TC0207 Dallas Minutes 20130129 - ASHRAE 2.7 Seismic and Wind

ASHRAE Technical Committee 2.7, Seismic and W ind Resistant Design
Summer Meeting, San Antonio, TX
29 January 2013
(Minutes of all TC/TG/TRG Meetings are to be distributed to all persons listed below within 60 days following the
Seismic and Wind Resistant Design
Location:Dallas, TX
Scott Campbell
Danny Abbate
Allison Fee
James Carlson
Eren Kalafat (int’l)
Andrew Moore
Doug Fitts
Barry Williamson
John Giuliano
Dave Miller
Patrick Marks
David Jeltes
Greg Meeuwsen
Diane Jacobs
Michael Morby
Harold Dubensky
Panos Papavizas
Jason Emiliusen
Karl Peterman
Jim Tauby
Dan Rau
John Iacobellis
Dick Sherren
Martin Deveci
Don Warick, Jr.
Matthew Hooti
Michael Woodford
Okan Sever
Paul Meisel
Paul Selman
Robert Glass
Siu-Kit Lau
Stephen Duda
TC/TG/TRG Section 2 Section Head
ASHRAE Technical Committee 2.7, Seismic and W ind Resistant Design
Summer Meeting, San Antonio, TX
29 January 2013
TC 2.7, Seismic and Wind Resistant Design
Committee Scope: Technical Committee 2.7 is concerned with fundamental scientific and engineering design
principles for seismic and wind resistant design of HVACR equipment and building mechanical/electrical service
Karl Peterman, Vibro-Acoustics,
Vice-chair: RobertSimmons, PetraSeismic Design,
Secretary: Patrick Marks, Johnson Controls,
1. Meeting was called to order at 3:36PM.
2. All present, including members and guests, introduced themselves. See summary/cover sheet above.
3. Quorum was established with 12 quorum voting members present. The non-quorum international
member was not present.
4. Previous minutes from San Antonio were not posted to the website: They will be letter balloted
5. TC Chair’s Report (Pat Marks for Karl Peterman)
The Hightower Award was given out to a TC 1.2 member.
The TC was asked to encourage YEA involvement.
Karl reviewed the ASHRAE code of ethics. ASHRAE leadership asked every TC to review due to
some ethical issues on the part of ASHRAE members.
Jim Tauby will put the ASHRAE ethics policy up on the website.
TAC has released a local chapter preso advertizing TC participation. Refrigeration Commissioning
guide under way – 50% review now.
Everyone needs to update their bio since ASHRAE has updated the bio formatting.
ASHRAE is trying to facilitate electronic communication between meetings.
ASHRAE has decided to provide in-room wi-fi by the Orlando Conference.
6. Publications Subcommittee (Jim Carlson)
Practical Guide (Jim Tauby): The Guide is published – it is now an approved ICC manual.
Handbook (Jim Carlson): Jim has recruited a subcommittee to begin editing.
ASHRAE Technical Committee 2.7, Seismic and W ind Resistant Design
Summer Meeting, San Antonio, TX
29 January 2013
7. Programs Subcommittee (John Giuliano)
At the current conference (Dallas), we had two programs on the schedule:
Seminar 20 – Seismic Certification of Equipment – Code, Analysis and Testing. Doug Fitts
chaired this seminar, and the speakers were Robert Simmons (Code), John Giuliano
(Testing) and Scott Campbell (Analysis). The seminar was well attended and was
successful in clarifying the ASCE7 provisions for equipment certification.
Seminar 65 - Weathering the Storm – HVAC & Extreme Weather. Karl Peterman chaired
this seminar and the speakers were Chuck Miccolis (Wind) and Jim Carlson (Flood). This
seminar was relatively well attended for a Wednesday morning. The information provided
regarding the physical attachment and the need for a structural load path for wind restraint
was very important to get across and was well done. The case study of the flooding also did
a good job in showing how good design can prevent equipment and structural damage in
buildings. This is extremely important in light of Hurricane Sandy, and should be continued
to be discussed in out TC.
Future Programs
For Denver we are trying to get a seminar submitted; “Specifying Seismic and Wind
Restraints”. This is to be chaired by Jim Tauby, with the speakers and topics below. As the
deadline for submission is Feb 11th, I will contact Jim to make sure he is aware, since he
had to miss this portion of the sub-committee discussion, I missed the main meeting.
Paul Meisel – Specifying Seismic Restraints
Richard Sherren (or John Giuliano) – Specifying Wind Restraints
Robert Simmons – Code Changes
For New York (2013), we discussed possibly speaking about “Lessons Learned from
Sandy”. Robert Simmons was to look into finding information. If anyone is interested in
assisting, please contact Robert, and let me know.
Also for New York, we discussed a possible seminar to review the issue of thermal
expansion and seismic restraint of piping. As these are not independent problems, the
industry has been looking for clarification. I was going to communicate with the large piping
TC for their joint input on this issue. For now, Richard Sherren would be speaking for the
seismic restraint portion, with potentially getting support, or additional speakers from
experts on flexible connectors.
For Seattle 2014, we should be able to have the discussion on the testing from UCSD. Dan
Rau and Panos Papavizas were to speak on that testing. This is based upon successful
completion of the report from UCSD by October 2013.
For further out, we can have a seminar on the rewrite of SPC171.
Also for future consideration, Michael Morby was going to look into a potential discussion of
Factory Mutual (FM) requirements for cooling towers.
ASHRAE Technical Committee 2.7, Seismic and W ind Resistant Design
Summer Meeting, San Antonio, TX
29 January 2013
8. Membership (Pat Marks for Robert Simmons)
Robert Simmons was approved (10-0) as the in-coming chair of the TC after the Denver meeting.
Other new officers:
o Pat Marks, Vice Chair
o Dan Rau, Secretary
o Panos Papavizas, Research Chair
o John Giuliano, Programs Chair
o Jim Tauby, Standards Chair/Web Master
o Jim Carlson, Publications/Handbook Chair
9. Research Subcommittee (Dan Rau)
Minutes from Research Subcommittee Breakfast:
o No change to ASHRAE Strategic Plan.
o Currently 62 research projects are funded ($12 million) and active. 10 new projects were
started. Eight projects were completed and 6 projects went out for bid. The drought of
research projects continues and TC’s are encouraged to submit more RTARS.
o RAC evaluated 3 RTAR’s in Dallas. 1 rejected, 1 conditionally accepted, 1 returned
o RAC evaluated 4 WS’s in Dallas. 3 returned, 1 conditionally accepted.
Current TC 2.7 Research:
o No RTAR’s or Work Statements are active.
o TC2.7 was asked to form a Proposal Evaluation Subcommittee (PES) for URP 1692 which was
submitted by Dr. Murray Morrison with IBHS on the research topic of the shielding effects of
screens on rooftop mounted equipment. The URP was submitted in mid-December.
o The PES has met several times to create a justification statement and review the URP. The
justification statement was prepared by Panos Papavizas with input from Dr. Morrison. The
final draft was sent to David John on Saturday.
o Dan Rau met with David at the research breakfast. His feedback was positive and he liked the
language in our justification statement BUT he stated that he did have RAC meetings to review
the URP’s over the weekend and that they want our “revised” URP with the additional detail
resubmitted as a work statement (WS). In other words, they want us to abandon the URP path
and move it back over to a TC2.7 controlled document. The reasoning behind this was that
URP should only be used in exceptional circumstances and our situation wasn’t exceptional
enough. The end result is as follows:
o Dan Rau to work with Murray to transfer existing URP to WS.
o Dan Rau to submit WS to Karl Peterman for TC 2.7 approval. I believe this will require
a vote.
o TC2.7 submits WS to RAC.
o Deadline for submission to is February 15.
o Goal would be to have WS accepted at meeting in Denver (end of June). On the bright
side, of the 9 URP’s submitted, most (6) were rejected outright.
ASHRAE Technical Committee 2.7, Seismic and W ind Resistant Design
Summer Meeting, San Antonio, TX
29 January 2013
Other Areas of Interest:
o SHAKE and BAKE – UCSD - NEES BNCS Five Story full-scale building for NCS testing:
 Final paper to be complete October 2013.
10. Standards Subcommittee (Jim Tauby)
 SSPC 171:Met Tuesday morning. Jim will break the standard into six sections. Members are to rewrite
their sections prior to Denver. The goal is to get the standard into ASCE-7 revision in 2015.
11. Website (Jim Tauby)
We are currently having a problem posting documents on the website. Jim is working with ASHRAE on
that. Jim has a link to the SPC 171 website from there. Jim is adding the programs as he receives them.
12. Liaison Reports:
 TC 2.HVAC Security (Scott Campbell) – no update.
 TC 2.6(Pat Marks) – The Vibration Isolation subcommittee did not meet. Not much activity related to TC
2.7 during this meeting.
 ASHRAE SPC 197 (Karl Peterman) - Draft in process, goal is to have a complete test method by the next
meeting. Currently the standard is very technical. There is hope that a survey grade method will be
developed to complement this.
 ASCE 7(Jim Carlson) – Starting the update of the commentary for the 2010 edition of ASCE-7. TC 2.7 has
four representatives on the TS-8 committee. Panos is also on the Wind load subcommittee. They are
through one round of proposals already. The ASCE website is still open for changes. It will close shortly.
The first seismic subcommittee meeting will occur soon. Also, performance based design will be in the
code revision in the cycle after next.
 ICC – (Jim Carlson) ICC revisions are complete. They will continue to refer to ASCE-7.
 BSSC (Scott Campbell)–No Activity.
 VISCMA (Don Warick) – Currently the website is being modified for easier access. Whitepapers for code
requirements for systems and VAV restraints are in the final revision phases.
 SMACNA (Allison Fee)–Nothing to report. Robert Simmons asked about the seismic restraint guide and
issues with terminal units. Allison relayed technical contact info for further discussion.
 AHRI (Mike Woodford) – Seismic Standard AHRI 1270 Revision underway right now. Adding several
new products. ASCE proposal underway for recognition currently. They are still doing internal briefings
of members. AHRI 1310 – wind loading design is being developed. They are also in the process of
selecting a consultant and should have a draft within a year. It will be a method of determining
compliance with existing codes.
 ATC69 (Jim Carlson) FEMA 74 is now online. No activity since the completion of FEMA 74.
 ASTM (Karl Peterman) The seismic suspended ceiling standard (E580) is undergoing a revision.
13. Old Business: none.
14. New Business: none.
15. Next Meeting: Denver, CO, June 25, 2013
16. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 5:48PM