Budget KA1&KA3

Erasmus+ Programme
Key Action 1 – Mobility Projects in the Field
of Youth and KA3 Structured Dialogue
Budget Outline
8th September 2015
Organisational Support
Special Needs Support
Exceptional costs
Individual Support (EVS only)
Linguistic support / Linguistic tool license (EVS only)
The distance per participant from the point of origin to the host
Unit Cost according to the distance
Distance calculator
Measures the distance for a one-way journey but the travel costs have been calculated
for a return journey
APV (Advanced Planning Visit) travel should be included in the travel
section (EVS & Youth Exchanges only) and food and lodging requested
as Exceptional Costs
Organisational Support
Depends on the country where the activity takes place
A unit cost per participant based on the duration of the activity plus a
days travel either side if necessary
Costs directly linked to the organisation, management and
implementation of mobility activities
Special Needs Support
Additional costs directly relating to participants with disability and
accompanying persons that will incur additional expense in support of
their participation (i.e. specialist equipment).
100% of the actual costs assessed on a case by case basis
It should be clear what items or services are required
The cost breakdown of each item or service
Request should be supported in the narrative text of the application
Exceptional Costs
Actual costs (must be receipted in your final report)
Must be described and relevant to the narrative section of the
– Visa Costs
– Vaccinations
– Costs which support the participation of young people with fewer
You should provide a breakdown of the costs and any quotes or
explanations that you feel an evaluator should know
Exceptional Costs
EVS and Youth Exchanges only
Food and Lodging for APV (EVS & Youth Exchanges)
Costs in support of reinforced mentorship and specific preparation in
the case of participation of young people with few opportunities (EVS
You should provide a breakdown of the costs and any quotes or
explanations that you feel an evaluator should know
Exceptional Costs
KA3 Structured Dialogue only
Costs connected to (online) consultations and opinion polls of young
people in so far as necessary
Costs connected to dissemination and exploitation of results
You should provide a breakdown of the costs and any quotes or
explanations that you feel an evaluator should know
Individual Support
EVS only
Based on duration of the stay per participant
A unit cost based on the destination country of the participant
Pocket money to volunteers for additional personal expenses
Not intended to cover food and accommodation for the volunteer
Linguistic Support
EVS only
Online linguistic support is available for German, English, Spanish,
French, Italian and Dutch (2016 new languages will be introduced)
Only for activities lasting between 2 and 12 months
€150 per participant for participants needing linguistic support for
languages that are not offered by the Online Linguistic Tool.
Example EVS
4 EVS volunteers coming to Ireland for 12 months from Spain, Czech
Republic, Moldova, Finland.
Valencia, Spain to Dublin 1604KM = €275
Prague, Czech Republic to Dublin 1468Km = €275
Chisinau, Moldova to Dublin 2571Km = €360
Kokkola, Finland to Dublin 2037Km = €360
Total return flights for volunteers = €1270
APV 4 volunteers over 18
= €1270
Travel total: €2540
Example EVS
Organisational support
€610 per participant per month (€610 x 4 EVS x 12mths) €29280
Individual Support
€125 per participant per moth (€125 x 4 EVS x 12mths) €6000
Linguistic Support
0 provided by the Online Linguistic Service (OLS)
Exceptional Costs
Visa costs and registration for Moldovan Volunteer €480
Contribution towards APV 4 x €125 = €500
Total possible request: €38,800
Example Youth Exchange
Youth exchange involving 10 Irish young people and 3 leaders and 10
Dutch young people and 2 leaders. The exchange will take place in
Amsterdam. Total group size 25 for 7 day exchange.
APV Galway to Amsterdam 910Km @ €170 x 1 leader = €170
Exchange Galway to Amsterdam 910Km @ €170 x 13 = €2210
Exchange Alkmaar to Amsterdam 40km @ €20 x 12 = €240
Travel total: €2620
Example Youth Exchange
Organisational Support
€39 per participant per day (€39 x 25 x 7) €6825
Exceptional Costs
2 young people passports (2 x €90) €180
APV accommodation (1 x €80) €80
Total Possible Grant Request: €9705
Example Youth Worker
30 participants and 2 trainers for a mobility taking place in Cork,
Ireland. Partners are Spain, Malta, Norway and France.
8 x Dublin 100Km = €180 x 8 €1440
6 x Madrid 1449Km = €275 x 6 €1650
6 x Valetta 2520Km = €350 x 6 €2160
6 x Oslo 1624Km = €275 x 6 €1650
Travel total: €8550 for 32
Organisational Support
€74 pp/pd ( 32 x €74 x 5 days) €11840 (Max €1100 per participant)
Exceptional costs 0
Special needs support 0
Total possible grant request: €28390
Example KA3
Maximum Grant €50,000
Travel Grant:
National Meeting
50 (40 young people and 10 leaders) x 80km (50 x €20) €1000
Organisational Support
50 x €39 per participant per day €2950
Special needs support 0
Exceptional Costs
Online consultation €200
Total possible grant request €4150
Budget Tips
The calculated budget is the maximum you will receive – make sure
you input the correct number of participants for each activity
Make sure you don’t make the mistake of identifying your partners as
a ‘Partner Country’
Provide a breakdown of any Special Needs Support and Exceptional
Make sure the narrative section of the application reflects the need for
exceptional costs and special needs support
KA3 costs for dissemination and exploitation of results must be evident
in the application form