GEOS 242 course design

Backward Design of Course: GEOS 242: Communication in the Earth Sciences
Instructor: Brittany Brand
Situational Factors
Who are the students and what is the learning environment?
GEOS 242 is a required class for a geoscience or geophysics B.S. degree. Students range from
sophomore to seniors and have a wide range of writing experience. Most come in with a high school
(or lower) writing level.
10-25% of the class is non-traditional students returning to school. Many have families and work
obligations out of the university.
Learning Outcomes
Communicate effectively in a variety of common professional formats (written abstracts,
reports, and papers; oral presentations).
Communicate more clearly and accurately through improved organization, structure of
paragraphs and sentences, grammar, and word choice.
Use written and oral communication to convey concepts and ideas in Geosciences
Distinguish between observations (data) and interpretations (ideas), and present them clearly in
scientific communication
Critically evaluate, edit, and revise drafts written by yourself and others to improve
organization, logic, and clarity
Search and engage existing scientific literature and appropriately cite such literature in your
communications using commonly accepted methods of referencing
Listen effectively, analyze, discuss and respond thoughtfully to oral presentations of scientific
Desired Results
Foundational Knowledge (key information or
Application Goals (critical, creative and
practical thinking)
 Students analyze, evaluate and correct
 Understand the critical characteristics of
examples of poor writing
good science
o In class grammar exercises
o Peer-review
 Communicate in written form with clear
and logical organization, structure of
 Students research and practice strategies
paragraphs and sentences, correct grammar,
of reading, synthesizing and comparing
and accurate word choice.
scientific literature
 Apply principles of organizing, developing,
 Understand the critical characteristics of
and writing geoscience information
good science
including abstracts, presentations, scientific
o Philosophy of science
articles, correspondence, proposals, and
o Hypothesis testing
industry reports.
o Scientific proposals
o Published scientific work
 Communicate clearly, professionally and
effectively through personal introductions
 Conduct themselves with integrity and
(e.g., elevator pitch), and oral or poster
honesty in scientific communication,
o Avoiding plagiarism
o Citing references appropriately
Desired Results Continued
Integration Goals (similarities and interactions)
Human Dimensions and Caring Goals
Recognize and reproduce the structure of
written work in science, including
professional correspondences
Demonstrate proficiency in informative,
persuasive, and concise communication in
forms including:
o Professional elevator pitch, email,
cover letter and resume
o Abstract (of technical writing,
technical talk, and science policy
o Geoscience or environmental
persuasive paper or proposal
o Scientific poster
o Analysis of science in the media
o Technical and non-technical oral
presentation, with and without
o Peer review
Recognize the importance of behaving
professionally when:
o presenting oneself in a
professional and confident
o critiquing other student’s work
Recognize the importance of showing
respect for other students, colleagues,
and mentors, regardless of their actions
o Constructive and objective peer
review devoid of personal
Connect course material with the type of
work students will pursue in upcoming
courses, graduate school or their career.
o Critical nature of written and oral
communication to the success of
any scientist
“Learning-how-to-learn” Goals
Develop strategies for reading, understanding and critiquing scientific literature
o Short-reading versus deep-reading
Distinguish between results and interpretations
Develop effective oral or poster presentations of scientific material
Recognize weaknesses in personal communication and develop strategies to become a more
effective communicator
o Continue to improve writing skills
o Ability (and importance) of providing detailed, constructive peer-reviews of content,
structure and written or oral pieces of work.
o Recognition that critiquing the work of others improves their ability to recognize and
address errors in their own communication techniques and style.
Forward-Looking Assessment –
Short correspondences
o Emails
o Cover letters
o Resumes/CVs
Elevator pitch
Assessment Evidence
Forward-Looking Assessment – Science
Seminar critique
Peer review
Poster and oral presentation exercises
Literature search and synthesis
Additional Performance Tasks
Grammar Exercises, final paper
Criteria and Standards
Expectations are clearly given through
 Reflection opportunities on all assignments
detailed assignment instructions and/or
 Science in the Media essay reflection
grading rubrics
(mechanics, communicating science)
 Instructor repeats importance of
developing each skill set through
personal stories and emphasizing the
specific skills students will develop
through completing each assignment
Frequent, Immediate, Discriminating (based on clear criteria and standards) and sympathetic
Rapid feedback through peer-review and instructor review (real-time and within one week of
major assignments)
Willingness to meet with students
Create a concept map to ensure the course situational factors, learning outcomes, learning activities
and assessments are well-integrated: principles of organizing, developing, and writing geoscience
information including abstracts, presentations, scientific articles, correspondence, proposals, and industry
reports. The course covers oral and poster presentations and touches on other media used by government
agencies and industry.
Learning Goals
Develop Written
Communication Skills
Literature Research
How to read, synthesize, evaluate
and compare scientific literature
Develop Oral
Communication Skills
Teaching-Learning Activities
Introduction Email
Library Exercise on
Literature Research
Elevator Pitch
Thesis Statement
Seminar Evaluation
Cover Letter
Poster Evaluation
Grammar Exercises
Final Paper or Proposal
Write Abstract for a
Given Paper
Create a poster for a
given paper
Science in the Media
3-minute oral
Final Presentation on
Paper or Proposal
Learning Goals
Develop Written
Communication Skills
Literature Research
How to read, synthesize, evaluate
and compare scientific literature
Teaching-Learning Activities
Introduction Email
Cover Letter
• Peer-review feedback using
• Instructor assessment and
critique using rubric
• Chance for students to make
improvement – re-graded
with rubric (instructor
Grammar Exercises
• Science in the Media essay selfcritique, reflection and rewrite
Write Abstract for a
Given Paper
• Instructor assessment and
critique using rubric
Science in the Media
• Peer-review feedback using rubric
• Instructor assessment and critique
using rubric
• Science in the Media essay selfcritique, reflection and rewrite
• Second instructor assessment of
revised essay AND answers to
reflection question
Develop Oral
Communication Skills
Learning Goals
Develop Written
Communication Skills
Literature Research
How to read, synthesize, evaluate
and compare scientific literature
Teaching-Learning Activities
Library Exercise on
Literature Research
Thesis Statement
Develop Oral
Communication Skills
• Instructor assessment of ability to
summarize and use literature in final
• Peer-review feedback using rubric
• Instructor assessment and critique using rubric
• Chance for students to make improvement – regraded with rubric (instructor assessment)
Final Paper or Proposal
Learning Goals
Develop Written
Communication Skills
Literature Research
How to read, synthesize, evaluate
and compare scientific literature
Teaching-Learning Activities
Elevator Pitch
Seminar Evaluation
Develop Oral
Communication Skills
• Peer-review feedback using rubric
• Instructor assessment and critique using rubric
• Self-Assessment and reflection
• Self-Assessment and reflection
Poster Evaluation
Create a poster for a
given paper
3-minute oral
• Peer-review feedback using rubric
• Instructor assessment and critique using rubric
• Self-Assessment and reflection
Final Presentation on
Paper or Proposal