
. Two unemployed young men decided to start a business together. They pooled in their savings, which came to
Rs. 2,000. They were both lucky, their business prospered and they were able to increase their capital by 50 per
cent every three years. How much did they have in all at the end of eighteen years?
(a) Rs. 22,781.25 (b) Rs. 24,150.25 (c) Rs. 28,140.50 (d) Rs. 18,000
for this we have to use PTR/100 formula.
1st 3years--------> (2000*3*50)/100=3000,
for next 3 year---> (3000*3*50)/100=4500,
next 3 years -----> (4500*3*50)/100=6750,
next 3 years -----> (6750*3*50)/100=10125,
next 3 years -----> (10125*3*50)/100=15187.5,
next 3 years -----> (15187.5*3*50)/100=22781.25
so now it has become 22781.25 for 18 years.
Six bells commence tolling together and toll at intervals of 2, 4, 6, 8 10 and 12 seconds respectively. In 30
minutes, how many times do they toll together ?
ans is d)16
take lcm of 2,4,6,8,10,12 seconds
the outcome is 120seconds.
thats at 2mins once it rings.
in 30mins it will rings 15times together
in 0th second all bells rings together.
so ans is 15+1=16.
9. A train starts full of passengers. At the first station, it drops one-third of the passengers and takes 280 more. At
the second station, it drops one-half of the new total and takes 12 more. On arriving at the third station, it is
found to have 248 passengers. Find the number of passengers in the beginning.
(a) 240 (b) 248 (c) 280 (d) 288
Let x be no. of passengers at beginning
At, 1st station is drops 1/3rd so remaining 2/3rd are in train only plus 280 i.e., 2x/3+280
at 2nd stop 1/2 of new total and 12 more i.e., (2x/3+280)/2 + 12 = 248
on solving above equation we get x as 288
Middle-earth is a fictional land inhabited by hobbits, Elves, dwarves and men. The Hobbits and the Elves are
peaceful creatures who prefer slow, silent lives and appreciate nature and art. The dwarves and the men engage
in physical games. The game is as follows. A tournoi is one, where out of two teams that play a match, the one
that loses get eliminated. The matches are played in different rounds where in every round; half of the teams get
eliminated from the tournament. If there are 10 rounds played in a knock-out tournoi how many matches were
(a)1024 (b) 1023 (c)1026 (d)1011
ten round team details
2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024
ten round match details ]
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 on adding these matches total matches = 1023
49 members attended the party. In that 22 are males, 17 are females. The shake hands between males, females,
male and female. Total 12 people given shake hands. How many such kinds of such shake hands are possible?
use formula n*(n-1)/2 where n= no of persons involve in hand shake
i.e., in this case 12*11/2=66
On the Planet Oz, there are 8 days in a week, Sunday to Saturday and another day called Oz day. There are 36
hours in a day and each hours has 90 min while each minute has 60 sec. As on earth, hour hand covers the dial
twice every day. Find the approximate angle between the hands of clock on Oz when time is 15.40 am.
36hrs a day that means the clock will be of 18hrs.
angle between each hour=360/18=20
thus for 15 am.. angle=15*20=300
now each hour is of 90 min.=20deg
so,1min=2/9deg deflection of the hour hand.
so for 40min the small hand(hour) will be displaced by 40*2/9=8.89deg=9deg(approx)
so total angle of the small hand=9+300=309deg
now for the minute hand 90min=360deg
thus 1min=4deg
so 40min=40*4=160 deg
so angle when time is 15.40 is 309-160=149deg :)
In a 2 dimentional array x(8,7),with each element occupying 2 bytes of memory,with the address of first element
x(1,1) is 3000,find the address of x(2,3).
answer will be 3018 as starting with x(1,1) is 3000,(1,2) is 3002 similarly (1,7) is 3012 now since memory is contiguous then (2,1) will
be 3014 and similarly (2,3) will be 3018
A man has 1044 candles.after burning,he can makes a new candle from 9 stubs left behind.Find the maximum
number of candles that can be made:
(A)116 (B)120 (C)130 (D)140 (E)144
Ans is 130
after burning 1044 candles he can make 1044/9= 116 candles
again by burning 116 candles he can make 116/9= 12 + 0.88 candles
again by burning 12 candles he can make 12/9 = 1 + 0.33 candles
thus total candles made = 116 + 12 + 1 + 0.88 + 0.33= 130 candles
A point A(x,y)divides the segment joining point B(5,-1)and C(-10,4)in the ratio 3:2.
find the value of X and Y?
A sheet of paper has statements numbered from 1 to 40. For each value of n from 1 to 40,
statement n says "At least and of the statements on this sheet are true." Which statements are true and which are
a)The even numbered statements are true and the odd numbered are false.
b)The first 26 statements are false and the rest are true.
c)The first 13 statements are true and the rest are false.
d)The odd numbered statements are true and the even numbered are false.
In these type of problems :
'At least' : first half of the statements are true and rest are false.
'Exactly' :the second last statement is true rest are false.
'At most' : All statements are true.
so, Option C is the right answer.
In a family there are some boys and girls. All boys told that they are having equal no of brothers and sisters and
girls told that they are having twice the no. of brothers than sisters. How many boys and girls present in a family?
a) 4 boys and 3 girls b) 3 boys and 4 girls c) 2 boys and 5 girls d) 5 boys and 2 girls
let number of boys =b
and number of girls=g;
since each brother having equal no of brothers and sisters
so b-1=g
girls told that they are having twice the no. of brothers than sisters
therefore 1+g=2g-2
and b=1+3=4
so ans is 4boys and 3 girls
what to do for:
1.cyclic handshake
2.acyclic handshake
3.when to apply n(n-1)/2
for cyclic >> no. of handshakes is = no. of peoples.
2. for acyclic>> no. of handshakes is = no. of peoples - 1.
3. when everyone is shaking hands with everyone else apply n(n-1)/2
W produces n units in 5 hours.Workers V and W, work independently but at the same time produce n units in 2
hours. How long would it take V alone to produce n units?
w produces n/5units/hr or 2n/5 in 2hrs. as v&w together produce n in 2hrs, v alone produces n-2n/5=3n/5 in 2hrs.so to produce n
units,v takes 2*5/3=10/3hrs
There are 150 weights. Some are 1 kg weights and some are 2 kg weights. The sum of the weights is 260. What is
the number of 1kg weights?
There are a total of 150 weights. Let the number of 1 Kg weights be 'x'. Then the number of 2 Kg weights is '150 - x'. The sum of the
weights is 260 Kg. ie [x * 1 + (150 - x) * 2] = 260. By solving this you will get 'x' as 40.
The ques on a man,a woman and a boy finish work together in 6 days.man takes 10 days,woman takes 24 days
then how much boy will take?
HENCE BOY WORK=1/6-(1/10+1/24)=1/40
A file is transferred from one location to another in 'buckets'. The size of the bucket is 10 kilobytes. Each bucket
gets filled at the rate of 0.0001 kilobytes per millisecond. The transmission time from sender to receiver is 10
milliseconds per bucket. After the receipt of the bucket the receiver sends an acknowledgement that reaches
sender in 100 milliseconds. Assuming no error during transmission, write a formula to calculate the time taken in
seconds to successfully complete the transfer of a file of size N kilobytes.
each bucket has 10 kb
so N kb wants N/10 buckets..
0.0001kb filled in 1ms
so 10 kb ll be filled in 10/0.0001ms=100000ms
sender to receiver s 10ms
ack is 100 ms
so total time for 1 bucket is (100000+10+100)ms=100110ms
for N/10 buckets it s 100110*N/10 ms=10011 ms=10.011s
The citizens of planet nigiet are 4 fingered and have thus developed their decimal system in base 4. A certain
street in nigiet contains 100 (in base 4) buildings numbered 1 to 100. How many 5s are used in numbering these
buildings? (a) 48 (b) 8 (c) 20 (d) 16
the ans should be 0 cuz thr is no 5 in base 4 system..
in a particular city, buildings under residential category was numbered as 1 to 100. shops were numbered
between 150 to 200(only prime numbers). how many times does the number 6 appear?
n 1 to 100 we get 20 six i.e 6,16,26,36,46,56,60,61,62,63,64,65,66(2),67,68,69,76,86,96=20
in 150 t0 200 we get only two =163,167=2
A student's grade in a course is determined by 6 quizzes and one examination. If the examination counts thrice as
much as each of the quizzes, what fraction of final grade is determined by the examination?
a)1/6 b)1/5 c)1/3
let assume each quiz having 1 mark .then the examination contains 3 marks .
the total marks are =6*1 +3=9
the fraction of examination in final result is 3/9=1/3
A power unit is there by the bank of the river of 750 meters width. A cable is made from power unit to power a
plant opposite to that of the river and 1500mts away from the power unit. The cost of the cable below water is Rs.
15/- per meter and cost of cable on the bank is Rs.12/- per meter. Find the total of laying the cable.
total wire is 1500i.e 750 on land +750 on water
cost of wire is given i.e is in water 15/- & in land 12/750*15=11250
add both 11250+9000=20250 is total cost
The total expense of a boarding house are partly fixed and partly variable with the number of boarders. The
charge is Rs.70 per head when there are 25 boarders and Rs.60 when there are 50 boarders. Find the charge per
head when there are 100 boarders.
a) 65 b) 55 c) 50 d) 45
et the fixed be a and variable be k.
so, a+25k=70*25
and, a+50k=60*50
solving these we get k=50 and a=500
so for 100 boarders it will be
per head= 5500/100 =55(ans B)
The citizens of planet nigiet are 6 fingered and have thus developed their decimal system in base 8. A certain
street in nigiet contains 1000 (in base 8) buildings numbered 1 to 1000. How many 3s are used in numbering
these buildings?
for this type of questions answer will be always 3n^2
so 3(8)^2=192
There are two containers A and B. A is half filled with wine whereas B which is 3 times the size of A contains one
quarter portion wine. If both containers are filled with water and the contents are poured into container C, what
portion of container C is wine? .30
Assume A:100litres B:300(3 times of A) litres capacity
now A contains 50%(50L) wine and 50%(50L) water
and B contains 25%(75L) wine and 75%(225L) water
Finally C contains 400 litres of which 125L(50+75) of wine and 275(50+225) of water, i.e., portion of wine in container C =
the population of tha bacteria culture doubles every 2 mins.approximately how many min it will take for the
population to grow from 1000 to 500000 bacteria.
a)10 b)12 c)14 d)18
Assume that population grows from from 1000 to 500000 bacteria in N number of 2 minute cycles.
As the population doubles every 2 mins: 1000*2^N = 500000
2^N = 500 => 2^N = 524 approximately => N = 9
Total minutes taken for the population to grow from 1000 to 500000 bacteria =
Number of 2 minute cycles * 2=2*9 = 18 Mins Approximately
alok and bhanu play the following min-max game.given the expression n=19+x*(y-z),where x,y and z are
variables representing single digits(0 to 9),alok would like to maximize N while bhanu would like to minimize it.
towards this end,alok chooses a single digit number and bhanu substitutes this for a variable of her
choice(x,y,z).alok then chooses the next value and bhanu,the variable to substitute the value.fina lly alok
proposes the value for the remaining variable.assuming both play to their optimal strategies,the value at the end
of the game would be
its ans is 19+18=37.
alwayz remember:
try substituting the values u'll get the ans.
A can do work in 36 days. B can do the work in 72 days and c can do work in 78 days. the three take turns
working.i.e A works on the 1st day. B works on the 2nd day, C on the 3rd day and so on. which day will they finish
the work?
1) 55th day
2) 54th day 3) 17th day
4) 19th day
work of A in one day = 1/36
work of B in one day = 1/72
work of C in one day = 1/78
so total work of A& B &C in 3 day = 1/36+1/72 + 1/78
= (78 + 39 + 36)/2808
= 153/2808
so total wok will finish in =3 x2808/153 days
= 55th day------ans
exp(m,n)= m to the power of n, if exp(10,m) = n exp(2,4),what is the value of n
(10 to the power of m)=n*(2 to the power of 4)
from that m=4;n=625
A and B play the following min-max game. Given the expression N = 12 + X*(Y - Z) where X, Y and Z are variables
representing single digits (0 to 9), "A" would like to maximize N while "B" would like to minimize it. Towards this
end, "A" chooses a single digit number and "B" substitutes this for a variable of her choice (X, Y or Z). "A" then
chooses the next value and "B", the variable to substitute the value. Finally "A" proposes the value for the
remaining variable. Assuming both play to their optimal strategies, the value of N at the end of the game would be
ans : should be 30 because x*(Y-Z)= 18 so ans = 30
G wrks 5 times fastr dn hs sn n hence cmptl a job 40 dys earlr dan sn.find d time dy would take 2 fnsh d job
let G completes the work in x days...
so his son completes it in 5x days...
but according to the give data
so G takes 10 days and his son takes 5*10=50 days to finish the work
G's 1 day work=1/10
his son's 1 day work=1/50
together work per day=(1/10)+(1/50)
so they will take 25/3 (or) 8 1/3 days to complete the work together...
)A finishes a work in 8 hrs
B finishes a work in 10 hrs
C finishes a work in 12 hrs
A,B,C work together but A leaves after 2 hrs find the time t taken by B & C.
total work
total work
total work
done by A+B+C in 1 hr = 37/60
work = 23/60
done by B+C in 1 hr = 11/60
done by B+C in y hr = 23/60
If 30 men working 7 hours per day can do a work in 18 days in how many days will 21 men working 8 hours a day
do the same work?
for these problems follow the formulae ((M1)*(D1)*(H1))/(W1)= ((M2)*(D2)*(H2))/(W2)
WHERE M- men or women
H- hours D-days W- work
here work is same .therefore W1=W2
implies X=22.5 days
A group of men completes a work in 10 days, but five of them are absent and so the rest do the work in 12 days.
Find the original number of Men.
let us assume X be the number of initial persons. so mendays = 10* X( as told above), now 5 are absent.i.e (X-5) are present.as i told
men days should be always constant
10* X= (X-5)*12
10X= 12X-60
2X=60 implies X=30.
123 : 36 : : 221 : ?
(A) 52 (B) 69 (C) 72 (D) 25
(1+2+3)^2 = 36
(2+2+1)^2 = 25
4 man avrage height is 74 inches. diffrnce in heights of 1st 3 is 2 inches whereas in 3rd nd 4th is 6 inches, find
individual heights.
heights: 70, 72, 74, 80.
condition: say 4 men, A B C D
if A's height = x
B= A + 2 = x+2
C= B + 2 = x+4
Avg = 74
=> ( x + (x+2) + (x+4) + (x+10) ) / 4 = 74
A, B, C, D = 70, 72, 74, 80. solve, x=70
D= C + 6 = x+10
solving it.. x = 70.
hence, heights:
v -16 w
-2 x y
5 z -9
If the sum of the numbers in each row column, diagonal are same then find the value of (Y+Z)
first number the box in the order 8 1 6
now, 1 is -16
2 is -9
3 is -2
4 is 5
clearly,the difference b/w each number is 7(-16+7=-9,-9+7=-2,etc)
now getting the unknown numbers 5 is 5+7=12,6 is 12+7=19,7 is 19+7=26,8 is 26+7=33,9 is 33+7=40
req sol. is y+z=26+40=66
. A sequence x1 , x2 and x3 … is said to be in a harmonic progression if the reciprocals 1/x1,1/x2 and 1/x3 are
in arithmetic progression. The 5th term and the 7th term for an harmonic progression are 30 and 50 respectively.
What is the difference between the 6th and 4th term.
a. 16 b. 14.5 c. 13.4
d. 12.5.
if x1,x2,x3 are in hp
so 1/x1,1/x2,1/x3 are in AP
in ap series are a,a+d,a+2d+....
given, 7th term=1/50
5th term=1/30
i.e 1/30=a+4d....eq(1)
solve eq(1)&(2)
we get ,a=3/50
4th term=a+3d=1/25
6th term=a+5d=1/37.5
so in differene is 37.5-25=12.5 ans
Each of A,B and C need a certain unique time to do certain work. C needs 1 hour less than A to complete the work.
Working together they require 30 minutes to complete 50% of the work. The work also gets completed if A and B
start working together and A leaves after 1 hour and B works further 3 hours. How much work does C do per
a. 16.66% b. 66.66% c. 50%
d. 33.33%
A will take 3 hrs to complete job.B .. 6 hrs
C-- 2 hrs
If A takes x hrs, B take y7 hrs and C takes x-1 hrs to complete job independently, then
1/x +1/(x-1) +1/y =1 because they together complete 100% job in 1 hour.
1/x +1/y + 3/y = 1
solving these 2 eqns, we get
x=3 and y=6
So C complete total work in 2 hrs
C will complete 50% work in 1 hr.
There is a staircase with 10 steps. A child runs up the steps, either 1 or 2 steps with each stride. How many
different ways can the steps be climbed by her?
a. None of the choices b. 45 c. 89 d. 10
All possibilities:
steps: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
No 2 steps All 1's:
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 => 1 way//
1 two step:
that is choosing 1 two-step in 9 moves:
9C1 : 9 ways//
2 two-steps:
choosing 2 two-steps in 8 moves:
8C2 = 28 ways//
3 two-steps
7C3 = 35 ways//
4 two-steps//
6C4 = 15 ways//
5 two-steps//
which covers all the 10 stairs.. that means only one way
2 2 2 2 2 = 1 way//
Adding all the ways: 1 + 9 + 28 + 35 + 15 + 1 = 89 ways//
Raj invested in Indigo, HUL and SBI shares at Rs. 300, Rs. 200 and Rs. 5 per share, --------- 100 shares for
Rs.10000. The number of Indigo and HUL shares he bought are respectively
values are 17,23 hence 300*17+200*23+5*x=10000
17+23=40, now Rs 5 share must be 60. hence 17*300+200*23+5*60=10000
also if u have more questions mail me id- tjroxxy@gmail.com i have apti on 22
George, Paul and Hari start a business by contributing Rs. 30000/-, Rs. 40000/- and Rs. 50000/- respectively.
After ½ a year George withdraws half his contribution. At the end of the year the business showed a profit of Rs
90000 which was divided amongst the 3 men proportionate the to amount and duration of their investment in the
enterprise. Paul got,
Options o Rs 25000/- o Rs 18000/o Rs 32000/o Rs 24000/ans:32000
george investiment fro year is 6*15000+12*15000=2,70,000
their ratio is 9:16:20
profit is 90000
so paul share is 1645(90000)=32000
In a telecom assembly factory,there are 250men and 150 women.The average productivity of all works is 12 units
per day.The average productivity of men is 15 units per day..what is the average productivity of women per day?
a)6 b)9 c)7 d)8
Simple case of averaging:
250M + 150W = 400
Thus, 400*12 = 4800
Now, 250*15 = 3750
Now, 4800-3750 = 1050
Thus, for 150W avg prod is : 1050/150 = 7
Each of A,B,C need a certain unique time to do a certain work.C needs 1hr less than A to complete the
work.Working together they require 30min to complete 50percent of the job.The work also gets completed if A & B
start working together and A leaves after 1hr and B works for further 3 hrs.How much work does C do per hour?
a)16.6% b)33.3% c)66.6% d)50%
Suppose A takes A hrs,B takes B hrs.C wud take (A-1) hrs
Work done by A in 1/2 hrs=1/2A,B=1/2B,C=1/2(A-1)
Hence (1/2A)+(1/2B)+{1/2(A-1)}=1/2.......(i)
Also,wen A n B work,A works for 1 hr and B for 4 hrs..
Solve (2) and get 1/B in terms of A..Put values of 1/B and 1/C in (1) and solve,u vl get a quadratic equation..Solve it and A=3 hrs
C=A-1 hrs= 2 hrs...Hence in 1 hr,C does 1/2 of work or 50%
An organisation has 3 committes,only 2 persons are members of all 3 committes,but every pair of committe has 3
members in common.what is the least possible no of members on any 1 committee a)5 b)6 c)4 d)7
One can simply get the ans if done through venn diagram
So ans is 4
Raju can do a piece of work in 1o days,Vicky in 12days,Tinku in 15 days.They all started work together,but raju
leaves after 2 days,vicky leaves 3 days before the work is completed. In how many days work is completed?
a)7 b)5 c)9 d)6
Work done by Raju in 1 day=>1/10
Work done by Vicky in 1 day=>1/12
Work done by Tinky in 1 day=>1/15
Initialy 3 of them work 2gether for 2 days...
One of them leaves after that working for X days...
at last only tinky remains n works for 3 days...
So 2*(1/10+1/12+1/15) + X*(1/12+1/15) + 3*(1/15)=1
Solving :x=2
Hence 2+2+3=7. Total work was done in 7 days...:)
. A,B ,C can do some work in 36days.A and B together do twice as much work as c alone, and A and C together can
do thrice as much work as B alone..find the time taken by C to do whole work?
a)96 b)108 c)120 d)72
1 day work for (A+B+C) = 1/36 ............(ii)
Now, (A+B) = 2C ..........................(i)
From (i)and(ii): 3C = 1/36
C = 1/108
Thus, C takes 108 days to complete the whole work alone.
(Remaining data are not required in this case)
f(f(n))+f(n)=2n+3, f(0)=1,
find f(2012)?
n=0 f(f(0)+f(0)=2*0+3 f(1)+1=3
n=1 f(f(1))+f(1)=2*1+3 f(2)+2=5
n=2 f(f(2))+f(2)=2*2+3 f(3)+3=7
similarly f(2012)=2013
George and mark can paint 720 boxes in 20 days , Mark n Harry 24, Harry n George 15 days.
So total no. Of boxes painted by them ?
57………….why because ,2(g+m+h)=19/120;
g+m+h=19/240*720 boxes=57.
a test has 50 qns. a student asores 1 mark for a correct ans, -.33 for a wrong ans, -.1666 for not attemptin a qn, if
the net score of a student is 32, the no of qns answered wrongly by that student cannot e less than ???
see.. let x be no of attempted questions, y be no of incorrect, z be no of not attempted...
total = 50.. => x+y+z=50..
and also x-(y/3)-(z/6)=32... (as 1/3 marks are deducted for incorrect ones and 1/6 marks are deducted for not attempting a question)
solve these two .. u will get y=7x-242... substitute the nearest poss integer.. 35*7-242= 3.. implies.. 35 were correct.. 3 were wrong..
12 were not attempted.
a scientist was doing experiment on bacteria.Yesterday at 3pm,he observed that there were 1000 bacteria and at
5pm yesterday , he observed 4000 bacteria.how many bacteria would have been there at 8pm
a)8000 b)32000 c)16000 d)12000
Abhishek start s to paint a f ence on o ne day. On the seco nd day, two mo re friend of
Abhishek joins him. On the thir d day 3 mo re fr iends of him jo in him and so on. If the
fenc e is c ompletely paint ed this way in exactly 20 day s, then find the number of ways
in whic h 10 girls painting together can paint the fence c ompletely. Given that every
girl can paint twice as fast as Abhishek and his friends (Boys)? (Assume that the
friends of Abhis hek are all boys)
for abhishek it takes (1+(1+2)+(1+2+3)+...+(1+2+3+...20)) days
let n=20 then
that is sigma n(n+1)/2=sigma n^2/2+sigma n/2
=20(21)(22)/6 [since n=20]
=10*7*22 days
for 1 boy it takes 70*22 days...
for 1 girl it takes 70*22/2 days
for 10 girls it takes 70*11/10=77 days...
Sastry st art s working o n a jo b and wo rks on it for 12 day s and co mpletes 40% of the
work. To help him co mplet e the work, he employs R avi and t ogether they work for
another 12 day s and the work gets completed. How muc h more efficient is Sastry t han
Ravi? (a) 50% (b) 200% (c) 60% (d) 100%
Sastry's 12 days work=40%,So Sastry's 1 day work in %=40/12=10/3
Remaining work=60%, which is completed in another 12 days
If Ravi's 1 day work=1/R, then 12(10/3 + 1/R)=60 -> 1/R=5/3
The ratio Sastry/Ravi=(1/S)/(1/R)=(10/3)/(5/3)=2
This means Sastry is double or 100% more efficient than Ravi
x2 < 1/100, and x< 0 What is the tightest range in which x can lie?
-1/10 < x < 0
-1 < x < 0
-1/10 < x < 1/10
since x can have only a negative value...option c is out
now x= -1/10 ...so any number like -1/11 will give x2=1/121 which is smaller than 1/100
as we decrease the denominator we are approaching 0
so the answer has to be option A
A 120 wire cable has been laid firmly undergr ound between two telephone exchanges located 10k m apart.
Unfortunately after the c able was laid it was discovered to be the wro ng type, the problem is the individual wir es
are not labelled. There is no visual way of knowing which wire is which and thus connections at either end is not
immediately possible. You are a trainee technician and your boss has asked yo u to identify and label the
wires at both ends witho ut ripping it all up.You have no transport and only a battery and light bulb to test co
ntinuity. You do have tape and pen for labelling the wires.What is t he shortest dist anc e in k ilo met res you will
need to walk to correctly identifyand label each wire? (a) 17 (b) 15 (c) 10 (d) 20
120 wire cable has laid firmly in the 10 km.. so ans is 10.....
3 friends A,B,c went for week end party ti Mc donald resturent and there they measure there weights in some
order IN 7 rounds. A,B,C,AB,BC,AC,ABC. final round measure is 155kgthen find average weight of all the 7 rounds
A+B+C= 155 kg
Average of 7 rounds = (A+B+C+A+B+A+C+B+C+A+B+C)/7 = 4*(A+B+C)/7 = 4*155/7 = 620/7 kg
There are 60 slots around a circle, numbered from 1 to 60. A man starts from the 1st slot thn 5th slot and jumps
into the 9th slot and so on. In which slot will he land in his 2200th jump?
a) 45 b) 41 c) 1 d) 5
at each jump it moves 4 slot.
hence total jump * 4 will give at which slot he is
2200 * 4 = 8800
but its given that..there are 60 slots around a circle
so take mod 60
8800 mod 60 = 40
but mod gives and between 0 to 59...but actual slot number are from 1 to 60 hence +1 ans
hence final answer is 40 +1 = 41
There are 10 stepping stones numbered 1 to 10. a fly jumps from the first stone as follows:Every minute it jumps
to the 4th stone from where it started-i.e from 1st it would go to 5th and from 5th it would go to 9th and from 9th
it would go to 3rd etc. Where would the fly be at 60th minute if it starts at 1
1st min=5th stone 2nd min=9th stone
3rd min=3rd stone
4th min=7th stone
therefore at every minute which is a multiple of 5, the fly would be at 1st stone
5th min=1st stone
consider a well of 100 mt depth and a frog at the bottom of the well. It climbs 3mt in day time n slides down 2mt
during night. How many days it needs to climb the well?
It Climbs 3 mts in Day & Slides Down 2 mts during Night => 3 - 2 = 1 m in One Day. So Till 97 Days it reaches to 97 mts
but on 98th Day when it climbs to 3 mts, it reaches to the top i.e 97 + 3 => 100 mts So Number of Days Required is 98 Days.
one man can do fill the truck in 9 min; how many truck can be filled in one and half hours when 16 men work
one man can fill 16 trucks in one and half hour(90 mins)
that is one truck in 9min so 9*10=90mins
so 1*10=10trucks by one men
similarly 16men and EACH will fill 10 truck in 90 mins
so totally 160trucks can be filled
a man starts work on monday and works for 8 days and works for every ninth day as his holiday. His 12th day will
be on which day?
here it is not mentioned tht only working days are to b considered....
so holiday will also b added...
hence his 12th day will b a friday