Review Test - Kingdom Fungi

Review Test – Kingdom Fungi
1. A tangled network formed from branched
hyphae is known as _____________________.
2. A lichen is made up of _______ organism(s).
It is made up of _________________________.
3. The type of fungi that live in a symbiotic
relationship with plant roots are called
4. Organisms that live in or on the body of
another organism are called
5. The cell wall of most fungi are made up of a
complex carb called _____________.
6. What are the three ways fungi can asexually
7. Fungi absorb their food from the
environment, therefore they are considered to be
8. Fungi most often feed on
_________________. (think of our experiment
in class).
9.List 2 defining characteristics of all fungi.
10. Some fungi have divisions in their hyphae,
these are called _____________________.
11. List the four phyla of fungi with their
common names.
12. The imperfect fungi differ from other fungi
13. Give an example of the Club Fungi.
14. Give an example of imperfect fungi.
15. What is the scientific name for bread mold?
16. What is the type of symbiosis where both
individuals benefit?
17. What we recognize as a mushroom is
actually the _____________ part of a fungus.
18. Name 2 ways fungal spores are spread.
19. Why can it be dangerous to have mold
growing in your home?
20. The phylum Ascomycota is named for its
________ which is the reproductive structure
containing the spores.
21. Name one disease/illness caused by fungus.
22. Truffles belong to which phylum of fungi?
23. Each hyphae of a fungi is ________ cell
24. Bread mold has two types of hyphae
___________ and __________.
25. Distinguish between the terms hyphae and
26. What is the basis for classifying fungi?
__________ and _______________.
27. Why do some fungal spores not germinate
(ie grow into a new organism)
Review Test – Kingdom Fungi
1. A tangled network formed from branched
hyphae is known as mycelium.
2. A lichen is made up of two organism(s). It is
made up of a fungus and green algae.
3. The type of fungi that live in a symbiotic
relationship with plant roots are called
4. Organisms that live in or on the body of
another organism are called parasites.
5. The cell wall of most fungi are made up of a
complex carb called chitin.
6. What are the three ways fungi can asexually
reproduce? Spores, fragmentation, budding
7. Fungi absorb their food from the
environment, therefore they are considered to be
8. Fungi most often feed on dead and decaying
matter. (think of our experiment in class).
9.List 2 defining characteristics of all fungi.
Eukaryotic, heterotrophic, reproduce
asexually/sexually, have cell walls made of
chitin, breakdown food outside of their cell wall
10. Some fungi have divisions in their hyphae,
these are called crosswalls.
11. List the four phyla of fungi with their
common names.
Zygomycota – Common Molds
Ascomycota – Sac Fungi
Basidiomycota – Club Fungi
Deuteromycota – Imperfect Fungi
12. The imperfect fungi differ from other fungi
because no sexual reproduction has been
observed in their life cycle.
13. Give an example of the Club Fungi.
14. Give an example of imperfect fungi.
Penicillium, Aspergillus, Stachybotrys
15. What is the scientific name for bread mold?
Zygomycota(phyla), Rhizopus (genus)
stolonifer (species)
16. What is the type of symbiosis where both
individuals benefit? Mutual symbiosis
17. What we recognize as a mushroom is
actually the fruiting body part of a fungus.
18. Name 2 ways fungal spores are spread.
Wind, animals, insects, humans, water
19. Why can it be dangerous to have mold
growing in your home? Some molds produce
20. The phylum Ascomycota is named for its
ascus which is the reproductive structure
containing the spores.
21. Name one disease/illness in humans caused
by fungus. Ringworm, athletes foot, asthma,
22. Truffles belong to which phylum of fungi?
23. Each hyphae of a fungi is one cell thick.
24. Bread mold has two types of hyphae
rhizoids and stolons.
25. Distinguish between the terms hyphae and
mycelium. Hyphae are thin filaments which
make up the tangled mass of mycelium.
26. What is the basis for classifying fungi?
structure and reproduction.
27. Why do some fungal spores not germinate
(ie grow into a new organism)
Fungi require specific conditions to grow. There
must be proper combination of temperature,
moisture and food.