
Pocket Beer Reference
for Android Mobile
Adam M. Dille
CS701- Masters Project – Fall 2010
• Introduction
• BJCP Beer Styles
• The problem with BJCP
• My Solution
• Project Description
• Related work
• Discussion
Adam M. Dille
CS701- Masters Project – Fall 2010
• Homebrewing beer is a hobby that is growing
rapidly in popularity
• Notable homebrewing success stories
• Homebrewers live by style guidelines
• BJCP produces the de facto style list for
Adam M. Dille
CS701- Masters Project – Fall 2010
BJCP Styles
• Used to categorize a particular variety of beers
• Numerical stat ranges for original and final
gravities, bitterness, color and alcohol content.
• Has text descriptions for Aroma, Appearance,
Flavor, Mouthfeel, Impression, History,
Comments, Ingredients and Examples.
• Used in every brewing software application and in
all major homebrew competitions.
Adam M. Dille
CS701- Masters Project – Fall 2010
The Problem
• BJCP Styles are the most complete style reference
there is, but they lack thorough example listings.
• Lots of great information provided, but nothing
concrete to tie it to.
• Updates to the few examples that DO exist only
happen every few years.
Adam M. Dille
CS701- Masters Project – Fall 2010
My Solution
• Tap into largest beer community on the internet.
• Map BJCP Styles to BeerAdvocate’s own styles.
• Use a Google search to query for BeerAdvocate
• Mash up three sources of data in a seamless way
to allow connection of BJCP Styles to commercial
beer examples.
Adam M. Dille
CS701- Masters Project – Fall 2010
Project Description
Adam M. Dille
CS701- Masters Project – Fall 2010
Project Description
Adam M. Dille
CS701- Masters Project – Fall 2010
Project Description
Adam M. Dille
CS701- Masters Project – Fall 2010
Related Work
• Researched one thorough high-level overview of
the Android OS.
• Studied three technical publications related to
Android development.
• Tech pubs helped me to understand and
– Web requests
– JSON response parsing
– Security permissions
Adam M. Dille
CS701- Masters Project – Fall 2010
[1] How many homebrewers are there in the United States? Talking Points. American Homebrewers Association.
[2] How many gallons of homebrew in 2009? Forum Topic. Homebrew Talk. http://www.homebrewtalk.com/f14/how-manygallons-homebrew-2009-a-99440/index184.html
[3] Google Search: ‘beer’ http://www.google.com/search?q=beer
[4] Beer Styles. Beer Advocate. http://beeradvocate.com/beer/style
[5] BJCP Competition Beer Styles. (2008) Beer Judge Certification Program. http://www.bjcp.org/2008styles/catdex.php
[6] Speckmann, B. (2008) The Android Mobile Platform. MSCS Masters Candidacy Review Paper. Department of Computer
Science, Eastern Michigan University. http://www.emich.edu/compsci/projects/Master_Thesis_-_Benjamin_Speckmann.pdf
[7] Knutsen, J. (2009) Web Service Clients on Mobile Android Devices. A Study on Architectural Alternatives and Client
Performance. MSCS Masters Candidacy Thesis. Norwegian University of Science and Technology Department of Computer and
Information Science. http://ntnu.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:348784/FULLTEXT01
[8] Ableson, F. (2010) Using XML and JSON with Android, Part 1: Explore the benefits of JSON and XML in Android
Applications. Technical Library. IBM DeveloperWorks. http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/dw/xml/x-andbene1/x-andbene1pdf.pdf
[9] Burns, J. (2008) Developing Secure Mobile Applications For Android. An introduction to making secure Android
applications. Technical Publication. iSEC Partners. https://isecpartners.com/files/iSEC_Securing_Android_Apps.pdf
Adam M. Dille
CS701- Masters Project – Fall 2010
Adam M. Dille
CS701- Masters Project – Fall 2010