1 Table of contents Intramural By-Laws Purpose……………………………………………………………….…………….…….………3 Scope………………………………………………………………….………………….…..…..3 Type of competition……………………………………………………………………….……..3 Player eligibility ……...………………………………………………………………..….……..3 Coaches responsibilities.………………………………...……………………………..….……..4 Players pool………………………………………………….…………………………...………4 Rosters……………………………………………………………………………………...……5 Forfeitures……………………………………………………………….…………….……..…..5 Dropped Teams….…………………………………………………….…………….…….……..5 Ejections…………………………………………………………………………….….….…….5 Postponements/cancellations……………………………………………………….…….…..….6 Protests…………………………………………………………………………………………..6 General…………………………………………………………………………………………..7 Softball sports rules...…………………………………………….………………………….....8 2 Intramural By-Laws 1. PURPOSE: The purpose of the intramural program is to provide competition for military personnel and employees assigned to Fairchild AFB and to promote esprit de corps among all units and individuals assigned. 2. SCOPE: League competition is available to all squadrons and tenant units assigned to FAFB. 3. TYPE OF COMPETITION: a. The number of team entries will determine league size. b. There will be no limit to the size of a particular team. The number of individual awards will be limited by the number of players authorized on a team roster as defined in the official rules for the sport being played. If the number of players exceed individual awards available then the winning unit will be responsible to obtain the extra individual awards if desired. c. If a proceeding game extends beyond the next scheduled game time, the teams delayed will be allowed a five-minute warm-up period. d. Should two or more teams tie for a play-off position during the regular season, a determination will be made based on head-to-head competition during regular season play. If teams split wins during the regular season, play-off position will be determined by margin of victory. If a tie still exists, the team with the highest cumulative point total will make the playoffs. e. A single elimination tournament will be held at the end of the regular season to determine the Intramural Base Champion. The top eight teams with the best overall win/loss record will compete in the tournament. 4. PLAYER ELIGIBILITY: a. Active Duty Military (including guard), full-time NAF and DoD civilian personnel assigned to FAFB, adult family members 18 years of age with a valid DoD or NAF employee ID card are eligible to participate in intramural sports. All eligible players must play with the unit to which they are assigned if their squadron places a team in league play. Dependant spouses may participate in intramural sports, but must play with their sponsor’s squadron. NO EXCEPTIONS! b. Players transferred (PCA) to another unit during the season have the option to choose the team with which to play for the remainder of the season. Once a person plays one game with the team of their choice, they must remain with that team for the remainder of the season and must play in at least one (1) league game to be eligible to participate in the play-offs. c. Military members who are TDY to Fairchild for 30 days or more are eligible to participate in the sports program. Such personnel will play with their unit of assignment. d. Once a player is discharged or no longer works for the DoD, they can no longer participate in intramural sports program. e. An individual is considered eligible to participate in an Over-30 recreational league if they have attained their 30th birthday before the scheduled season start of the season. f. If any participant fails to meet eligibility requirements during the regular season, the team will forfeit all games in which the ineligible player competed. 3 g. If any participant is found ineligible during playoff games, the team will be removed from competition. All previous games will stand. 5. COACH’S RESPONSIBILITIES: a. Coaches are responsible for submitting a Letter of Intent (LOI) to the sports director including any mission requirements that may conflict with the intramural season. b. All coaches are required to be familiar with the LOI, sports rules, special provisions and schedule revisions to ensure that all team members are informed. c. Coaches will ensure teams receive adequate practice time by coordinating with the fitness center staff to reserve sports equipment and facilities. Reservations will be made on a first come, first serve bases and can only be made a week in advance. d. Coaches are responsible for policing their area after completion of every game. e. Coaches are required to attend mandatory meetings or appointing alternates who can substitute in the absence of the coach. f. Coaches should ensure that all team members are properly conditioned prior to the start of the league. g. Coaches will ensure proper warm up prior to competition. h. Coaches will ensure participants are wearing the proper attire. i. Jewelry will not be worn, including wedding bands/rings, medical bracelets, necklaces, and all types of earrings. Questionable items will be left up to the official’s discretion. j. Coaches will ensure that every player on their roster is ELIGIBLE to play according to these by-laws. 6. PLAYER’S POOL: a. Any squadron/unit that does not enter a team in league competition may submit players into the player’s pool. Players requesting to be placed in the player’s pool must submit a letter signed by the squadron commander to the intramural director. b. Coaches can request player(s) from the pool no earlier than two weeks prior to the start of the season by submitting a letter to the intramural director. Requests will be honored based on need. Players in the pool will be selected and assigned by blind draw by the coach and intramural director. Selected player(s) and team assignment is final. Non-acceptance on either party will result in disqualification from entering or selecting from the player’s pool. c. New players can be placed into the players’ pool at any time during the regular season. If there are not any requests for players, then the intramural director will assign the player to a team based on the size of each team roster. d. Players’ pool players will not be added to teams during the playoffs. 7. ROSTERS: 4 a. A team roster for all squadrons is required to be dropped off in person NLT two days prior to the start of the season. b. Additions to the roster may be made at anytime during the season, as long as it is 10 minutes prior to game time. Changes to the line-ups in scorebooks will not be allowed after the start of the game. c. Team rosters may be verified by Alpha rosters, personnel rosters, orders, etc. 8. FORFEITURES: a. A forfeit will be declared when one or both teams are not available to play at the scheduled start time with the minimum number of players required by the sport. b. Game time is forfeit time. If both teams are ready to play prior to game time they will wait until the scheduled start time before beginning the game. c. A team who forfeits two consecutive or three total games during the regular season will be automatically dropped from further league competition. All games played prior to forfeiting out of the league will stand as posted. d. Teams removed from league play are not eligible to participate in the play-offs. e. Teams who know in advance that they will not be able to field a team at their scheduled start time can call the Fitness Center NLT 3 hours before the start of the activity to have the game cancelled. However, this will be considered a forfeit-loss but will not count toward the forfeit rule (c.). f. Squadron Commanders will receive written notification upon every forfeit their team has accumulated. Commanders will also be notified once their team has been dropped from the league. 9. DROPPED TEAMS: a. Opposing team points/scores will stand as played. All games remaining against the dropped units will be counted as automatic wins. Opposing teams will not have to show up for their scheduled activity unless notified for a make up game. b. Any player whose team is dropped from the league and still wishes to play may be placed into the player’s pool. 10. EJECTIONS: a. Should it be necessary for an official to eject a player(s), such action will be documented on the official score book/sheet. The effected party has one minute to leave the playing and viewing area. Failure to comply will result in game forfeiture. b. Any player(s) ejected from a game for fighting will be suspended from all intramural/extramural sports for one full calendar year from the date of the infraction, including the season from which they were ejected. c. Players ejected for reasons other than fighting will be suspended from that game and possibly the next two games. Any player who is ejected from the last game of the intramural season will be suspended from play in the first two games of the next sport in which he or she participates. 5 Suspended players will not be allowed to be a spectator for that sport during their suspension. Game ejections will be made at the officials’ discretion and the sports director will be notified. d. All squadron commanders, coaches, managers, players, and spectators are requested to fully emphasize the importance of good sportsmanship and fair play. Vulgarity, fighting, or harassing of officials before, during, or after the game will NOT BE TOLERATED. e. Any player or spectator removed from an intramural activity by an official due to blatant misconduct which adversely affects the integrity of the game or/and safety of individuals will cause their team to forfeit the game in which they were involved. f. Under no circumstances will any player, coach, or team member be permitted to participate after having consumed any alcoholic beverages. 11. POSTPONEMENTS/CANCELLATIONS: a. The Fitness Center Director will make all decisions pertaining to requests for a postponement of any game. b. Any game interrupted by an alert, darkness, or weather, will be played from the point the game was interrupted (unless otherwise stated by individual game rules). c. Make-up games may be rescheduled at the discretion of the intramural director. The intramural director will notify the coach, representative, or squadron first sergeant at least 24 hours prior to a make-up game. d. Requests for postponement due to military commitments that require more than 50% of players must be submitted in writing to the intramural director NLT 1600 the duty day prior to the scheduled game, or it will be a forfeit. The squadron commander or first sergeant must sign the request. e. Mission exercises, commander’s calls, and real world emergencies will be considered first priority for postponements. ALS graduations, retirement ceremonies, or TDY’s involving more than 50% of the squadron may be considered for postponement. Squadron parties, promotions, re-enlistments, bbqs, or leave are not considered valid military commitments. f. Unforeseen circumstances that preclude immediate notification may be given special consideration. It is the responsibility of the coach or manager to notify the athletic department as soon as possible when such circumstances arise. 12. PROTESTS: a. The only protest allowed is player(s) ineligibility, unless otherwise outlined in each sports rules. b. Protests can be made in writing by the coach at any time during the game or no later than 24 hours following the game by opposing coaches or coach’s representative. The game will continue until completed. c. Protests concerning player eligibility must be made during the game the infraction is suspected. The protest must be written briefly in the scorebook to include: name and number of ineligible player, date, and time. A letter of protest must be submitted to the intramural sports director with complete relative information, signed by the coach or appointed agent and turned in 6 by 1600 the next duty day. If these steps are not met, the letter will not be accepted and the protest will be invalid. d. The suspected player has to provide eligibility verification in accordance with the requirements outlined in section 4. The coach or appointed agent must submit documentation confirming the player’s eligibility NLT 1600 three (3) working days after notification. 13. GENERAL: a. The athletic director and the intramural director reserve the right to revise, amend, and/or terminate the schedule, tournament, or any of these by-laws at anytime if deemed necessary to benefit league play. b. These intramural by-laws will supersede all other by-laws on the same subject. c. All participants should adhere to proper sportsmanship inherent in any sports activity. Misconduct such as profanity, taunting, unwarranted demonstrative and aggressive behavior toward opponents, officials, staff members, or any other participant will not be tolerated. JOHN P. GAHAGAN, YA-2 Fitness Center Director 7 INTRAMURAL SOFTBALL BY-LAWS 1. SCOPE a. The current ASA Official Guide and Rulebook and this by-law will govern play, amendments are only authorized by the intramural sports director. 2. TYPE OF COMPETITION a. All games will be 7 innings. Any game that is tied after 7 innings will continue until a winner is determined. b. A game called by the umpire shall be regulation if 5 or more complete innings have been played. A game called before 5 complete innings will be made up and resumed at the point at which it was called. The umpire is empowered to call a game at any time due to darkness, rain, lightning, unit emergencies (i.e., CE being dismissed to put out a fire or attend any base emergency which requires the entire team) or other causes that he or she deems appropriate. c. A game may begin or end with 8 players, but when and if another player arrives, that player must be inserted into the line-up at the 10th batting position. Whenever a team is playing with only 9 players, no out will be taken when the 10th position in the batting order appears. d. A team that starts a game with 10 or 11 players may continue a game with 1 player less than it started with even if the vacancy was created by an ejection. If a player is ejected and the team does not have at least 9 players to continue, the game will end with the team losing by forfeit. Under no circumstances shall a team be permitted to bat with less than 9 players. e. When a team plays shorthanded (9 players) and a player leaves the game, the player cannot return to the lineup. EXCEPTION: a player being treated for bleeding or injury. A player who is injured in any manner which causes bleeding or blood on the uniform or clothing will be removed as a player until the bleeding stops, the wound is covered, and/or the uniform/clothing is changed. A delay of game for injury or bleeding will not exceed a 5-minute time period. If the injured or bleeding player cannot return to the game after 5 minutes, the team will lose by forfeit. f. If an extra player (EP) is used, it must be made known prior to the start of the game and listed in the scorebook. The EP must be used the entire game. Failure to complete the game with an EP will result in a forfeiture of the game. If for some reason the EP or the 11th player is injured and the team only has 10 players then the rule of forfeit shall not stand; the injured player shall not reenter the game. If an EP is used, all 11 players will bat and any ten-play defense. Defensive positions can be changed, but the batting order must remain the same during the entire game. 3. SPECIFIC PLAYING RULES a. A 10 run rule is in effect during all games after 4 ½ innings if the home team is ahead and after 5 innings if the visitor’s team is ahead. A 15 run rule is in effect after 2 ½ complete innings when the home team is ahead and 3 complete innings if the visitor’s team is ahead. b. Each team will be limited to 3 homeruns hit over the outfield fence. All other balls hit over the fence will be by the progressive system. A team can only have 1 more homerun than the other team after 3 accumulated homeruns. All other balls hit over the fence will be ruled as a single. Base runners may advance only if they are in a force position on that single. All runners and the batter who hits a legal homerun will run all the bases. 8 c. Whenever a play is being made on the batter-runner, the defense must use the white portion and the batter-runner the orange portion. The batter-runner is out when there is a play being made at first base and the batter-runner touched only the white portion, providing the defense appeals prior to the batter-runner returning to first base. On any force out attempt from the foul side of first base, or an errant throw pulling the defense into foul ground, the defense and the batterrunner can use either the white or orange portion. d. When there is a force play by an infielder on a batter-runner who touches only the white portion of the double base and then collides with the fielder, who is about to catch a thrown ball while on the white, the result will be interference. The ball is dead, the batter-runner is out and all other runners are returned to the base last occupied at the time of interference. e. There will be no warm-up in the infield before the game unless the previous game was forfeited. In the event of this occurrence, the warm-up will be 10 feet behind home plate for batting practice. Remaining time until next game will be shared equally between the next 2 teams playing. f. Pitcher will be allowed 3 warm-up pitches to start the game. Should substitution of pitcher occur, 3 warm-up pitches would be permitted for new pitcher. g. Any player who decides to slide must be wearing long pants. If a player slides without proper gear, the player will be called out. Headfirst sliding is permitted but is considered dangerous and is highly discouraged. Sliding into first base is prohibited. h. Digging in batter’s box is prohibited. Batter digging in box will be called out. i. If a batter throws the bat, he/she will be called out. If the bat hits someone, goes over the fence, or hits the fence on the fly, the batter is ejected from the game and the next 2 games. j. Fitness Center staff will determine rainouts NLT 1500 hours. After this time, only the officials can determine whether or not a game can be played. k. Coaches will also be notified if games are cancelled or postponed due to field conditions. l. Only players and coaches are allowed in the dugout and on the field. No children or scorekeepers will be permitted in the dugouts or inside the playing field using the fences as boundary lines. m. There will be no practice on the infield portion of the field prior to the start of each game. No infield practicing or warm up pitches between innings. Players are not allowed to purposely deface any part of the field, to include chalked lines and batter’s boxes. An automatic out can be given for infractions. n. 5 minutes prior to the start of the first game a coin will be flipped to determine home field advantage. Heads is home, tails is Visitor. o. Each team will provide an Official/Umpire and a Score Keeper/Time Keeper. These individuals will not be allowed to participate on the day of they are holding these positions. p. The team designated Home for game 1 will provide the Official. The team designated as Visitor will provide the Umpire and Score Keeper. When game 2 of a Double Header starts, the teams will switch roles. Home will become Visitor and vice versa. The new Home team will provide the Official and the new Visitor team will provide Umpire and Scorekeeper. 9 4. EQUIPMENT a. A Catcher’s mask will be provided by the fitness center. These are optional, not mandatory. b. No part of the military uniform will be worn. c. All players must wear softball gloves. Mitts are only permitted for catcher and first baseman. d. Only softballs furnished by the fitness center will be used during games. e. Shirts with numbers (at least 3” high and 1” in width) will be worn at all times. No duplication of numbers on the same team will be permitted. Numbers will not be of tape material or written on the shirt with ink, magic marker or pencil. A number starting with 0 cannot be used with any other number. Example: You can have 07 but not 7 on the same team. Also, 3 digit numbers may not be used. f. Players may wear shorts, but sliding in shorts is prohibited. g. Metal spikes will not be worn. Rubber molded cleats or tennis shoes are the only footwear allowed. Changeable cleats will be permitted as long as no metal points are exposed. Screw-in cleats are permitted. Anyone caught with metal spikes/cleats will be ejected. h. Hats similar to baseball caps and sweatbands are acceptable headgear. All hats will be worn with the bill facing the front. i. There is a list of ASA non-approved bats at www.asasoftball.com Any bat appearing on the current list may not be used. Any player entering the batter’s box with or discovered using an illegal bat will be ejected from the game, and if during the playoffs, disqualified for the remainder of the playoffs. 5. FORFEIT a. GAME TIME IS FORFEIT TIME. Score on forfeited games will be 7-0. b. Two consecutive forfeits or three forfeits overall will result in being dropped from the league. 6. OFFICIALS a. Officials are designated representatives of the fitness center director and have the authority to execute/render decisions as required about players’ conduct, safety, sportsmanship and all other aspects of the game. b. Officials have the authority to banish from contest any person(s), including spectators whom, in their opinion, are interfering with the safe and peaceful conduct of the game. c. Officials will not be permitted to play and officiate in the same league. d. Officials will not be responsible for determining eligible players. All questions regarding player eligibility should be addressed to the Fitness Center Director or Intramural Director. 7. TOBACCO/ALCOHOL 10 a. Smoking and chewing tobacco is not permitted within the playing field. The dugout is an out of play area designated for players and coaches ONLY. There will be No smoking or alcoholic beverages in the dugout area. This includes practice times. Teams must clean up their areas following practice or game. b. Anyone found under the influence of alcohol will not play in the game. Failure to do so may result in a forfeiture of the contest, and a possible disqualification from league play. JOHN P. GAHAGAN, YA-2 Fitness Center Director 11