Florida REALTORS® Commercial Real Estate Lending Study Market Enhancement Group, Inc. June 2013 Survey Objectives • To assess the commercial real estate lending market in Florida with a special emphasis on: • The impact of credit availability and lending standards. • The ability to and barriers to refinancing. • The role of international commercial real estate clients. • Trends in net operating income for commercial real estate professionals. • The effect of commercial real estate appraisals. • The current and potential impact of regulatory changes. • Identify differences between commercial real estate professionals who are REALTORS® and those who are not REALTORS®. Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 2 Methodology • Telephone interview methodology. • The interviewing achieved a completion rate of 77% of all commercial real estate professionals who were contacted. • Respondents were not limited to those who belong to the Florida REALTORS®. • 400 surveys completed in June 2013. • Results are statistically projectable at two standard deviations (a 95% confidence level). Overall data is subject to a maximum sampling error of +/- 5.0%. • Survey respondents were selected on a random probability basis from a list provided by the Florida REALTORS®. Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 3 Methodology • An important consideration is that we are measuring perceptions. • Perceptions are never wrong; they can, however, be factually incorrect. • When respondents make decisions, perceptions are more important than the facts. • Most interviews were done on cellular telephones. The cellular telephone is the commercial real estate professional’s main telephone. Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 4 Definitions • The survey breaks some questions down by “generations.” • The generations are defined as follows: • Gen Y: born 1980 to 1999 (age 33 and younger) • Gen X: born 1965 to 1979 (age 34 to 48) • Boomers: born 1946 to 1964 (age 49 to 67) • Seniors: born pre-1946 (age >67) • Newer commercial real estate professionals are defined as: 3 years or less in commercial real estate experience. • Seasoned commercial real estate professionals are defined as: >3 years in commercial real estate experience. Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 5 Call Statistics Sample universe 2,837 No answer 20 Respondent not available, could not reach, answering machine/voice mail 20 Not qualified 2 Wrong number 3 Could not identify a telephone number or no telephone installed Language barrier 14 0 Refused to participate 42 Terminates, partially completed interview (does not count in completed column) 17 Total contacted or attempted to contact, but did not complete the total interview 118 Completed surveys 400 Total number of contacts 518 Number of calls to reach completed interviews (multiple calls to get all completes) Average number of calls and callbacks to get a completed interview 3760 9.4 Completion percentage based on all attempted 77% Percentage of sample universe contacted, attempted to contact, or interviewed 14% Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 6 Survey Respondents 50% 50% Commercial real estate broker Commercial real estate non-broker Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 7 Survey Respondents: Area of Specialty 14% 27% 59% Sales Leasing Management Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 8 Macro Conclusions Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 9 Macro Conclusions • 70% of all survey respondents were REALTORS®. • 75% of commercial real estate professionals completed at least one sales transaction within the past one year. • 95% of REALTORS® completed at least one commercial real estate transaction in the past one year. Whereas only 27% of non-REALTORS® completed at least one commercial real estate transaction in the past one year. Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 10 Macro Conclusions • REALTORS® were also more likely than non-REALTORS® to have registered increases in net operating income from the fourth quarter of 2007 to the fourth quarter of 2012 than non-REALTORS®. • Experience counts: 74% of seasoned commercial real estate professionals closed at least one commercial real estate transaction in the past one year, as opposed to 68% for newer commercial real estate professionals. • Reasons for failing to complete a transaction within the past 12 months: • Lack of financing 59% • Low appraisal 41% Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 11 Macro Conclusions • • • 45% of survey respondents have had a client fail to complete a refinancing; however, that figure is higher for REALTORS® than for non-REALTORS® • REALTORS® 50% • Non-REALTORS® 31% 27% of survey respondents had a sale to international clients and investors. However, international sales are highly concentrated on a geographical basis: • Miami-Dade, Broward, or Palm Beach County 50% • Orange County 41% • Hillsborough or Pinellas County 38% • All others 13% 81% of all survey respondents believed that the new and proposed U.S. legislative and regulatory initiatives (e.g. Dodd-Frank, lease accounting, Basel III, etc.) will decrease the flow of capital into U.S. real estate. Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 12 Detailed Findings Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 13 Membership in Florida REALTORS® 30% 70% Yes No Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 14 Completed a Sales Transaction during the Past 12 Months All Respondents 25% 75% Yes No Q: Have you completed a commercial real estate sales transaction during the past 12 months? Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 15 Completed a Sales Transaction during the Past 12 Months 95% 27% REALTOR® Non-REALTOR® Q: Have you completed a commercial real estate sales transaction during the past 12 months? Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 16 Completed a Sales Transaction during the Past 12 Months 72% Broker 78% Non-broker Q: Have you completed a commercial real estate sales transaction during the past 12 months? Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 17 Completed a Sales Transaction during the Past 12 Months 79% 76% 66% Sales Leasing Management Q: Have you completed a commercial real estate sales transaction during the past 12 months? Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 18 Completed a Sales Transaction during the Past 12 Months All Respondents 68% Newer 74% Seasoned Newer = 3 yrs. or less in commercial real estate. Seasoned = > 3 yrs. of experience in commercial real estate. Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 19 Completed a Sales Transaction during the Past 12 Months All Respondents: By Generation 80% 78% 73% 66% Gen Y Gen X Boomer Senior Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 20 Average Loan-To-Value (Financing, LTV) Ratios for Commercial Transactions over The Past Year 20% All Cash 5% 90% 85% 8% 80% 8% 20% 75% 18% 70% 8% 65% 7% 60% 3% 55% 50% 2% Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 21 Value of Your Most Recent Sales Transaction 13% Under $250K 11% $250K to <$499K 26% $500K to <$999K 10% $1M to $1.9M 18% $2M to $4.9M 19% $5M-$10M >$10M 3% Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 22 Property Type for Your Most Recent Sales Transaction Multi-family Industrial: Warehouse Industrial: Flex Retail: Strip center Land Office: Suburban Office: CBD Freestanding retail Restaurant Retail: Mall Mixed use Vehicle dealership Convenience store Car wash Hotel Hospitality 22% 13% 11% 11% 7% 7% 6% 6% 4% 4% 3% 3% 2% 2% 1% 1% Percentages will not total to 100% due to rounding. Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 23 How Did the Net Operating Income ($/SF) of Properties You Sold or Leased Change from the 4th Quarter of 2007 to the 4th Quarter Of 2012 5% Increased 10% - 15% Increased 5% - 9% 11% 11% 1% Increased 1% - 4% 26% 4% No Change 25% Decreased 10% - 19% 9% 7% Decreased 20% - 24% 4% Decreased 25% - 29% Decreased 30% - 34% 0% Decreased 35% - 39% 0% Decreased 40% - 49% 19% 28% REALTOR® 25% Non-REALTOR® 7% 10% Percentages will not total 5% 1% to 100% due to rounding. 3% Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 24 Have you failed to complete a transaction during the past 12 months due to lack of financing? 41% Yes 59% No Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 25 Have your clients failed to complete a refinancing transaction during the past 12 months? 10% 45% Yes No N/A 46% Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 26 With properties where refinancing was an issue, if the owners provided an existing or new property lease with net operating income (NOI) at levels similar to the pre-2006 period, did the property still fail to secure refinancing? 50% 50% Yes No N=178 Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 27 If yes, why did the property still fail to secure refinancing? 37% 63% Internal underwriting requirements of lender Appraisal/Valuation N=89 Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 28 Have Failed to Complete a Transaction in the Past 12 Months owing to Appraisals 41% 59% Yes No Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 29 During the past 12 months, did you have sales to international clients/investors? 27% Yes No 73% Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 30 Had Sales in the Past 12 Months to International Clients/Investors (% per area) Miami-Dade, Broward, or Palm Beach County 50% 41% Orange County 38% Hillsborough or Pinellas County All others 13% Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 31 Country Source of International Sales 23% Brazil 17% Mexico 12% Canada 11% Germany 7% Saudi Arabia China 6% Columbia 6% 5% Honduras Guatemala 4% Taiwan 4% Argentina 1% France 1% Hong Kong 1% United Kingdom 1% N=82. Percentages will not total 100% due to rounding. Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 32 The Most Relevant Cause for the Lack of Sufficient Bank Capital Available for Commercial Lending Reduced net operating income, property values, and equity 27% New and proposed U.S. legislative and regulatory initiatives 23% Regulatory uncertainty for financial institutions 17% A slow-down in the pooling and packaging of CMBS by financial institutions 17% Inability of banks to dispose of distressed assets 17% Aided response categories. Percentages will not total to 100% due to rounding. Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 33 How Lending Conditions Changed Over This Year Tightened Significantly Tightened Somewhat 12% 20% 53% Not Changed Eased Somewhat 15% Zero response categories are not displayed Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 34 Which Groups Currently Provide Financing for Commercial Deals 48% Community/Local Banks 44% Regional Banks 30% National Banks ("Big four") 28% Private Investors 24% Mortgage Brokers/Cos. 20% Owner Financing REITs 15% Life Insurance Cos. 15% 11% SBA 10% Credit Unions Public Companies 6% There are multiple responses. Percentages will not total 100%. The average respondent gave 2.51 different responses. Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 35 Do you believe new and proposed U.S. legislative and regulatory initiatives (e.g. Dodd-Frank, lease accounting, Basel III, etc. will): 81% Decrease the flow of capital into U.S. real estate Have no effect on the flow of capital into U.S. real estate 12% Have no effect on the flow of capital into U.S. real estate, but change the way in which transactions or loans are structured 5% Increase the flow of capital into U.S. real estate 3% Aided response categories. Percentages do not total to 100% due to rounding. Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 36 Select the Most Important Proposed Policy Priority Needed to Improve Commercial Lending Conditions Credit union lending (Legislation introduced to raise the member business lending cap from 12.25% to 27.5% of total assets for well-… 37% Reauthorize the SBA's new commercial refinance program (Program provides SBA loan for up to 40% of appraised property value with… 25% Covered bonds (Legislation introduced to create a U.S. covered bond market) No policy action (Allow full private market correction) 23% 15% Aided response categories Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 37 Demographics and Experience Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 38 Demographics and Experience • The typical commercial real estate professional has a decade of experience in the business. Only 28% have three or fewer years of experience. • Most commercial real estate professionals are male (62%). • The average commercial real estate professional is 45 years of age . • 60% have a BS/BA degree or higher. • Over half (56%) are Caucasian. A quarter (25%) are Hispanic. Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 39 County Office is Located In There are 66 counties in Florida. There are respondents in 56 counties. In the 10 counties where there are no survey respondents, they all have a population of under 17K based on the 2010 U.S. Census. 53% 30% 11% 6% All others Miami-Dade, Broward, or Palm Beach County Hillsborough or Pinellas County Orange County Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 40 Respondent Age 44.89 44 Mean Median Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 41 Respondent Age Under 25 years 2% 27% 25 to 34 years 22% 35 to 44 years 23% 45 to 54 years 16% 55 to 64 11% 65 or older Percentages do not toal to 100% due to rounding. Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 42 Respondent Age 36% 29% 28% 8% Gen Y Gen X Boomer Senior Percentages do not toal to 100% due to rounding. Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 43 Education Some high school (no diploma) 0% High school diploma 0% 15% Some college (no degree) 26% AA degree (2 years) 50% BA/BS degree 8% Master's degree Some graduate school (no degree) 1% JD/LLM/PhD 1% Percentages do not toal to 100% due to rounding. Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 44 Commercial Real Estate Experience 10.48 10 Mean Median Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 45 Commercial Real Estate Experience 28% 72% Newer (3 yrs or less experience) Seasoned (>3 yrs experience) Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 46 Commercial Real Estate Experience 10.73 9.84 REALTOR® Non-REALTOR® Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 47 Commercial Real Estate Experience 10.06 Broker 10.21 Non-broker Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 48 Survey Respondents: Gender 38% 62% Male Female Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 49 Survey Respondents: Ethnic Background 56% White/Non-Hispanic 25% Hispanic, Latin American 9% African American, Black Other Asian Chinese 6% 5% Percentages do not toal to 100% due to rounding. Market Enhancement Group, Inc. MEG-Research.com 800.549.9327 50