1st quarter – 2015/2016 thefreedictionary.com merriam-webster.com thesaurus.com Definition (adjective) working diligently at a task; persevering; constant; unremitting Other Forms adverb – assiduously noun – assiduousness Synonyms hardworking diligent zealous 1. assiduous Antonyms indifferent negligent lazy After five years of failed hypotheses and experiments, the assiduous researcher finally made a breakthrough in her field. Definition (adjective) able to burn or destroy via chemical reaction; overly harsh and critical; incisively sarcastic Other Forms adverb – caustically noun – causticity Synonyms corrosive biting scathing 2. caustic Antonyms gentle mild bland Devastated by the caustic remarks of his cruel teacher, Timmy scrapped his project idea and went to his room to sulk. Definition (verb) to reprimand or rebuke sharply; to punish for wrongdoing Synonyms berate castigate discipline 3. chastise Other Forms chastises/chastised/chastising noun – chastiser noun – chastisement adjective – chastisable Antonyms compliment laud praise I chastised my nephew when he super-glued my rings to my fingers. Definition (verb) to make something clear, by explaining or clarifying Synonyms expound clarify illuminate 4. elucidate Other Forms elucidates/elucidated/elucidating noun – elucidator/elucidation adjective – elucidative Antonyms obscure confuse complicate When creating a Power Point presentation, it is a good idea to create charts and other visual representations of the information to elucidate the ideas that you are trying to share. Definition (verb) to raise in rank, character, or status; to glorify, honor, or praise Synonyms promote extol laud 5. exalt Other Forms exalts/exalted/exalting noun – exalter/exaltation Antonyms condemn degrade shame Christians exalt the power and glory of their God during weekly services. Definition (adjective) not true or accurate; tending to mislead; deceptive Other Forms adverb – fallaciously noun – fallaciousness Synonyms erroneous illogical misleading 6. fallacious Antonyms logical sound valid Many consumers harbor the fallacious belief that credit-card debt will never catch up with them; thus, they continue their wanton spending. Definition (noun) the behavior of people who do things that they tell others not to do or that goes against something they feel or claim to believe Other Forms noun – hypocrite adjective – hypocritical Synonyms bigotry deceit Judas 7. hypocrisy Antonyms frankness truthfulness uprightness When his private letters were made public, they revealed his hypocrisy, and he lost the election. Definition (noun/adjective) a person who fights against an established government or authority Other Forms noun – insurgence adverb – insurgently Synonyms rebel revolutionist mutineer 8. insurgent ~Antonyms loyal steadfast obedient The insurgents hoped to fracture the backbone of the corrupt dictatorship. Definition (adjective) not easily upset or excited; not moving much; calm and steady Synonyms serene tranquil composed 9. placid Other Forms adverb – placidly noun – placidity/placidness Antonyms agitated clamorous turbulent The placid surface of the lake was disturbed when the boys threw rocks into it. Definition (adjective) not interesting or effective because of overuse; not fresh or original Other Forms triter/tritest adverb – tritely noun – triteness Synonyms banal dull hackneyed 10. trite Antonyms fresh new original When selecting a topic for a position paper, one should avoid trite arguments. Definition (adjective) used when people are speaking in an informal style Synonyms conversational dialectical vernacular 11. colloquial Other Forms adverb – colloquially noun – colloquialism/colloquialness Antonyms standard correct formal When delivering a formal speech, one should avoid colloquial expressions. Definition (adjective) having or showing no understanding of what is appropriate or acceptable; rude and insensitive Synonyms boorish churlish vulgar 12. crass Other Forms crasser/crassest adverb – crassly noun – crassitude/crassness Antonyms refined sophisticated polite He is a loudmouthed jerk given to rude jokes and crass comments. Definition (adjective) able to see and understand people, things, and situations clearly and intelligently Other Forms adverb – discerningly Synonyms perceptive astute insightful 13. discerning Antonyms ignorant unaware overlooking A discerning critic of modern art, Professor Mallot is always invited to premier exhibitions, and the novice artists hope for a favorable review. Definition Synonyms overstatement exaggeration embellishment (noun) an extravagant exaggeration 14. hyperbole Other Forms adjective – hyperbolic Antonyms understatement “Enough food to feed a whole army” is a common example of a hyperbole. Definition (adjective) penetrating, clear, and sharp; biting or sarcastic Other Forms adverb – incisively noun – incisiveness Synonyms astute sharp cutting 15. incisive ~Antonyms dull unintelligent gentle Known for her incisive mind and quick wit, Ellen Degeneres is frequently chosen as a host for awards shows. Definition (adjective) having or showing sound judgement Other Forms adverb – judiciously noun – judiciousness Synonyms prudent sensible shrewd 16. judicious Antonyms careless rash unsound Judicious planning now can prevent problems later. Definition (noun) a right or privilege, esp. a hereditary or official right Synonyms birthright choice due 17. prerogative Other Forms ~Antonyms adjective – prerogatived duty obligation If you’d rather sell the tickets than use them, that’s your prerogative. Definition (adjective) expressed or understood without being directly stated Synonyms implicit unspoken assumed 18. tacit Other Forms Antonyms adverb – tacitly noun – tacitness stated explicit direct With nothing more than a tacit agreement to respect one another’s space and privacy, the two roommates lived harmoniously. Definition (adjective) tending to upset or offend people; bluntly inconsiderate or indiscreet Synonyms blundering gauche unpolished 19. tactless Other Forms adverb – tactlessly noun – tact/tactlessness Antonyms careful discreet tactful Martha shunned Kevin after his tactless remark about her second-hand clothing. Definition (verb) to sharpen; to make keen or more acute Synonyms sharpen kindle stimulate 20. whet Other Forms whets/whetted/whetting noun – whetter Antonyms blunt dampen dull The ads, sales, and book-signings are all strategies used to whet the consumers’ interest. Definition Synonyms alleviate lighten relieve (verb) to make better or more tolerable 21. ameliorate Other Forms ameliorates/ameliorated/ameliorating noun – ameliorator adjective – ameliorative/ameliorable Antonyms aggravate intensify worsen The medicine should help ameliorate the pain. Definition (verb) to agree to something, esp. after careful consideration Synonyms acquiescence concurrence consent 22. assent Other Forms assents/assented/assenting noun – assenter adverb – assentingly adjective – assentive Antonyms disagreement disapproval refusal The general proposed a detail plan, and the President assented and signed the proposition. Definition (adjective/adverb) having no plan, order, or direction; chance Synonyms random erratic fluke 23. haphazard Other Forms adverb – haphazardly noun – haphazardness Antonyms deliberate planned systematic Considering the haphazard way you measured the ingredients, it’s lucky the cookies came out as well as they did! Definition (adjective) impossible to dispute; unquestionable Synonyms indisputable irrefutable uncontestable 24. incontrovertible Other Forms adverb – incontrovertibly noun – incontrovertibility noun – incontrovertibileness Antonyms questionable uncertain dubious The prosecution introduced a number of incontrovertible facts that left the jury with no choice but to convict. Definition (adjective) incapable of being perceived by the senses, touched, realized, or defined Synonyms ethereal impalpable untouchable 25. intangible Other Forms adverb – intangibly noun – intangibleness/intangibility Antonyms definite palpable touchable Many students fail to realize education’s intangible benefits until it is too late.