of the Florida Government Finance Officers Association?

Secretary / Treasurer (2 Candidates)
Linda S. Howard, CPA, CTP, Finance Bureau Chief, Southwest Florida
Water Management District
FGFOA Activities
 FGFOA Board member (5 years)
 FGFOA member (22 years)
 Conference Host Committee (5 year) Chair (1 year)
 Technical Resource Committee (6 years)
 Nominating Committee (2 years)
 Audit Committee (2 years)
 Member of Central Florida Chapter -Secretary (3 years); Vice President (2
 Innovative Initiatives Ad Hoc Committee (1 year)
 Lifetime Achievement Award Committee member
GFOA Activities
 GFOA member (20 years)
 Regional Representative (3 years)
What significant contribution have you made to the FGFOA?
My significant contribution to the FGFOA has been my time and service. I began
my membership by serving on the technical resources committee so that I could
stay up to speed on technical issues facing our industry and share the knowledge
in a concise and helpful way to our members. I then served on the Host
committee for several years, including serving as chair during one of the Orlando
conferences, where I had the opportunity to lead and learn all of the ins and outs
of hosting a conference. I also served on the nominating committee where I was
able to see what the membership was looking for in its leaders. During this time, I
was also very active in a local chapter serving as secretary/CPE coordinator for 3
years, and VP for 2 years. I subsequently was elected to serve on the board for the
past 5 years, where I have continued to be active on standing committees and ad
hoc committees at the pleasure of the presidents. With each new assignment, I
learn more, share more and encourage new members to get involved.
Do you participate in any other professional organization and/or
civic/fraternal/public interest activities?
 Florida Institute of CPAs – Board member and Chair of the Financial Literacy
 National Association of Black Accountants, Inc. – local chapter founding
member since 1989, held several offices, current chair of the Accounting
Careers and Awareness Program
 Large Public Power Council – member of the finance task force and co-chair
for inaugural investor conference in 2014
 GFOA – served as Regional Representative for 3 years
 American Public Power Association (APPA) – speaker at convention in 2009
 Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
 Certified Treasury Professional (CTP)
 Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) – University of Central Florida
 B. S. Accounting – University of Central Florida
 Presenter at National, State and Local Professional Conferences for the
Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA-national), FGFOA (state),
CFGFOA (local), American Public Power Association (national), Large Public
Power Council (national), Utility Payments Conference (national)
 Former Adjunct Professor at Valencia Community College – Principles of
Accounting Courses
 Former Adjunct Professor at The University of Central Florida – Service
Scholars Leadership Program
What do you believe should be the objective(s) of the Florida Government
Finance Officers Association?
I believe the objectives of the FGFOA should be to provide leadership, pertinent
information and hands on application of laws and rules related to the financial
matters that affect governmental entities within the state. Leadership should be
provided through formal training workshop conducted by successful leaders, by
chairing and serving on committees, and through formal or informal mentorships
among members. Information should be timely, relevant and accurate. The
FGFOA should continue to use various means to reach all governmental entities.
These include the annual conference, the annual school, webinars, emails,
newsletters and the listserve. Hands-on application should be demonstrated
during the school and annual conference, as well as, through white papers and
communication between FGFOA members.
Why do you want to be the FGFOA Secretary/Treasurer?
I would love to serve as Secretary/Treasurer to help continue the impactful legacy
that the FGFOA has forged throughout the state of Florida and the nation. The
FGFOA is one of the most well run organizations that I have been a part of
whether professional, community based or personal. I have had the awesome
opportunity to serve on the board for the past 5 years, and I have been a part of
several changes to help the FGFOA maintain its edge as one of the leading
associations in the nation. Stepping up to serve as an officer will give me an even
greater ability to help shape the future of the FGFOA to ensure it remains viable,
relevant and adoptable to the changes ahead. My desire to see new members of
the finance profession grow and succeed is a driving force behind my desire to
step up my own commitment to help propel them into the driver’s seat.
Throughout my tenure with the FGFOA, I have worked in a local chapter, worked
on several committees, served as a regional representative, and on the board, all
giving me a great perspective on the needs of the membership at various levels. I
believe these inside views and service at the various levels will help me be a
successful officer of the FGFOA.
Darrel Thomas, CPFIM, Assistant City Manager/Chief Operating Officer,
City of Weston
FGFOA Activities
 FGFOA Member (8 Years)
 Conference Program Committee (2009-2012), Committee Chair (2011-2012)
 Annual Conference, Speaker (2011-2014)
 School of Governmental Finance, Speaker (2011, 2012 & 2014)
 South Florida Chapter, President (2010-2011)
What significant contribution have you made to the FGFOA?
(1) As President of the South Florida Chapter, my board and I agreed to become
one of the first chapters, if not the first, to agree to purchase and implement the
Cvent event management software at the chapter-level. To my knowledge, there
are now about a half dozen chapters using the software, and are implementers
often contact the South Florida chapter for questions and implementation tips. (2)
After serving as Conference Program Chair, I re-organized and expanded the four
program tracks to create more opportunities for non-traditional types of sessions
such as human resources and information technology and to allow for a better
distribution of the session types. The new tracks are still in use and have remained
fairly unaltered, which gives me confidence that it was a successful experiment. (3)
I’ve spoken several times at the annual conferences and schools of governmental
finance; but I am most proud of the two times that I have participated at the last
minute as a “fill-in” speaker, so those who signed up for a particular class were still
able to attend. (4) I help behind the scenes on many things in addition to those
tasks that I am specifically assigned by the President, from working with Jamie
Roberson and Lacy Smith-Castillo on programs for the Membership Development
Committee, to working with David Keller on the Legislative Committee
informational publications, to consulting with Allison Teslia on event ideas for the
Conference Host Committee, and so on. (5) Probably the most long-lasting
contribution I have made to the FGFOA is helping to develop a network of emerging
future leaders (most under the age of 35); setting an example for them (having
recently been an emerging leader myself); assisting in creating a cohort of eager
individuals who see that they don’t have to wait until mid-career of their kids are
older to make an impact; and cultivating a group with similar demographics and
backgrounds (such as young children or retiring parents) that can consult with each
other for professional advice and support, yet, still compete with each other to
excel and achieve. Since I have been close with these colleagues, some have
become board members, committee chairs, chapter presidents, helped to start
new chapters and so on. By no means am I taking credit for their achievements, but
we have a healthy balance of competing with, and supporting each other, to drive
us towards accomplishing our individual goals. This group will help to shape the
FGFOA over the next 15 years.
Preparation for an FGFOA newsletter or research project:
 Each Local Chapter News article for the South Florida Chapter as its President
during the 2011-2012 membership year.
Do you participate in any other professional
civic/fraternal/public interest activities?
 Florida League of Cities
 Association of Public Treasurers
 Global Association of Risk Professionals
Do you participate in any other noteworthy state/local public finance-related
 Current member of the Florida League of Cities Investment Advisory
 Current member of the Government Finance Officers Association Treasury
and Investment Management Committee
 CPFIM (Certified Public Funds Investment Manager)
 Member of the GFOA, the FGFOA and the SFGFOCCA
 Member of the Association of Public Treasurers and the Global Association
of Risk Professionals
 Master of Science in Finance, Florida International University (2005)
 Bachelor of Arts in Finance, Florida Atlantic University (2003)
What do you believe should be the objective(s) of the Florida Government
Finance Officers Association?
Government finance officers are stewards of public assets and, more importantly,
of the public’s trust. Their role is incredibly important in projecting, developing,
collecting, protecting and providing the resources necessary to provide for services
to the public; working with other staff to determine the most effective and efficient
methods to deliver those services; balancing service needs with available
resources; recording all prior financial activity in accordance with prescribed
standards; and communicating all these aspects with management, elected
officials, the public, and other stakeholders in such a way as to make it
understandable to users with widely varying degrees of sophistication. I believe the
objectives of the FGFOA should be to continue its contribution to enhancing the
ability to government finance officers to perform their roles and tasks, as it has
done since its founding in 1937. Some of these specific objectives are:
 Continue to train all levels of government finance officers through various
educational outlets; as well as, continue to develop new, innovative ways to
train and educate;
 Continue to encourage networking in an effort to bring government finance
officers together to share their challenges, successes, and failures so that
they can build camaraderie, along with enhancing their learning experience;
 Continue to encourage mentoring by those government finance officers with
more experience and those government finance officers with less experience
so that less experienced government finance officers have an understanding
of how things came to be; so that institutional knowledge is transferred and
continues to flourish over the course of time; so that less experienced
government finance officers can fill the void left by more experienced
government finance officers as they leave office; and,
 Continue to recognize those government finance professionals who have
achieved excellence or introduced innovative ideas which provide both a
path for others to follow and a motivation to accomplish even more.
Why do you want to be the FGFOA Secretary/Treasurer?
I have been fortunate enough, with the support of my employer, to be able to
attend every annual conference since 2008 and every school of governmental
finance since 2011, as well as participate on the Conference Program Committee,
and participate at my local chapter. I have been equally fortunate to have
connected with wonderful people within the FGFOA who have encouraged me by
appointing me to roles such as chair of the Conference Program Committee,
President of the South Florida Chapter, and even electing me to serve as a Director
of the FGFOA. There are others who are not as fortunate to be provided with similar
opportunities, and so I appreciate these gifts, and feel a moral obligation to make
the best use of them. The FGFOA is a volunteer organization and I would like the
opportunity to continue to volunteer my time, while I am fortunate enough to do
so, and if the Nominating Committee would select me to do so.
In 2013, I had the pleasure of attending the Government Finance Officers
Association (GFOA) Advanced Government Finance Institute (AGFI). The experience
exponentially altered my professional development. Through the AGFI, I was able
to connect with government finance officers from throughout the United States
and Canada, ranging from all ages and levels of experience. I can now say that
among my close colleagues, I personally know the current President of the Georgia
GFOA, the current Treasurer of the Minnesota GFOA (who will eventually rotate
into the president position), a current board member of the South Carolina GFOA,
and several other government finance officers from Maine to California to Alaska.
Having these out-of-state colleagues allows me to inquire as to what government
finance officers outside of Florida are involved in; allows me to dialogue with
leaders of other state associations to share policies and practices, successes and
failures; and allows me to suggest new ideas to the FGFOA.
The training and networking opportunities I have experienced through the FGFOA
have assisted my growth, my ability to speak in public, my ability to connect with
and lead others, my ability to plan strategically, my ability to make decisions for a
large organization, and so much more. I feel like my FGFOA experience has
prepared me to become the Secretary/Treasurer. And I believe the position of
Secretary/Treasurer provides the appropriate platform to inspire members to get
involved in all levels of the FGFOA and to help continue to develop the FGFOA as
the premier state association.
Directors (5 Candidates & 4 Open Positions)
Kimball R. (Kim) Adams, CPA, Finance Director, CFO, City of Largo
FGFOA Activities
 FGFOA Member (28 Years)
 Career Development Committee (3 Years - 92/93, 93/94, 94/95), served as
 Conference Host Committee (2 Years), served as Chair
 Conference Program Committee (2 Years)
 Legislative Committee (4 Years – 06/07, 07/08, 08/09, 09/10), served as Chair
 Small Government Committee (2 Years)
 Technical Resources Committee (2 Years – 04/05, 05/06), served as Chair
 Ad Hoc Committee (1 Year)
 Nominating Committee (3 Years – 2007, 2011, 2013)
 Currently serving as a Mentor
 FGFOA Speaker (2000, 2008)
 Gulf Coast Chapter, Member and First Chapter President (94/95)
What significant contribution have you made to the FGFOA?
I have been a consistent member on state-wide committees and a frequent
volunteer at annual conferences (moderator, attendance scanner, hospitality suite,
Have you prepared material for an FGFOA newsletter or research project?
Yes, while President of the Gulf Coast Chapter and each year I was a Committee
Do you participate in any other professional organization and/or
civic/fraternal/public interest activities?
 School Advisory Committee member for the Clearwater High School magnet
program, Career Academy for International Culture and Commerce (CAICC),
2010 to present.
 Active in my church, including:
o Congregation Council member (elected), 9 years, including Council
President, 3 years
o Worship Assistant
o Stewardship Committee
o Building Committee
o Usher and a member of various other task groups
Do you participate in any other noteworthy state/local public finance-related
Speaker at three FCCMA seminars on budgeting, fund balance, revenue projections
and stormwater utilities.
Adjunct accounting instructor at the University of South Florida, St. Petersburg
since 2009 and have taught one governmental and not-for-profit accounting course
every semester since 2010.
 CPA – Certified Public Accountant (1981)
 Masters in Accountancy, University of South Florida, Tampa (2012)
 MBA, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins (2001)
 BA in Business Administration, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg
What do you believe should be the objective(s) of the Florida Government
Finance Officers Association?
I agree with the FGFOA’s current purpose as stated in the policies and procedures,
which is to provide a professional resource for education, networking, leadership,
and information. I have been committed to achieving these goals over the past 28
years in various capacities. The FGFOA has provided opportunities to work with
many committed government finance professionals, which has enhanced my
professional development and has provided an invaluable resource to discuss
professional topics.
The FGFOA has always offered excellent educational opportunities at the annual
conference, school of government finance and recently with Webinars. I believe
that providing a wide variety of excellent and cost-effective continuing education
opportunities should be the Association’s top priority. My first two committee
assignments were on the previous Career Development Committee and on the
Conference Program Committee and most of my annual CPE requirements are
fulfilled through the FGFOA, so I have a personal and professional interest in
ensuring that excellent educational opportunities are provided.
With ever changing information in accounting, investing and technology, it is
important to remain up to date with emerging trends and techniques. The FGFOA
has always gone the extra mile to ensure that Florida’s government finance
professionals remain current in their fields.
Why do you want to be a member of the Board of Directors?
It would be an honor and a privilege to help guide the FGFOA over the next three
years. I believe my education, training and experience will be valuable resources to
help the FGFOA fulfill its mission of supporting and assisting government finance
Ken Burke, CPA, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller, Pinellas
FGFOA Activities
 FGFOA Board Member (1 year)
 FGFOA Member (10 Years)
 Legislative Committee (2012-2015), served as Chair
 Gulf Coast Chapter, Member
 Annual Conference, Speaker (2014)
What significant contribution have you made to the FGFOA?
 Member of the Uniform Chart of Accounts White paper Task Force
 Chair of the GASB 68 Implementation Task Force
 Legislative Policies for 2014
Preparation for an FGFOA newsletter or research project:
 Newsletter; Uniform Chart of Account White Paper (November 2013)
 Newsletter; Legislative Policies for 2014 (February 2014)
Do you participate in any other professional organization and/or
civic/fraternal/public interest activities?
 St. Petersburg College Board of Trustees, Chair and Member (1999-2012)
 Association of Community Colleges, Chair and Member (2001-2006)
 Supreme Court Standing Committee of Fairness & Diversity, Member (2012Present)
 Florida Association of Court Clerks & Comptrollers, President, VP, Treasurer,
Sec. (2005-Present)
 NACRC, Member (2013-Present)
 Florida Bar’s Section of Real Property, Probate and Trust Law, Member
 Higher Education Coordinating Council, Member (2014-2015)
Do you participate in any other noteworthy state/local public finance-related
 FCCC (Florida Court Clerks & Comptrollers)
 CCOC (Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation)
 CPA – Certified Public Accountant (1997 to Present)
 Florida Association of Court Clerks and Comptrollers (2005 to Present)
 National Association of County Recorders, Election Officials and Clerks
National Board of Directors (2005 to Present)
 Bachelor of Science in Accounting, University of South Florida (1995)
 Associate in Arts, St. Petersburg College (1979)
What do you believe should be the objective(s) of the Florida Government
Finance Officers Association?
The FGFOA should provide a network of support for the members. One of the chief
objectives of the Association should be the education on matters affecting our
members. Our education offerings should be of the highest quality, maximum
effectiveness and cover all aspects relating to government finances. Finance
officers earn the respect of the citizens and government leaders as the public
trustees, champions of transparency and presenters of complete financial
information. FGFOA should continue to emphasize the important role and the
professionalism of finance officers in government entities.
Why do you want to be a member of the Board of Directors?
The board works together as a team in coordination with out effective committee
structure to carry out the duties of the Association. Board members must be
committed to attending board meetings, preparing in advance of those meetings,
supporting the activities of FGFOA and respecting the work of the committees that
provide recommended actions for the board’s consideration. During my time as
legislative committee chair, GASB 68 FRS Task Force Chair, member of the Chart of
Accounts White Paper Committee and member of the Board of Directors, I have
worked as a team player and demonstrated leadership. Hopefully, through this
work I have earned the respect of my colleagues for my thoroughness and
dedication. If the membership sees fit to reelect me to the Board, I will work to
offer strong support for the goals and duties of the FGFOA and to my fellow finance
Frank L. DiPaolo, CPA, CGMA, Finance Director, City of Lighthouse Point
FGFOA Activities
 FGFOA Member (8 Years)
 Conference Program Committee (3 Years) – (2011-2012, 2013-2015)
 Membership Development Committee (2 Year) – (2013-2015)
 FGFOA Annual Conference, Speaker (2012)
 South Florida Chapter, Vice President (2008-2009)
 South Florida Chapter, President (2013-2014)
 South Florida Chapter, Past-President (Board Position) (2014-2015)
What significant contribution have you made to the FGFOA?
I have been a member of the FGFOA since I was first employed with the City of
Dania Beach in 2006. Since then, I have attended the School of Government
Finance, Annual Conferences, sub-chaired on committees, and represented my
local chapter on the board for three years in differing positions. Through each of
the positions I have held in support of the FGFOA, I have shown my energy,
dedication, and belied in everything the association provides to government
finance professionals. I will continue to actively promote the FGFOA and encourage
practitioners to become members, and encourage members to become more
Preparation for an FGFOA newsletter or research project:
 Newsletters – provided chapter updates/spotlight articles (2013-2014)
Do you participate in any other
civic/fraternal/public interest activities?
 GFOA Member (2006-Present)
 AICPA Member (2009-Present)
 FICPA Member (2009-Present)
 CPA – Certified Public Accountant (2009)
 Master of Accounting, Nova Southeastern University (2007)
 Bachelor of Science, Finance & Minor, Economics, University of Florida
What do you believe should be the objective(s) of the Florida Government
Finance Officers Association?
As stated in its bylaws, the purpose of the Florida Government Finance Officers
Association should be to “promote the improvement of government financial
administration in Florida”. In order to ensure that this purpose is effectively served
through FGFOA leadership, I believe the following main objectives should be
adhered to consistently and continually:
Membership Development – As trends in employment have changed over the past
several years and will continue to do so during the current generational shift, the
FGFOA has been vigilant in its pursuit of developing the next generation of talented
government finance professionals. I have personally seen this taking shape through
my work on the Membership Development Committee. The mentoring program
should be continued to allow the transfer of knowledge and information from one
generation of practitioners to the next. The FGFOA should continue to engage
students and professionals just starting their career in government as this will
ensure the leaders of tomorrow are traveling on the right path.
Training and Education – We know that well educated government professionals
will make better decisions and are more able to react to emerging trends and adapt
themselves to a changing environment. The FGFOA should continue to provide
high-quality, informative, and relevant educational seminars at the school of
Government Finance, Annual Conference, and through webinars, in addition to the
CGFO certification program. This should also be encouraged at the local level
through chapter events.
Networking – The old saying “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” really hits
the heart of what networking is all about. The more that members are in contact
with other in government and in the private sector through conferences, meetings
and seminars, the more they will be exposed to new ideas, information, and
different ways of thinking. This allows individuals to become more well-rounded
and opens doors to new opportunities and initiatives that can better serve their
career in the future. Networking should be encouraged at all levels and serve as a
tool for engaging members to become better professionals.
Why do you want to be a member of the Board of Directors?
I feel that the FGFOA is the single most important resource available to Florida
government finance professionals. As I have benefited greatly from my
participation with the FGFOA, I would now like the opportunity to be of service and
make certain that members are aware of these benefits, and that they fully take
advantage of what the association has to offer. I have proven my abilities as a
leader through my positions with the local chapter and as a sub-chair three times
on the Conference Program Committee. My experience, education, drive and
determination will allow me to become a key member of the FGFOA board.
The Florida Government Finance Officers Association is an invaluable resource. In
my 8+ years as a member of this organization, I have personally and professionally
benefited from the opportunities I have been afforded through its service to
government practitioners. I would be honored to serve the FGFOA and its
Nicole Gasparri, CGFO, Organizational Program Manager, City of Boca
FGFOA Activities
 FGFOA Member (20 Years)
 Conference Program Committee (2010&2015), served as Chair
 Information Technology Committee (1998)
 Membership Development Committee (2014)
 Palm Beach County Chapter, Member
 Multiple Leadership programs for the past 10 years at the school, annual
conference and local chapters (2004 to Present)
What significant contribution have you made to the FGFOA?
I am currently the Conference Committee Chair for the 2015 conference. I have
been a speaker for the FGFOA at the school and conference on going for the past
10 years. As a regular speaker for not only the Annual Conference as well as the
school, I have asked to speak on leadership topics at the local chapters as well. I
have a unique perspective that has participants think and thus, grow in their
positions, developing as leaders.
Preparation for an FGFOA newsletter or research project:
 Conference Program Committee Chair (2015)
Do you participate in any other
civic/fraternal/public interest activities?
I have been a volunteer leader for the Landmark Education. I also teach a free
Zumba class for the community every Saturday specifically to inspire people, keep
them healthy and feeling good all week.
 Bachelors of Business Administration/Accounting, Florida Atlantic University
What do you believe should be the objective(s) of the Florida Government
Finance Officers Association?
Should be several;
 To set standard of what it means to be a Government Finance officer.
 To remain abreast to changes happening in the State and Federal
government that are directly or indirectly affecting governmental
 To create training and development opportunities to maintain and exceed
the professionalism that is expected of the finance professional.
 To create opportunities to be mentored, or mentor professionals in the
Why do you want to be a member of the Board of Directors?
I feel that my diverse experience would allow me to contribute to the ongoing
development and growth of the board and thus the organization. Having been a
member of FGFOA for almost 20 years, I have experienced what FGFOA not only
represents, but makes available for others. Having severed on many committees,
and chaired others, as well as worked with two past presidents, I feel that I have
the experience and knowledge, as well as the ability to maintain the standard held
by so many.
Binh Nguyen, CGFO, Budget Manager, Lake County
FGFOA Activities
 FGFOA Member (14 Years)
 Certification Committee (2 Years) - 2006 & 2007
 Conference Host Committee (2 Years) - 2012 & 2013, served as Chair
 Legislative Committee - 2013
 Webinar Committee, Chair - 2015
 Annual Conference, Speaker (2012)
 School of Governmental Finance, Speaker (2012)
 Central Florida Chapter, Secretary (2014-2015)
What significant contribution have you made to the FGFOA?
I’ve served on a number of standing committees both as a member and as a chair
person. I was a member of the first class of the FGFOA Mentoring program. I also
served as a speaker and/or moderator for the Annual Conference, School of
Government, and FGFOA Webinar program.
 Leadership Orange Class III
 GFOA Budget Reviewer Panel, Member
 Master of Business Administration, University of Central Florida, 2004
 Bachelor of Arts in Finance, California State University, 2000
What do you believe should be the objective(s) of the Florida Government
Finance Officers Association?
The FGFOA objectives should be:
 To be the “Go To” place for finance professionals to share information, best
practices, and networking opportunities.
 To develop the next generation of leaders in governmental finance through
the FGFOA Leadership program and other leadership opportunities.
Why do you want to be a member of the FGFOA Board of Directors?
I’ve been a member of FGFOA for about 14 years and have taken advantage of the
available technical resources for help many times. Also, while serving on various
standing committees, I’ve met and worked with many dedicated professionals
who did their best to make valuable learning resources accessible to everyone
from the Panhandle to the Florida Keys. I am proud of the professional
development opportunities currently offered such as the SOGF Basic and
Executive Camps, Webinars, and University Outreach, just to name a few. I would
like to follow the path of past and present FGFOA presidents/Board members
who have taken up a leadership role to help others. With your support, my goal is
to further advance the existing training programs and develop strategies geared
toward helping the next generation of government finance professionals succeed.