yoga lesson plan

High School Physical Education
Teacher: Sophia Corbett
Lesson Topic: YOGA
Grade Level: 9-12
Date: AUGUST, 2014
Content Standard/Objective: Standard(s) #2.2 Participate in individual & dual activities that promote or maintain health-related physical fitness. 3.6
Analyze the role of social interaction in the successful participation in and enjoyment of individual and dual activities.
Performance Outcomes
(What students should know and be
able to do as a result of this lesson)
Students will be able to describe
different breathe techniques and their
purpose. Students will be able to name
and demonstrate at least 5 yoga
Key Concepts & Essential Questions (What, How, and Why? The knowledge, skills, and rationale)
Demonstrate basic yoga poses, breathe techniques & cooperative skills that enhance mental & physical health.
Teaching Strategies & Sequence
Opening (BBC lesson board, “Do Now” instructions; 3-5 minutes): 3-Part breath with guided relaxation
Instruction (new concepts, model, demonstrate, visuals, vocabulary, note taking; 5-10 minutes):
Describe various breath techniques such as extended inhalation, Lion’s breath, Belly breaths and the effects they have on the body.
Define yoga, what it provides for students, the mental & physical benefits.
Evidence of Learning
(How will you monitor student
learning? How will you assess student
Teacher will observe students
performing poses.
Guided Practice (scaffold, interaction strategies, check for understanding, corrective feedback; 20-25 minutes):
Students complete yoga practice, started with warm-up poses on the floor, moving to standing balance poses, & sun salutation.
Group poses with the entire class in a circle.
Students will pair up with a partner & will complete 2 partner poses, then create their own partner pose. Students can make any shape they wish as
long as they are making contact with each other.
Modified poses for students,
props to assist in poses.
Individual poses to relax students, Savasanah final resting pose to hold for 2 minutes.
Closure (assess, give feedback, review, and what’s next? 5-10 minutes)
What yoga poses/practices do you feel comfortable teaching to your classes? What are the challenges of teaching yoga? Ideal settings, need for props,
What do you THINK yoga is?
What components of healthrelated fitness does yoga
Teacher will observe students create
pose with partner.
Teacher will observe students
performing breath techniques
Connections to
Knowledge, Skills, &
Independent Practice or Extension Activities (interaction or cooperative work, follow-up activities, homework):
Find a yoga DVD, class, online class or book that you enjoy to broaden your yoga experience.
Yoga mats, blocks & straps
(English Learners, Special
Need Students, Advanced
High School Physical Education
T Teacher
S Students
E Equipment (or draw/describe)
Students and teacher will form a circle with their mats, sit facing inwards.
X Roll Call #s
/\ Cones