For Loop

Three main types of loop:
Foreach Loop
Has the form
foreach(itemName in listName)
do stuff here
Needs list to be useful
Great for doing a set of steps using every item in a list.
Not as flexible as the other loops
While Loop
Has the form
do stuff here
Initial conditions need to be set up before the loop, and a way to change the condition
needs to be present inside the loop.
Print(“Incorrect Password. Please try again”)
Print(“Access Granted”)
For Loop
Has the form
for(initial Condition; continuing condition, end of loop action)
do stuff here
Don’t need to be able to write code using it
Just as capable as a while loop, but format is more geared for looping with a definite
General Utility:
Sum of Numbers:
foreach(num in listOfNumbers)
return sum
Average of numbers
foreach(num in listOfNumbers)
return sum/listOfNumbers.length
Maximum Value of a List
Index of Max Value
Linear Search:
Start at one end and work your way through to the end if necessary.
Runs in n time.
Good for small sets of data
Data doesnt need to be sorted
Binary Search:
Pick the middle term, and check if the search term is greater than or less than the
one picked. Go to the appropriate side and pick the middle term of that section. Repeat.
Runs in lg( n) time
Faster access than linear search on larger data sets
Data DOES need to be sorted
Bubble Sort:
Each item is checked, then “bubbled” to its correct location.
Runs in n2 time.
Relativley simple to code.
Merge Sort:
List is split into two smaller lists, and each of those lists has merge sort run on
them. The resulting sorted lists are merged back together by comparing the first term in each
list, putting the smaller one in the larger list, and comparing the next items in the list.
Data Structures
Array: Simple data structure, consists of a single contiguous block of memory. Fixed size
causes issues when adding/deleting items, but allows for fast access
Linked List: Simple data structure consisting of a series of nodes and pointers. Each node has a
single pointer that points to the next item in the list (think scavenger hunt). Allows for easy
insertion and deletion, but slows down access time. Be able to sketch a diagram illustrating the
structure of the list and the process of adding or removing a node.
Stack: Advanced data structure that is a Last In- First out setup. Be able to read code that uses
the operators associated with stacks: pop() push(item) and peek()
Queue: Like stack, only First in first out. Be able to read code that uses the operators:
enqueue(item) and dequeue()
Binary Tree: Advanced data structure consisting of nodes and left and right pointers. Top of the
tree is called the root, nodes that dont have any children are called leaves.
Binary Search Tree: Binary tree organized to allow for fast searching. Given any node,
Larger items go to right, smaller go to left. Given an input string, be able to create a valid BST
Heap: Binary tree that must satisfy the given heap property and be a complete tree
Max Heap: given any node, all descendant nodes will be less in value
Min Heap: given any node, all descendant nodes will be greater in value
Complete: all rows in the tree are full except for the last. any holes in the last row
must be to the far right.
Be able to create a valid heap from a given set of values.
Be able to identify ideal data structures to use for a given situation.
Low Level Basics
Transistors and Vacuum Tubes:
These, in computers, serve the purpose of an amplifier or a switch. Vacuum tubes are old (and
generate a lot of heat and are unreliable if you ever turn the machine off). They can be
combined to build logic gates.
Logic Gates:
Be able to do circuits, given the inputs
For logic gates and boolean algebra:
And: True if both are True
1 AND 1 = 1
1 AND 0 = 0
0 AND 1 = 0
0 AND 0 = 0
Or: True if either is True
1 AND 1 = 1
1 AND 0 = 1
0 AND 1 = 1
0 AND 0 = 0
Not: only takes one input -- simply returns the opposite of the input
Not 1 = 0
Not 0 = 1
XOR (eXclusive OR): True if one input is true but false if both or neither. Or but not and.
1 XOR 1 = 0
1 XOR 0 = 1
0 XOR 1 = 1
0 XOR 0 = 0
Binary: All data/programs are stored in a binary format -- base 2.
Bits: A single binary digit (a 1 or a 0) is a bit
Bytes : A byte is 8 bits (for our purposes). Computers are designed to work on byte-sized
groups of binary digits (accessing a single bit is not as straightforward).
Character Sets: Letters/numbers/control characters have different standards
ASCII: uses 7 bits per character (often uses 1 byte) works for latin alphabet languages but not
Unicode: newer scheme, among others, that allows many more characters, has a variable
number of bytes for each charachter (usually between 1 and 4 bytes)
RGB color scheme: Store color as separate Red, Green, and Blue values -- normally 1 Byte
each, so 3 bytes for each pixel. That means a range of 0-255. rgb(255,255,255) is white,
rgb(0,0,0) is black.
Text/Audio/Video Compression:
Can often use patterns in the file (such as repeats or frequency) to reduce the file sizes -- real
time high quality online video would not be possible with the current networks we have without
Run-length encoding. Stores a value and then how often its repeated in a row
Frequency Encoding (Huffman): Calculates the frequency of appearance for each charachter,
and creates variable length codes for each one using a Huffman Tree.