence. STEP 1. Identify your interests, abilities, and talents Page 2 Career Portfolio Assignment Name: ___________________ STEP 2. Consider the possible ag. careers in relationship to your interests, abilities, and talents. STEP 3. Decide which ag. career seems to fit best. STEP 4. Select high school classes that are related to your ag. career. STEP 5. Select a method of education (if needed) and/or how you get started in your ag. career. STEP 6. Consider other ways to explore career preparation (i.e. job showed, volunteering) Career Informational Flyer Final Produce = 1 page digital flyer We live in a culture where higher education (college) seems to be the only choice one has after high school, while this is an excellent choice, it is not the only choice. For this project you will be looking at different ways to gain experience and education. You will make a one page informational flyer (on a computer) about the following five opportunities. Job Corp Apprenticeship Technical School Military Employment Job Applications Final Product = 1 job application This one is pretty easy you will be given ONE application to fill out. You will only be given one copy. This is how it works when you apply for a job. You do not go back in and ask for another, or turn in a scribbled on, wrinkled copy. Read and follow directions carefully. Employers notice carelessness and assume that you will be similarly careless on the job. Work slowly and do it right. Use a black erasable pen and print very neatly. Always be honest. Answer ALL questions. If it does not apply to you, answer N/A, leave nothing blank. If possible, take the application home and make several copies of the application. Practice filling out the copies, fill out the original and then double check for accuracy. Be positive when filling out the application and sign it. Resume Final Product = 1 page resume For this section you will be creating a resume for a job that you can currently get. A resume is a summary of a person’s education, job objective, work history, activities and references. Please comp and paste the example resume into a Word Document and just fill it in. Reasons for having a resume: Helps you summarize your skills and education A good resume communicates your skills to perspective employers before an interview A good resume will get an interview. A good resume grabs the reader’s attention. It shows why they should hire you by focusing on your achievements. Ease of reading is a crucial, so your resume is read rather than discarded. The resume should take no longer than 10 to 15 seconds to be scanned As you create a resume be sure to promote the abilities / skills need for the job you are applying. Keep it brief (one page) and stress your achievements. Page 3 Career Portfolio Assignment Name: ___________________ Your Address City, ST Zip Your Phone Number Your e-mail Your Name Objective: Identify the position that you are seeking. Then identify one or two think you would like to achieve. Education: 2009-Present Colfax High School GPA 4.0 Graduating June 2005. Name some classes that you have taken that are relevant to the job. Work Experience: Activities: Community Service: References: 2009-2011 Job Title Specific job skill you carried out. Specific job skill you carried out. Specific job skill you carried out. Colfax, WA Name of Place of Work City, ST 2003-2004 Job Title Specific job skill you carried out. Specific job skill you carried out. Name of Place of Work City, ST 2010 Title or Position Specific job skill you carried out. Specific achievement. Something else, relevant Name of Activity City, ST 2010 Title or Position Specific job skill you carried out. Specific achievement. Something else, relevant Name of Activity City, ST 2010 Title or Position Specific job skill you carried out. Specific achievement. Something else, relevant Name of Activity City, ST 2009-Present Community Activity Volunteer Title This can be a list of activities or a brief paragraph about what you accomplished. Name of Reference Address City, ST Zip (555) 555-5555 Name of Reference Address City, ST Zip (555) 555-5555 Page 4 City, ST Name of Reference Address City, ST Zip (555) 555-5555 Career Portfolio Rubrics Name:___________________ Career Journal Criteria Point Correct Name of the Career Points Earned Multiplier 1 ×1 25 words min 1 ×1 High School Education 1 ×1 After High School Education 1 ×1 Experience 1 ×1 25 words min 1 ×1 One Responsibility 1 ×1 Second Responsibility 1 ×1 Low Salary 1 ×1 High Salary 1 ×1 First Source 1 ×2 Correctly done 1 ×3 Second Source 1 ×2 Correctly Done 1 ×3 30-40 words 1 ×1 One aspect you would enjoy 1 ×2 One aspect you would not enjoy Money cannot be a factor 1 ×2 Education and/or Training Required Responsibilities and Daily Activities Salary Range Documentation of Sources in APA format Self-Reflection Total Total Possible Points = 25 Page 5 Total Career Portfolio Rubrics Name:___________________ Career Pathway Prezi CATEGORY Clarity & Neatness Spelling & Grammar Creativity 4 Prezi is easy to read and all elements are very clearly written, labeled No spelling or grammatical mistakes on Prezi with lots of text. Students have used media in creative and innovative ways that exploit the particular strengths of the Prezi format. The final product is unique, powerful, effective, and compels the audience's attention. 3 2 Prezi is easy to read and most elements are clearly written, labeled, or pictured. No spelling or grammatical mistakes on a Prezi with little text. Presentation is balanced, attractive, and easy-to follow. It uses original student work and/or blends existing media in a new and interesting way. 1 Prezi is hard to read with rough photos and labels. Prezi is hard to read and one cannot tell what goes where. One or two spelling or grammatical errors on the Prezi. There is a focus that is maintained throughout the piece, but it may not be compelling, or present information in a way that consistently keeps audience’s attention. More than two spelling or grammatical errors on the Prezi The project has a weak focus. May contain creative aspects but those aspects tend to distract the viewer from the stated purpose of the presentation. 0 to 8 Points Each STEP 1. Identified your interests, abilities, and talents STEP 2. Considered the possible careers in relationship to your interests, abilities, and talents. Content STEP 3. Decided which career seems to fit best. STEP 4. Selected high school classes that are related to your career. STEP 5. Selected a method of education (if needed) and/or how you get started in your career. STEP 6. Considered other ways to explore career preparation (i.e. job showed, volunteering) Total out of 60 Page 6 Points Earned Career Portfolio Rubrics Name:___________________ Career Opportunities Informational Poster Category 3 Colors and Patterns Enhance readability 2 Support readability Creatively enhances information Balanced, uncluttered, adequate white space All graphics are engaging, Graphics enhance text Graphics/Photos enhance text All titles and subtitles are clear, Most titles and subtitles are clear, Titles and Subtitles enhance readability enhance readability All text is clear and readable; a Text is clear and readable; changes few changes in size and color in size and color enhance Text Size and Color enhance understanding understanding Layout Grammar and Spelling Writing Quality of Information No grammar or spelling errors One grammar or spelling error Well written and organized, clear, easy to follow Adequately written and organized, clear, reasonably easy to follow 1 or 0 Detract from readability Not balanced, cluttered, insufficient white space Graphics do not enhance text Few or no titles or subtitles to clarify text Some text is clear and readable; frequent changes in size and color do not enhance understanding Many grammar and spelling errors Poorly written and organized, unclear, hard to follow 5 3 Opportunity Opportunity descriptions are clear, descriptions are complete, concise mostly clear, could be a little more concise 1 or 0 Opportunity descriptions are not clear, incomplete, not concise Job Corp Apprenticeship Technical School Military Employment Total out of 71 Page 7 Earned Earned Career Portfolio Rubrics Name:___________________ Career Seeking Skills – Resume Category Possible Points General Appearance Presented in proper format 8 Pleasing to the eye Captures interest 3 Layout 3 Easily read 3 Grammar Punctuation 3 Typing 3 Spelling 3 Composition Personal data 6 Career objective 6 Educational background 6 Work experience/skills 6 Special experiences, activities, honors 6 References First and proper format 3 Second and proper format 3 Third and proper format 3 Grand Total Page 8 65 Score Career Portfolio Name: ___________________ Career Seeking Skills – Job Application Description Possible Points Legible Stayed in the lines 5 Printed clearly and neatly 5 Grammar Spelling 5 Punctuation 5 Completed accordingly Personal information 5 Employment history 5 References 5 Education 5 No Blanks (N/A in correct spaces) 4 Consistent with resume 3 Signed 3 Grand Total 60 Page 9 Score Career Portfolio Name: ___________________ THE LIST OF CAREERS Agricultural Applications Software Programmer Agricultural Chemical Dealer Agricultural Communications Specialist Agricultural Educator Agricultural Engineer Agricultural Journalist Agricultural Salesperson Animal Nutritionist Aquaculturalist Artificial Insemination Technician Bacteriologist Biochemist-Nutritionist Bioengineer Bioinformatics Specialist Biomedical Engineer Biotechnology Lab Technician Botanist Chemical Engineer Chemist Commodity Marketing Specialist Custom Hay/Silage Operator Dairy Producer Database Administrator Dietician Ecologist Electronic Systems Technician Environmental Environmental Engineer Environmental Sampling and Analysis Scientist/Technician Equine Manager Equipment/Parts Manager Farm Manager Farmer/Rancher Feed Sales Representative Fish & Game Officer Fisheries Technician Food and Drug Inspector Food and Fiber Engineer Food Meal Supervisor Food Processor Food Scientist Forest Technician Geologist Geology Technician Golf Course Manager GPS Technician Grain Operation Superintendent Green House Manager Hazardous Materials Handler Hazardous Materials Technician Health and Safety Sanitarian Heavy Equipment Maintenance Technician Hydrologist Information Lab Specialist Livestock Buyer Livestock Geneticist Livestock Inspector Livestock Producer Log Grader Logger Machine Operator Machinist Mathematician Meat Cutter-Meat Grader Meat Processor Meat Science Researcher Metallurgist Page 10 Microbiologist Mining Engineer Park Manager Physiologist Plant Breeder and Geneticist Plant Pathologist Pollution Prevention and Control Technician Produce Buyer Pulp and Paper Manager Quality Control Specialist Rancher Range Technician Recycler Remote Sensing Specialist Soil and Water Specialist Solid Waste Manager Solid Waste Technician Statistician Toxicologist Tree Surgeon USDA Inspector Veterinarian Veterinarian Veterinary Assistant Waste Water Treatment Plant Operator Water Environment Manager Water Monitoring Technician Water Quality Manager Welder Wildlife Biologist Wildlife Manager Zoologist