9th English CP Silas Marner Essay rubrics Directions: This step-by-step guide must be adapted to the focus of your specific topic, but it provides a general framework for approaching your essay. Each essay topic spells out a broad them, but it is your responsibility to shape and form a more narrow and focused thesis for your five-paragraph essay. Step 1: Gather evidence & using critical thinking skills early in the process. You have had the essay topics since you began reading Silas Marner. I encouraged you to select your essay topic early, so you could gather evidence all along. I also encouraged you to loop back and catch up over vacation. While gathering quotes relevant to your essay topic, I encouraged you to jot down notes about the scene this emerged in, and give some thoughts on what the quote references, how you might use the information in your essay, etc. Thinking through the quote will help ideas start forming your mind about your thesis and subtopics. Step 2: Sort your evidence into three subtopic themes, all of which related to an overarching theme for your essay. You can different colored highlighters, or cut and paste quotes relevant to each subtopic on a separate paper. Only work with one subtopic at a time. Step 3: Brainstorm and Outline. You can use the Inspiration Software to help you cluster, sort and develop an outline for your essay. Use this graphic organizer to clarify the steps in your essay. You can also do this step first, then use Inspiration to add in the details to develop a more complete outline. You will be graded on your outline. Subtopic Paragraph 1 Unifying theme: Arguments and Evidence to support subtopic 1 unifying theme: Argument 1: Evidence: Argument 2: Evidence: Argument 3: Evidence: Subtopic 2: Unifying theme: Argument 1: Evidence: Argument 2: Evidence: Argument 3: Evidence: Subtopic 3: Unifying Theme Argument 1: Evidence: Argument 2: Evidence: Argument 3: Evidence: Step 4: Write up each subtopic paragraph. Make sure you have a clear TOPIC sentence which establishes the topic or theme you will prove in that specific paragraph. Make sure you have a CONCLUDING sentence that restates the unifying theme and points to the next paragraph. Double-check that you have a topic and concluding sentence for each subtopic paragraph. Step 5: Clarify your thesis. A thesis has two parts: (a) establishes the unifying theme for the entire essay, and (b) directs the reader to the sequence of subtopic paragraph themes. Unifying theme + 3 step directions to subtopic paragraph theme: Step 6: Write Introduction Hook: Introduce topic from general to specific: Mention title, author and date of the book (1860). Give a brief overview of the novel, and quickly focus your introduction toward your essay topic. Thesis: Your thesis statement appears as your last sentence (or two) of the introduction. Step 7: Write Conclusion Restate Thesis: Leave reader with a “most significant” point to remember: End with a clincher that relates back to your hook in the introduction: Step 8: Write title Titles should grab the readers attention, and relate to your clincher and hook. Use a subtitle like: A Study of Community (or Nature Images, etc.) in Silas Marner Step 9: HAND IN a thorough OUTLINE with your essay. You will receive a separate grade on the OUTLINE. Step10: Create a complete title page, with Title centered, and include your name, the course name and the date. Step 11: Writing checklist VERB Quality: * avoided passive verbs * avoided helping verbs * varied linking verbs * varied action verbs * used consistent past tense No contractions Used third person, formal voice Used proper capitalization Used proper punctuation No run-ons, fragments, dangling modifiers Proper spelling, no typos Put punctuation inside quotations