Lake Superior Benthic Fish Community Structure By Michael H. Hoff U.S. Geological Survey Great Lakes Science Center Lake Superior Fish Community Objectives and Joint Strategic Plan for Management of Great Lakes Fisheries “The Parties must…meet the biological, chemical, and physical needs of desired fish communities.” Lake Whitefish Background •Great Lakes fishery managers agreed to change from fish species to community management approaches in 1987. •The Lake Superior Committee developed the Fish Community Objectives to manage Lake Superior fish communities Lake herring Background •A community is an ecological unit that is structured with unique, quantifiable attributes. •Statistical analysis has been used in community ecology to; Discover community data structure Graph community data Test for differences in communities Rainbow smelt Background •Dynamics of fish communities can be used to evaluate effects of management changes and ecosystem perturbations (e.g. invasions) Deepwater sculpin Spoonhead sculpin Slimy sculpin Background •Using statistical analyses, only two fish communities have been described from Lake Superiorboth reside in Chequamegon Bay. •Fish communities have not been described from Lake Superior’s main basin. Burbot Report Objective To quantitatively describe the summer, benthic fish community structure and habitat associations in Lake Superior by examining the on-contour, bottomtrawl data set. On-contour trawl tows Cross-contour trawls Lake Superior Fishing with a bottom trawl. Ship Trawl Mouth of bottom trawl – side view. Methods Sampling •22 locations sampled during mid-June to mid-September •937 bottom-trawl tows were taken •Fish densities (no./hectare) computed from catches and the area swept by trawls N Minnesota Ontario Lak eS upe rior Wisconsin Michigan Locations of on-contour bottom-trawl stations sampled during 1972-1995. Methods Data Analysis •4 statistical procedures 3 multivariate (many variables used) 1 univariate (one variable used) Kiyi Why all of those statistics? • No single test exists that examines community structure • An integrated set of procedures was needed for a thorough exploration, examination, and portrayal of the existence and structure of communities. Round whitefish Results •937 on-contour bottom trawl tows at 22 stations captured 396,390 fish from 26 taxa 23 species and stocked lake trout, wild lake trout, siscowet lake trout splake Siscowet lake trout Lake trout •Only four or less shortjaw ciscoes, splake, pink salmon, white suckers, spottail shiners, and yellow perch were caught in all tows. •15 taxa were represented by at least 300 specimens. Shortjaw cisco Sample sizes of bottom-trawl tows, by depth group. 300 No. of tows 250 200 150 100 50 0 Depth (meters) •Analysis of densities of 26 taxa accounted for only 30% of the data variation, •Analysis of densities of 9 taxa accounted for 65% of the variation. •Densities of 9 taxa used in further statistical analyses Ninespine stickleback Trawl tows classified to depth groups •Highest overall correct classification rate (80%) was to 5.0-39.9 meters (82% correct) 40.0-79.9 meters (77% correct) > 80.0 meters (56% correct) •All depth groups classified at rates greater than were possible by chance Bloater Differences of 9 taxa densities across depths •Multivariate analysis showed that densities of the 9 taxa were different across shallow (5.0-39.9 meters), intermediate (40.0-79.9 meters), and deep (80.0-141 meters) trawl depths. •Therefore, 3 communities existed and habitats were their depth ranges. Pygmy whitefish Comparison of densities of 9 fish taxa across depths. Significance test rainbow smelt shallow > intermediate > deep shallow > intermediate, deep trout-perch shallow, intermediate > deep shallow, intermediate > deep intermediate > deep deep > shallow, intermediate deep > intermediate > shallow deep > shallow, intermediate deep > intermediate > shallow ninesp. stickleback slimy sculpin lake whitefish siscowet trout bloater kiyi deepw. sculpin 0 Shallow (5.0-39.9 m) 10 20 No./hectare Intermediate (40.0-79.9) 30 40 Deep (80.0-141 m) 50 Significant Depth Associations of Other 17 Taxa None found – 10 taxa alewife splake lake chub spottail shiner longnose sucker burbot spoonhead sculpin pink salmon white sucker yellow perch Sample sizes small (< 216) of all but alewife and spoonhead sculpin Densities, by depth, of 16 taxa in Lake Superior. Density (no./hectare) Depth (meters) 5.0-39.9 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Shallow Shallow & Intermediate Intermed. Deep 40.0-79.9 80.0-141.0 Conclusions •Lake Superior contained 3 summer, benthic fish communities. •Their habitats were described by depth ranges Shallow (5.0-39.9 meters) Intermediate (40.0-79.9 meters) Trout-perch Deep (80.0-141 meters) Lake Superior bays, and main basin depth zones. Bays < 80 m > 80 m Bays •Although a gradient of densities occurred across all depths for some taxa, densities changed abruptly with depth for: wild lake trout round whitefish bloater slimy sculpin trout-perch Johnny darter siscowet lake trout pygmy whitefish kiyi deepwater sculpin ninespine stickleback johnny darter Recommendations 1. Lake Superior fish populations have changed since much of the data were collected A study of the present structure of benthic fish communities is needed. Recommendations 2. Agencies need to consider fish communities when implementing management strategies to achieve Fish Community Objectives. Recommendations 3. Fish community structures should be documented in; bays harbors estuaries tributaries Areas of Concern, and pelagia (above bottom) of main basin. Except pelagia, all those habitats are highly vulnerable to pollution and habitat degradation. Recommendations 4. Need to construct models that relate fish population & community data to habitat measures Model outputs will better enable management to rehabilitate damaged ecosystems (Remember: Ecosystem = community + its habitat). Recommendations Areas of Concern (AOC) •7 of the 8 have degraded fish populations and habitats. •Comparisons of community structures in AOCs, with similar areas not damaged, will help managers refine AOC fish community and habitat objectives. Recommendations Areas of Concern (continued) •Monitoring structures of communities in AOCs will track progress in rehabilitating their degraded populations, communities, and habitats. Acknowledgements Thanks to G. Cholwek, M. Burnham-Curtis, and J. Lyons for some of the photographs. Densities, by depth group, of 16 taxa in Lake Superior. Density (no./hectare) Depth (meters) 5.0-39.9 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Shallow Shallow & Intermediate Intermed. Deep 40.0-79.9 80.0-141.0