NYC global city presentation part 2

III. What are the spatial and social
consequences of NY’s global integration?
Global cities act as frontiers where global actors
from different sectors encounter each other and
follow no rules (deregulation/privatization)
A. Spatial Consequences:
• NY’s metropolitan territory
• Logic of expulsion linked to presence
of TNCs
• more and more polycentric (5
boroughs + New Jersey + Edge Cities)
Five Boroughs
of New York:
1. Manhattan
2. Brooklyn
3. Queens
4. Bronx
5. Staten island
Urban sprawl:
More and more spread out (commuters, suburbs,
Staten Island
Number of people commuting by car to Central Business Districts
1. Manhattan’s Central business
District and Central Park
Lower Manhattan
Photo taken August 2013
One World Trade Center
a.k.a. the Freedom Tower
Hudson River
East River
Source: The Guardian
Midtown, Manhattan
2. Brooklyn
3. Queens
4. The Bronx
5. Staten Island
New York: sky view: Air Pano sky view of NYC
Northern New Jersey
Jersey City - Edge City
B. Social Consequences
1. Global cities marked by social contrasts
• Gentrification
• Increasing Wealth Gap
a. Gentrification of neighborhoods
Gentrification of Crown Heights, Brooklyn
The Ins and the Outs
A hypothetical time-lapse
video of Franklin Avenue in
Crown Heights, Brooklyn,
starting in the year 2000:
Doc 1: Photo
Story New York
Times : A Harlem
Doc 2:
Doc 3:Video: Race, Class and the
Gentrification of Harlem 11’27
What are the major characteristics of
gentrification (Doc 1 – 3)?
Why does the Harlem tenants council oppose
Why is Columbia’s expansion project
contested by some?
b. NYC Wealth Gap
37,000 including 15,000 children
up by 50% since the crisis
Every night 1,000 people sleep in the subway system
1.5 million people registered as living in poverty (1 in 4)
Richest 1% of NYC’s population controls 70% of the
Lack of affordable housing
Video: NYC Wealth Gap bigger than India
More and more fragmented (e.g. wealth
distribution, living conditions, access to
education, etc.)
Cost of living
Rise of Gated Communities
Rent Prices in NYC and suburbs 1980-2011
Living in New York and its Periphery
Median rents
Real Estate
Prices: Golden
Ghettos in the
Center and
Periphery (19802011)
What do you notice
about the
differences between
the categories of
Local Trajectory of real estate values
In millions of dollars
Strong Growth
Weak Growth
IV. Challenges to Face
1. Sustainable Development
2. Global Warming
3. Quality of Life
Public Transportation
Air Quality
2. Sustainable Development in NYC
Bloomberg’s PlaNYC 2030
Bloomberg’s air quality and energy goals
relied heavily on nuclear power and natural
Pushed to ban fracking in the city’s watershed
while supporting the expansion of pipelines
that would bring gas into the city from
fracked shale in Pennsylvania
Contradicts the water quality part of the plan,
which identifies fracking as a threat to the
city’s watershed in the Catskill region.
Sustainable development programs
Reducing CO2 emissions: Nearly 80% of
citywide emissions are attributed to buildings’
energy use.
Many new sustainable technologies that help
offset these emissions, increase a building’s
efficiency, decrease energy dependence
Video: NYC's Green Skyscrapers Bank of
America Tower 2’39
2. Global Warming
a. Extreme weather conditions increasingly
b. Risks of rising sea level
3. Quality of Life
Transportation & Air Quality
Automobilization vs. Mass Transit
Video: Contested Streets: Breaking NYC
Gridlock 50’00 – 55’14
21st Century: Alternative transportation to
Bicycles and Buses
Increased pedestrian space e.g. Times Square
Subway system – major challenges
Strong Points of NYC:
capital (resulting from brain
•attractiveness of city,
•quality of universities,
•# intl schools,
•% post graduate degrees
–Financial markets
•NASDAQ, NYSE- listing of most
important technology companies,
e.g. Apple, Microsoft
•Banking institutions ( Goldman
Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup)
–Economic diversity
•Rise of tourism
•Start-ups in Silicon Alley (Tumblr,
Gilt, Google, Facebook)
–Culturally dynamic
–Internationally renown
Weak Points of NYC:
•Urban Sprawl contributing to
social fragmentation
(gentrification, gated
–Global warming
–Quality of life
•Air quality, outdated public
transport, educational
Optional Homework – Articles to Read
Mayor Bloomberg’s Legacy
The Political economy of
New Yorkers conflicted over
Bloomberg’s legacy
Cost of Living
NY a hell of a place
NYC has highest cost of living
Cost of living index of selected
US cities
A Tale of Two cities
Inequality and NY subway
NY Have and Have Nots
NYC Wealth Gap
After a Short Nap: Harlem
Bill Thompson on NYC Gentrification
Harlem 125th Street Renovation
Architecture 101 NYU vs. Columbia
NY Schools
The School that Ate New York