MTHS Graduation Requirement

Learning Targets: Today I will…
 Understand high school graduation and college
entrance requirements.
 Review my Graduation Status Report so I can
understand which classes I need.
 Understand the registration process and timeline.
 Understand state testing requirements, equivalencies.
MTHS Graduation Requirements compared to
Minimum 4-year College Entrance Requirements
 Please review all information. We know, it’s a lot, but it
will help you meet your goals.
 Remember, the following are minimum requirements
for in-state WA Colleges! Many colleges require more.
MTHS Graduation
Minimum 4-Year
College Requirement:
1.0 credit required
1.0 credit* or an additional 1.0 credit of
academic electives
Examples: music, acting, all visual arts, *UW and WWU require .50 art; the
such as photography and clay design.
other .50 can be met by taking extra
See online course catalog for all
academic courses.
**Make sure to check websites of outof-state schools for their requirements.
MTHS Graduation
Minimum 4-Year
College Requirement:
4.0 credits required
4.0 credits required
Maximum .50 English credit will be
granted for a failed semester of either
English 9 or 10 by passing HSPE
Reading and Writing
Film Analysis can replace a failed
English class
ELL students may use only one year of
ELL language courses to count for
Colleges may not count HSPE English
toward meeting College Entrance
Honors and AP recommended
Social Studies
MTHS Graduation
Minimum 4-Year
College Requirement:
3.5 credits required
3.0 credits required
World History 9
World History 10
US/ WA State History*
World Problems (CWP)
*Students not taking US/WA State
History at MTHS must consult with
counselor on how to meet WA State
History requirement
AP and Honors classes are
MTHS Graduation
Minimum 4-Year College
3.0 credits required
3.0-4.0 credits required
(Alg 1, Geometry, and Alg 2 required)
Alg 1, Geometry, & Alg 2 (or Financial Algebra
with parental approval)
The following slides will demonstrate how you will complete
the MATH portion of your Course Registration Sheet.
See course catalog to learn more about
the Financial Algebra option and consult
with your math teacher about math
placement recommendation
WA state colleges require a math-based
class in the senior year unless you have
completed pre-calculus or higher (Some
examples: Chemistry, Digital Electronics, &
Physics are math-based)
Honors and AP recommended
Math: Class of 2015: Example
MTHS Graduation
Minimum 4-Year College
3.0 credits required
3.0-4.0 credits required
(Alg 1, Geometry, and Alg 2 required)
Alg 1, Geometry, & Alg 2 (or Financial Algebra
with parental approval)
You will be meeting with your current Math teacher to complete the MATH
portion on your Course Registration Sheets.
Clay Design
Math: Classes of 2016, 2017: Example
MTHS Graduation
Minimum 4-Year College
3.0 credits required
3.0-4.0 credits required
(Alg 1, Geometry, and Alg 2 required)
Alg 1, Geometry, & Alg 2 (or Financial
Algebra with parental approval)
You will be meeting with your current Math teacher to complete the MATH portion
on your Course Registration Sheets.
Notes on 3rd-year math options:
 If you are concerned about your ability to be successful in
Algebra 2, talk with your counselor or current math teacher
about taking Financial Algebra as an alternative.
 Students who take Financial Algebra or another approved math
alternative will need to complete Algebra 2 at a community
college before transferring to a 4-year college, so we recommend
taking Algebra 2 if you are able.
 Students wishing to take an alternative to Algebra 2 are required
to meet with their counselor and a parent to look at other
options, and fill out a required form.
MTHS Graduation
Minimum 4-Year
College Requirement:
2.0 credits required
2.0 credits required
3.0 - 4.0 recommended
9th Biology
10th Physical Science (or Chemistry
with teacher recommendation)
.5 Biology credit will be granted to
a student who passes the Biology
EOC if they have failed a semester
of Biology in grades 9 or 10
Class of 2015 and beyond must pass
Biology EOC (freshmen,
sophomores & juniors)
Colleges require a continuous year of
Biology, Chemistry or Physics
Most colleges will expect to see a full
year of Chemistry or Physics
Private and out of state public
colleges may require more science
World Language
MTHS Graduation
Minimum 4-Year
College Requirement:
World Language is not an MTHS
graduation requirement
2.0 – 3.0 credits required
In-state public colleges require 2.0
MTHS offers American Sign
Language (ASL), French, and Spanish credits of the SAME world language
ASL also counts as Career and Tech
Ed credit
Other colleges may have different
requirements; check individual
colleges for more information
Career and Technical Ed
MTHS Graduation
1.50 credits required
Class examples include: Business &
Marketing, Family & Consumer Science,
STEM, Computer Technology, Sports
Medicine, Sno-Isle, Intra-District classes,
and more! See MTHS Website for more
Minimum 4-Year
College Requirement:
Career and Tech Ed is not required for
PE & Health
MTHS Graduation
Minimum 4-Year
College Requirement:
2.0 credits required
(1.5 PE credits, 0.5 Health credits)
Not required for college
MTHS offers:
PE Basics
Fit for Life
Walking, Running & Conditioning
Individual /Team Sports
Aerobic Conditioning / Cross Training
Conditioning Fitness
Personal Finance
MTHS Graduation
Minimum 4-Year
College Requirement:
.50 credit required
This class is taken junior or senior year
Not required for college
Students who pass a semester of
Accounting or a year of Financial Algebra
will have met this requirement
MTHS Graduation
Minimum 4-Year
College Requirement:
4.50 credit required
Not required for college
Any class taken above the minimum requirement in any subject area counts as
‘elective’ credit. For example, a 3rd year of science or a 4th year of math would be
considered an ‘elective.’
World Language and TA classes, etc. are also considered ‘electives’.
22 total credits are required to graduate!
Other Requirements…
 State Exams: All students must pass…
 Class of 2016: Reading & Writing HSPE, Math and
Biology EOC
 Class of 2017: Reading & Writing HSPE, Math and
Biology EOC, plus must take Smarter Balance
 Classes of 2018 & 2019: Smarter Balanced
Assessments for Reading, Writing and Math, plus
Biology EOC.
Goal 2: Okay, so now we know what is
required for graduation and college
But… how am I doing on MY
We have a tool to help you
figure this out!
You will get a report that looks like this:
Understanding Your
Graduation Status Report
Teachers will now hand out your Graduation Status Report.
The first column shows how much credit is REQUIRED for each
subject, for example:
Coursework Req.
English 9
English 10
Understanding Your
Graduation Status Report
The next column shows how much credit is COMPLETE for each
subject, for example:
Coursework Req.
English 9
English 10
Required Complete
Understanding Your
Graduation Status Report
The next column shows how much credit is IN PROGRESS for
each subject, for example:
Coursework Req.
English 9
English 10
Required Complete
In Prog.
Understanding Your
Graduation Status Report
You can ignore these columns:
Next Yr.
(these are not applicable at this time)
The WAIVED column shows classes that were waived. For example, if you had 9th
grade history waived, it would show the amount of credit that was waived (or
not required) for that subject.
The REMAIN column shows how much credit you still need to complete for that
What Now?
 Review your Grad Status Report and use it to figure out what
classes you need to take next year. It is your responsibility to
make sure you are meeting all graduation requirements!
 Begin visiting the MTHS website to read course descriptions and
learn about course offerings at:
 Teachers will keep your Graduation Status Report until the
next advisory. Go on Skyward if you want to review your
Graduation Requirements.
On Track for Graduation?
To be on track for graduation you
should currently have at least:
Grade 9 – 2.0 credits
Grade 10 – 7.0 credits
Grade 11 – 13.0 credits
(You will need 16.0 credits after this semester in order
to be on track to graduate next year.)
Goal 3: What about Equivalencies and Waivers?
 Equivalencies are courses in a
different area that may substitute
for a graduation requirement.
Example: Intro to Engineering
Design is a CTE course, but you
can have .5 arts requirement met.
 Your teacher will have a copy of
approved equivalencies, and you
can check out the registration page
on our website. See your
counselor if you have questions.
 A Waiver means you are not required
to complete a certain graduation
requirement. Waivers can be
granted by the principal for
circumstances preventing
completion of a requirement.
 You begin the waiver process with
your counselor during registration in
grade 11 after determining you
cannot meet a graduation
 Students must be enrolled in 6 full
credit-bearing academic classes to
apply for a waiver. (Not TA)
Making up missed
graduation requirements
 Re-take requirements at MTHS
 District online e-Learning program
 Summer School
(self-pay: $300+ each class, subject to change)
 Correspondence classes (BYU, etc.
Self-pay: $130+ each class)
 Volunteer credit or Community Based Learning
 CLIP (Contracted Learning. Seniors only. MUST be
referred by counselor.)
 See Career Center or counselor for more
Goal 4: Timelines and Other Info!
Interested in Sno-Isle?
 Contact Career Center immediately.
 Remember, Sno-Isle is for grades 11 and 12.
Interested in Running Start?
 Attend informational meeting Tues. March 3rd @ 7:00pm @ MTHS.
 Online application available in mid-March for current grade 10 and
11 students who want to take college classes.
Timelines and Other Info for 2015-16!
February 27th through March 6th:
Get required teacher and parent signatures
March 6th :
*Completed Registration Forms DUE (in PASS)
*Be forewarned: no completed registration = no student course choices!
We will select for you and include a “counselor created” code.
No schedule changing will be allowed at that point.
*Completed registration means 4 alternates in addition
to first choice classes. Just Do It!
 FYI - This PowerPoint along with all registration information
is available on the MTHS website.
 If this presentation brings up questions for you, your
counselor is always available on a drop-in basis during both
lunches to answer those questions!!!
 Thank you for your rapt attention!!!