Dr. Pantuso’s Lesson Plan Template 1 Student Teacher’s Name: Clinton Kraehmer Date Submitted: 1-29-12 Course Title/Grade Level: 10th grade sophomores Days/Times Taught: 1-30-12 Periods 2,3,5 Targeted Standards College and Career Readiness Standards: CC.K-12.L.R.6 Vocabulary Acquisition and Use: Acquire and use accurately a range of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. Common Core Standard(s): CC.9-10.L.4.b Vocabulary Acquisition and Use: Identify and correctly use patterns of word changes that indicate different meanings or parts of speech (e.g., analyze, analysis, analytical; advocate, advocacy). CC.9-10.L.4.c Vocabulary Acquisition and Use: Consult general and specialized reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning, its part of speech, or its etymology. Objectives Subject/Title of Lesson with Objective: Vocabulary Mondays. During my student teaching experience Monday classes are short 50 minute classes. Because of this abbreviated nature of the class I am going to incorporate a vocabulary activity into every Monday class instead of trying to get into Othello, because this may prove to be very difficult to do in this shortened class time. Lesson Objectives: The students will be continuing their acquisition of vocabulary skills. Previously in this class my students have been taught vocabulary by my CT up until lesson 5 in a vocabulary book. I am continuing this process with lesson 6. I have the handouts already copied for the students and I will guide them through this activity. Outcome Objectives: The students will produce two things: they will finish a vocabulary worksheet and keep this in their binders. They will also start a vocabulary worksheet pertaining to words that are in Othello. These assignments will be completed later in the week. Resources, Methods and Materials Dr. Pantuso’s Lesson Plan Template 2 Resources Used to Develop Lesson: My vocabulary handout that was provided to me by my CT and a list of vocabulary words from Othello that I made up. Methods/Strategies Used to Teach Lesson: Scaffolding off of prior knowledge regarding vocabulary. I will also allow my students to work in pairs to complete the worksheet (cooperative learning). Teaching Materials: I will need my vocabulary handout and my Othello vocabulary handout. Student Materials: The students will need their binders and notebooks because they will continue journaling. They will need pens and pencils to complete the assignments that I give them. Schedule for Instruction Introduction/Opening Activity*: I will have the students journal about why vocabulary is important and situations in which being able to spell correctly without the aid of spellcheck is important. Time Allotted: 5-7 Lesson Activities*: Time Allotted: 1) I will distribute the Vocabulary handout and explain that the students will fill this out and give it back to me during the class for a grade. I will explain the directions and let the students break up into pairs so they can work together. 2) I will give the students a handout with Othello vocabulary. I will explain that this will be turned in at the end of the week. The students are to take all 10 words, write the definition from the dictionary, and on the back of the paper use each one of them in a sentence. They will work on this in class and what they do not finish they will work on as homework. Closing Activity* and Homework Assigned: 20 20 Due Date: I will distribute note cards and have the students write down one sentence using one of the vocabulary skills they learned in this class. I will give them 5 points for this. 5 Evaluation/Assessment of Learning Aligned with Objectives, Standards and Activities I will check with the note cards the students understanding of the material. I will also grade both the vocabulary handout and the Othello handout that they will be giving back to me later in the week. The objective is to have the students acquire knowledge of vocabulary, and this is exactly what I am doing with this lesson. *Include a list of any questions asked of students along with a key of possible responses in the addendum section of this lesson plan. Reflection of Lesson Development and Delivery Dr. Pantuso’s Lesson Plan Template 3 How was this lesson successful? (written in complete sentences) How could this lesson be improved? I will gauge this as I teach this lesson. Addendum Use the space below and the following page(s) to include any questions posed of students with possible responses. Also include a bulleted script for instruction if you do not include it in your Schedule for Instruction section. Remember that any ancillary materials (handouts) must also be included with your lesson plans.