Chapter 19 Flashcards

Chapter 19 Flashcards
1. Northerner congressmen
who wanted to punish the
South for rebelling against the
federal government.
2. Northerners who moved to
the South after the Civil War.
3. Southerner “traitors” who
supported the Republican
Party and its Reconstruction
policies after the war.
4. Newly freed former slaves.
5. Southern whites who
sought to restore whites to
their superior political
position over blacks.
6. Southerners were offered
this “forgiveness” in exchange
for an oath of loyalty.
7. The period after the war
when the South was
reorganized & restored to the
8. White southerners sought
to _____, or separate, blacks
from whites in theaters &
9. Congress voted to _____,
or bring charges of wrong
doing against President
10. A system in which a
farmer worked land owned by
someone else in exchange for
a portion of the crop.
1. Led to the arrests of
thousands of KKK members
who intimidated and used
violence to keep blacks from
2. Insured that all southern
whites, even those who were
poor & uneducated, could
3. Passed by Southern
legislatures during
Reconstruction to govern the
conduct of blacks.
4. Required a fee to be paid
in order to vote in public
5. Designed to separate
blacks and whites in the
6. Required voters to read
aloud and interpret a portion
of the Constitution.
1. First black to be elected to
the United States Senate in
2. Who became President
when Abraham Lincoln was
3. Who was the Civil War hero
elected President of the
United States in 1868 and
4. Who became President
after the disputed election of
5. Who became the first
former slave to be elected to
the United States Senate?
6. Who planned a lenient
plan of Reconstruction that
required less than a majority
of Southerners to take oaths
of loyalty?
7. Democrat who almost won
the election of 1876.
8. Democratic candidate for
President in 1868.
9. Leader of the Radical
Republicans in the Senate.
10. Assassin of President
11. Leader of the Radical
Republicans in the House of
12.The Secretary of War
whom President Johnson
Amendments: Match
each statement with the
Amendment of which it is
a part.
1. “No state shall…deprive
any person of life, liberty,
or property, without due
process of law.”
2. “All persons born…in the
United States…are citizens of
the United States and the
state wherein they reside.”
3. “Neither slavery nor
involuntary servitude, except
as a punishment for crime,
shall exist within the United
4. “No state shall…deny to
any person within its
jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws.”
5. “The right of citizens of the
United States to vote shall not
be denied by…any state on
account of race, color, or
previous condition of
6. “When the right to vote…is
denied to any of the male
inhabitants of state, the
representation of that state in
Congress shall be reduced.”
Court Cases and Civil
Rights Laws Match each
statement with the
Case/Law of which it is a
1. Prohibited racial
discrimination in schools and
the workplace.
2. Ruled that “separate is
inherently [naturally]
3. The plaintiff’s complaint
had to do with separation in
4. The plaintiff’s complaint
had to do with separation in
railroad cars.
5. Ruled that segregation was
legal where there were
separate but equal facilities.
6. Increased black voter
registration to 65%.
Reconstruction Plans
Match each provision with
the plan of which it was a
part. (Lincoln’s Plan,
Johnson’s Plan, or
Reconstruction Act)
1. Blacks must be permitted
to vote in all Southern states.
2. 10% of the voters in each
southern state were required
to swear an oath of loyalty to
the U.S.
3. The South is divided into 5
military districts.
4. Each southern state must
write a new Constitution in
which blacks are granted
equal rights, especially the
right to vote.
5. Reflected the belief that
Confederate states should be
readmitted quickly and easily
6. Amnesty is given to all
Southerners, except high
Confederate officials and
7. States had to abolish
8. Southern states must ratify
the 13 Amendment.
9. Southern state
governments that had not
ratified the 14 Amendment
were thrown out.
10. Required a majority of
voters in each southern state
to swear loyalty to the United
11. The most lenient (or least
punishing) of the
Reconstruction Plans.
12. Amnesty was offered in
exchange for loyalty oaths,
except to those who were
Confederate leaders or who
had more than $20,000.
13. The harshest (or most
punishing) of the
Reconstruction Plans.
14. Opposed by many Republicans
because they thought it to be too
generous—thought the South
should be punished: wanted a
higher percentage of each state’s
voters to take an oath of loyalty and
Confederate soldiers be
disqualified to vote.
15. Southern states must
ratify the 14 Amendment.