اخلطة الدراسية للمقرر النظري Theoretical course Lesson Plan English 4 Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mid-term Exams 8 Mid-term Exams 9 Mid-term Exams 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Weekly Hrs. Dept. القسم Technical English عدد الساعات األسبوعية Content Course Name اسم املقرر Course Code رمز املقرر En-251 أهداف املقرر Course Objectives (14/9-18/9/2014) - Introduction (21/9 – 25/9/2014) Unit 1: Mobile Messaging - Reading Compre. & Vocab. - wordlist 1 & Derivatives. (28/9-2/10/2014) Unit 2: Solar Cars - Reading Compre. & Vocab. - wordlist 2 & Derivatives. Introducing Note-Making. (5/10-9/10/2014) Unit 3: Radar Jammers - Reading Compre. & Vocab.- wordlist 3 & Derivatives. Practice writing Note-Making. (Oral Reading Quiz) (12/10-16/10/2014) Unit 4: The First Television - Reading Compre. & Vocab.- wordlist 4 & Derivatives. Practice writing Note-Making. (19/10-23/10/2014) Unit 5: Fan Ventilation System - Reading Compre. & Vocab.wordlist 5 & Derivatives. Practice writing Note-Making. (Writing Quiz) (26/10-30/10/2014) Unit 6: Laser Focus on Pain–Free Dentistry- Reading Compre. & Vocab.- wordlist 6 & Derivatives. Practice writing Note-Making. (2/11-6/11/2014) Mid-Term Exam (9/11-13/11/2014) Unit 7: Electromagnetic Communications - Reading Compre. & Vocab.- wordlist 7 & Derivatives. Introducing Report Writing. (16/11-20/11/2014) Unit 8: Commercial Broadcasting - Reading Compre. & Vocab.wordlist 8 & Derivatives. Practice Report Writing. (Oral Presentation Quiz) (23/11-27/11/2014) Unit 9: Satellite Communications - Reading Compre. & Vocab.wordlist 9 & Derivatives. Practice Report Writing. (30/11-4/12/2014) Unit 10: Electromagnetic Waves - Reading Compre. & Vocab.wordlist 10 & Derivatives. Practice Report Writing. (Writing Quiz) (7/12-11/12/2014) Unit 11: Electrical Energy - Reading Compre. & Vocab.- wordlist 11 & Derivatives. Practice Report Writing. (14/12-18/12/2014) Unit 12: Microwaves - Reading Compre. & Vocab.- wordlist 12 & Derivatives. Practice Report Writing. (Final Review) موعد بداية االختبارات النهـائيـة Final Exams (21/12 - 31/12/ 2014) This module designed to develop competence in the reading and comprehension of English on technical topics and note-taking and technical Relevant to report the writing. installation, operation and maintenance of electronic devices. موعد اختبار منتصف الفصل Mid-term Exam Date 26/10 - 13/11/2014 يبلغ املدرب مجيع املتدربني ابملوعد درجة100 توزيع الدرجات الكلية واليت جمموعها Grading Policy ( Total of 100 ) االختبار الفصلي % 60 Final Exam اختبار منتصف الفصل % 20 Mid-term Exam االختبارات القصرية % 10 Quizzes التطبيقات و النشاط Applications & Classroom/Lab Activities االنتظام Attendance ختم القسم Dept. Seal %0 % 10 Course plan for Technical English En-251 4th semester-Electronics 4 hours/ week Course plan En-251 4th semester Electronics Technical English 4 hours/ week Course Objectives: This module designed to develop competence in the reading and comprehension of English on technical topics and note-taking and technical report writing. Relevant to the installation, operation and maintenance of electronic devices. General outline: - To enhance the ability to read and comprehend technical relating to electronics in English. To improve vocabulary skills and to teach students to use the dictionary with ease. To teach students various ways of expressing technical concepts in the written and spoken forms. To teach students to think logically and use English to produce clear, simple sentences and to write simple notes and report. (Teachers should concentrate more on the language aspect than on the technical content of the material) Book: – Supplementary workbook for Technical English EN-251, 4th semester, prepared by Mrs. Tahani Hajee. Section ( I ): Reading Comprehension: Unit 1 – Unit 12 Section ( II ): Writing Section (A) Arranging Notes Exercise 1 – Exercise 12 (B) Write your Own Exercise 1 – Exercise 12 *(Teacher should introduce and teach the sub-headings for the Note-Making before doing the exercises) (C) Report Writing Exercise 1 – Exercise 10 Section ( III ): Sample of Mid-term Exam Sample of Final Exam Grading System: Class Assessment/ Application/ Activities : 20 marks - Attendance 10 marks - Written Quizzes (2) 10 marks Mid-term Exam: 20 marks Final Exam: 60 marks Week 1: Introduction : The teacher should clearly introduce and explain; the objectives of the course, the lesson plan, grading system, the material used, set the mid-term exam week, types of quizzes including the Presentation, the attendance and any other related issues and answers students inquiries. Week 2: Unit 1 – Mobile Messaging: Reading Comprehension: - Practice reading aloud the Reading Comprehension passage. - Do the comprehension exercises on this unit. Note: There are TWO kinds of comprehension questions – both in the mid-term and the final exams; a multiple choice question (choose from a, b, or c – True or False – What do the underlined pronouns refer to?) and the other is to answer with complete sentences. The teacher should teach the students to write the exact answer to the questions in complete sentences and to avoid irrelevant answers. - Introduce the Vocabulary - wordlist 1, write their definitions and do the related Exercise. - Teach the Derivatives , their part of speech and do the related exercise. Suggestion: You can use the material provided to enhance reading, comprehension and vocabulary. You can either use the exercises provided or make your own sample papers on the material. Week 3: Unit 2 – Solar Cars - Practice reading aloud and do the comprehension exercises on this unit. - Introduce the Vocabulary - wordlist 2, write their definitions and do the related exercise. - Teach the Derivatives, their part of speech and do the related exercise WRITING - Teach Note-Making (Arranging Notes) – sample exercises are given in 'ARRANGING NOTES' section. Students should learn how to: 1) Make notes on a given topic. 2) Select important notes and discard irrelevant and repeated points. 3) Organize the points into groups and provide suitable sub-headings (if they are not given) 4) Arrange the sub-heading in their order of importance. After students have learnt how to organize the notes, it's a good idea to ask them to write out each point as complete sentences. Please note: student will NOT be asked to write out the notes as complete sentences for the mid-term exam. But, if students are trained to do this it will be useful for them when they start writing reports. Moreover, it will help to make them understand the connection between note making and report writing. Week 4: Unit 3 – Radar Jammers: - Practice reading aloud and do the comprehension exercises on this unit. - Introduce the Vocabulary - wordlist 3, write their definitions and do the related exercise - Teach the Derivatives , their part of speech and do the related exercise - Practice Note-Making (Arranging Notes) Quiz: Oral reading quiz Week 5: Unit 4 – The First Television: - Practice reading aloud and do the comprehension exercises on this unit. - Introduce the Vocabulary - wordlist 4, write their definitions and do the related Exercise. - Teach the Derivatives , their part of speech and do the related exercise - Practice Note-Making: (Arranging Notes) Week 6: Unit 5 – Fan Ventilation System: - Practice reading aloud and do the comprehension exercises on this unit. - Introduce the Vocabulary - wordlist 5, write their definitions and do the related Exercise. - Teach the Derivatives , their part of speech and do the related exercise WRITING: - Introduce Note-Making (WRITING YOUR OWN NOTES) *Suggestion: 1) Ask students to make notes. 2) They should provide sub-headings and arrange the points in their order of importance. (study the list of sub-headings in "WRITING YOUR OWN NOTES"). - Quiz: Week 7: Written quiz (1) Unit 6 – Laser Focus On Pain-Free Dentistry: - Practice reading aloud and do the comprehension exercises on this unit. - Introduce the Vocabulary - wordlist 6, write their definitions and do the related Exercise. - Teach the Derivatives , their part of speech and do the related exercise - Practice Note-Making: (Arranging Notes + Writing Your Own Notes) * You can use the Sample Mid-term Exam in section III. Week 8: Mid-term Exam Week 9: Unit 7 – Electromagnetic Communications: - Practice reading aloud and do the comprehension exercises on this unit. - Introduce the Vocabulary - wordlist 7, write their definitions and do the related Exercise. - Teach the Derivatives, their part of speech and do the related exercise - Introducing 'Report Writing' Writing: Important Note: Teachers should be prepared to teach 'Report Writing' by fully study and understand the introductory pages in 'The Report Writing' section before teaching the students. The material includes different kind of reports. This section has been provided only to show students the various contexts for writing reports, the format and structure of reports. Use your own discretion and teach only what is necessary for your students. In order to have uniformity in testing report writing. We will be following the format of the report provided in the 'Report Writing Section' because it’s the easiest. Week 10: Unit 8 – Commercial Broadcasting: - Practice reading aloud and do the comprehension exercises on this unit. - Introduce the Vocabulary - wordlist 8, write their definitions and do the related Exercise. - Teach the Derivatives , their part of speech and do the related exercise - Practice Note-Making: (Report Writing) Quiz: Oral Reading Presentation Week 11: Unit 9 – Satellite Communications: - Practice reading aloud and do the comprehension exercises on this unit. - Introduce the Vocabulary - wordlist 9, write their definitions and do the related Exercise. - Teach the Derivatives , their part of speech and do the related exercise - Practice Note-Making: (Report Writing) Week 12: Unit 10 – Electromagnetic Waves: - Practice reading aloud and do the comprehension exercises on this unit. - Introduce the Vocabulary - wordlist 10, write their definitions and do the related Exercise. - Teach the Derivatives , their part of speech and do the related exercise - Practice Note-Making: (Report Writing) Suggestion: Take the students to the library and ask them to write a report on any topic of their choice. They should use the books in the library for reference. Quiz: Written Quiz (2) Week 13: Unit 11 – Electrical Energy: - Practice reading aloud and do the comprehension exercises on this unit. - Introduce the Vocabulary - wordlist 11, write their definitions and do the related Exercise. - Teach the Derivatives , their part of speech and do the related exercise - Practice Note-Making: (Report Writing) Week 14: Unit 12 – Microwaves: - Practice reading aloud and do the comprehension exercises on this unit. - Introduce the Vocabulary - wordlist 12, write their definitions and do the related Exercise. - Teach the Derivatives , their part of speech and do the related exercise - Practice Note-Making: (Report Writing) Revision You can use the Sample Final Exam in section III. Guidelines for Mid-term Exam En-251 (4th Semester) I. Reading Comprehension (A) (200 words): A. Complete the sentences with the correct answer. Choose from a,b or c: (2 marks4x0.5) B. Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? (2 marks- 4x0.5) C. Circle the meaning of the underlined word as it is used in the passage. Choose from a,b or c. (2 marks- 2x1) Reading Comprehension (B) (200 words): II. A. Answer the following questions in complete sentences. (2 marks- 4x0.5) B. What do the underlined pronouns in these sentences refer to? (2 marks – 2x1) Vocabulary. (Both A and B from word list & derivatives in 1-3) : A. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the list given below. (2.5 marks – 5x0.5) B. Complete the sentences with the correct derivatives from a,b or c: (2marka – 4x0,5) III. Writing (Note Making): A. Study the list of points for an essay on……………….. and do the following: (2.5 marks) 1. Organize the points into groups under the sub-heading that are underlined. 2. Arrange the points into suitable order. 3. Number the subheadings in suitable order. B. Write your own notes on ………………….. . Organize your points into three groups and give each group a sub-heading. (3 marks) Total marks: 20 marks Guidelines for Final Exam En-251 (4th Semester) I. Reading Comprehension (A) (200 words): A. Complete the sentences with the correct answer. Choose from a,b or c: (4 marks4x1) B. Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? (4 marks- 4x1) C. Circle the meaning of the underlined word as it is used in the passage. Choose from a,b or c. (3 marks- 3x1) Reading Comprehension (B) (200 words): A. Answer the following questions in complete sentences. (10 marks- 5x2) B. What do the underlined pronouns in these sentences refer to? (3 marks – 3x1) II. Vocabulary.(Both A and B from word list & derivatives in 1 to 6) : A. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the list given below. (10 marks – 5x2) B. Complete the sentences with the correct derivatives from a,b or c: (6marks – 6x1) IV. Writing (Report writing): Use the notes that are given and write a report on …………….. in the format that is provided. Your report must have a suitable introduction and a conclusion. (20 marks) Note: Give suitable notes. There should be 12 points. Divide the points into 3 groups and give each group a sub-heading. Each group should present a different idea. Total marks: 60 marks