Introduction to RF at ISIS ISIS Lecture, 16 February 2006 David Findlay Accelerator Division ISIS Department Rutherford Appleton Laboratory ISIS OPTIMVS NEVTRONVM SPALLATIONENSIVM FONS MVNDI From ISIS MCR Beam News 3-NOV-2005 00:04 A burnt out valve base has been found on system 4 RF. We are in the process of changing it. Further update at 03:00 Hrs. 17-NOV-2005 13:30 The beam tripped due to Modulator 3 tripping off. Whilst attempting to bring RF back on a large breakdown was heard in the feedline / 116 Valve area. We have investigated the problem and found a significant water leak. Experts are in attendance to rectify the problem. Update at 14.30 Hours. 2 2 What is RF? RF = Radio frequency Used as shorthand for Alternating voltages at radio frequencies Alternating currents at radio frequencies Electromagnetic waves at radio frequencies Power carried in electromagnetic waves Apparatus generating RF power ... 3 3 What are radio frequencies? Long waves ~200 kHz Medium waves ~1 MHz Short waves ~3 – 30 MHz VHF radio ~100 MHz TV ~500 MHz Mobile phones ~1000 – 2000 MHz Satellite TV ~10000 MHz Accelerators ~1 MHz – 10000 MHz 4 4 Wavelengths and frequencies? c=lf Velocity = wavelength × frequency Velocity of light = 3×108 metres/second = 186,000 miles/second = 670,000,000 miles/hour = 300 m/µs (300 m twice around the synchrotron) 5 5 Frequencies Wavelengths Long waves ~200 kHz ~1500 m Medium waves ~1 MHz ~300 m Short waves ~3 – 30 MHz ~10 – 100 m VHF radio ~100 MHz ~3 m TV ~500 MHz ~2 feet Mobile phones ~1000 – 2000 MHz ~6 – 12 inches Satellite TV ~10000 MHz ~1 inch Accelerators ~1 MHz – 10000 MHz 240 VAC mains 50 Hz ~4000 miles 6 6 Relative size matters 7 7 BBC Droitwich transmitter — Long wave Radio 4 Marconi’s transmitter, 1902 — Nova Scotia Marconi’s spark transmitter, 1910 Steam engine and alternator Two of four 5 kV DC generators 12 kV stand-by battery (6000 cells! 2 GJ stored energy!) (cf. RAL SC3: 5 J) Marconi’s 1920 valve transmitter Alternating voltages, currents, electric fields, magnetic fields, ... Need to describe by three quantities Frequency, amplitude and phase E.g. three-phase AC mains: All phases “240 V” But different phases are very different! Phase varies along a wire carrying alternating current How much phase changes depends on wavelength and hence on frequency 15 15 Phase y = sin V(t) (2 f t= + ) Alternating voltage A sin (2p f t + f) 1.0 0.8 0.6 Amplitude 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 90 180 270 360 450 540 630 720 810 900 990 1080 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1.0 Degrees f = 240° 120° 0° E.g. three-phase AC mains 16 16 50 Hz AC mains in house House 4000 miles 17 17 200 MHz RF in ISIS linac Positive 2½ feet Negative 5 feet 18 18 Why is RF used at all in accelerators? Cathode ray tube in TV set doesn’t need RF 19 19 Particles accelerated using electric field For 100 keV can use 100 kV DC power supply unit. Even 665 kV for old Cockcroft-Walton But 800,000,000 V DC power supply unit for accelerating protons in ISIS not possible Instead, for high energies, use RF fields, and pass particles repeatedly through these fields RF fields produce bunched beams DC RF ns – µs spacing 20 20 Air Sound waves set up inside milk bottle RF Electromagnetic waves set up inside hollow metal cylinder 21 21 RF 22 22 RF + – + – + – + – + – 23 23 24 24 – + – + – + – + – + 25 25 26 26 Interior of linac tank How much RF power? All beam power from RF ISIS mean current 200 µA Linac 70 MeV Synchrotron 800 MeV 70 MeV × 200 µA = 14 kW 800 MeV × 200 µA = 160 kW So need >14 kW RF for linac, >160 kW RF for synchrotron Linac pulsed, 2% duty factor 14 kW ÷ 0.02 = 0.7 MW Synchrotron pulsed, 50% duty factor 160 kW ÷ 0.50 = 0.3 MW 28 28 Two commercial 0.5 MW short wave radio transmitters 29 29 RF powers Big radio and TV transmitters 0.5 MW Mobile phone transmitters 30 W Mobile phones 1W Sensitivity of mobile phones 10–10 W ISIS linac 3 × 2 MW + 1 × 1 MW ISIS synchrotron 6 × 150 kW + 4 × 75 kW 30 30 Where does RF power come from? Big amplifiers Usually purpose built The basics: Accelerator Frequency source RF amplifier 31 31 ~1 W RF ~1 MW RF Devices that amplify RF Transistors ~100 watts maximum per transistor Couple lots together for kilowatts Valves / vacuum tubes Triodes, tetrodes Largest can deliver several megawatts (peak) Klystrons High powers, high gains Limited to frequencies >300 MHz IOTs (inductive output tubes) Often used in TV transmitters (esp. digital TV) Output limited to ~50 kW 33 33 Transistors usually junction transistors (NPN, PNP) Essentially minority carrier device But RF transistors usually field effect transistors Majority carrier device 34 34 Field effect transistor Typical RF MOSFET Solid state RF amplifier: few watts in, 3 kW max out 3 kW max. solid state amplifier mounted in rack 1 kW solid state driver RF amplifier for synchrotron Valves / vacuum tube made in 1915 Load + Anode power supply Anode Electrons Grid Cathode Heater Basic triode circuit – Valve-based audio hi-fi amplifiers Debuncher amplifier: commercial TV transmitter Linac triode 5 MW peak 75 kW mean Synchrotron tetrode 1000 kW peak 350 kW mean Typical valve parameters at ISIS Type Heater Anode volts Anode current Peak power o/p Mean power o/p Cooling water TH116 Triode 20 V, 500 A 35 kV 175 A 2 MW 40 kW 100 l/min 4648 Tetrode 4 V, 1600 A 16 kV 8A 75 kW 40 kW 200 l/min 45 45 Resonant circuits L C Parallel LC-circuit Impedance Z “infinite” at f = f0 (2pf0)² = 1 / LC Shorted line Impedance Z “infinite” at l = l/4, 3l/4, 5l/4, ... length l Only ratio of diameters matters 46 46 HT (+ve) Output Tetrode Input Anode Screen grid Control grid Cathode Heater Essence of a tuned RF amplifier — 1 47 47 HT (+ve) Output Tetrode Input Anode Screen grid Control grid Cathode Heater Essence of a tuned RF amplifier — 2 48 48 Input (grid) tuned circuit Tetrode Output (anode) tuned circuit ISIS RFQ 200 kW tetrode driver Klystron gain ~50 dB (× 105 power gain) IOT gain ~25 dB (× 300 power gain) E.g. 10 W in, 1 MW out E.g. 200 W in, 60 kW out 50 50 5 metres, 3 tons Toshiba E3740A 3 MW 324 MHz klystron Skin depth RF currents flow in surface of conductor only Skin depth d 1 (frequency) (exponential) In copper, d = 7 / (frequency) (cm) 50 Hz 1 cm 1 MHz 70 µm 200 MHz 5 µm In sea water 50 Hz ~100 feet 10 kHz ~10 feet ELF / submarines VLF / submarines 52 52 ISIS RFQ — vessel copper-plated stainless steel Different currents on different surfaces of same piece of metal Linac high power RF amplifier Dielectric material No external electric field Atoms – + – + – + – + Electric field 55 55 Dielectric material Dielectric constant Ceramic 6 Nylon 3 Perspex 3½ Polystyrene 2½ Water 80 Loss tangent — leads to dielectric heating Ceramic 0.001 Nylon 0.02 Perspex 0.01 Polystyrene 0.0001 Water 0.1 — microwave ovens 56 56 Accelerating cavity Beam Vacuum Air Air RF amplifier Vacuum RF Window 57 57 RF feed to linac tank Window and aperture Good and failed RF windows Cavity n Low level RF Phase comp. Volt. comp. RF amp. chain V ref. accel. field Phase comp. Motor drive Tuner beam Servo systems on amplitude, phase and cavity tuning Linac RF block diagram Three amplifiers in previous slide Synchrotron high power RF systems Frequency sweeper Beam compensation loop Voltage loop Cavity tuning Phase loop Synchrotron low-level RF systems block diagram Driver amplifier Cavity and high power RF driver High power RF drive ISIS depends almost entirely on RF Earth ↓ 35 keV ↓ DC 0.004% RF 665 keV ↓ RF 70 MeV 99.996% ↓ RF 800 MeV 68 68 69 69 Supplementary detail RF transistors — hand-waving Electron and hole mobilities in Si ~1000 (cm/s)/(V/cm) Breakdown field strength in Si is ~300 kV/cm So maximum speed of electron or hole in Si is ~3×10^8 cm/s = 0.01 c In big transistor say characteristic size = 1 cm So electron or hole would take ~3 ns to travel across/through transistor RF period must be >> 3 ns, say 10 ns, thereby limiting RF frequency to 100 MHz If make transistor bigger to dissipate more heat, then more and more limited in frequency 70 70