Selbyville Middle School Technology Initiative Committee Meeting

Selbyville Middle School
Technology Initiative Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes
July 31st, 2014
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Location: Selbyville Middle School Room A151
• Eric Tsavdar – Committee Chair/Music Teacher
• Clayton Riepen – Music Teacher
• Kayla Riepen - Librarian
• Greg Reynolds – Special Education Teacher
I. 11:00 - 11:05: Review of previous meeting’s minutes.
II. 11:06 - 11:15: Kayla Riepen shares findings of Selbyville Middle School’s current
bandwidth and pricing on increases in support of B.Y.O.D. initiative.
Budgetary updates, open discussion of results.
III. 11:16 – 11:25: Greg Reynolds discusses how B.Y.O.D. would work in view of the
Indian River School District’s current Acceptable Use Policy. Open
IV. 11:26 - 11:35: Clayton Riepen discusses the funding resources identified last week by
Kayla, as well as any other he may have found. Open discussion.
V. 11:36 - 11:45: Committee discusses implementation plans.
VI. 11:46 -11:55: Additional questions and concerns addressed.
VII. 11:56 – 12:00: Wrap-up
I. The aim of today's meeting is to analyze the results of committee members’ individual
research and decide on a continued course of action. The committee also will aim to
create an implementation plan.
II. Kayla Riepen discussed Internet connectivity and pricing at Selbyville Middle School,
as well as iPad pricing, and SMART amp:
i. The Indian River School District’s Internet needs are serviced by
Verizon. Currently, Selbyville Middle School is equipped with wireless
access points, and by the end of the summer, after upgrades are made, it
will be possible to get wireless connectivity from anywhere in the
ii. Each school in the district has a 1gb local connection and 100mb
outgoing connection.
iii. It costs $1400.00 a month to cover Selbyville’s Internet needs.
1. $700.00 is covered by the State of Delaware
2. $700.00 covered by the school district
3. Current grants provide a 65% rebate at the end of the year for the
4. Connectivity is increased in increments of ten; in other words,
each upgrade results in ten times the previous bandwidth. The
price goes up by multiples of seven; if the current bandwidth is
doubled, the price will go from $1400 a month to $2100.
i. It has already been estimated that it would be necessary to purchase an
additional 50 iPads.
ii. iPad mini with Retina display (space gray), 16GB: $379 (due to school
1. each one would come with a $50 “back to school” gift card for
use with the purchase of physical (not software) accessories
iii. Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover Mini for iPad mini (space gray):
iv. AppleCare+ for iPad: $99.00
v. iPad apps: $500.00
vi. Bretford Mobility Cart 42 for iPad and iPad mini: $2099.95.
c. SMART Amp
i. SMART software specifically designed with mobile device connectivity
in mind: $21.00 per three-year license.
1. The school will require 40 units in order for every classroom to
be equipped with it.
III. Greg Reynolds discussed the Indian River School District’s acceptable use policy:
a. There is nothing in the district’s acceptable use policy that conflicts with the
implementation of the committee’s B.Y.O.D. initiative.
IV. Clayton Riepen discussed funding options identified last week by Kayla:
a. AT&T Grant Research Program for Education
i. free online application
1. provide details of what is needed
2. get customized report within 7-10 business days
3. Consultative calls available upon request
b. Digital Wish
i. fundraiser site focused on technology
1. Write a lesson plan after choosing a specific grant they offer
2. Awarded on the 15th of every calendar month
3. Over 50 different grants to apply for
c. Donors Choose
i. online charity
ii. create a project, request funding
1. if funding goals are not met, no money earned; pledges returned
i. Tons of grant opportunities, but all very specific
1. Most that deal with technology are geared for use in STEM
2. More research needed on this site
e. Kickstarter
i. Similar to Donors Choose
1. Must discuss a way to give back to donors
f. Additional grant opportunities:
i. Intel Community Grant
ii. NEA Student Achievement Grant
iii. Wells Fargo Foundation Grant
iv. WSFS Foundation Grant
V. Implementation plan
a. Outline schedule by which grant applications are completed and submitted over
the course of the next school year. Goal is to earn enough money to be able to
begin implementing B.Y.O.D. by January 2015.
VI. If funding goals are not met, it may be necessary to implement B.Y.O.D. on a small
scale at first.
a. Select classes experiment with the initiative, which would save bandwidth and
iPad resources for students who don’t own their own mobile device.
VII. Action items decided. Next meeting to be held August 7, 2014, from 11:00 a.m. – 12:00
p.m., at the same location. Meeting adjourned at 12:00 p.m.
Action Items
• Eric Tsavdar will finalize and publish minutes from today's meeting on
site by 8/5/14.
• Clayton Riepen will research in more detail and report back to the
committee next week.
• Greg Reynolds will write up a formal implementation plan for the committee to review
next week.
• Working with Greg, Kayla Riepen will put together implementation assignments.