Questions we learned…but maybe forgot. Why is the sky blue? Why are sunsets red? Ahhh! I need a review! A QUICK LOOK AT THE ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM Objective for the day By the end of the day… SWBAT generalize and explain the relationship between the color of light and wavelength within the electromagnetic spectrum. Remembering… Electromagnetic Waves Electromagnetic waves are mostly invisible waves that carry energy. They have both electric and magnetic properties, hence the name. We already learned about radiation. Radiation is energy that is transmitted by electromagnetic waves. EM waves are all around you! Classification of EM waves Electromagnetic waves are classified according to wavelength. This is called the Electromagnetic Spectrum longest wavelength shortest wavelength Know the order of the EM spectrum! Ron’s Mother InVited Us to Xavier’s Garden longest wavelength shortest wavelength Visible light Know the order of visible light longest wavelength shortest wavelength Know the order of the EM spectrum! Ron’s Mother InVited Us to Xavier’s Garden longest wavelength shortest wavelength Review & Practice Q: Which has the LONGER wavelength: Microwaves or Ultraviolet radiation? longest wavelength shortest wavelength Review & Practice Q: Which has the SHORTER wavelength: Yellow light or X-rays? longest wavelength shortest wavelength So why is the sky blue? The sun shines down white light, but white light is a mix of all of the visible colors. White light interacts with the atmosphere (nitrogen, oxygen, and other gases). So why is the sky blue? Longer wavelengths of light pass through nitrogen and oxygen, while shorter wavelengths collide and scatter. We see the scattered light, which is the blue light. Why are sunsets red? Why are sunsets red? Unit Overview Weather versus Climate Clouds Heat & Temperature Density & Pressure Water Cycle Wind Exit Ticket 1) Which has a SHORTER wavelength? Red light or purple light 2) Order these according to INCREASING wavelength: x-rays, ultraviolet, microwave, infrared 3) Give an explanation of why the sky appears blue.