Project L-EARN–Rutgers–2016

MAY 31-AUGUST 5, 2016
Would you like to:
 Conduct research rather than just reading about it?
 Study important topics in health and health policy?
 Prepare for graduate school in a health research field?
 Contribute your perspective and experience to a team of health researchers?
 Spend your summer earning 3 academic credits ad a $4,200 stipend with free room and board,
while learning important research skills?
Project L/EARN is a research training program for undergraduates from under-represented groups who
are interested in health research. The summer program is held at Rutgers University – New Brunswick,
and encourages applications from students from other colleges and universities.
Project L/EARN is funded by the National Science Foundation as one of its “Research Experiences for
Undergraduates,” with the theme “Social Disparities in Health, Health Behavior and Access to Health
Care.” The program, which will celebrate its 25thAnniversary next summer, was given an award in 2010
by the National Association of Minority Medical Educators for its innovative program model.
The program is an intensive, hands-on summer research training internship for undergraduate students
from groups that have been previously under-represented in graduate schools and health research.
Eight to ten interns are selected annually from colleges and universities nationwide to participate in a
ten-week residential internship at Rutgers University. During the summer, they obtain research skills
and "hands-on" experience in health research through a combination of coursework on statistics,
research methods, research writing, ethics and health topics and an individual research project under
the guidance of a distinguished faculty mentor. Many continue to conduct research during the academic
year with their summer mentor or a faculty researcher at their home institution.
Have at least one year of undergraduate education toward a bachelor’s degree remaining after
summer 2016
Have taken at least one college-level statistics or research methods course by the time the
summer program begins
Be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or permanent resident of the United States
And be a member of at least one of the groups specified as under-represented in graduate
education, such as, but not limited to those from racial/ethnic minority groups (African-
American, Latino, Native American, and Pacific Islanders), economically disadvantaged
backgrounds, first generation college attenders, and persons with disabilities.
Be able to attend all program activities in New Jersey and live in the provided campus housing
from May 31 through Aug. 5, 2016
Project L/EARN is open to all majors. Past interns have come from a variety of majors, including
psychology, sociology, public health, economics, political science, nursing, pharmacy, biology, statistics,
urban studies, and public policy. Faculty mentors represent a diverse array of disciplines, including
health economics, medical sociology, medical anthropology, public health, social work, nursing, and
health psychology; all head vigorous research programs. Each intern will be matched with a faculty
mentor whose work is most closely aligned with his or her particular interests, skills, and background.
The internship provides students with a $4,200 stipend, tuition, and room and board for the duration of
the ten-week program so that they can “learn while they earn." Students also receive 3 academic
credits for the program. The program will operate from Tuesday, May 31 through Friday, Aug. 5,
2016 on the New Brunswick campus of Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.
Log on to the Project L/EARN website: The application deadline
is Monday, February 8, 2016.
Dr. Jane Miller
Research Professor
Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research
Faculty Director, Project L/EARN (
Rutgers University
112 Paterson Street, Room 454
New Brunswick NJ 08901 Best way to reach me - even if to set up a time to phone
Voicemail (848) 932-6730 Please try email first!
Fax (732) 932-1253
See for links to selected publications, lectures, and materials for
students applying for jobs or graduate school.
Feel free to contact Faculty Director Jane Miller or Program Director Diane Davis at with your questions or to set up a time to talk by phone about their interest in the