Medical Montage

About myself & CSP
• Microbiologist by trade. Worked at a variety of
sterile pharmaceuticals and P&G.
• Always had a preparedness mentality through
boyscouts, camping, backpacking, etc.
• Started to “wake up” to the world events on
• Started actively investigating and preparing
after 2008 financial crisis.
• Organizer of the Cincinnati Survival /
Preparedness group founded June 2011.
About CSP
• Diverse group by age and profession:
– 1/3 <30 years old, 1/3 30-50 years old, 1/3 50+ years old
– Active and former military, law enforcement, nurses, NRA
instructors, welders, carpenters, farmers and various other
• At least two meetings are scheduled per month.
– One will always be a networking / social gathering
– One will always be skill set building
• Forums available for on-going discussion of preparedness.
• Networked with other preparedness groups from Columbus,
Southern Indiana, and Miami Valley / Dayton.
• Acquiring sponsors. Currently recognized in national
preparedness magazine PREPARE MAGAZINE.
• Introduction
–What is preparedness?
–Why preparedness is especially necessary
–Preparedness lifestyle vs. insurance
• Case studies and current
events for thought
• Focal Areas of Prepping
– Air
– Water
– Shelter
– Food
– Hygiene/Medical
– Security
– Communications
– Travel
– Community/Mental/Emotional
• Bugging in vs. Bugging Out
– EDC Kits
– Get Home Bags
– Bug Out Bags (BOBs)
– I’m Never Coming Home (INCH) Bags)
What is Preparedness?
What is Preparedness?
What it is…
In essence, preparedness is having the materials,
knowledge and skills to provide for one self ’s (and
others’) basic needs (Self Sufficiency). It can be short
term insurance, or long term lifestyle.
Why Preparedness is Especially
Necessary Today
The overall necessity of preparedness is simple:
You never want to be in a situation where you cannot
provide for yourself, family or friends whether it be
through lack of skills/knowledge or resources.
There is a big difference
between being aware of
preparedness and not doing
anything about it vs. not being
awake to preparedness
mentality at all.
Especially if you are in a
situation where you are in
charge or others look up to you.
Why Preparedness is Especially
Necessary Today
We have been conditioned to be a nation of dependence:
“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of
government. It can only exist until the voters discover
they can vote themselves largesse from the public
These nations have progressed in this sequence:
From bondage to spiritual faith,
From spiritual faith to great courage,
From courage to liberty,
From liberty to abundance,
From abundance to selfishness,
From selfishness to complacency,
From complacency to apathy,
From apathy to dependency,
From dependency back again to bondage”
- Alexander Fraser Tytler
Why Preparedness is Especially
Necessary Today
In what ways have we become dependent?
• Public Utilities – Electricity, gas, water, waste
• Food – Grocery Stores
• Travel – Distance from work >Gasoline, cars, GPS etc.
• Communications – Internet, cell phones, etc.
• Medicine dependency vs.
holistic health
• Economic woes –debt,
bank bailouts, etc.
• Government “Assistance”
(all the above)
Lifestyle vs. Insurance
Preparedness viewed as insurance is the best place to
start for beginners. Viewing it in this fashion helps
overcome the mental hurdle of engaging in
preparedness, and requires considerably less dedication
than that of a preparedness lifestyle.
Example: Storing a one month food supply vs. learning
how to grow food yourself.
It can be an insurance
policy where you will
always get your money
Lifestyle vs. Event Preparedness
Having an overall preparedness lifestyle, or integrating
certain aspects of preparedness into your every day life
takes considerably more mental and physical energy.
Certain groups achieve these lifestyle habits more easily:
elder generations, certain professions, geographical
regions, lower income brackets, religions (Mormons) etc.
Canning food: requires preplanning and effort. Buying in bulk,
physical canning of food, storage
first in first out.
Case Study - Get home bag
Chicago & Midwest Jan. 1978
Atlanta 2013
16.5” of snow fell in one day. Air,
rail, and road travel was at a
standstill for several days. Over
70 died while stranded in
vehicles or even homes without
power to heat.
1-3” of ice/snow crippled
commuters for > 24 hours.
Commuters had to abandon cars
and seek shelter in local
businesses and residences.
Case Study - Water Storage
West Virginia Chemical Spill
Bay area > Sonoma CA 2014
Toxic chemicals accidently spilled
into Elk River.
17 Communities will run out of
water within 100 days. Severe
drought also in Brazil
Food Storage
Atlanta 2013
A second ice storm causes panic in the populous. Grocery stores are stripped
bare of almost all essentials.
• Video
Global Financial Crisis
The goldsmith tale and rise of the modern day central banker
Effects of Monetary Policy
• “Give a man a gun, and he can rob a bank. Give
a man a central bank, and he can rob the
world.” - unknown
• "Let me issue and control a Nation's money and
I care not who makes its laws". Amsel
(Amschel) Bauer Mayer Rothschild, 1838:
Effects of monetary policy
Effects of monetary policy
Ukraine – 2013-2014
Effects of monetary policy
Ukraine – 2013-2014
Effects of monetary policy
Egypt 2013
Effects of monetary policy
Syria Civil War
7 Factors for fall of great societies
Decay of the family unit
Loss of holistic education
Movement away from religion / morals
Increase in seeking pleasure
Faltering economy (currency issues, taxes,
6. Overly large and corrupt government
7. Overstretched military
How to start preparing?
3/3/3/3 rule + additional
You will only survive:
• 3 min without air
• 3 hours without shelter
• 3 days without water
• 3 weeks without food
• (+1) Security
• (+1) Medical /Hygiene
• (+1) Communications
• (+1) Travel planning
• (+1) Community/Mental/Emotion
How to start preparing?
1st Identify your ambition:
• Or are you the person that wants to purchase a little extra
“insurance” (e.g. – event preparedness).
• Are you the person who wants a self-sufficient lifestyle?
2nd start generally preparing for your essentials
3rd start preparing for specific circumstances
Air Quality
NIOSH (N95) Masks filter 95% of
particulates >0.3 micron.
For reference, 0.2 micron is the
standard pore size for
sterile filtration. However, as these
masks do not seal around you face, it
is best only for quick protection,
general particulates, care for the sick, etc.
• 55 gallon barrels are available on craigslist. Make sure you
buy blue food grade barrels which have had known contents.
Alternatively, 5 gallon bottles for water dispensers are a good
storage option.
– Boiling
• As soon as clear water comes to full boil
it is safe to drink in terms of microbes.
– Filtration
• Must have at least 0.2 micron filtration. Pre-filter if the water is very dirty
– Chemical treatment
• Chlorine, iodine, potassium permanganate. Works best in “warm” water.
– Distillation
• Boiling and condensing fluid.
(Next slides)
Water – Disease Prevention
• Chlorine – (safest) let sit for 60 minutes
Treating water with household bleach containing 5.25-8.25 percent chlorine
Volume of Water to be Treated
Bleach Solution to Add
1 quart/1 liter
5 drops
1/2 gallon/2 quarts/2 liters
10 drops
1 gallon
1/4 teaspoon
5 gallons
1 teaspoon
10 gallons
2 teaspoons
• Iodine – let sit for 20-30 minutes
– Using a 2% iodine solution, you can add about
5-10 drops to 1L of water. Let sit for 20-30
minutes. If water is not clear, use the upper
range of these measurements.
• Potassium Permanganate – let sit for 1-2hr
– 1:10,000 dilution (3-4 crystals per liter of
“If it’s pink, it’s safe to drink
Distillation techniques
Shelter is a very large topic that can encompass a variety of
areas. It’s not so simple to think of shelter as having a roof
above your head.
• Shelter in your home vs. displacement shelter (bushcraft)
• Shelter from physical elements (sun, rain, wind, etc.)
• Shelter location (e.g. – remote vs. urban)
• How to heat your home if power goes out?
• Shelter alarm/fortification for security purposes.
• Clothing as a shelter
Warmth & Cooling
Poisonous plant protection
Protection from insects
Protection from physical injury
Food Storage
• Ideally, you want to store food that you regularly eat. Do not buy
bulk amounts of food that you have not tried.
• Best way to get started with a bare minimum food supply is to
stash away grains. Jungle Jims has 50lb bags of rice for $20 or
$50lb wheat germ for $45.
• Use oxygen absorbers, Mylar bags, and 5 gallon buckets to
protect your grains for up to 30 year storage time. Also can add
moisture absorbers for extra protection.
• Long term food supply? Make sure you add variety through
spices and food diversity.
• Know what you need to prepare your food.
• For travel, mountain house 2 serving meals are ideal in terms of
weight, ease of preparation, and taste.
• Http:// has some of the most competitive
prices you’ll find.
• The best general security tip I can give you –
Develop situational awareness
• Video insert - CNN
• Weapon practicality – shotguns, pistols, rifles, etc.
–General rules:
• Shotgun – Close Quarters / Home Defense
• Pistols – Backup only or CCW
• Rifles – 50 yrd and further situations
• Concealed Carry permit
• Gray man
– Try to find ranges that are not static
shooting behind a bench. Find dynamic
training environments such as
Blazin Bullets (
Hygiene / Medical
• Disease, exposure, and famine are
more likely causes of death than
trauma alone.
– Civil War, ~2/3 of soldiers
– WWI, ~1/3 of soldiers
– 1990-2008, <15%
Contributing Factors towards disease
• Ill-prepared population
Hygiene / trash / public utilities
Lack of supplies / Med Facilities
Displacement/Inadequate shelter
Crowding & Riots
Deceased Persons
• Disturbed environment
– Water contaminates
– Food contaminates
– Air contaminates
Medical is an incredibly large topic. Generally, a good
way to start is thinking about medical preparedness is
• Start eating healthier
• Start exercising
• Reduce dependency on medications
American Red Cross has CPR/AED certifications for
around $50. With additional first aid class, they run
around $75.
Hygiene – Body/Hands
The following example is bacteria found on
the hands after handling commercial chicken
breasts vs. hand washing after handling the
Hygiene - Wastes
• Toilets can still be manually flushed with
buckets of water.
• If there is not enough water, use grocery bags or
garage bags over a bucket or toilet to collect
waste until a suitable place can be found to
dispose of it. Wood ash, kitty litter, etc. can be
used to overlay and use the bag more than once.
• If on toilets, ensure waste is buried in
designated areas at least 200 feet from living
areas, water sources/rain run off, food storage,
etc. Hole must be 6-8” deep.
Hygiene – Dental
Stock toothbrushes, toothpaste, rinse, & floss.
Eat less processed, non-sticky, less sugar foods.
Purchase tooth scalers and mirror.
Get all major dental work done now!
• Non-commercial alternatives
• Homemade toothpaste recipes or
baking soda may be used.
• Charcoal dust can be used as a
temporary survival toothpaste.
• Green twigs with ground ends can
be used as a tooth brush and pick.
• Salt water can be used as a daily rinse.
• Coconut oil (oil pulling) 1 tbls for
10-20 minutes
You all are the experts!
Communication plan and contacts
Short range vs. long range bands
Confidential communication (e.g. – steganography)
Mobile vs. base stations
Alternative power and power generations sources
Emergency signaling – whistles, signal mirrors, glow stick
+ paracord, smoke.
Travel Planning
Some principles of a travel plan:
• Have a retreat location(s). Don’t expect to just flee out of
the location you are in.
• Have multiple routes to get to your retreat. Be creative
by using off-road avenues such as bicycle paths, rail
roads, electric utility lines, etc.
• Have backup means of travel. Bicycle, bicycle child
carrier, scooter, roller-blades, back packs, etc.
• Anticipate road blockages and how to deal with them.
• Have backup means of navigation (e.g. – GPS, paper
maps, compass, etc.)
• Use caches if you’re comfortable with the idea.
Community / Mental / Emotional
• Don’t be a
• Physical stress (exercise)
–Winter camping
–Hiking in unideal conditions
• Stock comfort items
–Essential oils
–Paper photos of family (BOB)
Preparedness Bags
Every Day Carry (EDC) Kit
This should always be on your person. It is not meant
to be all encompassing kit. The EDC simply improves
your preparedness and survival in an unlikely event.
• CCW weapon when legal + extra mag
• Analog Watch
• Cash + Quarters
• Flash light
• Lighter
• Multi-tool
• Cordage (paracord bracelet)
• Durable Pen
Preparedness Bags
Get Home Bag
This bag(s) will typically stay in your vehicle. It can vary in
size and content depend on your individual situation. Some
people keep their BOB or INCH bag in their car at all times.
Bug Out Bags (BOBs) & INCH (I’m Never Coming Home)
• BOBs are typically 3 days worth of supplies.
• INCH is your “extended stay” bag
• Additional INCH items might be – snares, portable solar panels,
gun cleaning kit, etc.
Principles of either bag:
• Should not be more than 25-33% of your overall body weight
• If you encroach on the 25-33% body weight value,
you should consider an external/internal frame.
• Should have a rainproof shell to protect your items.
• Should not have your “fancy” gear on the outside.
• Learn how to pack you bag for stability.
Handout – My Personal INCH Bag
Thank you!