Career Portfolio Evaluation Rubric Beginning Level 0 - 1 Developing Level 2 Accomplished Level 3 Job Search Content inadequate, needs work Cover Letter poor effort satisfactory, still needs some work good and up-to-date inadequate, needs work poor effort inadequate, needs work poor effort satisfactory, still needs some work satisfactory, still needs some work good and up-to-date basic list of contacts, much information missing small list of contacts, some information missing good list of contacts from co-op experience, all information included Resume References Contact List Skills Content Subject Based Task Report Transferable Skills Log Demonstrations of Skills & Other Content Evaluations Certificates Transcripts Pictures Reference letter Etc. has minimal information, does not meet expectations outlined on assignment inadequate, needs work poor effort few additions are included additions do not always display skills & attributes content adds very little value or does not add value to overall portfolio has some information, meets some expectations outlined on assignment satisfactory, still needs some work some additions are included only some additions display skills & attributes content adds some value to overall portfolio good and up-to-date has all required information, and meets expectations outlined on assignment good and up-to-date considerable number of additions that display skills & attributes content adds considerable value to overall portfolio Exemplary Level 4 exemplary, effective and up-to-date pertains to a current job posting and refers to co-op experience exemplary, effective and up-to-date all information included & formatted professionally contacts used are recent & relevant to next job contact list is extensive including co-op experience & contacts from other experiences demonstrates a thorough understanding of the assignment with excellent examples exemplary, effective and up-to-date significant number of additions that clearly display skills & attributes content adds significant value to overall portfolio Mark /10 /10 /10 /10 /20 /10 /10 Presentation of Portfolio very difficult to follow Organization & not organized in an Creativity effective manner no logical structure or order not submitted in a suitable format – no electronic folder or binder Spelling & Grammar Several spelling and grammar mistakes poorly written - needs to be edited not easy to follow organized in a somewhat effective manner unclear structure or order Some spelling and grammar mistakes organized in an effective manner relatively logical structure and appropriate order Information is presented using a suitable format that is neat & professional and consistent with standard expectations No spelling or grammar mistakes organized in a highly effective manner logical structure and appropriate order Information is presented using a professional, unique & personalized approach consistent with individual career goals & industry expectations Level of language used is highly professional Uses terms related to career experiences and goals No spelling or grammar mistakes /10 /10 Total Marks for Portfolio /100 Comments & Feedback: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________