Cisco Partner Training

SORT- Service Order RMA Tool

Lucy Witt

Global Trainer

Global Bus Ops Mgr

January, 2014

© 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Cisco Confidential 1

Requirements for Access to

RMA Tools

Lucy Witt

Global Bus Ops Mgr

January, 2014

Cisco Confidential 2 © 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Requirements for Access to SORT

• 1. id

• 2. Contracts registered to id profile and/or the Service Access Management Tool.

• 3. Access to the SORT application granted after researching the profile

• 4. Access to SORT can be removed at any time if any unauthorized RMA creation activity occurs.

• SORT is a contract driven application. If there are no contracts in the profile, then, SORT will display an error message. Contracts in the profile must be active and contain active parts and installed sites.

– TIP: Complete an audit of all the contracts in your profile so you can update any contract that does not meet the “active” status criteria.

• Ordering parts for PREMIUM contracts: Premium orders are restrictive in that the parts must be registered to an active site on the contract. No shipping address changes are allowed. The only shipping addresses to choose from are the ones registered to the contract. For assistance contact the Global Logistics

Center @ 1.800.553.2447 option 4, or click on the Live Chat Link in the SORT

Order Creation Module.

• Ordering parts for Next Day Business contract: These contracts do not have the same restrictions as Premium contracts. Address changes can be done in the SORT Application for Next Business Day, and Return to Factory contracts,

• In order to complete an audit of all the contracts on your profile, obtain access to the Cisco Contract Service Center at the following link :

– m/ boardAction

– To gain access, login to the link with your id and password. Click on the FEEDBACK link in the upper right hand corner of the application, to open the case with CSCC support team.

Register for a profile- Go to

and click on register link at top of tool bar

Contracts must be registered to profile. If contracts not available at time of registration, send an an email to

for contracts to be added

To request access to SORT, click on the Feedback link on the Landing Page. For more information about SORT, click on the Cisco Support Community link.

Link for Landing Page is :

Features of the SORT


Lucy Witt

Global Bus Ops Mgr

January, 2014

© 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Cisco Confidential 9

SORT Features

• Auto population of your list of contracts when initiating an order

• Ability to Save an Order without submitting it

• AutoSave of order throughout creation

• User’s view into all of their own orders created within the last 30 days

• Language support in French and Japanese

• Click to Chat – can contact an LSC agent to assist with order creation or questions about the tool

• Cisco Support Community – provides trainings, has discussion forums, and provides help documents for all topics regarding RMAs

Creating a Service Order

Lucy Witt

Global Bus Ops Mgr

January, 2014

© 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Cisco Confidential 11

Order Entry Process

• Order entry is done on one page. The user moves from section to section after clicking on a Continue button.

• There are 5-6 sections in the Order Entry process: Contracts, Shipping

Section, Delivery Options, Parts, Premium, and if selected,


– * Please note that if the configurator is used, this is a separate Bolt On application; the name of the configurator is “Selectica”; user is

“stepping outside” of the SORT experience.

– All functionality that is in the SVO 1.0 or Legacy tool is included in 2.0

– Order creation time may be decreased because of the one page format and data pre-population as highlighted at the beginning of this presentation.

– User can return and change address in shipping section before submitting an order. SVO Legacy does not provide this opportunity.

– The name of the tool is now SORT (Service Order RMA Tool).

Service Order Terminology as relating to (SORT)

• Service Order RMA Tool (SORT)- A new link on the SORT Landing Page.

• Screen darkens and daisy wheel displays indicating that information is processing.

• Navigation Bar-Located on left hand side of page on Review and Create Order Page.

Navigation bar moves down the page, highlighting each section.

1. Search with data entered

Order Flow

2. Data populates, customer selects it or Customer changes data.

3. Customer taken to

Order, Review screen.

Completes shipping section, delivery option section ,Part

Section, and Premium section (if applicable).

Click on continue button after each section.

4. Customer submits or saves order and final confirmation pages display

Adding Modules to the My

Cisco Workspace

Lucy Witt

Global Bus Ops Mgr

January, 2014

Cisco Confidential 15 © 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Adding a Module to My Cisco workspace

• There are 2 ways to add modules to the My Cisco

Workspace. Note: This is a one time set up for users.

1. Click on the Service Order RMA Tool link from the RMA Tools

Landing page.

2. If the My Cisco Workspace has not been set up yet, and no modules display, click on Add Modules button on the next page.

3. There are 5 Modules to add to the My Cisco Workspace page.


SORT- Order Create


SORT- Locate an Order


SORT- Order History


SORT- Save an Order



After clicking on Service Order RMA Tools from SORT Landing page, modules may or may not display. If no modules display, Click on Add Modules

Five Modules display on My Cisco Workspace Page. Click on the Add to my Cisco button and modules will load to the My Cisco workspace and display. NOTE: If

Modules have been added the “Add to My Cisco” button will not display, as in the example displayed.

After modules are added, scroll up and click on “See Workspace” link.

This will take the user back to the My Cisco Workspace Page.

Click on the Service Order RMA Tool to begin Order Creation from the SORT Landing Page.

Create a Service Order Module

Click Search button to continue.

Serial Number Search

Enter a serial number in the field. Click on Search

Contract Search

Enter the contract number as required, and

If part number is known, user has an option to enter the part number.

Click on Search.

Site Search

Enter the location Site ID

From the contract as required.

Option: Enter part number.

Site Details Search

Enter as much address search data as needed.

The only

Required fields are


Name and

Country. Click on Search button to execute search.

Transition Screen Display

Once search criteria is entered, screen will display the daisy wheel and the screen will darken. This advises the user that the tool is processing information entered.

Contract number displays. If this is the correct contract number, click on the

Select button. lwitt

Review & Complete Your Order Page. This is the main page for order entry.

Note the contract section is grayed out, but other ordering sections display on the left. Also, as user scrolls down the page, order sections can be viewed. User moves from section to section by clicking on a continue button at the end of each section.




Contract Section-Not editable and title bar is grayed out on workspace. This is because the contract was selected on previous page and is already populated into the order.

Shipping Section- User searches for address by using the 2 links on the right to find ship to address.

Note: Ship to contact name and acknowledgment contact name can be changed using editable fields.

Click Continue button when section is completed.

ABC Company

123 C Street

Anywhere, ST.


Shipping Section- Country Code Required- In this example country code is shown as “55”, which is incorrect.

Click on the On Site

Contact “?” mark to find the country code.

Select the correct country code from the drop down.

Use a Recent Address-Click on Use a Recent

Address link

Cisco Systems

170 W Tasman Dr

San Jose, CA

Use a Recent Address Link, cont..- If addresses have been used before they will be selectable from the displayed list. Click on the Select button on right side to populate address to previous page.


Systems Inc

Use a Recent address, cont…

• User will select either OK or Cancel based on actions displayed.

Search for an Address- User clicks on Search for an


Lucy Witt

Cisco Systems

170 West Tasman Dr.

San Jose, CA 95134

Search for an Address, cont..

• In Search for an address, user will enter search parameters for the address and click on Search button. When address is found, user will select address. Be sure to include the Zip Code in the search.

Cisco Systems

Search for an Address, cont..

• If address is not found, user can create a one time address by clicking on the Create a One-Time address link or launch another search.

Shipping section, cont..

Change the phone number or email if required.

Select radio button for survey preference

Shipping Section, cont…

Change the acknowledgement contact name, phone and email if required . Click on

Continue button.

Delivery Option Section-Fields are editable for PO Number, Original Sales Order

Number, Reference Number. Service Level is displayed, based on contract selected.

Additional Comments print on packing list, and Special Instructions put the order on hold. Click on Continue button to move to next section.

Part SectionIn this example the part has been auto populated due to serial number search. To add more parts use links on the right side of Add Recent Parts or Add Parts.

If user needs to configure a part, click on Add Configured parts link.

View Parts allows user to view service parts.

Failure class is required and failure description is required.

The serial number field in this part of the part ordering is optional

If serial number displays on the part line, it is required.



Submit the Order- Click on the Submit

Order button

Cisco Systems


W Tasman

San Jose, CA

Submitting a

Service Order

2 Step Order Confirmation

Lucy Witt

Global Bus Ops Mgr

January, 2014

Cisco Confidential 43 © 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Step 1:Order Confirmation process after Submit button is clicked.

Temporary Order number displays

Step 2-Final Confirmation Page

• Service Order Number/ SR Number display on the left side; Create New Order and Get

Status links on the right side; Replacement parts display.

Final Confirmation page, cont..

• Scrolling down the page, Replacement Parts, and Return Parts display, and if Labor (Field Engineer) is selected for a Premium order, it will display.

Final Confirmation Page, cont…

• Return the defective part to the address on the right hand side. Other information concerning other types of RMA returns, and asset recovery information is displayed.

Premium Order Information

Lucy Witt

Global Bus Mgr, SORT Program Mgr.

January, 2014

© 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Cisco Confidential 48

Premium Order Information:

Proactive Customer Alerts

Lucy Witt

Global Bus Mgr, SORT Program Mgr.

January, 2014

© 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Cisco Confidential 49

The email contacts for Acknowledgement, Order Requester, and Site Contact are populated from the order. To add more email contacts, click on the Add

Another email address, and 5 more fields will display to add the email address .

Check mark the box for phone calls to be delivered, regardless of time of day. Be careful if you are using a mobile phone and the time zone of the person receiving the call.

Click on the link to add 4 more phone numbers to receive a phone call.

Text Messages will require you to check the disclaimer box. Select the country codes and enter all phone numbers for text messages. You can add up to 4 more mobile numbers for TEXT contact messages.

Premium Information, cont..

Select Yes or No to ADD a

Field Engineer.

User selects a site type, and designating a specific receiver for the part.

Site type= Data Center,

Other Commercial,


Who will be receiving parts?= Field Engineer,

Security, Site Contact.

Lockbox code, Site

Access after 17:00 and

Security Clearance Level must be selected.

Premium Information, cont..

If order is delivered within service level, select “Yes”, and then, scheduled delivery date and time, and authorized by fields will “gray out.” Enter your name in the authorized by field if scheduling a Premium delivery.

Enter Part Delivery Instructions field: Only enter instructions if there is a specific area within the delivery site that the delivery vendor needs to be instructed to deliver the part .

Premium Info, cont. FE Information

Complete the fields listed. If you need to schedule the FE, select

NO and the calendar will open for you to schedule. For the

Certificate of Insurance, if you need this, please note that it takes 24 -48 hours for the certificate to be prepared so that the FE can take it to the site.

Reference Info

• To request access or to report issues regarding

SORT, please use the following link to create a case with the SORT Tools Team mit/

• Click the Feedback link in the middle of the page to create the case

Useful Links

• SORT Landing Page: ubmit/

• SORT Community page for training, posting questions: netpro/private/pilot/sort

Reporting an issue or if questions

• Go to the SORT Community page to post a question or to report an error message:

• netpro/private/pilot/sort

Frequently Asked Questions

• Q: How do I get access to the SORT tool?

A: To be granted access to the SORT Tool, please go to the RMA Tools Landing Page:

– Click on the feedback link in the middle of the page. Example: This site provides tools and resources to streamline your service and parts logistics inquiries. Please use the feedback link for submitting SVO related access requests, tool issues & general comments

• Q: What is a ID?

A: A ID is an identification login used by an internal user or an external user to gain access to Cisco web applications. A password is also established at the time a ID is granted. To register for a ID please access

. Click on the Register link at the top of the page

• Q: I am an external customer and not able to create/view warranty order

A: As warranty orders are not associated with any of the contracts, external users/customers will not be able to create/view warranty orders. Only the internal Cisco groups like TAC and

LSC are authorized to create/view warranty orders

Frequently Asked Questions

• Q: Is there a policy regarding access to


A: Yes, there is a SVO User Access Policy. Here is a portion of the policy which outlines the criteria used to grant access:

– Valid User ID

– Contract Owner (Bill to Company approves if user not contract owner)

– User ID profile includes active contract #, contract type, customer ID

(optional) & bill to ID (optional), & reference a business email address (No "hotmail",

"yahoo" or other personal email addresses accepted)

– Hardware replacements on a premium contract and active covered part line item or appropriate product family assignment

– Country listed in address of User ID

– End-Customers: On-site technical expertise to troubleshoot to hardware level (nonquantifiable determination)

– Partner: Valid user ID, tied to a valid company certified by Cisco

Frequently Asked Questions

• Q: When I enter a contract number, or a serial number in the SORT tool, I receive the following error message: “ATTENTION: Validation failed. The search criteria cannot be used for creating a Service Order for one of the following reasons.

Please use an alternate customer contract number or search for a contract by one of the other search options:

– Contract is not associated to customer’s profile

– Contract Status is inactive

– Contract does not entitle hardware replacement

– Contract does not have an active contract site

– Contract does not have an active product

– Serial number is not associated to a contract in the customer’s profile

A: Please open a case with the SORT Tools Team using this URL:

– Click on the Feedback link to open the case. In the case, please give details as to the contract number or serial number used to search with. The SORT Tools Team will then research this issue and provide an update.

Frequently Asked Questions

• Q: I am a SORT external user and I am not able to see a specific service order starting with number “8” in SVO Status Tool

A: Locate an Order tool enables external user to view orders based on the following 4 conditions:

1. If the user created the order

2. If the user is the acknowledgement contact for the order

3. If the contract on the order is assigned to user’s profile

– SORT user can view orders from other contracts if the two contracts share a common customer number and at least one of the contracts is assigned to user’s profile.

– SORT user can view orders from other contracts if the two contracts share a common bill-to customer number and at least one of the contracts is assigned to his profile

Frequently Asked Questions

• Q: What is DOA-NEW?

A: DOA-NEW is defined as new product that fails at initial power-up.

– The DOA-NEW program is separate from any warranty programs

– DOA-NEW service requests must be claimed within 3 months of ship date to partner

– In order for Cisco to process a DOA service request directly from a customer, product must have been purchased directly from Cisco.

– If product is not purchased directly from Cisco, the customer must contact the party from whom they purchased the product

– Customer must provide serial number and purchase order/sales order of purchase

– Credit will only be issued once product is physically returned to Cisco's designated location

Frequently Asked Questions

• Q: What do the beginning numbers in the service order number schematic mean, such as “8, 2 and 3”?

A: The beginning number in the service order means the following:


Service orders that begin with the number "8", example: 82225978: this is an 8 digit number that was created in the SORT Tool. SORT –Order Create is a service tool that is used to create RMAs for part replacements that are covered under Cisco maintenance contract services, or for product covered under warranty


Service orders that begin with the number "2", example: 2644913: this is a seven digit number that is created in the Oracle database. These RMAs are Trade-in or product RMAs with credit.

These RMAs are for US operating units.


Service orders that begin with the number "3", example: 3225020: this is a seven digit number that created in the Oracle database, specifically in the BV (Netherlands) operating unit. These

RMAs are Trade-in or product RMAs with credit for the European theatre

– The product RMA (mentioned in point 2, 3) are authorized and processed by Cisco customer service for return of Items that were used as a credit towards a new sales order

– In this case, the customer purchases new equipment and receives a credit upfront for replacement equipment. The customer is supposed to return the old equipment to Cisco.

Frequently Asked Questions

• Q: If I have a problem creating an order or I need help in finding out about an order, whom do I contact?

• A: Contact the Logistics Support Center at

1.800.553.2447 option 4

• Also, you can use the Locate an Order module within the SORT tool to find the status of an order

• There is also a new Live Chat feature in the SORT

Order Create tool, where you can click on the Click to

Chat link, and be connected to a logistics agent. They will help you in creating the order.

Thank you.