Marketing Place and Promotion The marketing place refers to the

Marketing Place and Promotion
The marketing place refers to the distributions or channels through which a product is marketed. In the
case of Burger King and new product such as the Tofu Burger, this part of marketing refers to the sale of
a specific product, rather than services. Burger King has a fairly easy time with its marketing place
strategies, as it is run as a franchise. As a result, the simplest and most efficient marketing place for the
Burger King tofu burger is through a direct channel to the consumer, with the product channel and
intermediaries being direct retailers – the Burger King Franchise restaurants. If the product succeeds,
Burger King could extend its “place” strategy to include retail through stores, and possible whole sale
As a promotional strategy, Burger King can use a combined push and pull method. First of all, it can
promote the object with pushing promotion, contacting the retail franchise restaurants, providing
information and advertising tools, etc. Burger King can also implement sales incentives and competitions
to encourage the franchises to promote the burger. During the introductory phase of the product life
cycle, it would be wise for Burger King to distribute the product to a selected group of pilot franchises,
and branch out from there as the product becomes successful. At this point in the process, a pulling
method could also be used – in some areas, people will be asking the franchise restaurants for the
product, and the franchise will turn to the global organization for it to be provided.
Sales Promotion Schedule
An initial sales promotion schedule would have the objective of getting the product into the market. As
a result, it would entail the steps necessary to begin the introductory phase of the product’s life cycle.
The first week should include background planning and preparation done at the corporate level. This
would entail preparing advertizing materials, branding, images, etc. The executive level would also
develop incentive plans at this stage to be used during the promotion. During the second week, the
promotion plan should be communicated to the pilot franchises. An in depth explanation of the product,
its value, its target audience, etc. should be provided. The franchise managers should meet with the
employees of their respective franchises to communicate the development and promotion of the
product. Electronic materials should be disseminated to the pilot franchises. The pilot franchises,
during this week, should receive the materials, print them or prepare them electronically for posters,
screens, etc., as applicable. During the third week, the franchises should begin word of mouth
promotion, such as informing all customers who order that the product will be arriving, letting them
know the price, etc. During the fourth week, the product will be available, and there will be a push for
promotion of the incentives (sales, value deals, etc.). Promotion during the following weeks will be
based on evaluation of the initial market reception toward the tofu burger, and will be adjusted
accordingly, emphasizing the points that have proven most successful, such as nutritional value, taste,
etc., and will then spread to other franchises.
Advertising Plan
The objective of Burger King’s advertising plan for the tofu burger is to successfully introduce the
product into the market, make the product as attractive as possible for its target market, and open the
path for future success so the product can spread from the pilot franchises and be sold at most, if not all
franchises. To reach these goals, Burger King can use usual advertising means, such as its posters, menu
images and other forms of print advertising, in addition to oral promotion. These advertising tools,
however, should be carefully tailored for the given product and target audience. In the case of the tofu
burger, this means appealing to the vegetarian and health conscience market. As a result, the slogans
attached to the images of the burger, the menu advertisements, and any print advertisements, such as a
small flier about the tofu burger, should highlight the nutritional information, showing the reduced
calorie and fat information, giving the number of nutrients and vitamins contained in the burger, etc.
The advertising tools should also make a direct appeal to vegetarians. One way of doing this would be
to call out to all types of vegetarians. An example advertisement could be the following: “Are you a
pollo-vegetarian? Are you a lacto-vegetarian? Are you a vegan? Meet the tofu burger…” This form of
specified advertisement can help draw in the target market, as the product has personal appeal. Burger
King can measure the success of its advertising and product introduction in several ways. One main way
will be based on sales statistics. How many tofu burgers were sold? A second way to measure the
success would be to have feedback surveys available, and use the information obtained. The cashiers at
the franchises can also obtain feedback by asking customers if they have eaten the tofu burger and, if
so, if they mind sharing what they liked or how it could be improved, etc. Based on these statistics and
personal feedback, Burger King can measure the success of its advertising, and improve it as needed.