Name: Establishing Theme through Characterization The theme of a major work of literature can be revealed in several ways, one of which is through characterization. Authors reveal larger truths by creating characters and situations (conflicts) that demonstrate those truths. In The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the author uses the major characters (Daisy, Tom, Jordan, Nick, and Gatsby) to reveal some of the universal truths examined in the novel. For each character in the Character Analysis Activities that we completed in class, look back at the adjectives you used to describe that character. Pick the best adjective for each character and them in the table below. Then write the noun form of the adjective in the right-hand column. One is completed as an example. GATSBY is (adjective form) Thematic idea (noun form) DAISY is (adjective form) Thematic idea (noun form) NICK is (adjective form) Thematic idea (noun form) TOM is (adjective form) Thematic idea (noun form) JORDAN is (adjective form) Thematic idea (noun form) distrustful distrust USING THE THEMATIC IDEAS, WRITE THEMATIC STATEMENTS BASED ON EACH OF THE ASSERTIONS ABOVE. Example: In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald presents the idea that distrust (Write the thematic idea here.) can cause a person to damage close relationships (Write a claim about the thematic idea that is supported by this novel.) which can eventually lead to a lonely existence. (Add a qualifying clause [when, because, unless, even, so that, whether, if, etc.] to explain what the novel teaches about the thematic idea.) In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald presents the idea that (Write the thematic idea here.) (Write a claim about the thematic idea that is supported by this novel.) (Add a qualifying clause [when, because, unless, even, so that, whether, if, etc.] to explain what the novel teaches about the thematic idea.) In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald presents the idea that (Write the thematic idea here.) (Write a claim about the thematic idea that is supported by this novel.) (Add a qualifying clause [when, because, unless, even, so that, whether, if, etc.] to explain what the novel teaches about the thematic idea.) In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald presents the idea that (Write the thematic idea here.) (Write a claim about the thematic idea that is supported by this novel.) (Add a qualifying clause [when, because, unless, even, so that, whether, if, etc.] to explain what the novel teaches about the thematic idea.) PICK THE BEST THEMATIC STATEMENT TO ADDRESS THE PROMPT BELOW. BE SURE TO CONSIDER WHICH CHARACTER YOU WOULD MOST LIKE TO EXPLORE IN YOUR ESSAY. Through words and actions, a character can “come to life” for the reader. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, the author draws a vivid picture of the main characters as they each respond to conflict. In a well-developed, multi-paragraph essay, discuss how one of the main characters reveals a major theme from Fitzgerald’s novel. Support your claim with specific evidence from the text. PLANNING BODY PARAGRAPH #1 TOPIC SENTENCE: In the story, the character of is (Character name) Context of the Evidence: . (Adjective, character trait.) Commentary: Textual Evidence: Context of the Evidence: Commentary: Textual Evidence: Summary Sentence: (A sentence that concludes your paragraph and ties to the thesis.) PLANNING BODY PARAGRAPH #2 TOPIC SENTENCE: , however, soon finds/learns/realizes that (Character name) Context of the Evidence: Commentary: Textual Evidence: Context of the Evidence: . (Qualifying clause that connects to thematic idea.) Commentary: Textual Evidence: Summary Sentence: (A sentence that concludes your paragraph and ties to the thesis.) Abstract Words for Thematic Ideas STUDENT RESOURCE Use the following THEMATIC IDEAS to create a thematic statement that reveals universal meaning. As you develop your thematic statement, consider these questions: What does the text say about ? What is the life lesson being taught about ? What are the author’s ideas about ? As you read and discuss various texts, add other thematic ideas in the available space below. THEMATIC IDEAS alienation appearance vs. reality betrayal coming of age courage dreams education escape evil fate forgiveness freedom grief honor honesty identity journey justice love loyalty nature perseverance power prejudice pride rebellion relationships religion loneliness beauty (inner/outer) disloyalty innocence (loss of) cowardice illusion learning (physical/psychological) good (battle between) free will repentance individuality (loss of) despair heroism deception (search for) (psychological/physical) equality obsession duty (man’s relationship with) hardship corruption stereotypes hubris conformity family faith revenge ritual social status success temptation time violence women retribution tradition class structures failure sin life stages/cycles war feminism