Bones, Joints and Muscles

Bones, Joints and Muscles
Bones: 206 in human body
support (eg) pelvic bowl, legs
protect (eg) skull, vertebrae
mineral storage (eg) calcium, phosphate, inorganic
movement (eg) walk, grasp objects
blood-cell formation (eg) red bone marrow
Osteoblasts: secrete organic part of bone matrix = osteoid
 Osteocytes: mature bone cells, maintain bone matrix
Some Reminders about Bones
Bone = bone tissue (type of CT)
A Bone = an organ
Compact vs. Spongy Bone
Composition: Hydroxyapatite, protoplasm, collagen,
blood vessels, marrow
Skeleton = bones, cartilage (avascular, no nerves, 80%
H2O), joints, ligaments
Shapes of Bones
Long, Flat, Irregular, Short
Before 8 weeks, embryo is all cartilage
Structure of Bone
Anatomy of a Long Bone
2 Epiphyses
Epiphyseal Plates
Epiphyseal Art & Vein
Medullary Cavity
Nutrient Art & Vein
Outer: Dense irregular CT
Inner: Osteoblasts, osteoclasts
Does not cover epiphyses
Attaches to bone matrix via collagen fibers
Osteoblasts, osteoclasts
Covers trabeculae, lines medullary cavity
2 Types of Bone Formation
1) Intramembranous Ossification
Membrane bones: most skull bones and clavicle
Osteoblasts in membrane secrete osteoid that mineralizes
Osteocytes maintain new bone tissue
Trabeculae forms between blood vessels
Grows into thickened plates at periphery = compact bone
Periosteum forms over it
2 Types of Bone Formation :
2) Endochondral Ossification: All other bones
Begins with a cartilaginous model
Perichondrium becomes replaced by periosteum
Cartilage in diaphysis calcifies
Trabeculae forms from Periosteal bud
Periosteal bud = arteries & veins, cells forming bone marrow, osteoblasts,
Medullary cavity is formed by action of osteoclasts
Epiphyses grow and eventually calcify
Epiphyseal plates remain cartilage for up to 20 years
Bone Growth & Remodeling
Appositional Growth = widening of bone
Lengthening of Bone
Bone tissue added on surface by osteoblasts of periosteum
Medullary cavity maintained by osteoclasts
Epiphyseal plates enlarge by chondroblasts
Matrix calcifies (chondrocytes die and disintegrate)
Bone tissue replaces cartilage on diaphysis side
Due to mechanical stresses on bones, their tissue needs to be replaced
Osteoclasts-take up bone ( = breakdown)
Osteoblasts-lay down bone
release Ca2++ , PO4 to body fluids from bone
secrete osteoid to form new bone
Ideally osteoclasts and osteoblasts work at the same rate!
Joints (articulations)
Where parts of skeleton meet
 Allows varying amounts of mobility
 Classified by structure or function
 Arthrology: study of joints
Classification of Joints
– Synarthroses = no/little movement
– Amphiarthroses = slight movement
– Diarthroses = great movement
Joints by Functional Classification
Sutures, Teeth,
Epiphyseal plates,
1st rib and costal cart.
Distal Tibia/fibula
Intervertebral discs
Pubic symphysis
Glenohumeral joint
Knee joint
Joint Classification
 Synchondrosis:
connected by hyaline cartilage (synarthroses)
 Symphysis: connected by fibrocartilage (amphiarthroses)
 Sutures:
connected by short strands of dense CT (synarthroses)
 Syndesmoses: connected by ligaments (varies)
 Gomphosis: peg in socket w/short ligament (synarthroses)
Synovial (diarthroses)
Joints by Structural Classification
Cartilagenous Synchondrosis
Epiphyseal plates
Intervertebral discs
Distal Tibia/fibula
Teeth in sockets
Glenohumeral joint
Knee joint
Components of SYNOVIAL JOINTS:
(Structural Joint Classification continued)
Articular cartilage: hyaline; covers ends of both bones
Synovial (joint) cavity: space holding synovial fluid
Articular capsule: Made of 2 layers
Fibrous: external, dense CT for strength
Synovial membrane: internal, produces synovial fluid
Synovial fluid: viscous; lubricates and nourishes;
contained in capsule and articular cartilages
Reinforcing ligaments: extracapsular/intracapsular
Nerves + vessels: Highly innervated, Highly vascular
Meniscus (some): fibrocartilage; improves the fit of 2 bones
to increase stability
Synovial Joint
pg 215
Bursae & Tendon Sheaths
Bursae: flat, fibrous sac
w/synovial membrane
Tendon Sheaths:
elongated bursae that
wraps around tendons
3 Factors in Joint
pg 219
Muscle Tone
Fit of Articular Surface
pg 224
Joint Shapes
Hinge: cylindrical end of 1
bone fits into trough shape of
angular movement-1 plane (eg)
elbow, ankle, interphalangal
Plane: articular surface in flat
Short gliding movement
(eg) intertarsal, articular processes
of vertebrae
pg 225
Joint Shapes
Condyloid: egg-shape articular
surface + oval concavity
side-to-side, back+forth movement
(eg) metacarpophalangeal (knuckle)
Pivot: round end fits into ring of
bone + ligament
rotation on long axis
(eg) prox. radius/ulna, atlas/dens
pg 225
Joint Shapes
Saddle: articular surface both
concave + convex
side-to-side, back-forth movement
(eg) carpometacarpal jt of thumb
Ball + Socket: spherical head +
round socket
multiaxial movement
(eg) shoulder, femur
Function: 1) movement
2) maintain posture
3) joint stability
4) generate heat
Special Features of Muscle
Contractibility = cells generate pulling force
 Excitibility = nervous impulses travel through
muscle plasma membrane to stimulate
 Extensibility = after contraction muscle can be
stretched back to original length by opposing
muscle action
 Elasticity = after being stretched, muscle
passively recoils to resume its resting length
Muscle System: uses levers to move objects
How it works: A rigid bar moves on fixed point
when a force is applied to it, to move object
 Lever = rigid bar = bone
 Fulcrum = fixed point = joint
 Effort = force applied = muscle contraction
 Load = object being moved = bone
Movements of Muscles
Extension: increasing angle between body parts
 Flexion: decreasing angle between body parts
Dorsiflexion vs. Plantarflexion
Inversion vs. Eversion
Abduction: moving away from the median plane
 Adduction: moving towards the median plane
 Rotation: moving around the long axis
 Circumduction: moving around in circles
Movements of Muscles
Elevation: lifting body part superiorly
 Depression: moving body part inferiorly
 Supination: rotating forearm laterally
 Pronation: rotating forearm medially
 Protraction: Anterior movement
 Retraction: Posterior movement
Muscle Basics to Remember
3 Types: Skeletal, Cardiac, Smooth
 Origin vs. Insertion
 Direct vs. Indirect Attachments
direct = right onto bone
indirect = via tendon/aponeurosis
 more
 leave bony markings = tubercle, crest, ridge, etc.
 Sometimes attach to skin
Functional Muscle Groups
Agonist = primary mover of a muscle, major
response produces particular movement
(eg) biceps brachii is main flexor of forearm
Antagonists = oppose/reverse particular
movement, prevent overshooting agonistic motion
(eg) triceps brachii is antagonist to biceps brachii
Functional Muscle Groups
Synergists = muscles work together, adds extra
force to agonistic movement, reduce undesirable
extra movement
(eg) muscles crossing 2 joints
Fixators = a synergist that holds bone in place to
provide stable base for movement
(eg) joint stablilizers
Naming Muscles
Location: (eg) brachialis = arm
 Shape: (eg) deltoid = triangle
 Relative Size: (eg) minimus, maximus, longus
 Direction of Fascicles: (eg) oblique, rectus
 Location of Attachment: (eg) brachioradialis
 Number of Origins: (eg) biceps, quadriceps
 Action: (eg) flexor, adductor, extensor
Arrangement of Muscle Fibers
Parallel: long axis of fascicles parallel to axis of
muscle; straplike (eg) biceps, sternocleidomastoid
Convergent: O = broad, I = narrow, via tendon; fan
or triangle shaped (eg) pectoralis major
Circular: fascicles arranged in concentric circles;
sphincter (eg) around mouth
Arrangement of Muscle Fibers
Pennate: fascicles short + attached obliquely to
tendon running length of muscle; featherlike
Unipennate = fascicles insert on only 1 side
 (eg)
Bipennate = fascicles insert both sides
 (eg)
flexor pollicis longus
rectus femoris
Multipennate = many bundles inserting together
 (eg)
Arrangements of Muscle Fascicles
pg 269
More on Levers on the following pages
First Class Lever
Effort at 1 end
Load at other end
Fulcrum in middle
(eg) scissors
(eg) moving head up and down
pg 267
Second Class Lever
Effort at 1 end
Fulcrum at other end
Load in middle
pg 267
(eg) wheelbarrel
(eg) standing on tip toes (not common in body)
Third Class Lever
Load at 1 end
Fulcrum at other end
Force in middle
(eg) using a tweezers
(eg) lifting w/biceps
pg 267
Mechanical Advantage
pg 266
When the load is close to
the fulcrum, effort is
applied far from fulcrum
Small effort over large
distance = move large load
over short distance
(eg) Using a jack on a car
Mechanical Disadvantage
pg 266
When the load is farther
from the fulcrum than the
effort, the effort applied
must be greater than the
load being moved
Load moved quickly over
large distance
(eg) using a shovel