Jones- Unit plan part II

Alisha Jones
BSC 307
Unit Plan Part II Template
Unit Phylum Platyhelminthes, Rotifers, and Mollusks
Use the table below to complete part 1 of your Unit Plan Assignment.
Possible Teaching Final Choice
1. The students will
be able to define
the phylum’s and
characteristics of
the “worms”
2. The students will
be able to label
the parasitic life
-Show a
video showing all
types of worms.
-Take Notes over the
phylum and classes
for this particular
The students will
be able to identify
the type of cavity
1. The students will
be able to
distinguish what
acoelomate is
2. The students will
be able to identify
each class of
-Add to their animal
kingdom phylogeny
with the new phylum
of Platyhelminthes.
-Demonstration of
acoelomate by
sticking straw through
a hot dog.
Label and identify
classes of the
-The students will be
able to create their
own parasitic life
The students will
first add to their
phylogeny that
they have
created for each
Notes will be
taken over the
phylum to make
sure that the
students have
information over
the phylum “the
of acoelomate.
Class activity to
have students
create their own
parasitic life
I think it is important to
do fill out the phylogeny
because we have done
this for every phylum
and the students are
tested on the most
recent information on
each test. Notes will be
taken to understand
what types of
characteristics make up
this phylum.
The class will begin with
a review of the
Platyhelminthes and I
will do a demonstration
of acoelomate to the
class by sticking a straw
through a hot dog to
show the layers of these
worms and what makes
them different. They will
be given time in class to
create their own
parasitic life cycle by
making a comic, poem,
or journal entry to
describe specific for
1. The students will
be able to
between molting
and non-molting
2. The students will
be able to
describe the
concept of
3. The students will
be able to
distinguish what
is in these worms.
1. 1. The students will
be able to identify
gastropods, bivalves,
and cephalopods
from introductory
2. The students will
be able to list
specifics about each
class in this phylum.
3.The students will be
able to relate the
information they
have learned in class
to a real life situation
in Illinois.
-Have students share
their parasitic life
cycle from the day
-Demonstration of
-Differences between
a molting and nonmolting and
compared to other
body cavities.
-Show the students a video to
introduce them to
phylum Mollusca.
-Give them a brief
lecture on what
mollusks are and
characteristics about
them through guided
- They will have an in
class article about
pearls found in IL and
they will have
questions to answer
about them.
1.The students will be -At the beginning of
able to examine how class I will show the
Explain the
differences of
superphylums of
non-molting and
parasites to the
class through
description and
pictures on the
overhead. Then
have students
draw on board
the different
types of body
cavities that we
have learned
I think it is important to
give the students
demonstrations and
explanations about
certain processes
especially with
organisms at such a
small level. To show
pictures and give
explanation they will
better understand the
process and having the
students draw on the
board they will be able
to not only better
understand the cavities
but will become familiar
with them by drawing
them on the board.
I am going to show a
video at the beginning
video will be
of class that was about
1:30 mins. in length to
give an introduction
An introductory followed by a guided
lesson will be
notes packet for the
given over the
students to write down
their notes. I am doing
this to make sure they
The students will understand the
have a chance to difference and
work on an in
similarities in this
class article
phylum. I will end class
given to them.
with about fifteen
minutes left to let them
work on a worksheet
that I created for them
that ties in the
information they
learned in class and
relates to pearls found
in Illinois.
A PowerPoint
The PowerPoint will be
will be taught to used as a teaching tool
a snail moves by
placing it on a sheet
of glass.
students how
locomotion works in
snails by placing snails
on a piece of glass and
passing it around the
the students
that include
many slides with
pictures and
2. The students will
illustrations for
be able to
the particular
distinguish each
classes of
class of mollusks
-The students will
mollusks to wrap
through class notes. listen and take notes
up this phylum.
over the last section
After the lecture
3.The students will
of information about
is done the
be able to show the mollusks by use of a
students will
characteristics of
have a
each class through a presentation.
comparison chart.
chart to fill out
-A comparison chart
that they can
will be given to the
work in pairs or
students for them to
individually to
work in class to have a complete by the
study guide for each
end of the hour.
class of mollusks.
1. The students will
be able to relate
anatomical parts
to that of a pickle.
-Larry boy- “I love my
lips video” will be
shown as an
introduction to the
- An anatomy lab
worksheet will be
given to the students
to have a key of what
certain vocabulary
2. The students will
be able to
through dissection
lab of how their
pickle was killed.
The video will be
shown as an
Pickle lab
-The Pickle dissection
lab for the students to
-A class discussion of
how each groups
pickle was murdered.
1. The students will
-Proper dissection
and to wrap up all the
information about this
phylum. There will be a
lot of pictures and
diagrams and very few
words so the students
are paying attention and
getting the specifics
they need from the
lecture. They will have
the chance to work with
one another to fill out
the comparison sheet
about classes of
mollusks so that they
are able to have a good
study tool and that they
can go over the
information they have
learned in the past two
days to make
connections with this
specific phylum.
I chose to do this on this
particular day because
the video gave them an
introduction to who
their victim was and
why he could have been
killed. The anatomy
worksheet was to
familiarize the students
with terms that they
would use in later
dissections, and finally
the pickle lab was given
to them so they had
something to follow
step by step through the
An introduction to
be able to examine introduction given to
the internal
the students
aspects of a squid.
-Squid dissection lab
2. The students will will be given to them
be able to classify
-A diagram will be
structures of a
given to the students
that they must label
before they can begin
the lab.
1. The students will
be able to explain
structures they
saw during the
2. The students will
be able to make
between the
different classes
of mollusks.
1. The students will
be able to make
connections in
the phylum
given to the
Squid dissection
lab will be given
to the students
to take them
through the lab.
-Review squid lab
Review squid lab
with class if they
-Go over lab questions have any
they have over the lab questions
-Mollusks review
characteristics chart
Go over lab
questions they
have over the
Finish filling out
the mollusks
-PowerPoint showing
magnified pictures of
different annelids
-Guided notes will be
given to the students
while a lecture is
given over annelids.
-Worksheet to finish
before class ends over
pictures and
other pictures of
Guided notes
will be given to
the students
while a lecture is
proper dissection will be
given to the students to
make sure they
understand where they
are cutting and how to
do it the proper way to
make sure we didn’t run
out of squid. A
dissection lab will be
given to them to take
them step by step
through the lab and
have them answer
questions along the
At the beginning of class
I will have the students
ask questions and talk
through what they saw
and learned during the
squid dissection lab. I
will go through the
questions in the lab
packet to make sure
they were able to find
answers to all of the
questions. With the
remainder of the class I
will have them finish
their mollusks
characteristics chart to
help them prepare for
their unit quiz.
This lesson will be a
little different and
switch to more lecture
based since they have
been very hands on the
last few days. They will
be shown pictures to
understand what they
are learning about and
then they will have
guided notes to help
given over
annelids through
a PowerPoint
1.The students will be
able to rewrite
information in the
form of note cards
that need to be
ordered and turned
in before the test.
2. The students will
create an earthworm
with the use of clay.
-Make note cards for
each phylum and class
we have gone through
in this unit.
-Give each student a
diagram to finish
about the different
structure of a
earthworm to fill out
-Each students will
create their own earth
-Show their
earthworms to each
other and explain the
structures and what
they do.
1. The students will
prepare for their
unit quiz for the
following day.
-Have them complete
all unfinished work.
1. The Students will
be able to test
their knowledge
over the worms
and mollusks of
this unit.
-The students will be
given a mc, fill in the
blank, and diagrams
for an assessment
-The students will be
assessed over a
dissection lab of
either a worm or a
-Create a game that
will have all of the
students interacting
with one another and
reviewing information
about worms and
Make note cards
for each phylum
and class we
have gone
through in this
them go quickly and
efficiently the
information they will be
taught in this lesson.
They made note cards
to add to what they
have made for the
semester and help them
get familiar with
information that they
will be tested over for
Give each
their quiz. They will
student a
have to fill out a
diagram to finish diagram of an
about the
earthworm to
understand where the
structure of a
structures are internally
earthworm to fill and then create their
own earthworm out of
Each students
clay (internally) to be
will create their
able to better
own earth worm understand how
complex earthworms
Create a
By having the students
jeopardy type
do a review game they
game that will
were able to make
have all of the
connections between
the information in this
interacting with unit and be able to
one another and better prepare for the
quiz the following day.
about worms
and mollusks.
The students will I chose to test them
be given a mc,
over their knowledge as
fill in the blank,
a collaboration of
and diagrams for worms and mollusks
an assessment
that made connections
through the lectures,
labs, and worksheet that
they were given during
this unit.
Use the table below to complete part 2 of your Unit Plan Assignment.
The students will be able to define
the phylum’s and characteristics
of the “worms.”
-word list and
definitions given
out on Monday and
quiz taken on Friday
The students will be able to label
the parasitic life cycle.
- Students have to
find the definitions
on their own and
turn them in the
following day
-the students will
label a parasite life
cycle on a
worksheet I will give
-the students will
create their own life
The students will be able to
identify the type of cavity
Platyhelminthes have.
The students will be able to
distinguish what acoelomate is
through demonstration.
The students will be able to
identify each class of
-The students will
draw their own
inner cavity of a
worm and represent
the parts.
- The students will
find pictures using
google images to
add to their notes.
-the students will
have to create a
demonstration of
acoelomate through
use of materials in
the classroom.
-the students will be
given materials and
asked to figure out
how to create the
acoelomate figure.
-the students will
have a pop quiz
over the classes.
-the students will
have an in class
-word list and
given out on
Monday and
quiz taken on
-the students
will create
their own life
-The students
will draw their
own inner
cavity of a
worm and
represent the
I think the word list and
definitions given to the
students and follow it
with a quiz would be the
best to have the students
refer to it during the week
and have to study the
words and have a better
memory for the future on
what each word means.
I chose to have the
students create their own
parasite life cycle so they
would be able to be
creative and do make
connections in their own
way. I would just make
sure they had each part
The students will draw an
enlarged picture of the
cavity of the
Platyhelminthes and label
the specific parts to be
able to keep them in their
notes and use to study for
a quiz.
-the students
will be given
materials and
asked to figure
out how to
create the
By giving the students the
materials they will be able
to quickly move through
this demonstration with a
hot dog and a straw and
they will be able to
remember what it is for
the next phylum.
-the students
will have an in
assignment to
This will be an in class
assessment exercise that
will not only involve the
whole class but to get
them interested in what
The students will be able to
distinguish between molting and
non-molting species.
The students will be able to
describe the concept of diffusion.
The students will be able to
distinguish what
pseudocoelomate is in these
2. The students will be able to
identify gastropods, bivalves, and
cephalopods from introductory
The students will be able to list
specifics about each class in this
assignment to
match descriptions
with pictures for
each class.
-give the students a
worksheet to match
the molting and
-Have pictures on
the overhead and
have the students
decide if it is
molting or nonmolting.
-have the students
create an example
of diffusion and
share with the class.
-the students will
watch a
demonstration at
the beginning of
class with dye in
-the students will
label a picture of
the areas in
-Have the students
draw their own
example of
-During the video
the students will
write down as many
different creatures
they see in the
video and put in the
right category at the
end of class.
-The students will
draw an example of
each class of
-Worksheet that
they students will
be able to fill out at
the end of a lecture
on specifics for the
- Have a worksheet
that the students
with pictures
for each class.
-Have pictures
on the
overhead and
have the
decide if it is
molting or
they are learning about
with the Platyhelminthes
and all the different ways
they can look and shapes.
Having the students pick
between molting and
non-molting species as a
class will get everyone
involved and have them
use the information they
have learned and transfer
it to an in class activity.
-the students
will watch a
at the
beginning of
class with dye
in water.
I will show the students a
demonstration at the
beginning of class so they
better understand
diffusion and how it
works through adding dye
in water and watching
what happens.
-the students
will label a
picture of the
areas in
The students will do this
and will share with group
members to make sure
they did the labeling right.
This will be added to their
notes for the end of the
unit to study for the quiz.
-During the
video the
students will
write down as
many different
creatures they
see in the
video and put
in the right
category at
the end of
that they
students will
be able to fill
out at the end
of a lecture on
specifics for
the phylum.
The students will be
assessed by how many
mollusks they write down
and then which category
they belong in. They will
learn as class goes on
what makes each class
specific and where they
This worksheet will be
graded and the students
will be able to transfer
notes to this worksheet
that the students will be
able to use this one sheet
as a good study guide for
the students for the test.
The students will be able to relate
the information they have learned
in class to a real life situation in
The students will be able to
examine how a snail moves by
placing it on a sheet of glass.
The students will be able to relate
anatomical parts to that of a
The students will be able to
demonstrate through dissection
lab of how their pickle was killed.
The students will be able to
examine the internal aspects of a
The students will be able to
classify different structures of a
can match the
species to each class
they belong.
-in class packet on
bivalves found in IL
to be turned in.
-have the students
find information
about bivalves in IL.
-in class
packet on
bivalves found
in IL to be
turned in.
-Have the students
experiment with
snails and how they
move and write
down their
-Project questions
that the students
need answer why
they look at the
-word list will be
given to the
students on what
anatomical parts
they will be using.
-have the students
create their own list
on what they think
is important.
-Hands on
-virtual dissection
-Have the
with snails and
how they
move and
write down
-the students will
research the
internal structures
of a squid.
-the students will be
given a packet on
further information
on squids and their
internal organs.
-In the packet the
students are given
they will label the
structures of the
-the students
will be given a
packet on
information on
squids and
their internal
The students will have
time in class to work on
this packet that needs to
be read and turned in the
next day to make
connections between
class and history of IL.
By having the students
write their own questions
I will be able to see what
they have learned and
what components they
decided are necessary
and important for this in
class activity.
-wordlist will
be given to the
students on
parts they will
be using.
This word list will be very
useful for both labs that
they students will be
using and help them in
different assessments
that they will have to turn
-Hands on
Since we have easy access
to pickles and they are
cheap the students will do
their first dissection on
the pickle and will be
assessed by how well the
finish the lab and follow
The students will be in
charge of filling out the
packet and preparing for
the dissection the
following day. This packet
will prepare them with
the information they
needs and what needs to
be done.
By finishing the packet
they will be better
prepared for the
upcoming lab and know
where to find the specific
-In the packet
the students
are given they
will label the
structures of
The students will be able to
explain different structures they
saw during the dissection.
The students will be able to make
connections in the phylum
The students will be able to
rewrite information in the form of
note cards that need to be
ordered and turned in before the
The students will prepare for their
unit quiz for the following day.
The Students will be able to test
their knowledge over the worms
and mollusks of this unit.
-the students will
draw and label their
own squid
-finalize the packet
given with all of the
appropriate sections
-have the students
find a picture of a
squid and label the
structures and
explain their
-have the students
list the different
annelids and
distinguish how
they are similar and
-have the students
work as groups to
compare and
contrast the
-create note cards
to be used as a
study tool for the
-have the students
make note cards
over the phylums
and turn them in at
the end of class.
-the students will
have the entire class
period to work with
one another to
study for the quiz.
-the students will be
assessed over their
participation in a
review game.
-Give a written quiz
over the worms and
-Have the students
pick three phylums
they know the best
and write down
everything they
know about it.
the squid.
-finalize the
packet given
with all of the
sections done.
Having the students
finalize the packet they
will know what the
structures are and where
they are located and then
be able to explain the
structures before they are
turned in for a grade.
-have the
students work
as groups to
compare and
contrast the
The students will be able
to work as a group to
make connections and be
able to talk about the
annelids and make
decisions to better
understand this phylum.
-create note
cards for each
phylum to be
used as a
study tool for
the quiz.
-have the
This way the students will
be rewriting the
information and have
good study tools for the
upcoming test.
-the students
will be
assessed over
in a review
The students will be told
that they more they
participate in the review
the more points they will
receive and the better
prepared they will be for
the quiz.
-Give a written
quiz over the
worms and
This quiz will be a
collaboration of the past
12 days and the students
will be assessed through
paper and pencil how well
the understand the
Use the table below to complete part 3 of your Unit Plan Assignment.
3. Identify the laboratory skills that students will learn during this
unit, related objectives, and the teaching strategy used to teach each
Laboratory Skill
Related Objective(s)?
Teaching Strategy?
The students will be able to
define the phylum’s and
characteristics of the “worms”
The students will be able to label
the parasitic life cycle.
The students will first add
to their ongoing
phylogeny that they have
created for each phylum.
The students will be able to
identify the type of cavity
Platyhelminthes have.
demonstration of
the difference
between the
phylum Rotifer
The students will be able to
distinguish what acoelomate is
through demonstration.
The students will be able to
identify each class of
The students will be able to
distinguish between molting and
non-molting worms.
The students will be able to
describe the concept of diffusion.
The students will be able to
distinguish what
pseudocoelomate is in these
Notes will be taken over
the phylum to make sure
that the students have
general information over
the phylum “the worms.”
These notes will include
the life cycles and the
cavity of a
Demonstration of
Application of
and labeling
The students will be able to
identify gastropods, bivalves, and
Class activity to have
students create their own
parasitic life cycle.
Explain the differences of
the superphylums of nonmolting and molting
parasites to the class
through description and
pictures on the overhead.
Briefly define and explain
diffusion to describe how
most rotifers use gas
Then have students draw
on board the different
types of body cavities that
we have learned about.
The video
will be shown.
species to
of gastropods
Dissection Lab
cephalopods from introductory
The students will be able to list
specifics about each class in this
The students will be able to relate
the information they have learned
in class to a real life situation in
The students will be able to
examine how a snail moves by
placing it on a sheet of glass.
The students will be able to
distinguish each class of mollusks
through class notes.
The students will be able to show
the characteristics of each class
through a comparison chart.
The students will be able to relate
anatomical parts to that of a
The students will be able to
demonstrate through dissection
lab of how their pickle was killed.
Lab Safety
Dissection Lab
The students will be able to
examine the internal aspects of a
The students will be able to
classify different structures of a
An introductory lesson
will be given over the
The students will have a
chance to work on an in
class article given to them.
Class demonstration on
how gastropods use their
“foot” to move.
A PowerPoint will be
taught to the students
that include many slides
with pictures and
illustrations for the
particular classes of
mollusks to wrap up this
phylum. After the lecture
is done the students will
have a comparison chart
to fill out that they can
work in pairs or
individually to complete
by the end of the hour.
The video will be shown
as an introduction to start
the lab.
Anatomy worksheet for
the students to use for
help during their lab.
Pickle lab for the students
to follow through their
Proper dissection
introduction given to the
Squid dissection lab will
be given to the students
to take them through the
mollusks as a
The students will be able to
explain different structures they
saw during the dissection.
The students will be able to make
connections between the
different classes of mollusks.
The students will be able to make
connections in the phylum
Hands on
creation of
The students will be able to
rewrite information in the form of
note cards that need to be
ordered and turned in before the
The students will create an
earthworm with the use of clay.
Review squid lab with
class if they have any
Finish filling out the
mollusks characteristics
PowerPoint showing
magnified pictures and
other pictures of different
Guided notes will be given
to the students while a
lecture is given over
annelids through a
PowerPoint presentation.
Make note cards for each
phylum and class we have
gone through in this unit.
Give each student a
diagram to finish about
the different structure of
a earthworm to fill out
Each students will create
their own earth worm
The students will prepare for their Create a jeopardy type
unit quiz for the following day.
game that will have all of
the students interacting
with one another and
reviewing information
about worms and
The Students will be able to test
The students will be given
their knowledge over the worms
a multiple choice, fill in
and mollusks of this unit.
the blank, and diagrams
for an assessment.
Use the table below to complete part 4 of your Unit Plan Assignment.
4. Identify the science literacy skills that students will learn during this unit,
related objectives, and the teaching strategy used to teach each one.
Science Literacy Skill
Related Objective(s)?
Answer questions
about what
Platyhelminthes are
and where they fit in
the Animalia
Creating a natural
phenomenon as the
parasitic life cycle.
Evaluate through
non-molting and
molting species
through class
discussion to better
understand the
Identification of
The students will be
able to define the
phylum’s and
characteristics of the
The students will be
able to label the
parasitic life cycle.
The students will be
able to identify the
type of cavity
The students will be
able to distinguish
what acoelomate is
The students will be
able to identify each
class of
The students will be
able to distinguish
between molting and
non-molting worms.
The students will be
able to describe the
concept of diffusion.
The students will be
able to distinguish
pseudocoelomate is
in these worms.
The students will be
able to identify
Teaching Strategy?
The students will first add to
their ongoing phylogeny that
they have created for each
Notes will be taken over the
phylum to make sure that the
students have general
information over the phylum
“the worms.” These notes
will include the life cycles and
the cavity of a
Demonstration of
Class activity to have
students create their own
parasitic life cycle.
Explain the differences of the
superphylums of non-molting
and molting parasites to the
class through description and
pictures on the overhead.
Briefly define and explain
diffusion to describe how
most rotifers use gas
Then have students draw on
board the different types of
body cavities that we have
learned about.
The video will
be shown.
specific types of
mollusks from
watching a video
Describe, explain, and
understand the
movement of a
gastropod and
through a comparison
chart for this species.
through hands on lab
The students will be
able to distinguish
each class of
mollusks through
class notes.
The students will be
able to show the
characteristics of
each class through a
comparison chart.
The students will be
able to relate
anatomical parts to
that of a pickle.
The students will be
able to demonstrate
through dissection
lab of how their
pickle was killed.
through a hands on
gastropods, bivalves,
and cephalopods
from introductory
The students will be
able to list specifics
about each class in
this phylum.
The students will be
able to relate the
information they
have learned in class
to a real life situation
in Illinois.
The students will be
able to examine how
a snail moves by
placing it on a sheet
of glass.
The students will be
able to examine the
internal aspects of a
An introductory lesson will be
given over the mollusks.
The students will have a
chance to work on an in class
article given to them.
Class demonstration on how
gastropods use their “foot” to
A PowerPoint will be taught
to the students that include
many slides with pictures and
illustrations for the particular
classes of mollusks to wrap
up this phylum. After the
lecture is done the students
will have a comparison chart
to fill out that they can work
in pairs or individually to
complete by the end of the
The video will be shown as an
introduction to start the lab.
Anatomy worksheet for the
students to use for help
during their lab.
Pickle lab for the students to
follow through their
Proper dissection
introduction given to the
Apply conclusions
about squids after
finishing the
dissection lab
Reason based on facts
to make connections
between the annelids
Hands on
through creation of
an earthworm
Answering questions
about the unit
through in class
Evaluate student
knowledge through
The students will be
able to classify
different structures
of a squid.
The students will be
able to explain
different structures
they saw during the
The students will be
able to make
connections between
the different classes
of mollusks.
The students will be
able to make
connections in the
phylum annelids.
The students will be
able to rewrite
information in the
form of note cards
that need to be
ordered and turned
in before the test.
The students will
create an earthworm
with the use of clay.
The students will
prepare for their unit
quiz for the following
The Students will be
able to test their
knowledge over the
worms and mollusks
of this unit.
Squid dissection lab will be
given to the students to take
them through the lab.
Review squid lab with class if
they have any questions
Finish filling out the mollusks
characteristics chart.
PowerPoint showing
magnified pictures and other
pictures of different annelids
Guided notes will be given to
the students while a lecture is
given over annelids through a
PowerPoint presentation.
Make note cards for each
phylum and class we have
gone through in this unit.
Give each student a diagram
to finish about the different
structure of a earthworm to
fill out
Each students will create
their own earth worm
Create a jeopardy type game
that will have all of the
students interacting with one
another and reviewing
information about worms
and mollusks.
The students will be given a
multiple choice, fill in the
blank, and diagrams for an
Unit Plan Overview (Part 5)
- The students will be able
to define the phylum’s
and characteristics of
the “worms”
-The students will be able
to label the parasitic life
- The students will be able
to identify the type of
cavity Platyhelminthes
The students will
first add to their
ongoing phylogeny
that they have
created for each
-The students will be able
to distinguish what
acoelomate is through
-The students will be able
to identify each class of
Demonstration of
-The students will be able
to distinguish between
molting and non-molting
-The students will be able
to describe the concept of
-The students will be able
to distinguish what
pseudocoelomate is in
Explain the
differences of the
superphylums of
non-molting and
molting parasites
to the class
description and
pictures on the
projector using
Notes will be
taken over the
phylum to make
sure that the
students have
information over
the phylum “the
worms.” These
notes will include
the life cycles and
the cavity of a
Class activity to
have students
create their own
parasitic life cycle.
-word list and
definitions given
out on Monday and
quiz taken on Friday
-the students will
create their own life
-The students will
draw their own
inner cavity of a
worm and represent
the parts.
-the students will be
given materials and
asked to figure out
how to create the
acoelomate figure.
-Students will create
their own parasitic
life cycle story to
turn in the following
-the students will
have an in class
assignment to
match descriptions
with pictures for
each class according
to if the species is
molting or nonmolting.
-hot dogs
-power point
-white board
-markers for
white board
these worms.
3. -The students will be able
to identify gastropods,
bivalves, and cephalopods
from introductory video.
4. -The students will be able
to list specifics about each
class in this phylum.
-The students will be able
to relate the information
they have learned in class
to a real life situation in
-The students will be able
to examine how a snail
moves by placing it on a
sheet of glass.
-The students will be able
to distinguish each class of
molluscs through class
-The students will be able
to show the characteristics
of each class through a
comparison chart.
Briefly define and
explain diffusion
to describe how
most rotifers use
gas exchange.
Then have
students draw on
board the
different types of
body cavities that
we have learned
video will be
An introductory
lesson will be
given over the
The students will
have a chance to
work on an in class
article given to
demonstration on
how gastropods
use their “foot” to
A PowerPoint will
be taught to the
students that
include many
slides with
pictures and
illustrations for
the particular
classes of mollusks
to wrap up this
phylum. After the
lecture is done the
-The students will
have time in class to
read a packet given
to them about
bivalves in IL that
they are to read and
answer questions
about and turn in
the following day as
The students will be
asked to write down
the name of the
mollusks when it is
shown by a picture
on PowerPoint. At
the end of the class
they will be able to
make corrections to
what they wrote
after doing the
lesson and this will
be turned in.
-pieces of
glass with
tape on sharp
-copies of
-The students will be able
to relate anatomical parts
to that of a pickle.
-The students will be able
to demonstrate through
dissection lab of how their
pickle was killed.
-The students will be able
to examine the internal
aspects of a squid.
The students will be able to
classify different structures
of a squid.
students will have
a comparison
chart to fill out
that they can work
in pairs or
individually to
complete by the
end of the hour.
The video will be
shown as an
introduction to
start the lab.
worksheet for the
students to use for
help during their
Pickle lab for the
students to follow
through their
Proper dissection
introduction given
to the students
-The students will
explain how they
think their pickle
was murdered to
the class by the way
they thought the
pickle died. When
they explain it to
the class they will
have to use the
anatomical terms
they learned from
the lab.
- projector
- scalpel
- pins
-The dissection will
be collected at the
end of class and be
graded for the work
they did in the last
two days of class.
dissection lab
- Grade the
comparison chart
on how well it is
filled out and how it
correlates with the
notes taken in class.
-The students will be able
to explain different
structures they saw during
the dissection.
Squid dissection
lab will be given to
the students to
take them through
the lab.
Review squid lab
with class if they
have any
-The students will be able
to make connections
between the different
classes of mollusks.
-The students will be able
to make connections in the
phylum annelids.
Finish filling out
the mollusks
- Have the students
showing magnified do a minute paper
right before the
pictures and other
-The students will be able
to rewrite information in
the form of note cards that
need to be ordered and
turned in before the test.
-The students will create an
earthworm with the use of
-The students will prepare
for their unit quiz for the
following day.
-The Students will be able
to test their knowledge
over the worms and
mollusks of this unit.
pictures of
different annelids
Guided notes will
be given to the
students while a
lecture is given
over annelids
through a
Make note cards
for each phylum
and class we have
gone through in
this unit.
Give each student
a diagram to finish
about the
different structure
of a earthworm to
fill out
Each students will
create their own
earth worm.
Create a jeopardy
type game that
will have all of the
interacting with
one another and
information about
worms and
The students will
be given a
multiple choice, fill
in the blank, and
diagrams for an
leave the class for
the day. Have them
write down three
things they learned
from the power
point presentation
and or
-Grade note cards
by completion to
make sure they
have appropriate
study materials for
their test. These can
be graded while
students are
working on their
-Create a rubric and
grade the
earthworms by
what they have
included in their
diagram made from
-Have the students
experiment with
snails and how they
move and write
down their
-wordlist will be
given to the
students on what
anatomical parts
they will be using.
-wax paper