argumentative essay topics

Today’s To-Do List
1. Today you will choose a topic/issue to write your argumentative essay on. While choosing your topic,
select something that you feel strongly about or that you feel competent discussing. The best topics are
• Here are some examples that you may use:
o Should school uniforms be enforced everywhere?
o Should men get paternity leave from work?
o Are we too dependent on computers?
o Should animals be used for research?
o Should cigarette smoking be banned everywhere?
o Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy?
o Google some topics. Try putting this in the search engine: “argumentative essay topics”
2. After deciding on a topic, begin your research. While doing research, fill out the chart(worksheet) by
listing the pros and cons of your topic. By the end of class you will have decided what your stance is on
the topic. At the bottom of your worksheet write your claim.
3. Tomorrow you will begin writing the first paragraph of your argumentative essay!!!
Introductory Paragraph
Start with a “Hook”
In order to grab the attention of your reader, you must start your essay
Beginning your essay with a hook is how you set the tone for your
entire paper.
Lets look at some sample “hooks”…
Grammar and Punctuation
• Remember to indent your first paragraph!
• Remember to that a paragraph consist of 5 or more sentences.
• Remember to use simple, compound, AND complex sentences! (This
makes your writing interesting)
• Remember to place your periods and commas in the correct place.
• If you are unsure how to spell a word….GET A DICTIONARY!
Today’s To-Do List
1. Today you will come up with your own “hooks” for your argumentative writing. Use the chart to fill in
different “hooks” that are related to your topic. When you are finished, choose your best “hook” and
use it as you begin writing the first paragraph to your argumentative essay.
• Show me that you have filled in the chart so that I can give you credit. I want you to be able to
keep the WS for your notes.
2. Make sure that you are using correct punctuation and grammar as you begin writing your essay. Your
introductory paragraph should be no less than 5 sentences. Don’t think about the sentence limit, JUST
WRITE! REMEMBER this will be counted as a project grade. ASK FOR HELP IF YOU NEED IT!!!!
Body Paragraphs
Example- Topic: School Uniforms
• Body paragraph 1
• Example-Body paragraph 1
o 1st argument
o Counter-argument
o Rebuttal
• Body paragraph 2
• 2nd argument
• Counter-argument
• Rebuttal
• Body paragraph 3
• 3rd argument
• Counter-argument
• Rebuttal
• School uniforms keep students
focused on their education, not
their clothes.
• Some may say that school uniforms
restrict students' freedom of
• However, when students wear
uniforms they are able to express
themselves academically and
channel their freedom of expression
into something productive.
Body Paragraphs
• Remember to add supporting evidence for each argument.
• Each paragraph should contain the following:
Evidence to support argument
• Example
Transitional Words
Words To Use In A Counter-Argument
No doubt…
nobody denies…
of course…
To be sure…
Generally speaking…
At this level…
in general…
in this situation…
Words To Use In A Rebuttal
It is true that…
Of course…
Even though…
Even if…
;on the other hand…
;on the contrary…
;in addition…
Today’s To-Do List
1. Today you will create an outline for your body paragraphs using the template provided. Use this
template to help you write your essay. Whatever you put in your outline, should be in your paper. This
is done to help you!!
o When you are finished, let me know so that I can look over it and give you credit. You will not
need to turn this in, but I am counting this as a grade.
2. Once your outline has been approved, you may begin writing your body paragraphs for your essay.
Please make sure that you are keeping your essay neat and in order. After all, this is a project grade!!
Conclusion Paragraph
Although desserts taste delicious at any time of day, there’s a reason why we eat
them after dinner: they’re the grand finales that leave us with a good impression of
the meal we just had. Mmm… Your conclusion should also leave us feeling content,
impressed, and maybe even inspired. Even if all the body paragraphs are fantastic,
if you put a boring or incomplete conclusion at the end, the reader will walk away
with a negative final impression of your work. This is why some restaurants give
free mints or chocolates with your check: customer satisfaction and building a
positive reputation! This leaves you with a good feeling.
Recipe for a good conclusion
1. Pie crust: Restate the claim USING NEW WORDS (paraphrasing)
2. Cheesecake: Review the major points of the essay while USING NEW
3. Whipped cream: Mention the legacy, significance, lessons we can learn, or
other “takeaways” (the “so what”)
4. Strawberry garnish: A final statement that is either a call to action
Words of caution…
• Think about portion control. You don’t want the reader to still feel
hungry (too short) or stuffed to the point that she’s going to be sick
(too long).
• Stay consistent with the tone/style of the paper. Don’t suddenly shift
into wording that is more or less formal than before.
• Do not introduce brand new facts for the first time. Rather, this is the
time to ANALYZE facts that were already stated, restate them, or
maybe even synthesize multiple facts to make big general statements.
• Don’t let anything in your conclusion be random or off-topic.
Conclusion Paragraph Example
Topic: School Uniforms
Arguments: Uniforms should be required in schools because they promote equality, limit
distractions, and remove opportunities for student conflict.
Conclusion: Personal expression and creativity are important, but those qualities should come
from somewhere other than your outfit. If the purpose of school is to learn, then anything that
detracts from learning should be examined, particularly something as emotionally damaging as
the competition that comes from clothing. Uniforms allow all students to be seen as equals, since
no one has to be left behind by expensive brand names or styles that are trending. The only
things that uniforms limit are negative anyway: distractions between genders, competition among
peers, and clique or gang apparel. Any school district committed to its purpose should implement
a uniform policy to put students, not appearance, first.
Today’s To-Do List
1. Today you will begin writing your conclusion for your argumentative essay.
 Did you restate your claim with new language?
 Did you review the previous main points?
 Did you end with a final sentence that concludes, inspires, or motivates?
 Did you keep the reader’s attention?
 Did you Stay consistent?