Healthy Snacking

Healthy Snacking
Kara LeClair and Monica Garvey
Challenges of Snacking on Campus?
What Makes a Healthy Snack?
● 1 Serving of Protein with 1-2 Serving of
● Portion
● Frequency
Protein and Carb Combo
● Adding protein keeps you fuller longer
● Carbs give your body and brain the energy it
needs to function and stay alert
● Combination allows your body to use the
protein more efficiently
Complex Carbs
● Complex carbs are composed of multiple sugar matrices as
compared to the simple carbs which have a less intricate
chemical structure.
● It takes longer for the body to break down the complex structure
and therefore complex carbs can keep you fuller longer
● Complex carbs also contain more fiber which helps to keep you
● Examples: Whole wheat products, fruits, and vegetables
o Versus: Refined wheat products such as white bread, cakes,
muffins, non whole wheat bagels
Carbohydrate and Protein
Portion and Types Handouts
Compare to Pop Tart
Pop Tart
(1 package – 2 pastries)
380 calories
70g carb
4 g protein
Also high in added refined
sugars and saturated fat
Apple and Peanut butter
• 241 calories
• 20.4 g carb
• 8 g protein
• Low in refined sugars, low in
saturated fats, high in
healthy fats needed for the
Snacking Tips
● Always keep a snack on hand.
o ex: Keep trail mix in your backpack, leave peanut butter
packets in your car and grab a banana or apple before leaving
● If you are going somewhere that has tempting and unhealthy
foods, eat before you leave or bring a healthful snack
● Plan Ahead! Pre portion and pack snacks the night before
Eating at Special Events
● Look for low calorie options, like veggies and hummus or fruit
● If you’re going to have sweets or fats, keep to 1 serving
o Focus on enjoying 1 serving rather than over indulging in a
large portion
● Don’t stand next to the food; get what you would like and move
1 Dessert Serving
Cake and Brownies – 2 in square
Chocolate Chip Cookies – 2 cookies 2 ¼ in across
Cupcake – 1.75 oz
-Compare to Hostess Cupcake (1.8oz)
Pie – 1/6 of an 8 in pie
Ice Cream – ½ cup
Build Your Own Trail Mix!
• Caloriking.king