1 Tulsa Community College Syllabus Fall 2013 HUM 2113S309

Tulsa Community College
Fall 2013
HUM 2113S309-14140
Humanities I
2: 00-3:20pm MW
Room SE 3111
Instructor: Dr. Charles M. Richards
E-Mail: charles_richards@mail.tulsacc.edu
You may leave messages for me at the Academic and Campus Services Office: (918) 595-7673
The Liberal Arts Office Phone Number: (918) 595-7780
An interdisciplinary survey designed to strengthen the student’s fundamental grasp of human
values through the study of man’s ideas, discoveries, and creative achievements. Areas of
consideration may include architecture, cosmology, dance, drama, film, history, literature, music,
mythology, painting, philosophy, religion, and sculpture. Three Lecture Hours. No Lab
My goal for this course is to expose the students to some of the great literature of the Western
Tradition, with some description of their historical context. I also wish to get the students
thinking critically about these thinkers and their beliefs, so as to criticize them, when called for,
and to express their thoughts on such matters clearly through the written word.
Our main text is:
The Humanistic Tradition, Volume 1, Edition 6e
By Gloria K. Fiero
Published by McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-07-751542-0
…which is available at the RSU Bookstore.
As the focus of this course will be literature several other books will be required. You will need
copies of several texts. They are all public domain. You can get them at the following websites
for free. Links to these materials are also to be found on the class’s Blackboard page under the
Content tab.
Gilgamesh: http://www.aina.org/books/eog/eog.pdf
The Iliad: http://records.viu.ca/~johnstoi/homer/iliad_title.htm
The Oresetia: http://records.viu.ca/~johnstoi/aeschylus/oresteiatofc.htm
Oedipus, the King: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/31/31-h/31-h.htm
For a production of the play:
The Aeneid: http://www.bartleby.com/13
La Vita Nuova: http://www.poetryintranslation.com/PITBR/Italian/TheNewLife.htm
The Divine Comedy: http://dante.ilt.columbia.edu/comedy/
Troilus and Cressida: http://www.poetryintranslation.com/PITBR/English/Chaucerhome.htm
When and if more will be required, I shall make them available, through Blackboard, and /or
links to other Internet sites.
This is primarily a lecture class over important works of literature. Thus, expect a lot of reading,
and patient listening. (No power-naps!)
For grading, I total all of your grades and then place them on a percentage scale, with 100%
being the highest A, 89% being the highest B, 79% being the highest C, 69% being the highest
D. All others will be toast.
I am reluctant to grade a class on how well you frame rational opinions with tests, therefore, I
shall assign at least three papers to the class over the course of the semester, for 30 points each,
due roughly once a month. They will be 4-5 pages each, to be written double-spaced, and with
12 point font. This is what I will call the “standard paper.” in the future.
Any extra credit work offered will be offered to the whole of the class, at once, and at the
instructor’s leisure. It will most likely come in the form of a paper replacing your lowest paper
The professor reserves the right to hold a quiz at his slightest sadistic whim. If this turns out to
be an in class quiz, I will not reschedule it. That tends to eliminate the “pop” element to the
quiz. Otherwise it will be given via Blackboard, and will be available for a week.
I will have an attendance sheet to sign before each class begins. At a set point at the beginning
of the semester, about 2 weeks in, I will remove anyone who has not attended at least once from
the rolls, according to state policy. Those who fail will have their last date of attendance on
recorded with their grade, also according to state policy. Otherwise, I really do not have much of
a policy. I tend to let people sink or swim on their own. If you must be away when an
assignment is due, inform me ahead of time, and something will be arranged.
You may tape record lectures given in this course for study purposes. You may not sell such
tapes, give them to any group for the purpose of monitoring classroom proceedings, or use them
for any other purpose without permission from the instructor. Disciplinary proceedings shall be
initiated if you violate this rule. You may be dropped from the course
The Instructor reserves the right to amend this syllabus as the circumstances warrant.
Students are expected to follow university policies as described in the institution’s Student Code
of Responsibilities and Conduct.
Moreover: Cheating on any assignment in this course (especially plagiarism) shall result in the
student receiving a zero for that unit.
Tulsa Community College is committed to providing students with disabilities equal access to
educational programs and services. Any student who has a disability that he or she believes will
require some form of academic accommodation must inform the professor of such need during or
immediately following the first class attended. Before any educational accommodation can be
provided, it is the responsibility of each student to prove eligibility for assistance by registering
for services through Student Affairs.
Provisional Timetable of Readings
(No plan of attack survives first contact with the enemy.)
Unit 1
Humanities, Chapter 2, esp. pp. 33-49
Unit 2
Greek History 1
The Iliad
Humanities, Chapter 4, esp. pp. 95-107
Aprox. Late September/ Early October: Paper 1
Unit 3:
Greek History 2 (Classical Period)
Humanities, Chapter 4, esp. pp. 108-127
Chapter 5, esp. pp. 136-147, 151-155
Unit 4:
Greek History 3 (Hellenistic Period) & Roman History
The Aeneid
Humanities, Chapter 5, esp. pp. 108-127
Chapter 6, esp. pp. 189-201
Aprox Late October/ Early November Paper 2
Unit 5:
Medieval History and the Troubadours (Look on Blackboard for Additional Material) La Vita
Nuova & The Commedia
Chaucer’s Troilus & Cressida
Humanities, Chapter 10, esp. pp. 317-331, 346-358
Chapter 13, esp. pp. 440-442
Final Papers due Last day of Class Meeting