National Guard Association of the United States Aviation Task Force 13 March 2014 PEC UNCLASSIFIED Agenda • 1420-1425Welcome • 1425-1455 Resolution Review (Top 5)/Pending Resolutions • 1455-1530 New Business/Industry Update UNCLASSIFIED MISSION “A full strategic partner with our State Aviation Officer Advisory Council, State Associations and Congressional Delegations enabling effective communication of our message to continuously improve the relevance, readiness, modernization and quality of life for our Aviation enterprise; while promoting our rich militia heritage as the nation’s oldest military organization. ” UNCLASSIFIED AVIATION TASK FORCE As of: 25 NOV 13 AK VI Chair: BG Eric Peck, KS Vice: COL Barry Keeling, LA ARNG-AV: COL Mark Weiss/Bob Godwin, NGB SAOAC: COL Todd Farmer, OR Sr. Leg. Affairs: Ms Annie Lively, NGAUS Chair: COL Brian Shields, ID Vice: COL Jerry Anderson, ND Chair: COL Mark Burke , NY Vice : LTC Dave Underwood, MA I Chair: COL Stuart Driesbach, OH Vice: COL Bruce Bahr, MI ME VT WA NH MT OR ID ND IV MN WI SD NV UT AZ CO PA IL KS OK NM IN OH WV KY VII HI Chair: COL Lou Carmona, CA Vice: COL James Bledsoe, UT II NC TN GU VA DE Chair: COL Jeff Radke, DE Vice: COL Dave Wood, PA AR LA DC MD MO TX RI MI IA NE CT NJ WY CA MA NY MS AL SC GA PR V FL Chair: COL John Payne, AR Vice: COL Patrick Bossetta, LA UNCLASSIFIED III Chair: COL Tony Bonasera, AL Vice: COL James Barkley, SC VI • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Resolution Review 135th NGAUS GENERAL CONFERENCE RESOLUTION - ARNG #1 RELATING TO MODERNIZATION AND SUSTAINMENT OF ARMY NATIONAL GUARD AVIATION Recommendation To ensure readiness of Army National Guard Aviation Units, the National Guard Association of the United States supports: A. UH-60M Black Hawk helicopters, recapitalization under the UH-60 A-L upgrade program until modernization is completed, and support for the UH-60L Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) improved cockpit initiative B. Procurement of a Fixed Wing aircraft to replace the aging C-12 and C-26 aircraft with the selected Future Utility Aircraft (FUA) with consideration of a single-engine aircraft C. AH-64D Apache Block II for all National Guard Attack Systems and modernization of Attack Systems with AH-64E. D. Digital Reprogrammable Civil Support Communications Radios Systems as well as internal passenger-to- passenger and passenger-to-crew communications capability for all ARNG aircraft, including operations and maintenance sustainment funding. E. Procurement of Rescue Hoist Systems for UH/HH60 L and M models, CH-47 D and F models and the LUH-72A Helicopters. F. Continued procurement of CH-47F Helicopters. G. Continue to support LUH-72A Lakotas to complete fielding to replace legacy aircraft, and meet emerging Homeland Defense & Domestic Response requirements, and fill ARNG Aviation modernization gaps. H. Crashworthy, ballistically-tolerant auxiliary fuel systems throughout the ARNG aviation fleet. I. Advanced cargo handling system requirement for the CH-47. J. Aviation Crew Trainer for the H-60 and CH-47 aircraft Manned Portable Air Defense Systems Training. K. Removable Medical Evacuation Systems for ARNG’s rotary wing aircraft. L. Standardized seat configuration in the ARNG rotary wing fleet. M. Transportable UH-72 Light Utility Helicopter (LUH) Synthetic Flight Training Simulator (SFTS) for all ARNG aviation security and support battalions, including additional SFTSs at the East and West Army Aviation training sites. N. Keep current manning levels of utility fixed wing force structure during Modified Table of Organizational Equipment (MTOE) conversion to not allow a reduction of pilots less than the current number of six. Support cargo force structure and equipment to include the C-23. O. Multiple Compact Aircraft Support Cart and Compact Aircraft Support Cart-H units and the integrated logistical support pack. P. AN/ARC-231 Communications System for Army National Guard Aviation units. Q. H-60 Mobile Aircrew Restraint System (MARS) for the ARNG H-60. R. H-60 Network Integration Targeting for Responsive Ops (NITRO) S. H-60 Real Time Information in the Cockpit (RITC) T. Modernization of RQ-7B Shadow Unmanned Aerial Systems U. Full Spectrum Combat Aviation Brigade V. Controlled Humidity Protection for all Army National Guard air and ground systems UNCLASSIFIED Pending Resolutions • ?? UNCLASSIFIED New Business • ??? UNCLASSIFIED Back-up slides UNCLASSIFIED VISION “To serve as America’s strongest advocate for promoting the highest levels of relevance, readiness, modernization and quality of life for our National Guard Aviation family. ” 2012 2030 UNCLASSIFIED